Educational and methodological works of the department of zoology, hydrobiology and general ecology

  • Olga Deli

    1. Educational practice in zoology. Part 1: Zoology of invertebrates [Electronic resource]: electron. method. rec. for gained first (bachelor) level education of biology f-tu spec. 091 Biology, 014.05 Mid. education (Biology and human health) / editor: V. A. Trach, S. Y. Podgorna, O. F. Deli, K. Y. Chernychko Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2024. 30 p.
    2. General arachnoentomology. Part 2. Biodiversity of spiders. [Electronic resource]: electronic. method. rec. for applicants of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. education of biology f-tu spec. 091 Biology / edited by: O. F. Deli, S. Y. Podgorna, K. Y. Chernychko Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2024. 36 p.
    3. Biology of individual development. Content module 1 [Electronic resource]: electronic method. recommendations for laboratory classes and independent work for applicants of the first level of higher education of the Faculty of Biology / editor: О. F. Deli, S. Y. Podgorna, K.  Y. Chernychko, V. A. Trach Odesa, 2023. 72 p.
    4. Zoogeography [Electronic resource]: electronic. method. recommendations for practical classes and independent work for students of higher education of the first (bachelor's) level of study / editor: S. Y. Podgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko  Odesa, 2023. 36 p.
    5. Biogeography [Electronic resource]: electronic method. recommendations for practical classes and independent work for applicants of the second (master's) level of education (second edition, updated) / editor: S. Y. Podgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko  Odesa, 2023. 26 p.
    6. Biology of individual development. Content module 1. [Electronic resource]: electronic methodical rec. to lab. classes and independent work for applicants of the first level of higher education in biology. Faculty / editor: O. F. Deli, S. Y. Podgorna, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko  Odesa, 2023. 70 p.
  • Veniamin Zamorov

    1. Atlas of the microscopic structure of tissues for laboratory classes in general histology: teaching. visual guide / I. L. Ryzhko, V. V. Zamorov. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2021. 82 p.
    2. Goby fish (Gobiiformes, Gobiidae) of commercial and amateur fishing in Ukraine: a guide / V. V. Zamorov, Yu. V. Karavanskyi, Yu. M. Jurtubaev, D. B. Radionov, E. O. Chumachenko. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2019. 48 p.
    3. Fishes of the Danube lakes of Ukraine: a guide / V. V. Zamorov, O. V. Kulikova, D. B. Radionov, M. P. Zamorova. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2015. 264 p.
    4. Basics of ecology: a guide for students of classical universities / V. V. Zamorov, B. G. Aleksandrov, I. L. Ryzhko, N. I. Belenkova, O. B. Kutsyn. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2012. 115 p.
    5. Estimation of fish productivity of the Danube lakes according to the state of macrozoobenthos: methodological recommendations for students of the biological faculty of the specialty "Biology" specialization "Hydrobiology and general ecology" of all forms of education / V. V. Zamorov, M. M. Jurtubaev, E. Yu. Leonchyk. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2012. 40 p.
    6. Section: Family of carp (Cyprinidae). Part 3. "Fish of the genera Chalcalburnus, Alburnus, Alburnoides, Blicca, Abramis, Vimba, Pelecus, Rhodeus, Carassius, Cyprinus, Hypophthalmichthys, Aristichthys": methodological instructions for laboratory and practical classes in the disciplines "Systematics of fishes and their diversity" and "Great special workshop. Definition of fishes and roundmouths" for students of the biological faculty of the specialty "Biology" / V. V. Zamorov, I. L. Ryzhko, Yu. V. Karavanskyi. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2012. 58 p.
  • Yuri Karavansky

    1. Goby fish (Gobiiformes, Gobiidae) of commercial and amateur fishing in Ukraine: A guide / V. V. Zamorov, Yu. V. Karavanskyi, Yu. M. Jurtubaev, D. B. Radionov, E. O. Chumachenko. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2019. 45 p.
    2. North-western part of the Black Sea: structure and climatic variability of oceanological fields / Yu. I. Popov, A. S. Matygin, G. Yu. Kolomeichenko, V. V. Zamorov, S. Yu. Chernikova, S. A. Petrov ., Ponomareva L. P., Karavanskyi Yu. V., Leonchyk E. Yu., Kashtakov V. D. Odessa: FOP Popova N. M., 2016. 439 p.
    3. Fishes of the carp family (Cyprinidae) of the reservoirs of Ukraine: A guide / V. V. Zamorov, Yu. V. Karavanskyi, I. L. Ryzhko. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2015. 121 p.
    4. Section: Family of carp (Cyprinidae). Part 3. "Fish of the genera Chalcalburnus, Alburnus, Alburnoides, Blicca, Abramis, Vimba, Pelecus, Rhodeus, Carassius, Cyprinus, Hypophthalmichthys, Aristichthys": Methodological instructions for laboratory and practical classes in the disciplines "Systematics of fishes and their diversity" and "Great special workshop. Definition of fishes and roundmouths" for students of the biological faculty of the specialty "Biology" / V. V. Zamorov, I. L. Ryzhko, Yu. V. Karavanskyi. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2012. 58 p.
  • Dmytro Kivganov

