Teaching and methodical works of employees of the Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology
Sabina Chebotar
- Khaustova N. D., Streltsova N. A., Blagodarova O. M. , Belokon S. V., Chebotar S. V.Atlas of Drosophila melanogaster (the collection of the Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, ONU I. I. Mechnikov: teaching guidelines. – Odesa : ONU I. I. Mechnikov, 2016. – 47 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Chebotar S. V., Totskyi V. M., Maikova H. V., Ruzhytska O. M., Hladkii T. V., Kivhanov D. A., Afonin S. A., Ivanytsia V. O. Teaching guidelines on preparation for the state exam test "Biology" for students of biological faculty of receiving EQL "Bachelor". – Odesa: ONU I. I. Mechnikov, 2014. – 166 p. (in Ukrainian)
Oleksandr Sechnyak
- Sichniak O.L., Bilokon S.V. History, concepts and modern achievements of biology: a study guide. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2024. 206 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Genetics of behavior [Electronic Resource]: Electronic methodological recommendations for hands-on training and self-directed study for first-level (bachelor) students / compiled by S.V. Bilokon, O.L. Sichniak. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2024. 58 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Extrachromosomal inheritance. The origin of cell organelles [Electronic Resource]: Electronic methodological recommendations for hands-on training and self-directed study for second-level (master's) of higher education / compiled by O.L. Sichniak. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2024. 24 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Genetics of fish. Part 1. Determination and differentiation of sex in fish [Electronic Resource]: Electronic methodological recommendations for hands-on training and self-directed study for second-level (master's) of higher education / compiled by O.L. Sichniak. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2024. 33 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Genetics. Solving Problems on Sex-Linked Inheritance [Electronic Resource]: Electronic methodological recommendations for hands-on training and self-directed study for first-level (bachelor) students, specialties 091 "Biology", 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering", 204 " Garden and Park Management " / compiled by S.V. Bilokon, T.G. Aileksieieva, O.L. Sechnyak; edited by O.L. Sechnyak. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 22 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Cytogenetic diagnosis of hereditary human pathology [Electronic Resource]: Electronic methodological recommendations for hands-on training and self-directed study for second-level (master's) of higher education / compiled by O.L. Sichniak. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 84 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Genetics. Solving linked inheritance problems [Electronic Resource]: Electronic methodological recommendations for hands-on training and self-directed study for first-level (bachelor) students, specialties 091 "Biology", 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering", 204 " Garden and Park Management " / compiled by S.V. Bilokon, T.G. Aileksieieva, O.L. Sechnyak; edited by O.L. Sechnyak. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 31 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Sichniak O.L. Genetics with the basics of plant breeding: a study guide. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 192 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Sichnyak O.L., Kaprelyants L.V., Kylymenchuk O.O. Genetics: a study guide for first-level (bachelor) student’s specialty 162 "Biotechnology and bioengineering" ... full-time and correspondence forms of education. Kherson: Oldi-Plus, 2018. 148 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Sichniak O.L. Population genetics and evolution: a study guide. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2017. 212 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Sichniak O.L. Medical genetics: Course of lectures. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2016. – 124 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Sichniak O.L. Course of lectures on the discipline "Population Biology" for correspondence students of the specialties 091 "Biology". Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2011. 68 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Miros S.L., Sichniak O.L. Course of lectures on the discipline "Immunogenetics" for correspondence students of the specialties 091 "Biology". Odesa: KP OMD, 2007. 73 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Sichniak O.L. Non-chromosomal inheritance. Course of lectures. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2004. 176 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodical instructions for laboratory work from the course "Crop growing" (for students of the 1st year of full-time education) / comp. T.P. Blankovska, O.L. Sichniak. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2004. 44 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Solving problems in population genetics. Methodical guide / comp. O.L. Sichniak Odesa: Astroprint, 2003. 52 p. (in Ukrainian)
Svitlana Bilokon
- Sichnyak O.L., Bilokon S.V. History, concepts and modern achievements of biology: a study guide. Odesa : Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 206 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Toptikov V.A., Bilokon S.V., Alieksieieva T.G. Theories of Evolution: A Study Guide. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 164 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Genetics. Solving Problems on Sex-Linked Inheritance [Electronic Resource] : Electronic methodological recommendations for hands-on training and self-directed study for first-level (bachelor) students, specialties 091 "Biology", 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering", 204 " Garden and Park Management " / compiled by S.V. Bilokon, T.G. Aileksieieva, O.L. Sechnyak; edited by O.L. Sechnyak. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 22 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Genetics. Solving Problems on Sex-Linked Inheritance: Methodological recommendations for hands-on training and self-directed study for first-level (bachelor) students, specialties 091 "Biology", 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering", 204 "Garden and Park Management" / S.V. Bilokon, T.G. Alieksieieva, S.L. Miros, O.L. Sechnyak. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 31 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Bilokon S. V., Alieksieieva T. G. Problems of mutagenesis: method. instructions to the laboratory. classes in the discipline "Problems of mutagenesis" for biological faculty students of all forms of education. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 49 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Bilokon S. V., Alieksieieva T. G. The genotoxic effects of potentially dangerous drugs and substances detecting with Drosophila melanogaster as the test system in vivo : guidelines for the Large special workshop section. – Odesa : I.I. Mechnikov ONU, 2020. 34 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Alieksieieva T. G., Bilokon S. V. Teaching guidelines for a Large special workshop. Section "Giant chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster". Odesa : I.I. Mechnikov ONU, 2019. 42 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Bilokon S. V. Bases of bioethics and biosafety. Odesa: ONU I. I. Mechnikov, 2017. 155 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Khaustova N. D., Streltsova N. A., Blagodarova O. M., Belokon S. V., Chebotar S. V. Atlas of Drosophila melanogaster (the collection of the Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, ONU I. I. Mechnikov: teaching guidelines. – Odesa : ONU I. I. Mechnikov, 2016. 47 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Totskyi V. M., Bilokon S. V., Miros S. L., Dzhurtubaiev M. M., Zamorov V. V.,. Alieksieieva T. G, Zaporozhchenko O. V., Hladkii T. V., Ruzhytska O. M., Yamborko H. V., Afonin A. S. The teaching guidelines for the preparation and protection of diploma works by Faculty of Biology students. Ed.: O. V. Zaporozhchenko. Odesa: ONU I. I. Mechnikov, 2014. 42 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Totskyi V. M., Bilokon S. V., Miros S. L., Dzhurtubaiev M. M., Zaporozhchenko O. V., Alieksieieva T. G., Hladkii T. V., Afonin S. A. The teaching guidelines for the preparation and protection of course papers by Faculty of Biology students. Odesa: ONU I. I. Mechnikov, 2014. 30 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Khaustova N. D., Belokon S. V. The genetics of behavior. Course of lectures. Odesa: ONU I. I. Mechnikov, 2014. 76 p. (in Russian)
- Miros S. L., Hudzenko T. V., Filipova T. O., Totskyi V. M., Bilokon S. V. Genetics of immunoglobulins in charts and tables. Lecture notes. Odesa, 2013. 32 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Khaustova N. D., Belokon S. V. Protein and molecular-biological processes. Texts of lectures on the discipline "Molecular Biology" for students of correspondence courses. Odesa: Astroprint, 2010. 28 p. (in Ukrainian).
- Khaustova N. D., Belokon S. V. Guidelines for Large workshop. Section "Genetic analysis of Drosophila". Одесса: ОНУ імені І. І. Мечникова, 2008. 9 с. (in Russian)•
Tetiana Alieksieieva
- General Cytology [Electronic resource]: electronic methodological recommendations for lab work in the course for first-level (bachelor's) higher education students specializing in 091 "Biology and Biochemistry" compiled by T. G. Alieksieieva. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2024. 52 p. https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/items/fb444b0c-32e2-43d2-980c-de01c1e01c43 (in Ukrainian)
- Genetics of Individual Development [Electronic resource]: electronic methodological recommendations for seminar classes and independent work in the course "Genetics of Individual Development" for first-level (bachelor's) higher education students specializing in 091 "Biology and Biochemistry", 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering", 014.05 "Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health)", 206 "Gardening and Park Management" compiled by T. G. Alieksieieva. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2024. 37 p. https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/items/928b33cc-9228-4932-8d98-9a2284a6671b (in Ukrainian)
- Toptikov V. A., Bilokon S. V., Alieksieieva T. G. Theories of Evolution. Part I. The Establishment of Evolutionism. Synthetic Theory of Evolution; Microevolution : educational guide. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 161 p. https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/items/18ccf69a-45b2-4ee5-a68e-f2e94974ff17 (in Ukrainian)
- Genetics. Solving Problems on Sex-Linked Inheritance [Electronic Resource] : Electronic methodological recommendations for hands-on training and self-directed study for first-level (bachelor) students, specialties 091 "Biology", 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering", 204 " Garden and Park Management " / compiled by S.V. Bilokon, T.G. Aileksieieva, O.L. Sechnyak; edited by O.L. Sechnyak. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 22 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Traits [Electronic Resource] : Methodological recommendations for hands-on training and self-directed study in the course "Genetics of Quantitative Traits" for the second level (master's) of higher education / compiled by T.G. Alieksieieva. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 51 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Preparation of Master's Theses [Electronic Resource] : Methodological guidelines for hands-on training and self-directed study for students of the Faculty of Biology, both full-time and part-time, at the second (master's) level of higher education / D.A. Kivganov, V.P. Stoilovsky, T.G. Alieksieieva, T.V. Hladkii. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 51 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Genetics. Solving Problems on Sex-Linked Inheritance: Methodological recommendations for hands-on training and self-directed study for first-level (bachelor) students, specialties 091 "Biology", 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering", 204 "Garden and Park Management" / S.V. Bilokon, T.G. Alieksieieva, S.L. Miros, O.L. Sechnyak. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 31 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Alieksieieva T. G. General Cytology : educational and methodological Guide. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 123 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Alieksieieva T. G. Applied Genetics. Content Module 1. Genetic Analysis of Eukaryotes : Methodological recommendations for hands-on training and self-directed study. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 80 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Bilokon S. V., Alieksieieva T. G. Problems of mutagenesis: method. instructions to the laboratory. classes in the discipline "Problems of mutagenesis" for biological faculty students of all forms of education. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 49 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Kivganov D. A., Stoylovsky V.P., Alieksieieva T. G., Gladkiy T. V. Master’s Degree work preparation : teaching guidelines for students of the biological faculty. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 50 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Bilokon S. V., Alieksieieva T. G. The genotoxic effects of potentially dangerous drugs and substances detecting with Drosophila melanogaster as the test system in vivo : guidelines for the Large special workshop section. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2020. 34 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Alieksieieva T. G., Bilokon S. V. Teaching guidelines for a Large special workshop. Section "Giant chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster". Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2019. 42 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Kivganov D. A., Stoilovsky V.P., Alieksieieva T. G., Hladkii T. V. Teaching guidelines for preparation and protection of course work by students of the biological faculty of full-time and correspondence forms of study. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2019. 42 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Toptikov V. A., Alieksieieva T.G., Kovtun O. A. Hydrolitic enzymes of Rapana venosa digestive system: Saarbrüken : LAP LAMBERT Academi Publishing, 2017. – 65 p.
- Toptikov V. A., Kovtun O. O., Alieksieieva T. G. The morphology and physiology of the gastropod Rapana venosa. Teaching guidelines. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2014. 70 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Alieksieieva T. G. Genetic and statistical analysis of quantitative traits of cells : teaching guidelines. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2014. 52 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Totskyi V. M., Bilokon S. V., Miros S. L., Dzhurtubaiev M. M., Zamorov V. V., Alieksieieva T. G., Zaporozhchenko O. V., Hladkii T. V., Ruzhytska O. M., Yamborko H. V., Afonin A. S. The teaching guidelines for the preparation and protection of diploma works by Faculty of Biology students / Ed.: O. V. Zaporozhchenko. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University. 42 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Totskyi V. M., Bilokon S. V., Miros S. L., Dzhurtubaiev M. M., Zaporozhchenko O. V., Alieksieieva T. G., Hladkii T. V., Afonin S. A. The teaching guidelines for the preparation and protection of course papers by Faculty of Biology students. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2014. 30 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Alieksieieva T. G. Teaching guidelines for the Large special workshop. Section "Determination of the viability of the pollen and the embryo sac." Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2011. 16 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Totskyi V. M., Zaporozhchenko O. V., Trochynska T. G. Guide to the preparation and protection of course papers and qualification works (guidance for full-time students and correspondence forms of studies of biological specialties). Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2009. 42 p. (in Ukrainian)
Nataliia Fedorko
- Electronic methodological recommendations for seminar classes on the "Radiobiology" course for applicants of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. / N.L. Fedorko, O.V. Zaporozhchenko. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 105 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Electronic methodological recommendations for seminar classes on the course "Bionanotechnology" for applicants of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. / N.L. Fedorko, O.V. Zaporozhchenko. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 69 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Electronic methodical recommendations for seminar classes on the course "Age Biology" for students of the second level of higher education in specialties of direction 091/ N.L. Fedorko, O.V. Zaporozhchenko. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 62 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Electronic methodical recommendations for seminar classes and independent work from the course "Biochemistry of Oxidant Processes" for students of the second level of higher education majors 091 Biology / N.L. Fedorko, O.V. Zaporozhchenko. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 63 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Electronic methodical recommendations for seminar classes and independent work from the course "Biochemical basics of nutrition" for students of the second level of higher education majors 091 Biology / N.L. Fedorko, O.V. Zaporozhchenko. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 79 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work from the course "Biophysics" for students of higher education majors 091 "Biology", 162 "Biotechnology and bioengineering" [electronic resource] / A.V. Sorokin., O.K. Budnyak, S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, O.V. Zaporozhchenko, O.M. Andrievskyi, S.A. Petrov. - Odesa, 2022. - 96 p. http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/handle/123456789/34634 (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological instructions for performing laboratory work in the discipline "Bioorganic Chemistry" (Part I) Physico-chemical properties of amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 091 "Biology", 014.05 "Secondary education (Biology and human health) Fedorko N. L., Chernadchuk S. S., Budnyak O. K., Zaporozhchenko O. V., Petrov S. A., Sorokin A. V. 2022, 82 p. http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/handle/123456789/34639 (in Ukrainian)
- METHODS GUIDE ON BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY for students of biological specialties: 014.05 "Secondary education", 091 "Biology" 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering" S.A. Petrov, O.M. Andrievskyi, N.L. Fedorko, S.S. Chernadchuk ., Budniak O.K., Sorokin A.V., Kokoshkina O.O. 2022, 77 p. URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-2hq-jdMm31w9XzCKbegdYjr5Zl9mZ9v/view?usp=sharing (in Ukrainian)
- ENZYMODIAGNOSIS (educational and methodological manual for students of the Faculty of Biology) Chernadchuk S.S., Petrov S.A., Fedorko N.L., Budnyak O.K., Sorokin A.V. 2020 89 p. URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BoKgbLzAOqgyot8C8doyi9IOOqQvcJv/view?usp=sharing (in Ukrainian)
- MEDICAL ENZYMOLOGY Study guide Fedorko N. L., Petrov S. A., Chernadchuk S. S. 2020, 93 p. URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z4Py5YOObotwNFZ5o45u8BGH93q8cqN/view?usp=sharing (in Ukrainian)
- METHODS GUIDE on biological chemistry for students of biological specialties: 091 "Biology" and 162 "Biotechnology and bioengineering" Fedorko N. L., Petrov S. A., Andrievskyi O. M., Zaporozhchenko O. V., Stanev O. I. 2018, 58 p. http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/handle/123456789/34642 (in Ukrainian)
- Petrov S.A., Zaporozhchenko O.V., Budniak O.K., Chernadchuk S.S., Fedorko N.L. Vitaminology. Textbook. - Odesa: "WMV" Publishing House. - 2013. - 228 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Fedorko N.L., Zakharieva Z.E., Vovchuk I.L., Budniak A.K., Chernadchuk S.S., Petrov S.A., Zaporozhchenko A.V., Sorokin A.V., Kokoshkina O.A.Methodical instructions for conducting experimental studies on a large special workshop "Basic properties and methods of isolation of oxidoreductases". - Methodical instructions. - Odessa: Publishing house: "PRINT-master", 2012. - 52 p. (in Russian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Sorokin A.V., Budniak A.K. Methodical instructions for conducting experimental studies on a large special workshop "Methods for determining the activity of transferases and hydrolases". Methodical instructions. - Odesa: Publishing house: "PRINT-master", 2011. - 87 p. (in Russian)
- Vovchuk I.L., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Budnyak A.K., Sorokin A.V., Kokoshkina O.A., Petrov S.A., Zaporozhchenko A.V. Methodical instructions for conducting experimental studies on a large special workshop "Methods for determining the activity of transferases and hydrolases". Odessa: "PRINT-master" publishing house. - 2011. - 87 p. (in Russian)
- Chernadchuk S.S., Zakharieva Z.E. Fedorko N.L., Budniak A.K., Petrov S.A., Zaporozhchenko A.V. Methodical instructions for laboratory work on BSP (methods of assessment of oxidant and antioxidant systems of biological objects). Odessa: Publishing house: "PRINT-master". - 2010. - 53 p. (in Russian)
- Fedorko N.L., Zakharieva Z.E., Chernadchuk S.S., Budnyak A.K., Petrov S.A., Zaporozhchenko A.V. Methodical instructions for conducting experimental studies on a large special workshop "Methods for assessing the state of oxidant and antioxidant systems of biological objects". Odessa: Publishing house: "PRINT-master". - 2010. - 67 p. (in Russian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Sorokin A.V., Budniak A.K. Methodical instructions for work in a biochemical laboratory (when performing experimental studies on BSP, production practice, course and diploma theses). Methodical instructions. – Odesa: Publishing house: “PRINT-master”, 2008. – 91 p. (in Russian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Zakharieva Z.E., Vovchuk I.L., Fedorko N.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Sorokin A.V., Budniak A.K. Methodical instructions for laboratory work on bioorganic chemistry (physical and chemical properties of amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids) Methodical instructions. - Odessa: Publishing house: "PRINT-master", 2008. - 64 p. (in Russian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Sorokin A.V., Budniak A.K. Methodical instructions for laboratory work on bioorganic chemistry (physical and chemical properties of amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids). Methodical instructions. - Odesa: Publishing house: "PRINT-master", 2008. - 62 p. (in Russian)
- Methodical instructions for laboratory work on Bioorganic chemistry. Physical and chemical properties of carbohydrates and lipids. Authors: Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Chernadchuk S.S., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Sorokin A.V., Budniak A.K. – Odessa: Print-master, 2008. – 64 p. (in Russian)
- Methodical instructions for work in a biochemical laboratory. Authors: Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Chernadchuk S.S., Zakharieva Z.E.., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Sorokin A.V., Budniak A.K. – Odesa: Print Master, 2008. – 92 p. (in Russian)
- Vovchuk I.L., Fedorko N.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Zakharieva Z.E., Budnyak O.K., Sorokin A.V., Kokoshkina O.O., Zaporozhchenko O.V. Methodical instructions for conducting experimental studies on a large special workshop "Methods for determining the activity of transferases and hydrolases". – Odessa – 2008. – Publisher: "PRINT-master". - 87 p. (in Russian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Sorokin A.V., Zakharieva Z.E., Budnyak A.K., Fedorko N.L., Chernadchuk S.S. Methodical instructions for laboratory work on enzymology for students of the Faculty of Biology. – Odesa, 2007.– Publisher: “Alliance-Yug” – 47 p. (in Russian)
- Zaporozhchenko O.V., Karpov L.M., Petrov S.A., Budniak O.K., Fedorko N.L. Methodical guidelines for students' independent work, laboratory work and tasks from the course "Biophysics". - Edition "Astoprint", Odesa, 2003. - 44 p. (in Russian)
- Budnyak O.K., Sorokin A.V., Fedorko N.L., Zaporozhchenko O.V., Petrov S.A. Methodical instructions for students' independent work, laboratory work and assignments from the biochemistry course. – Methodological guidelines, Odesa, 2003. – 78 p. (in Ukrainian)
Andrii Sorokyn
- Chernadchuk S.S., Budnyak O.K., Sorokin A.V. Functional Biochemistry: Electronic Methodological Recommendations for Independent Work for Students of the Faculty of Biology, First (Bachelor's) Level of Education. – Odesa, 2023. – 27 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Xenobiochemistry: Methodological Recommendations for Seminar Sessions and Independent Work (for Students of the Faculty of Biology, Full-time and Part-time Forms of Education) [Electronic Resource] / S. S. Chernadchuk, O. K. Budnyak, A. V. Sorokin. – Odesa, 2022. – 26 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Ecological Biochemistry: Methodological Recommendations for Independent Work for Students of Specialties 091 "Biology", 014.05 "Secondary Education" (Biology and Human Health), 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering", 206 "Landscape Gardening" First (Bachelor) Level of Higher Education [Electronic Resource]* / O. K. Budnyak, S. S. Chernadchuk, A. V. Sorokin. – Odesa, 2022. – 18 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological Guidelines for Conducting Laboratory Work in the Course "Biophysics" for Students of Specialties 091 "Biology", 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering" [Electronic Resource] / A.V. Sorokin, O.K. Budnyak, S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, O.V. Zaporozhchenko, O.M. Andriievsky, S.A. Petrov. – Odesa, 2022. – 96 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological Recommendations for Independent Work in the Course of "Biophysics" for Students of Specialty 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering" [Electronic Resource] A.V. Sorokin, O.K. Budnyak, S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, O.V. Zaporozhchenko, O.M. Andriievsky, S.A. Petrov. . – Odesa, 2021. – 23 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Biochemistry: Methodological Guide for Students of the Faculty of Biology* / S.A. Petrov, O.M. Andriievsky, N.L. Fedorko, S.S. Chernadchuk, O.K. Budnyak, A.V. Sorokin, O.O. Kokoshkina – Odesa: Odesa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 2021. – 68 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Medical Enzymology. Educational Manual / N.L. Fedorko, S.S. Chernadchuk, O.K. Budnyak, A.V. Sorokin, S.A. Petrov. – Odesa: FOP S.L. Nazarchuk, 2020. – 92 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Enzyme Diagnostics. Educational and Methodological Guide for Students of the Faculty of Biology, Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov / S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, O.K. Budnyak, A.V. Sorokin, S.A. Petrov. – Odesa: FOP S.L. Nazarchuk, 2020. – 89 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological Guidelines for Conducting Laboratory Work in the Course "Biophysics" for Students of Specialty 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering" [Electronic Resource] / A.V. Sorokin, O.K. Budnyak, S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, S.A. Petrov. – Odesa, 2020. – 54 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Fedorko N.L., Zakharieva Z.E., Vovchuk I.L., Budnyak A.K., Chernadchuk S.S., Petrov S.A., Zaporozhchenko A.V., Sorokin A.V., Kokoshkina O.A. Methodological Guidelines for Conducting Experimental Research in the Large Special Practicum "Basic Properties and Methods of Isolating Oxydoreductases." – Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2012. – 52 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Vovchuk I.L., Fedorko N.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Zakharieva Z.E., Budnyak O.K., Sorokin A.V., Kokoshkina O.O., Zaporozhchenko O.V. *Methodological Guidelines for Conducting Experimental Research in the Large Special Practicum "Methods for Determining the Activity of Transferases and Hydrolases."* – Odesa, 2008. – Publisher: "PRINT-master". – 87 pages. (in Ukrainian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Sorokin A.V., Budnyak A.K. Methodological Guidelines for Laboratory Work on Bioorganic Chemistry (Physico-Chemical Properties of Amino Acids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids). – Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2008. – 62 pages. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological Guidelines for Laboratory Work on Bioorganic Chemistry. Physico-Chemical Properties of Carbohydrates and Lipids. Authors: Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Chernadchuk S.S., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Sorokin A.V., Budnyak A.K. – Odesa: Print-master, 2008. – 64 pages. (in Ukrainian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Sorokin A.V., Budnyak A.K. *Methodological Guidelines for Working in the Biochemical Laboratory (for conducting experimental research on BSP, internships, course and diploma projects).* – Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2008. – 91 pages. (in Ukrainian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Sorokin A.V., Zakharieva Z.E., Budnyak A.K., Fedorko N.L., Chernadchuk S.S. Methodological Guidelines for Laboratory Work on Enzymology for Students of the Faculty of Biology. – Odesa: "Alliance-Yug" - 2007. – 47 pages. (in Ukrainian)
- Budnyak O.K., Sorokin A.V., Fedorko N.L., Zaporozhchenko O.V., Petrov S.A. Methodical instructions for students' independent work, laboratory work and assignments from the biochemistry course. – Methodological guidelines, Odesa, 2003. – 78 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Zaporozhchenko O.V., Karpov L.M., Petrov S.A., Budniak O.K., Fedorko N.L. Methodical instructions from the large special workshop "Energy of membranes" for students of the Faculty of Biology. - Odesa, 2003. - 20 p. (in Ukrainian)
Oleksandr Budniak
- Chernadchuk S.S., Budnyak O.K., Sorokin A.V. Functional Biochemistry: Electronic Methodological Recommendations for Independent Work for Students of the Faculty of Biology, First (Bachelor's) Level of Education. – Odesa, 2023. – 27 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Xenobiochemistry: Methodological Recommendations for Seminar Sessions and Independent Work (for Students of the Faculty of Biology, Full-time and Part-time Forms of Education) [Electronic Resource] / S. S. Chernadchuk, O. K. Budnyak, A. V. Sorokin. – Odesa, 2022. – 26 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Ecological Biochemistry: Methodological Recommendations for Independent Work for Students of Specialties 091 "Biology", 014.05 "Secondary Education" (Biology and Human Health), 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering", 206 "Landscape Gardening" First (Bachelor) Level of Higher Education [Electronic Resource] / O. K. Budnyak, S. S. Chernadchuk, A. V. Sorokin. – Odesa, 2022. – 18 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological Guidelines for Conducting Laboratory Work in the Discipline "Bioorganic Chemistry" (for Students of the Faculty of Biology, Full-time and Part-time Forms of Education) [Electronic Resource] / N. L. Fedorko, S. S. Chernadchuk, O. K. Budnyak et al. – Odesa, 2022. – 82 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological Guidelines for Conducting Laboratory Work in the Course "Biophysics" for Students of Specialties 091 "Biology", 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering" [Electronic Resource] / A.V. Sorokin, O.K. Budnyak, S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, O.V. Zaporozhchenko, O.M. Andriievsky, S.A. Petrov. – Odesa, 2022. – 96 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological Recommendations for Independent Work in the Course of "Biophysics" for Students of Specialty 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering" [Electronic Resource] A.V. Sorokin, O.K. Budnyak, S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, O.V. Zaporozhchenko, O.M. Andriievsky, S.A. Petrov. . – Odesa, 2021. – 23 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Biochemistry: Methodological Guide for Students of the Faculty of Biology* / S.A. Petrov, O.M. Andriievsky, N.L. Fedorko, S.S. Chernadchuk, O.K. Budnyak, A.V. Sorokin, O.O. Kokoshkina – Odesa: Odesa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 2021. – 68 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Medical Enzymology. