Department of Spanish Philology

Head of the department: PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor Lyudmyla Grinko

Завідуюча кафедрою кандидат філологічних наук, доцент Гринько Людмила Віталіївна

Teaching at the chair

spanish filology

General Characteristics

The Spanish Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Odessa National University was founded in 1963. That year, the first 10 full-time students were recruited. The department was opened as a section at the department of French philology due to the personal enthusiasm of the department head, Ph.D., associate professor Aksenty Gritsenko.

The first teachers of the section were: Zinaida Kryzhanovskaya, a graduate of Leningrad University and Neonila Prikhodko, a doctor by profession, a native speaker of the Spanish language, who lived for more than 20 years in Argentina.

The composition of the section expanded; Aleksey Matviychuk, Nina Trukhacheva, Georgy Kholomaniuk, Anatoly Verbin, Vladimir Fetisov (graduates of Leningrad and Voronezh universities), Nadezhda Yakovlyuk, a doctor by profession, native speaker of Spanish, who has lived for more than 20 years in Argentina.

In 1967, the section was separated into the independent Department of Spanish philology. The first head of the department was Associate Professor, Ph.D., dialectologist Vitaliy Sorbale. In 1968, the first graduation of the Spanish department took place. From the same year, Lyudmila Polna and Svetlana Kreminskaya began working at the department. Since 1969, Alejandro Nitsevich has been working at the department.

Since 1974, in connection with the transfer of Professor Vitaly M. Sorbale in Chornovtsy University Department headed by Zinaida L.Kryzhanovskaya.
Since 1984, the department was headed by the first graduate of the Spanish department, who had his RhD, Konstantin Kristia.
In 1986, the Department of Spanish Philology and the Department of Classical Philology were merged into the Department of Spanish and Classical Philology, which was headed by the former head of the Department of Classical Philology, Associate Professor Teofil Oleinik.
In this status quo, the department existed until 1998, despite the fact that since 1991 the head was PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor Vladimir Shishkov, who doctorated from the University of Valencia in Spain in 2008.

By the decision of the Academic Council of the University on September 7, 1998 The Department of Spanish Philology again began to exist as an independent unit in the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
Since 1.09.2004, the head of the Department of Spanish Philology is an associate professor, Ph.D., Lyudmila Grinko.

The Department of Spanish Philology arose in connection with the need to have Spanish teachers in southern Ukraine and translators to work in Cuba and other Latin American countries, as well as in state and diplomatic institutions. Most of the first graduates worked as translators, but gradually the Spanish language as a foreign language spreads to secondary schools in Odessa, Mykolayiv, Kherson regions, where in particular the graduates of the Spanish department were employed, however, there were years when employment was carried out on an all-Ukrainian and all-Union scale.

Educational activities

Specialists of the department teach a number of theoretical and practical educational disciplines.

At the educational level, “bachelor”, the department staff read the following required disciplines:

  • First foreign language (Spanish): practical grammar (all teachers of the department);
  • Second foreign language (Spanish) (all teachers of the department);
  • Introduction to Romance Philology; (PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Grigorovich O.V.)
  • Fundamentals of Scientific Research, Academic Writing and Academic Integrity (Senior Lecturer Veshchitskaya V.O.);
  • Fundamentals of the theory of language communication (Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Grinko L.V.);
  • Introduction to Translation Studies (senior lecturer Kolbaenkova T.B.);
  • Lexicology (PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Shuppe L.V.);
  • History of the Spanish language (PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Grigorovich O.V.);
  • Methods of teaching Spanish; (PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Grigorovich O.V.);
  • Theoretical phonetics (senior teacher Veshchitskaya V.O.);
  • Linguistic and regional studies of the main language (Spanish) (Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Grinko L.V.);
  • Stylistics (Associate Professor Nitsevich A.O.);
  • Theoretical grammar of the Spanish language (PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Grinko L.V.);
  • Linguistic and regional studies of the second language (PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Grinko L.V.);
  • Translation of business, artistic and journalistic text (associate professor Nitsevich A.O., senior teacher Kolbaenkova T.B.);

At the educational level, the “master” by the department staff reads the following required disciplines:

  • First language (Spanish): practical grammar; (Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Grinko L.V., PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Grigorovich O.V.);
  • Second foreign language (Spanish) (PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Grinko L.V., PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Grigorovich O.V.);
  • Problems of Romance Philology (PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Grigorovich O.V.);
  • Theory and practice of translation (Associate Professor Nitsevich A.O.);

Specialists of the department teach optional disciplines:

  • Third Foreign Language (Spanish) (all teachers of the department);
  • Linguistic picture of the Iberian Peninsula (Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Grinko L.V.);
  • Linguistic Studies of Latin America (senior lecturer KolbayenkovaТ.В.);
  • Functional syntax of the Spanish language (Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Grinko L.V.);
  • The Spanish language of America in a historical and modern context (senior lecturer KolbayenkovaТ.В.);
  • Some aspects of specialized interpretation and translation (Senior Lecturer KolbayenkovaТ.В.);
  • Practical linguoculturology (PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Shuppe L.V.);
  • Modern grammatical currents (Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Grinko L.V.)

