English Grammar Department

Head of the Department − Olena Karpenko, 

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Full Professor

Teaching Staff

staff enggram

General information


The English Grammar Department was founded in 1963 by a prominent linguist, Doctor of Philology, Full Professor Andrew Korsakov, who was the leader of the department for 30 years. Prof. Korsakov is the author of more than 500 scientific works, among which are such studies as “The Use of Tenses in Modern English” and “Foundations of Modern English Grammar”. Under the supervision of Prof. Korsakov 1 doctoral and more than 30 PhD theses were successfully defended.

From 1989 to 2008 the department was headed by PhD in Linguistics, Assistant Professor Victoria Kolyada, who is the author of more than 150 scientific works, textbooks, and manuals, including “Syntactic Analysis of the Composite Sentence” and “Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages”. For her great achievements in teaching activities V. Kolyada was distinguished with the honorary award for Excellence in Education in 2010.

Since 2008 the Department has been headed by Olena Karpenko, Doctor of Philology, Full Professor, the author or more than 150 scientific works, including the monograph “Problematics of Cognitive Onomastics” and the textbook “Cognitive Onomastics”. Under her supervision 1 doctoral and 12 PhD theses were defended.

The educational activity of the department consists in the training of specialists in several directions. First of all, it is the teaching of English grammar to students, future teachers of English and Spanish, and translators. The teachers of the department also introduce students to the scientific and philological world by teaching compulsory and optional theoretical courses.

A number of student clubs operate at the department, namely:

  • "English language and culture in a historical dimension" (advisor - Senior Lecturer V.A. Zhuk);
  • "German Studies in Historical and Modern Dimensions" (advisor - Associate Professor N.G. Moiseyenko);
  • "Digitalization of the English Language Teaching Process in Educational Institutions" (advisor - Associate Professor O.V. Khromchenko);
  • "History and Culture of Ancient China" (advisor - Associate Professor M.Yu. Karpenko);
  • "Grammar Club" (advisors - Professor I.B.Morozova, Associate Professor O.O.Pozharytska).

Teaching Activity

Our lecturers deliver a variety of fundamental theoretical and practical courses:

On the undergraduate level the following compulsory subjects are taught:

  • A Course in Practical Grammar;
  • English as a Second Language;
  • History of the English Language;
  • Theoretical Grammar;
  • Methods and Methodology of Teaching English.

On the graduate level the following compulsory subjects are taught:

  • A Course in Practical Grammar;
  • English as a Second Language;
  • Theoretical Linguistics;
  • Germanistics;
  • Theory and Practice of Translation.

English Grammar lecturers deliver the following optional subjects:

  • A Practical Course in Chinese;
  • Classification of Parts of Speech;
  • Introduction to Germanistics;
  • Principles of Sequence of Grammatical Tenses;
  • Implementation of the Project Method sn Institutions of Higher Education;
  • Peculiarities of Using Phrasal Verbs in English;
  • Non-Finite Forms of the Verbs;
  • Realization of Modality Category;
  • Syntactic Complexes
  • Sentence Analysis;
  • Verbalization of Unreality;
  • Psycholinguistics;
  • Fundamentals of Cognitive Onomastics;
  • Peculiarities of teaching English for the digital generation of students;
  • Intra- and Extralingual Determinants of General Attractiveness;
  • Modern Grammar Theories;
  • Verbal component of psychological influence;
  • Academic Discourse.

On the postgraduate level the following subjects are taught:

  • Academic writing in a foreign language;
  • Communicative Linguistics: Gestalt Approach;
  • Cognitive Onomastics.

The lecturers of the department also supervise teaching and translation practices of the students, as well supervise the students’ scientific papers.

Scientific Activity

The department works on the research theme “Research of the functional and pragmatic features of the linguistic-cognitive organization of language units” (st. num. 0124U002611, 2024-2028) under the guidance of Professor O. Karpenko. The results of the research are published in articles, abstracts, monographs, textbooks, presented at Ukrainian and international conferences, defended as doctoral and PhD theses. During the period from 2008 to 2024, 18 candidate and 3 doctoral theses were defended at the department.

Professors of the department participate in the work of specialized councils for the defense of PhD and doctoral theses, function as members of various editorial boards of philological journals. Prof. Karpenko is Chief Editor of the philological journal “Opera in Onomastica” (Index Copernicus).

Annual students’ and professors’ scientific conferences dedicated to modern linguistic issues are held at the department.

Textbooks of Prof. Morozova I.B. and Associate Professor Pozharytska O.O. "The Use of the Non-Finites" and the two-volume "The Use of Modal Verbs and Moods" were recognized as the "Best Publications of 2021-2023" (2nd place) at the All-Ukrainian competition held annually by the National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine.

Contact Information

Room 131, French Blvd 24/26, 65058, Odesa, Ukraine

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24
E-mail: vstup@onu.edu.ua


Dvoryans'ka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15
Email: rector@onu.edu.ua


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