Department of Theory and Practice of Translation

Head of the department – Iryna Raievska, PhD, Associated Professor


Lecturers and employees of the department

staff trasnlate

General information

The Translation Department (the youngest at the faculty) was founded in 1996. The department has been preparing professional and highly qualified translators of three foreign languages (English-German-French, English-Modern Greek- Spanish, English-Italian-German) for around 20 years.

The fruitful cooperation with different organizations, like Odesa City Council, provides an ability for our students to be involved in real translation practice to improve their skills, using different types of translation. Our students can take part in many events like Odesa City Day, DEC Education Weekend, Fool Day and Comediada. They also translate at various medical and music conferences. Such events presuppose a usage of diverse translation types from consecutive to simultaneous, giving a wide circle of experience for future work.

Each year allows students to take part in such a translation practice. Translation practice is not only a formal part of education where students work with bland texts but also a real work with real clients, giving current text on daily issues.

After a while, translated texts appear on organizations` sites or can be used in their future work. For example, our students have been translating some texts for sites of the Odesa Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy named after M. Vodyanoy and Odesa National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. Our department also provides school and university teaching and learning practice for students in first and second languages.

Our students are our main priority. All our lecturers take care not only about high teaching standards of translation and related disciplines but also about creating healthy and friendly atmosphere for students. We regularly organize so-called «translation teapot talks», where everyone can share their translation experience and learn something new.
Every year witnesses a new volume of our book of translations named «Nathnenia» (means "inspiration" in Ukrainian), where you can find literary translations of our students.
Students may choose translation materials, which makes translation process more interesting and useful and reveals their artistic skills and talents.

The Theory and Practice of Translation Department has technically equipped classrooms for various types of translation. Our senior students work with special translation equipment for simultaneous and consecutive translation and special cat-tool programs.

Students are involved in scientific work under supervision of our associate professors

All our lecturers respect the Code of Academic Honesty.

Teaching activity

Our lecturers deliver a variety of fundamental theoretical and practical courses.

On the undergraduate level "Bachelor" the following compulsory subjects are taught:

Theoretical courses

  • Introduction to translation
  • Methodology on teaching foreign language and translation
  • The basics of language communication theory
  • The basics of academic research
  • The basics of translation editing
  • Introduction to interpretation
  • Grammatical problems of translation
  • Culturological problems of translation
  • Theory and history of translation
  • Comparative stylistics of foreign and Ukrainian language

Practical courses

  • English as the main foreign language
  • Italian or Modern Greek as second language
  • English translation practice
  • Italian or Modern Greek translation practice
  • Country-study of first language (English)
  • Country-study of second language (Italian, Modern Greek)
  • The basics of professional activity
  • Social and cultural problems of language variation
  • Business English translation
  • Scientific and technical literature translation problems
  • Legal texts translation

At the educational-qualification level "Master" the staff of the Department teaches the following courses:

Theoretical courses

  • Translation theory
  • Social and Linguistic aspects of translation
  • Stylistic aspects of translation
  • Syntactic aspects of translation
  • Linguoculture, identity, translation 

Practical courses

  • Professional skills, competences and values
  • Modern Information and Communication Technologies in translation
  • Diversifications in translation
  • Translation editing
  • Subject translation
  • English as the main foreign language
  • Italian or Modern Greek as second language
  • English translation practice
  • Italian or Modern Greek translation practice

Our department also arranges teaching of third language (Italian and Modern Greek) to other university departments.

The specialists from our Department introduce some theoretical courses on the basis of their research works` results.

The lecturers of the department also provide guidance in pedagogical, translation and assistant practice, as well as provide scientific guidance to students in writing scientific papers.

Scientific activity

Research topic of the Department "Linguoculture and Identity in the Line of Cognitive-Discursive Studies" Scientific adviser: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Olena Matuzkova, State Registration Number: 0119U002440 Order # 671-18 of 01/04/2019. Timeframe: 01/04/2019-31/12/2023

  • In 1984 Liudmyla Yarovenko defended Candidate of Sciences(PhD) in Philology Thesis on "Word in language and speech"(Specialty 10.02.04 – Germanic languages) at Odessa I.I. Mechnikov State University.
  • In 1986 Maryna Kyrylova enrolled in post-graduate studies in the field: Germanic language (English) and defended a thesis on: "Sentence length and structure in the original and translation of belles-lettres works" (Speciality 10.02.20). at Odessa I.I. Mechnikov State University.
  • In 1989 Olena Matuzkova defended Candidate of Sciences(PhD) in Philology Thesis on «hypo-hyperonymic correlations in the original and translation of English fiction» (Speciality 10.02.20 – «historical, typological and comparative linguistics, theory of translation»; academic adviser – full professor V. Kuharenko) at Odessa I.I. Mechnikov State University.
  • In 2002 Olha Kovalenko defended PhD thesis on “Chronologically marked vocabulary as a factor of the text (on the material of historical novels by W. Scott” (Speciality 10.02.04 – Germanic Languages, academic adviser – associate professor O. Matuzkova) in Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University;
  • In 2007 Anzhela Boldyreva defended Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Philology Thesis on “Language means of creating humorous effect: linguistic and cognitive aspect (represented in the novels by P.G. Wodehouse)” (Speciality 10.02.04 – Germanic Languages, academic adviser – associate professor O. Matuzkova) in Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University;
  • In 2009 Svetlana Yeryominko defended PhD thesis on “Linguistics means of reconstructing Winston Churchill’s personality in British non-fiction”, speciality 10.02.04 – German languages in the Specialized scientific council K.41.051.02 at Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University;
  • In 2010 Iryna Raievska defended a thesis and was granted a PhD certifacate “Subdialect of Perugia in the Umbria Dialects System of the Italian Language” (code 10.02.05 – romance languages) at Kyiv National University Taras Shevchenko;
  • In 2012 Olena Kolesnykova defended a thesis and was granted a PhD certifacate “"The Cumulative Image of the Literary Text: Cognitive and Functional Aspects (Based on English-language Material of the End of the Twentieth - Early Twentieth Centuries)" (Speciality 10.02.04 – Germanic languages, academic adviser – full professor V. Kuharenko) at Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University;
  • In 2013 Kateryna Bezpalova defended a thesis and was granted a PhD certifacate “Prosodic features of English-speaking traditional and alternative sermons (experimental-phonetic study)” (Speciality 10.02.04 - German languages, academic adviser – full professor N. Kravhenko) at Odesa National I.I. Mechnikov;
  • In 2014 Olha Hrynko defended PhD thesis on “Archetypal concepts in W. Golding’s prose fiction”. (Speciality 10.02.04 - German languages, academic adviser – full professor O. Matuzkova) at Odesa National I.I. Mechnikov;
  • In 2015 Olena Matuzkova - defended a post-doctoral thesis on “English identity as a linguocultural phenomenon: cognitive - discursive aspect” (Speciality 10.02.04 – Germanic languages, academic adviser – full professor I. Kolegaeva) at Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.

Contact information

Room 166a, Frantsuzky Bulvar 24/26,
65058, Odessa, Ukraine
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Teleohone number: 048 746 50 48


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Vsevoloda Zmiienka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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