Teachers of the department also provide tutorial on pedagogical, translator and assistant practice, as well as provide scientific tutorial to students to elaborate the scientific research.

Scientific activity

The Department works on the general scientific topic «Study of the Spanish language (translation and teaching methodologies) ». The results of the research are implemented into the educational process and are used in students' research. In particular, the basic provisions and actual data of the work are used in the courses «Theoretical Grammar», «Theoretical Phonetics», «Stylistics», «Lexicology», «Theory and Practice of Translation», «Methods of Teaching a Foreign Language», in practical lessons of the main language. Teachers issue articles, theses, manuals based on the problematics of the scientific topic and approve the results of their research at national and foreign conferences.

Within the framework of the research theme of the department such PhD theses were defended:

  • Grygorovych O.V. « Organization of research activity of future teachers - philologists at universities in Spain» special.: 13.00.04 - Theory and methodology of professional education (Kharkiv, 2015). Scientific supervisor - professor Kniazian N.A.
  • Shuppe L.V. « Formation of culturological competence of bachelors of Romance philology in the process of professional training », special.: 13.00.04 - Theory and methodology of professional education (Kropyvnytsky, 2018). Scientific supervisor - professor Tsokur A.S.

Scientific articles:

  • Grygorovych O.V. Orhanizatsiia proektnoi diialnosti maibutnikh uchyteliv-filolohiv v universytetakh Ispanii. Current issues of humanities: interuniversity collection of scientific works of young scientists of Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko. Drogobych, 2020. V.2, № 27. pp. 145-151.
  • Grinko L.V. Zasoby pomiakshennia katehorychnosti vyslovliuvannia i stratehii mitihatsii v dilovomu movlenni (na materiali ispanskoho ta italiiskoho dilovoho lystuvannia): Writings in Romance-Germanic Philology – E22 (41) 2018. Odesa, pp.13-19.
  • Grinko L.V., Grigorovich E.V., Romanovskaya T.A. Vzaimodeistvie kategorii veroiatnosti s kategoryei otritsaniia v sovremennom ispanskom yazyke.// Writings in Romance-Germanic Philology – Edition 1 (44) 2020. Odesa, pp.98-106.
  • Shuppe L.V. Osoblyvosti proektuvannia y orhanizatsii fakhovoi pidhotovky bakalavriv romanskoi filolohii v universytetakh Frantsii i Belhii/ L.V. Shuppe// Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary School: Collection of Scientific Works. - Kryvyi Rih: VTS KDPU; Ays Print, 2016. - Ed. 3(49). - pp.109-121.
  • Shuppe L.V Osoblyvosti fakhovoi pidhotovky bakalavriv romanskoi filolohii v universyteti Sevilii/ L.V. Shuppe// Scientific Bulletin of the South Ukrainian National University named after K.D. Ushynsky. - Edition 1 (114). - Series: Pedagogy. - Odessa: PNPU named after K.D. Ushynsky, 2017. - pp.123-125.
  • Shuppe L.V Fakhova pidhotovka bakalavriv romanskoi filolohii v universytetakh Ispanii ta Ukrainy: spilne ta vidminne/ L.V. Shuppe// Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technologies. - Scientific Journal 1 (65). - Sumy: Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S.Makarenko, 2017. – pp.280-289.
  • Shuppe L.V. Kulturolohichnyi pidkhid yak kontseptualna osnova formuvannia kulturolohichnoi kompetentnosti bakalavriv romanskoi filolohii/ L.V. Shuppe// Bulletin of Cherkasy University. - Edition 1. - Series: Pedagogical Sciences. - Cherkasy, 2017. - pp. 141-147.
  • Shuppe L.V. Analiz osvitno-profesiinoi prohramy pidhotovky bakalavriv romanskoi filolohii u Frantsii/L.V. Shuppe// Bulletin of Lviv University. - Edition 32. - Pedagogical Series. - Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2017. - pp. 324-330.
  • Shuppe L.V. Osoblyvosti vprovadzhennia kulturolohichnoho pidkhodu u protses profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh fakhivtsiv-ispanistiv/ L.V.Shuppe// Innovative pedagogy. - Edition 23.- Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation, 2020. - pp. 134-138.
  • Shuppe L.V. Kharakterystyka stanu sformovanosti linhvokulturolohichnoi kompetentnosti u maibutnikh uchyteliv inozemnoi movy/L.V.Shuppe// Scientific journal Nat. ped. University named after M.P. Drahomanov. - Edition 73. - Series 5: pedagogical sciences: realities and prospects. - Kyiv: Helvetica, 2020. - pp. 135-139.