    1. Kivganov D. A. Methods of field research: methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work. Odesa: Odesa: ONU by I. I. Mechnikov, 2022. 12 p.
    2. Kivganov D. A. Parasitology: Methodical recommendations for practical classes and independent work. Odesa: Odesa: ONU by I. I. Mechnikov, 2022. 11 p.
    3. Kivganov D. A., Stoylovsky V. P., Alekseeva T. G., Gladkii T. V. Preparation of coursework: methodological guidelines for students of the Faculty of Biology. Odesa: ONU by I. I. Mechnikov, 2019. 50 p.
    4. Chernychko K. Y., Kivganov D. A., Stoylovsky V. P. Methodical instructions for laboratory classes in the course of zoology (section "Vertebrates") (specialty 014.05 Secondary education. Biology and human health). Odesa, 2019. 44 p.
    5. Kivganov D. A., Stoylovsky V. P., Alekseeva T. G., Gladkii T. V. Preparation of master's theses: methodological guidelines for students of the Faculty of Biology. Odesa: ONU by I. I. Mechnikov, 2019. 50 p.
    6. Deli O. F., Pidgorna S. Ya., Kivganov D. A. Methodical instructions for a large special workshop. "Spiders" section (for students of the third year of full-time education). Odesa: ONU by I. I. Mechnikov, 2015. 20 p.
    7. Stoylovsky V.P., Kivganov D. A., Chernychko K. Y. Methodical instructions for summer field training in zoology (for students with a short training period). Odesa, ONU, 2014. 53 p.
    8. Kivganov D. A., Uzhevska S. P., Trach V. A., Krutogolova T. F., Mykytyuk V. F., Burdeyna S. Ya. Methodical guidelines for conducting summer training practice in invertebrate zoology. Odesa: ONU, 2010. Part 1. 20 p.
    9. Kivganov D. A., Stoylovsky V. P. Methodical guidelines for summer educational field practice in vertebrate zoology (for students of the second year of full-time study of the biological faculty. Specialty "Biology"). Odesa: Bokar, 2005. 61 p.
    10. Kivganov D. A., Stoylovsky V. P. Methodical guidelines for summer school field practice in zoology (for students of the first year of full-time study of the biological faculty. Specialty "Microbiology"). Odesa: Bokar, 2005. 53 p.
    11. Zaporozhchenko O. V., Totskyi V. M., Sevastyanov V. D., Kivganov D. A. Guide to preparation and defense of course and qualification papers (methodical instructions for full-time and part-time students of biological specialties). Odesa, 2004. 38 p.
  • Yuri Oliynyk

    1. Anthropogenesis [Electronic resource]: electronic methodological instructions for independent work for students of the first level of higher education of the Faculty of Biology, specialty 091 Biology and Biochemistry, 014 Secondary Education, 162 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 206 Horticulture / Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2024. 49 p. 0.294 MB.
    2. Basics of population morphology [Electronic resource]: electronic methodical recommendations for conducting practical classes for applicants of the first level of higher education of the biological faculty of the full-time study specialty 091 Biology. / Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: Odesa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2024. 41 p. 1.34 MB.
    3. Determining the age of mammals [Electronic resource]: electronic methodological instructions for conducting practical classes for students of the first level of higher education of the biological faculty of the full-time study specialty 091 Biology / Yu. M. Oliynyk, Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2024. 57 p. 2.5 MB.
    4. Cytology. Histology. Biology of individual development. Section Biology of individual development: Methodological guidelines for students of the 2nd year of full-time biological faculty, specialty 091 Biology / comp. Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2019. 30 p.
    5. Teriology with the basics of population morphology. Section Population morphology: methodological guidelines for students of the 4th year of full-time biological faculty, specialty 091 Biology / Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2019. 46 p.
    6. Determining the age of mammals: guidelines for conducting practical classes in the course "Large Specialized Workshop. Theriology" / Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: I. I. Mechnikov ONU, 2017. 58 p.
    7. Guidelines for conducting practical classes in the course "Population Morphology" / Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: I. I. Mechnikov ONU, 2015. 31 p.
    8. Guidelines for completing tests in the special course "Fauna and Ecology of Mammals" / Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: I. I. Mechnikov ONU, 2014. 16 p.
    9. Guidelines for completing tests in the special course "Anthropogenesis / Human Evolution" / Yu. M. Oliynyk Odesa: I. I. Mechnikov ONU, 2012. 37 p.
    10. Methodical recommendations for completing tests on the special course “Population Morphology” / Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: I. I. Mechnikov ONU, 2012. 37 p.
    11. Guidelines for completing tests on the special course "Theriology" / Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: I. I. Mechnikov ONU, 2012. 16 p.
    12. Oliynyk Yu. N. Theriology. Part 1. Fur of mammals. Study guide / Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: Astroprint, 2004. 76 p.
    13. Guidelines for summer practical training for 2nd-year students (speciality - biology) of the biology faculty of correspondence course / Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: ONU, 2003 33 p.
    14. Methodological guidelines for conducting summer educational practice for third-year students (speciality - biology) of the biological faculty of correspondence course / Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: ONU, 2003 43 p.
    15. Methodological guidelines for the special course "Population morphology of animals" for third-year students of the biological faculty of extramural course / Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: ONU, 2000 - 42 p.
    16. Guidelines for using the zoological museum collection for students of the biological and geological-geographical faculties with schoolchildren / V. A. Lobkov, Yu. M. Oliynyk, Yu. V. Suvorov. Odesa: OSU, 1987. 47 p.
    17. Guidelines for using the zoological museum collection for preparing term papers and theses / V. A. Lobkov, Yu. M. Oliynyk. Odesa: OSU, 1986. 37 p.
    18. Guidelines for conducting an excursion to the zoological museum for 4th-5th-year students of the biological faculty / V. A. Lobkov, Yu. M. Oliynyk, Yu. V. Suvorov, T. Ya. Slobodjanik. Odesa: OSU, 1983. 42 p.
  • Svitlana Pidhorna

    1. Teaching practice in zoology [Electronic resource]: electronic methodical recommendations for obtaining the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the Faculty of Biology, special 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / compiled by: V. A. Trach, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa: Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 2024. Part 1: Invertebrate zoology. 30 p. 1.2 MB.
    2. Biology of individual development. Content module 1 [Electronic resource]: electronic methodical recommendations for laboratory classes and independent work for applicants for the first level of higher education in the Faculty of Biology / compiled by O. F. Deli, S. Ya. Pidgorna, K. Y. Chernychko, V. A. Trach. Odesa, 2023. 72 p. 3.4 Mb.
    3. Biogeography [Electronic resource]: electronic methodical recommendations for practical classes and independent work for applicants of the second (master's) level of study (second edition, updated) / S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa, 2023. 26 p. 0.25 Mb.
    4. Zoogeography [Electronic resource]: electronic methodical recommendations for practical classes and independent work for applicants of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education / S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa, 2023. 36 p. 1.8 Mb.
    5. Poisonous arthropods and human protection: lecture notes / O. F. Deli, S. Ya. Pidgorna, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko; deputy editor V. P. Stoylovsky. Odesa, 2022. 58 p.
    6. Biology of individual development: lecture notes for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of the Faculty of Biology / S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa: ONU, 2022. 115 p.
    7. Ecology: methodological recommendations for seminar classes and independent work for students of higher education / K. Y. Chernychko, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. P. Stoylovsky. Odesa, 2022. 48 p.
    8. Methodical instructions for laboratory classes in the discipline "Zoology" (section "Invertebrates") / V. A. Trach, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa, 2022. 48 p.
    9. Methodological instructions for practical classes and independent work of students in the discipline of free choice “Poisonous arthropods and means of human protection” (for students of the Faculty of Biology, specialties 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / O. F. Deli, S. Ya. Pidgorna, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa, 2022. 26 p.
    10. Methodological instructions for practical classes and independent work in the discipline of free choice “Fundamentals of ecological tourism” for students of higher educational institutions / K. Y. Chernychko, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach. Odessa: ONU, 2022. 22 p.
    11. Biogeography: method. instructions for practical classes and independent work (for students of the Faculty of Biology, faculty of full-time and part-time study) / S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa, 2021. 24 p.
    12. Biogeography: lecture notes for students of the second (master's) level of higher education in the specialties 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) and 162 Biotechnology and bioengineering / S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikov, 2021. 73 p.
    13. Soil biology (section "Animals - inhabitants of the soil"): lecture notes for students of the biology faculty / V. A. Trach, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Delhi, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikov, 2021. 55 p.
    14.  Methodological guidelines for independent work of students in the free choice discipline "Ethology" (for students of the Faculty of Biology, specialties 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / K. Y. Chernychko, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach. Odesa, 2021. 19 p.
    15. Lecture notes on the free choice discipline "Ethology" (for students of the Faculty of Biology, specialties 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / K. Y. Chernychko, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach. Odesa, 2021. 65 p.
    16. Lecture notes on the discipline "Soil Biology". Section "Animals - inhabitants of the soil” (for students of the Faculty of Biology) / V. A. Trach, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa, 2020. 57 p.
    17. Methodological instructions for laboratory work on the course “Biology of Individual Development” for students of the Faculty of Biology of all forms of study / O. F. Deli, S. Ya. Pidgorna. Odesa, 2016. 40 p.
    18. Methodological instructions for a large special course. Section “Spiders” for students of the 3rd year of full-time study / O. F. Deli, S. Ya. Pidgorna, D. A. Kivganov. Odesa: Main-Rhine-Cruise, 2015. 20 p.
    19. Handbook on summer training practice in invertebrate zoology (for students of the Faculty of Biology of all forms of study) / V. A. Trach, D. A. Kivganov, S. Ya. Burdeyna. Odessa: Marichka, 2012. 62 p.
    20. Methodological instructions for laboratory work on the course "Biology of individual development" for students of the Faculty of Biology of all forms of study / N. A. Kyrylenko, S. Ya. Burdeyna. Odesa: Empire of Printing, 2010. 20 p.
    21. Methodological guidelines for conducting summer training in invertebrate zoology. Part 1 / D. A. Kivganov, S. P. Uzhevska, V. A. Trach, T. F. Krutogolova, V. F. Mykytyuk, S. Ya. Burdeyna. Odesa: I. I. Mechnikov ONU, 2010. 19 p.
  • Denys Radionov

    1. Goby fish (Gobiiformes, Gobiidae) of commercial and amateur fishing in Ukraine: Handbook / V. V. Zamorov, Yu. V. Karavanskyi, Yu. M. Jurtubaev, D. B. Radionov, E. O. Chumachenko. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikova National University, 2019. 45 p.
    2. Fishes of the Danube lakes of Ukraine: a guide / V. V. Zamorov, O. V. Kulikova, D. B. Radionov, M. P. Zamorova. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikova National University, 2015. 264 p.
  • Volodymyr Stoilovskyi

    1. Ecological assessment of the impact on the environment: method. recommendations to independent work for Phd students / V. P. Stoylovsky. Odesa: ONU, 2022. 34 p.
    2. Preparation of coursework: methodological guidelines for students of the Faculty of Biology / D. A. Kivganov, V. P. Stoylovsky, T. G. Aleksyeva, T. V. Gladkii. Odesa: ONU, 2019. 52 p.
    3. Methodical instructions for laboratory classes in the course of zoology (section "Vertebrate animals") (specialty 014.05 Secondary education. Biology and human health) / K. Y. Chernychko, D. A. Kivganov, V. P. Stoylovsky. Odesa, 2019. 44 p.
    4. Methodical instructions for summer school field practice in zoology (for students with a short training period) / V. P. Stoylovsky, D. A. Kivganov, E. I. Chernychko. Odesa: ONU, 2014. 53 p.
    5. Methodical instructions for summer field practice in zoology (for students of the first year of full-time study of the biological faculty. Specialization "Microbiology") / D. A. Kivganov, V. P. Stoylovsky. Odesa: Bokar, 2005. 53 p.
    6. Methodical instructions for summer field training in vertebrate zoology (for students of the second year of full-time study of the biological faculty. Specialization "Biology") / D. A. Kivganov, V. P. Stoylovsky. Odesa: Bokar, 2005. 61 p.
  • Vyacheslav Trach

    1. Educational practice in zoology [Electronic resource]: electronic. method. rec. for gained first (bachelor) level education of biology f-tu spec. 091 Biology, 014.05 Mid. education (Biology and human health) / V. A. Trach, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa: ONU, 2024. Part 1: Zoology of invertebrates. 30 s.
    2. Methodical instructions for laboratory classes in the discipline "Zoology" (section "Invertebrate animals") / V. A. Trach, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa, 2022. 48 p.
    3. Methodological instructions for practical classes and independent work of students from the discipline of free choice "Poisonous arthropods and means of human protection" (for students of the biological faculty of specialties 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / O. F. Deli. S. Ya. Pidgorna, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko, 2022. 26 p.
    4. Methodical instructions for practical classes and independent work on the discipline of free choice "Fundamentals of ecological tourism" for students of higher educational institutions / K. Y. Chernychko, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach. Odesa: ONU, 2022. 22 p.
    5. Soil biology (section "Animals — soil inhabitants"): lecture notes for students of the Faculty of Biology / V. A. Trach, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa: ONU, 2021. 55 p.
    6. Methodological instructions for independent work of students in the discipline of free choice "Ethology" (for students of the biological faculty of specialties 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / K. Y. Chernychko, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, Odesa, 2021. 19 p.
    7. Synopsis of lectures on the subject of free choice "Ethology" (for students of the biological faculty of specialties 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / K. Y. Chernychko, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, Odesa, 2021. 65 p.
    8. Biogeography: methodical instructions for practical classes and independent work (for students of the biological faculty of full-time and extramural forms of study) / S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa, 2021. 24 p.
    9. Biogeography: summary of lectures for students of the second (master's) level of higher education in specialties 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) and 162 Biotechnology and bioengineering / S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa: ONU, 2021. 73 p.
    10. Handbook of summer training practice in invertebrate zoology (for students of the Faculty of Biology of all forms of education) / V. A. Trach, D. A. Kivganov, S. Ya. Burdeyna. Odesa, 2012. 64 p.
    11. Methodical guidelines for conducting summer training practice in invertebrate zoology. Part 1 / D. A. Kivganov, C. P. Uzhevska, V. A. Trach, T. F. Krutogolova, V. F. Mykytyuk, S. Ya. Burdeina. Odesa: ONU, 2010. 20 p.
  • Kateryna Chernychko

    1. Methodical instructions for laboratory classes in the discipline "Zoology" (section "Invertebrate animals") / V. A. Trach, S. Ya. Podgorna, O. F. Delhi, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa, 2022. 48 p.
    2. Methodological instructions for practical classes and independent work of students from the discipline of free choice "Poisonous arthropods and means of human protection" (for students of the biological faculty of specialties 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / O. F. Deli, S. Ya. Pidgorna, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko. 2022. 26 p.
    3. Methodical instructions for practical classes and independent work on the discipline of free choice "Fundamentals of ecological tourism" for students of higher educational institutions / K. Y. Chernychko, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach. Odesa: ONU, 2022. 22 p.
    4. Biogeography: method. order to practical classes and independent work (for full-time and part-time students of the Faculty of Biology) / S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa, 2021. 24 p.
    5. Biogeography: a summary of lectures for students of the second (master's) level of higher education in specialties 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) and 162 Biotechnology and bioengineering / S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa: ONU, 2021. 73 p.
    6. Biology of yarunts (section "Animals — soil dwellers"): a summary of lectures for students of the Faculty of Biology / V. A. Trach, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa: ONU, 2021. 55 p.
    7. Methodological guidelines for independent work of students in the discipline of free choice "Ethology" (for students of the biological faculty of specialties 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / K. Y. Chernychko, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach. Odesa, 2021. 19 p.
    8. Synopsis of lectures on the subject of free choice "Ethology" (for students of the biological faculty of specialties 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / K. Y. Chernychko, S. Ya. Pidgorna, O. F. Deli, V. A. Trach. Odesa, 2021. 65 p.
    9. Methodical instructions for laboratory classes in the course of zoology (section "Vertebrate animals") (full-time form of education) / V. P. Stoilovskyi, D. A. Kivganov, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa, 2019. 44 p.
    10. Methodical guidelines for summer educational practice in zoology (Short term of study) / V. P. Stoylovsky, D. A. Kivganov, K. Y. Chernychko. Odesa, 2014. 33 p.


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