Elective disciplines

1st year

Classification of Parts of Speech (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. E.Pozharytska)

Brushing up the knowledge obtained at school and enlightening students on the seemingly easy, but, in fact, quite intricate problems of English grammar, the present course lays the groundwork for those majoring in English and willing to enjoy a safe start at university. It aims at familiarising students with the basic notions of Grammar, like the part of speech and parts of speech in English as well as the ways they function in English sentences; the sentence, its communicative types, and typical English word order in them; the sentence member and basic sentence members in the English sentence. The lectures also cover all types of questions, together with their communicative peculiarities. Students will get to know more about the pronouns It and There and their roles in impersonal and nominative sentences & sentences of unclear existence (There is time… Vs It is time…).

Grammatical peculiarities of a simple sentence (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. О. Lymarenko)

This course focuses on basic principles of constructing a simple sentence in modern English. Students are taught to differentiate communicative and structural types of simple sentences, to distinguish between the core of a sentence and its adjuncts. Special attention is drawn to the word order, to the place of secondary members in particular. Peculiarities of some sentence structures in oral speech are also highlighted.

2nd year

Peculiarities of Phrasal Verb Usage in the English Language (PhD in Pedagogy, Assoc. Prof. O. Khromchenko)

The course is designed to empower university students with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in effectively using phrasal verbs. This course aims to address the challenges students often encounter when dealing with these complex linguistic structures. Through a combination of theoretical insights and hands-on exercises, participants will gain a deep understanding of the nuances, meanings, and applications of phrasal verbs in various contexts.

The course structure consists of two main components. The theoretical segment delves into the linguistic mechanics of phrasal verbs, exploring their formation, separability, and idiomatic nature. Students will learn to decipher the intricate relationship between the verb and the accompanying particle, enhancing their ability to grasp the intended message of these expressions.

The practical aspect of the course focuses on honing students' practical skills through engaging activities. These activities include real-life scenarios, context-based exercises, and interactive discussions that encourage participants to apply phrasal verbs accurately and confidently. By immersing themselves in authentic language usage, students will gradually build the expertise needed to integrate phrasal verbs naturally into both written and spoken communication.

Upon completing the course, students can expect to have a solid foundation in using phrasal verbs effectively. They will be equipped with strategies to decode new phrasal verbs encountered in academic materials, texts, and everyday conversations. This specialized course not only enhances linguistic proficiency but also cultivates the ability to communicate fluently and eloquently, setting students on a path to successful academic and professional endeavors.

Implementation of the Project-Based Approach in Institutions of Higher Education (PhD in Pedagogy, Assoc. Prof. O. Khromchenko)

The course focuses on the unique aspects of utilizing the project method to teach subject matters with a professional orientation. The main objectives are to foster research skills, nurture creative aptitude, and enhance the intellectual curiosity of higher education students. This course comprises two main components: a theoretical segment that delves into the analysis of diverse scholarly viewpoints regarding the essence of the "project method." It also involves classifying educational projects based on various perspectives concerning the feasibility of incorporating design elements into the educational process. The practical aspect of the course centers on guiding students in crafting their own projects. Opting for this specialized course offers several valuable outcomes: the ability to think independently, tackle issues using knowledge from multiple disciplines, formulate hypotheses, draw conclusions, and ultimately, break away from a purely formal approach to education. Project-based learning facilitates a shift toward practical educational outcomes.

Principles of sequence of grammatical tenses (PhD in Pedagogy, Assoc. Prof. O. Khromchenko)

The special course is dedicated to highlighting the main principles of sequence of grammatical tenses in the English language. The proposed special course involves the study of a certain system of dependence of the grammatical tense of a verb in a subordinate clause on the grammatical tense used in the principle clause of a complex sentence. The special course, which is taught in English, gives students the opportunity to improve their foreign language communication skills, since the rules of sequence of tenses are used in indirect (reported) speech.

3rd year

Non-finite forms of the verb (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. О. Lymarenko)

This course focuses on the non-finite forms of the verb (verbals) in English: their forms, syntactic functions in the sentence, peculiarities of their realisation in modern English. Special attention is drawn to the comparative analysis of the verbals usage in different types of sentences in formal and informal English.  

Realisation of the category of modality (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. О. Lymarenko)

This course aims at building students’ practical competence in the usage of modal verbs in moden English. For this purpose the following topics are highlighted: the notion of the category of modality as means of presenting (un)real attitude of the speaker towards the objective world; types of modality and its realisation in the English language; the usage of modal verbs (their classification, grammatical forms and semantic meaning).