Publications in monographs:

  • Гринько Л.В. Correlation of modern Spanish grammatical rules and usage /Problem space of modern society: philosophical-communicative and pedagogical interpretations. (collective monograph). Warsaw: Erida Sp.zo.o., 2019. pp.45-58.
  • Шуппе Л.В. Kulturologicheskaia podgotovka bakalavrov romanskoy filologii v universitete Castilla-la-Mancha /Л.В. Шуппе//Edukacja bez granic dzieci, młodzieży I dorosłych: monografia wieloautorska. – AKKA, Siedlce, 2017. – pp. 201-208.
  • Shuppe L.V Current state of the romance philology bachelors professional training at the universities of Ukraine/L. Shuppe//Orientacje I przedsięwzięcia w edukacji przedszkolnej I szkolnej: monografia wieloautorska. – AKKA, Siedlce, 2017. – pp.336-345.
  • Шуппе Л.В. Linguistic education at the universities of Spain: current state and perspectives of enhancement /Problem space of modern society: philosophical-communicative and pedagogical interpretations. (collective monograph). Warsaw: Erida Sp.zo.o., 2019. С.45-58


The teachers of the department annually participate in international and all-Ukrainian scientific conferences devoted to modern problems of linguistics and teaching foreign languages:

  • Borysenko K.S. co-authored. VYKORYSTANNIA KOLORATYVIV TA ANALIZ YIKH FUNKTSII NA PRYKLADI ISPANSKYKH ZMI // THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIAL PROCESS MANAGEMENT. Abstracts of XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. San Francisco, USA 2020. pp. 156-159. Available at : DOI: 10.46299/ISG.2020.XXIII : URL:
  • Borysenko K.S. co-authored. Vazhlyvist spryiniattia koloru ta psykholinhvistychnyi analiz koloratyviv. Problems and prospects of development of modern philological science in Ukraine and European countries. Abstracts of International scientific and practical conference. North University Centre of Baia Mare, Romania. 2020. pp. 26-28.
  • Veshchytska V.O. co-authored. Uslovnoe slozhnopodchinennoe predloezhnie kak sredstvo vyrazheniia argumentativnogo smysla (na materiale ispasnkogo yazyka). Problems- and prospects of development of modern philological science in Ukraine and European countries. Abstracts of International scientific and practical conference. North University Centre of Baia Mare, Romania. 2020. pp. 29-32.
  • Grinko L.V. Osnovni faktory, shcho vplyvaiut na formuvannia movnoi kartyny Iberiiskoho Pivostrovu//Science and Education а New Dimension. Humanities and Social Sciences, VІ (31), І.: 185,28.12.2018.- Budapest, pp.42-46.
  • Grinko L.V. Catégoriie de la détermination/indétermination des noms dans la conscience linguistiquedes Espagnols. Materials of the third international Francophone conference in Ukraine "Languages, Science and Practice", Odessa, 2019. pp.89-90.
  • Grinko L.V. Hramatychna synonimiia v ispanskii movi (na prykladi vzhyvannia morfoform Subjuntivo, Potencial ta Indicativo). Problems and prospects of development of modern philological science in Ukraine and European countries. Abstracts of International scientific and practical conference. North University Centre of Baia Mare, Romania. 2020. pp. 45-47.
  • Krasnytska K.M. co-authored. LINHVISTYCHNE POSEREDNYTSTVO U KONTEKSTI PLIURYLINHVIZMU // THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIAL PROCESS MANAGEMENT. Abstracts of XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. San Francisco, USA 2020. pp. 160-161. Available at : DOI: 10.46299/ISG.2020.XXIII : URL:
  • Krasnytska K.M. co-authored. Metatekst u zasobakh masovoi komunikatsii: insha informatsiia. Problems and prospects of development of modern philological science in Ukraine and European countries. Abstracts of International scientific and practical conference. North University Centre of Baia Mare, Romania. 2020. pp. 19-21 ISBN 978-617-7868-18-6
  • Romanovska T.O co-authored. FONETYCHNI OSOBLYVOSTI MOSARABSKOI MOVY // PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCE IN UKRAINE AND EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. Abstracts of International scientific and practical conference. North University Centre of Baia Mare, Romania. 2020. pp. 22-25 ISBN 978-617-7868-18-6
  • Romanovska T.O co-authored. LEKSYCHNA SPADSHCHYNA MOVY MOSARABIV // THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIAL PROCESS MANAGEMENT. Abstracts of XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. San Francisco, USA 2020. pp. 162-164 рр. Available at : DOI: 10.46299/ISG.2020.XXIII : URL:
  • Romanovska T. El aspecto lingüístico del concepto «mozárabe». // Actas del X Congreso de Hispanistas de Ucrania. Kyiv, 20-21 of September of 2019 pp. 147-153
  • Shuppe L.V. Stan problemy vyshchoi profesiinoi osvity fakhivtsiv z ispanskoi filolohii v konteksti hlobalizatsiinykh peretvoren / L.V. Schuppe // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Comrat State University. - COMRAT, Moldova, February 4, 2016. - pp. 533-535.
  • Shuppe L.V. Dydaktychni zasady formuvannia kulturolohichnoi kompetentnosti bakalavriv romanskoi filolohii / L.V. Schuppe // SCIENCE AND EDUCATION A NEW DIMENSION. Pedagogy and Psychology, IV (47), Issue: 101, 2016. – Budapest, pp. 42-47.
  • Shuppe L.V. Vymir kulturolohichnoi kompetentnosti bakalavriv romanskoi filolohii: metodyky diahnostyky/L.V. Shuppe// Personality, family and society: issue of pedagogy, psychology, politology and sociology: international scientific-practical conference. – Shumen, Bulgaria, june 16-17 2017. – pp. 104-106.
  • Shuppe L.V State of culturological approach application during the professional training of the hispanists-to-be at the universities of Ukraine/L/ Shuppe//MODERNIZATON OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: WORLD TRENDS AND NATIONAL PECULIARITIES: II international scientific conference. – Kaunas, Lithuania, February 22 2019. – p. 136-139.

