Denis Radionov

Денис Борисович Радіонов - кандидат біологічних наук, доцент кафедри зоології, гідробіології та загальної екології ОНУ імені І. І. Мечникова

Сandidate of biological sciences (PHD), associate professor of the Department of zoology, hydrobiology and general ecology

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0138-1303

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In 1999, he graduated from I. I. Mechnikov National University of Odesa (Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology). From 1999 to 2002, he worked as a senior laboratory assistant in the electron microscopy laboratory at the Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after V. P. Filatov (Odesa). At the same time, he was an employee of the Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology of ONU. He was engaged in human genetics, studied the state of the protective systems (immune, antioxidant) of children with Down syndrome.

From 2002 to 2013, he was the head of the interdepartmental laboratory of physical and chemical research methods in biology at the Biological Faculty of ONU.

In 2012, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Genetic polymorphism and temporal dynamics of the genetic structure of natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster in Ukraine"

From 2013 to 2021, associate professor at the Department of hydrobiology and general ecology.

From 2021, he performed the duties of the head of the Department of hydrobiology and general ecology.

In parallel with my work at ONU, I teach a school biology course and special courses for schoolchildren of various schools in Odesa (Rishelevsky Lyceum, Odesa Private Lyceum (until 2020 Odesa Private Gymnasium) "Mriya", ZOSH No. 117), preparing schoolchildren and students to all-Ukrainian and international Olympiads, biological tournaments. He is one of the organizers and scientific leader of the biological summer practice for schoolchildren.

Since 2016 is a member of the regional expert commission for quality assessment of the External Independent Assessment in Biology.

Since 2018, he has been a member of the regional international network of DNA barcoding specialists.

Since 2019, he has been the coordinator and co-organizer of the regional tournament "Youth debates" as part of the All-Ukrainian and international project under the leadership of the educational organization Internationales Haus Sonnenberg (Germany).

Also, since 2020, together with the students of Odesa schools, he has been participating in the international European scientific project Melanogaster: Catch The Fly! (#MelanogasterCTF)

Author of more than 45 scientific publications.

Scientific interests: population and ecological genetics, biochemical genetics, teaching biology in secondary and higher education


  • General cytology, histology, BIR ("Histology" module) (091; 014.05; I level of higher education)
  • Ecology (014.05, 162; I level of higher education)
  • Marine and freshwater ecosystems (091; I level of higher education)
  • Biospherology (091; 1st level of higher education)
  • Methods of teaching biology (014.05; I level of higher education)
  • Methods of solving problems in biology (014.05; I level of higher education)
  • Pedagogical Internship in biology and the basics of health (014.05; I level of higher education)
  • Research work on biology of high school students (014.05; I level of higher education)
  • Basics of environmental education of students
  • Internship (assistant) practice (014.05; II level of higher education)
  • Pedagogical practice at school (014.05; II level of higher education)
  • Methods of quantitative assessment of biodiversity (014.05, 091, 162; II level of higher education)
  • Certificates



Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Dvoryans'ka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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