Department of German Philology


Head of the Department of German Philology, PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor S.S. Boguslavsky

Lecturers and staff of the department

General information

The Department of German Philology makes its history from the German Sector, founded at the Institute of National Education (INO) in Odesa by the decree of the Presidium of the Main Directorate of Vocational Education of Ukraine of June 26, 1924. The main aim of the German Sector was the preparation of teachers and educators for German education institutions (schools, orphanages, kindergartens, clubs, libraries) in the places of residence of Germans. In 1924, the first set of students (40 people) were enrolled for a preparatory department with a term of study of 1 year, after which the training continued at the Faculty of Social Education for 4 years.

In 1933 Odesa German Pedagogical University was founded on the basis of the German Sector. Professor A.N. Strem, Associate Professors Denk, Hoffmann, Neumak taught at the Institute; here lectures were also given by German Communists who had fled Hitler's Germany, including writer Willi Bredel and playwright Friedrich Wolf.

After 1938 the Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages was founded, including the faculties of the English, German and French languages. It trained teachers for schools and higher education institutions and in 1960 it merged with Odessa State University. It was then that the Department of German Philology started its chronology. At that time, it was headed by associate professor, Ph.D in linguistics Kozhukhar D.A., a researcher in the field of theoretical grammar of the German language. Leading Germanists such as Y.Y. Neudorf, A.M. Prodilailo, M.Z. Jatsy made a contribution to the study of history of language and lexicology. For many years distinguished lecturers worked at the department: Sofronova Zh.Y, Orlova I.M., Solomonova T.S., Lipets’ka E.V., Druteiko E.S., Sukhovets’ka L.I.

In the early 70s the department was headed by doctor of philological sciences, full professor V.G. Taranets’. For many years he was actively engaged in phonetic studies of the German language and the history of its development. The outstanding scientist is the author of the energy theory of speech. Six published monographs testify to the results of his numerous studies. Professor V.G. Taranets’ also created his own scientific school: under his supervision 17 PhD theses were defended, whereas his students work at our university as well as other leading universities of the country.

From 1998 to 2015, the department was headed by candidate of philological sciences, professor, dean of the faculty of Romano-Germanic philology Golubenko L.M. Lydia Mykolaevna was the organizer of cooperation and exchange of students with the University of Regensburg (Germany) and the University of Landau (Germany). Thanks to cooperation between universities, Odessa became a twin city of Regensburg.

From 2015 to 2020, the head of the department was a candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Kulina I.G.

From 2020 to 2023, the department was headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor N.Yu. Golubenko.

The center for German country studies was founded at the department. It has a large number of resources for country studies as well as scientific and methodological information.
The prospective plan for qualitative improvement of the educational and methodological base stipulates the creation of methodological material and the purchase of new textbooks if the funds from extra-budgetary receipts in the faculty subaccount permit this. The growth of scientific and human resources is achieved through postgraduate and doctoral preparation of the lecturers and associate professors of the Department according to the approved plan. Scientific, methodological and educational work at the Department is carried out in accordance with the legislative and regulatory documents in force in the field of higher education: this is the Law on Education in Ukraine, the Orders of the Principal of ONU, the orders of the Dean’s Office. Accumulated theoretical knowledge is the basis of theoretical research, which is carried out in the form of coursework, diploma papers, Master's theses. They enrich the general linguistic basis on which the dissertation investigations are conducted within the framework of the topic of this department.

Teaching Activity:

The specialists of the department teach a number of theoretical and practical disciplines.

At the educational level of "Bachelor" the staff of the department teach the following compulsory disciplines:

  • German as a main/first foreign language (OPP-2020 and OPP 2023);
  • German as a second foreign language;
  • Introduction to Germanic Philology;
  • Introduction to translation studies;
  • History of the main foreign language;
  • Lexicology of the main foreign language;
  • Theoretical grammar of the main foreign language;
  • Stylistics of the main foreign language;
  • Linguistic country studies of the main foreign language;
  • Fundamentals of the theory of language communications;
  • Methods of teaching the main foreign language and foreign literature;
  • Fundamentals of scientific research, academic writing and academic integrity;
  • Theoretical phonetics of the main foreign language;
  • Linguistics of the second foreign language;
  • Translation of business, artistic, journalistic speech;

At the educational level of "Master" the staff of the department teach the following compulsory disciplines:

  • German as a main foreign language;
  • German as a second foreign language;
  • Actual Problems of German Studies;
  • Theory and Practice of Translation;
  • Psycholinguistics;
  • Modern Grammar Trends;
  • Second foreign language translation technique;

Specialists of the department teach the following optional disciplines:

Special theoretical courses are delivered on the basis of the results of the research work of the specialists of the department.