Scientific activity of students:

The students of the Department of Spanish Philology are actively involved in scientific work and take an active part in international conferences dedicated to modern problems of linguistics, translation studies and methods of teaching foreign languages:

  • Grinko L.V., Malysheva M. Cambios gramaticales еn lа norma del español moderno: Current issues of foreign philology. Collection of scientific articles of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European University. NS19.Lutsk. 2018.pp.59-65.
  • Grinko L.V, Bohdanova A.A. KULTUREMY DIOSA NEGRA, VIRGEN NEGRA TA NUESTRA MONTSERRAT I ZASOBY YIKH PEREKLADU NA UKRAINSKU MOVU// Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Studies in Romance and Germanic Philology", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology, Odessa, 15.05.2020, pp.49-51.
  • Karpachova A. Shuppe L. On the biblical expressions functioning in the modern Spanish media discourse/Karpachova A. L. Shuppe//RELEVANT ISSUES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OS SCIENCE IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN CONTRIES: international scientific conference. – Riga, Latvia, September 27 2019. – p.124-126.
  • Ibryshymova K., Shuppe L. Verbal expression of feminitives in Carmen Laforet’s novel “Nothing”/Ibryshymov K. Shuppe L.//DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN SCIENCE UNDER GLOBAL CHANGES: international scientific conference. – Riga, Latvia, May 22 2020. – p. 30-33.
  • Shuppe L.V., Ivashchenko A.R. Analiz osnovnykh shliakhiv zbahachennia leksychnoho zapasu ispanskoi movy/L.V. Shuppe, A.R. Ivashchenko// Theoretical and scientific bases of development of scientific thought: international scientific conference on emerging trends in science and education. – Rome, Italy, February 16-19 2021. – p. 492-495
  • Shuppe L.V., Ibryshymova K.D. Proiav hendernykh stereotypiv u romani Karmen Laforet «Nishcho»/L.V. Shuppe, K.D. Ibryshymova// Trends and directions of development of scientific approaches and prospects of integration of internet technologies into society: : international scientific conference on basis sciences, arts, business and education, internet technologies and society. – Stockholm, Sweden, February 23-26 2021. – p. 465-468
  • Ivaschenko A. Shuppe L. Analysis of recent lexical entries into the Spanish language/Ivaschenko A. L. Shuppe// INNOVATIONS IN SCIENCE: WORLD TENDENCIES AND REGIONAL ASPECT. – Riga, Latvia, March 12-13 2021– p.124-126.


  • In September 2017, ONU І.І. Mechnikov hosted the VIII Congress of Hispanists of Ukraine "Ukraine and the Spanish-speaking world", which was organized by the head of the Department of Spanish Philology assoc. prof. Grinko LV, associate professor Grygorovych O.V. and teachers of the department with the support of the Embassy of Spain in Ukraine and the Association of Hispanists of Ukraine.
  • Associate professor Schuppe L.V. took part in the work of the organizing committee of the XIII International Congress on Education and Innovation: Inclusion, Technology and Society, December 18 - 20, 2019 - Granada (Spain)


Problem space of modern society: philosophical communicative and pedagogical interpretations. Liudmyla Grynko, Liudmyla Shuppe

Contact Information

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Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Dvoryans'ka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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