Faculty of International Relations, Political science and Sociology
Dean - the candidate of the history sciences, docent Glebov Viktor Viktorovich
Institute of Social Sciences (ISS) is one of the most dynamically developing branches of Odessa Mechnikov National University. At the beginning of 1992 Odessa Institute of Social Management and Political Science was integrated into Odessa Mechnikov State University as the Faculty of Sociology, Economics and Political Science (SEP). In 1994 SEP was transformed into the Institute of Social Sciences.
Graduates of ISS receive qualifications in such spheres as Political Sciences, Political Management, Political and Social Communications, Social Management, PR-technologies, Sociology, International Relations and Foreign Policy of States, specializing in American, European and Oriental Studies.
The students graduate with degrees of Bachelor, Specialist and Master majoring in:
- Political Sciences (day-time and extramural form of education);
- Sociology (day-time and extramural form of education);
- International Relations (day-time form of education).
The Departments of the Institute of Social Sciences |
Department of Sociology Chief of Department – Professor Onischuk Vitaliy Mihailovich tel. (0482) 68-60-92 |
Department of Politology Chief of Department – Professor Popkov Vasily Vasilevich tel. (0482) 68-43-73 |
Department of History and World Politics Chief of Department – Professor Shevchuk Nikolay Andreevich tel. (0482) 68-51-60 |
Department of the International Relations
Chief of Department – Professor Brusylovska Olga tel. (0482) 63-32-59
The Cultural actions:
At Autumn 2003 in institute was opend turkish cultural centre. The Birthday of the institute is traditionally celebrated at November. The institute is known and their own newspaper - "The most socialist newspaper" and "Yawning heights".
The History of the faculty:
In 1992 faculty of Sociology, Economy and Politology was enclosed in structure of the University, arisen on base of existed in Odessa at the end 80-h years the Institute of Politology and Social management. From 1994 Institute of Social Sciences exists as separate subdivision in composition of the University.