The specialists of the department also provide guidance on pedagogical, translation and assistant practice, as well as the supervision of students’ scientific papers.

Scientific activity:

The department conducts scientific research. The staff of the Department are engaged in the following scientific problems: Research topic № 199: “The Study of the Variation of Communicative Units in the Languages of the German Sprachraum”. The state registration number is 0119 U002441. Deadline: 01/04/19-31/12/2023. The Head of research is PhD in linguistics, associate professor I.G. Kulina. Within the framework of the research topic, the researchers publish articles, abstracts, monographs, textbooks, approve the results of their research at conferences in our country and abroad, as well as defend doctoral and PhD theses.

The staff of the department actively supervise students' scientific work. The result of this work is presented at international and All-Ukrainian conferences and competitions. The best students’ scientific papers are recommended for participation in the All-Ukrainian competition of Students’ Scientific Papers. The aim of such activities is to identify the most prepared and apt students so as to involve them in scientific work in the future.

From 2008 to 2020 such PhD theses were defended at the department:

  1. L.M. Zoshchenko. The Concept of "Time" and its Realization in German. (2008, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, scientific advisor - Prof. V.G. Taranets’);
  2. Yu.V. Ivanyts’ka. The Origin, Development and Functioning of Grammatical Number in the German Language (on the Material of German Nouns). (2008, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, scientific advisor - Prof. V.G. Taranets’);
  3. N. Yu. Kolesnychenko. Linguopoetics of German and English Chick-Lit (Romance): A Gender Aspect. (2008, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, scientific advisor - Prof. V.A. Kukharenko);
  4. T.V. Grishina. Functioning of the Glottal Stop in German Biphonemic Combinations of Vowels (Instrumental-Phonetic Study). (2010, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, scientific advisor - Assoc. Prof. T.D. Verbyts’ka);
  5. S.S. Boguslavs’ky. Football Terminology in German. (2010 Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, scientific advisor - Prof. L.N. Golubenko);
  6. G.A. Artiukhova. Rhetorical and Prosodic Features of German Rallying Discourse (Instrumental-Phonetic Study) (2011, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, scientific advisor - Prof. N.V. Petliuchenko);
  7.  N.M. Didenko. Irony as a Component of G. Grass's Linguistic and Conceptual Worldview (2011, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, scientific advisor - Assoc. Prof. L. Bukreeva);
  8. O.O. Turisheva. The Violation of the Frame Construction in Modern German: Functional Aspect, Normative Status (2011, Kyiv National University, scientific advisor - Prof. L.I. Prokopova);
  9. A.B. Skliarenko. Genre-stylistic Dominant of Short Stories by I. Bachman (2012, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, scientific advisor - Assoc. Prof. E.P. Tylchenko);
  10. L.S. Ivashkevych. Formation of Philosophical Concepts of the German Language on the Basis of Words of German Origin (2012, Kyiv National University, scientific advisor - Prof. L.I. Prokopova);
  11.  I.I. Azarova. The Realization of Vocalism in Anglicisms in German Television Discourse (an Instrumental-Phonetic Study on the Material of Sounding Speech). (2013, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, scientific advisor - Assoc. Prof. T.D. Verbyts’ka);
  12. Yu.G. Monastyrs’ka. Phonetic Adaptation of Consonantism in Anglicisms and Gallicisms to the German Pronunciation Standards (Instrumental-Phonetic Study on the Material of German Television Discourse). (2014, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, scientific advisor - Assoc. Prof. T.D. Verbyts’ka);
  13. K.M. Pylypiuk. Preparation of Future Teachers - Philologists at German Universities Working with Pedagogically Neglected Adolescents). (2014, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, scientific advisor – Prof. M.O. Kniazian)
  14. Yu. O. Berezina. Status of Plosive Consonants b, d, g, p, t, k in the German Language (Diachronic Study)” (2017, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, scientific advisor – Assoc. Prof. I.G. Kulina);
  15. O.V. Glushchenko "Development and Functioning of the Diphthongs in the German Language (Diachronic Study)" (2018, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, acientific advisor - Assoc. Prof. I.G. Kulina).

Contact information

Room 155, Frantsuz’ky Bulvar 24/26, 65058, Odesa, Ukraine
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Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Vsevoloda Zmiienka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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