4th year

Verbalisation of Unreality in English (Doctor in Philology, Full Professor I.Morozova)

The special course is devoted to the basic principles of expressing unreality in English through the prism of the logical and philosophical concept of subjective modality. The main goal of the course is to highlight grammatical principles of constructing modal utterances and their use in current speech. The material is delivered with the view of practical use of the oblique moods in the English language, taking into account diachronic trends of its development. The course consists of the theoretical part, which examines the concept of "subjective modality", means of expressing modality, types of the oblique moods and their basic speech models in English. The practical part of the course is devoted to training students actively to employ different types of moods in their current speech.

Syntactic Complexes (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. E.Pozharytska)

The course of lectures makes one of the most difficult topics in Grammar, i.e. syntactic complexes, quite easy and comprehensible. With an ample amount of time on our hands, we’ll dedicate enough classes to understanding the communicative functions of infinitive, gerundial, and participle complexes and phrases, see their possible transformations and the way they function in modern English. In fact, syntactic complexes are a turn of phrase that will make your speech sound English, so coming to grips with them is another step to fluency and proficiency.

Syntactic Sentence Analysis (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. M. Karpenko)

The course covers the basic concepts of analysing a simple sentence. In particular, attention is paid to the following points:

  • Differentiation of various sentence members;
  • Typical ways of expressing each sentence member;
  • Analysis of the morphological characteristics of various parts of speech;
  • Types and subtypes of the subject, predicate, object, adverbial modifier, attribute;
  • Structural and communicative classification of sentences.

Graduate school

1st year

Modern Linguistic Trends (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. M. Karpenko, PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. E.Pozharytska)

The course is orientated at the systematisation and generalisation of the attendees’ knowledge in modern trends in linguistics, including those in teaching foreign languages. It gives the attendees a substantial platform to find their way in the wide scope of different linguistic and didactic problems and single out the most essential trends for their further professional development. The course also highlights modern methodological and linguistic approaches for a deep study of language units of different levels.

English Communicative Style (Doctor in Philology, Assoc. Prof. V.Neklesova)

This course focuses on the establishment and improvement of students' professional speech competence. The course is aimed at mastering and developing the components of business communicative competence and culture, improving the forms and functions of the culture of business communication. The lecture course contributes to the readiness of students to use a foreign language in the context of various aspects of the professional environment in the English-speaking background and to realise effective communication within the business milieu.

2nd year

Psycholinguistics (Doctor in Philology, Full Professor E.Karpenko)

The discipline is dedicated to highlighting the principles of comprehension, production and perception of speech. The main purpose of the course is to familiarize students with the basics of psycholinguistics in order to prevent difficulties with teaching material in future professional activities, as well as to understand better the features of memory functioning and speech competence of information recipients. Lecture topics include speech ontogenesis, the level of speech perception: psychological mechanisms, internal vocabulary, speech production models, conversion interactions. It is also planned to conduct psycholinguistic experiments, interpretation and analysis of their results.

Foundations of Cognitive Onomastics (Doctor in Philology, Assoc. Prof. V.Neklesova)

The course is dedicated to the study of proper names, onyms, and is designed for all who are interested in proper names. The leading problem of cognitive onomastics is mental being of proper names. Onyms enter mental lexicon daily in great quantities, but only necessary, subjectively valuable remain there and transform, being coded in concepts. Emerging into speech they undergo transformation being encoded into words. Onymic concepts are connected with other elements of mental lexicon as their organizers, optimizing the functioning of mental lexicon and increasing its effectiveness.

Framing of the mental lexicon (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. M. Karpenko)

The purpose of the educational discipline is to acquaint students with the functions and transformation of proper names in the language mentality, to trace the interrelationships of language, speech and thinking, to investigate the formation of the mental lexicon and its organization into a number of onymic frames in the linguistic consciousness of a person. The main task of the course is to study the principles of framing the mental lexicon of an individual, to consider anonymous frames. As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student of higher education should learn the processes of conceptualization and categorization of common and proper names, be able to follow the interrelationships of various onymic frames, investigate the formation of the onymic component of a person's mental lexicon.

Intra- and Extra-Lingual Determiners of Universal Attractiveness (Doctor in Philology, Full Professor I.Morozova)

The given course considers the problem of intra- and extra-lingual means of creating (and self-creating) appealing personalities. The peculiarity of the suggested approach consists in a close study of obviously negative virtual and real personalities who are known to enjoy universal sympathy despite their evil natures. The course discloses various mental-and-lingual mechanisms of creating particular personal images, with focusing on the verbal side of the process and a communicative models study. The students are supposed to be familiarized with R. Sassower’s conception of “global and universal appeal” and with image-making elaborations suggested by Harvard University. The course will result in giving its attendees practical skills in verbal modelling granting a positive feedback from the audience addressed.


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E-mail: vstup@onu.edu.ua


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Email: rector@onu.edu.ua


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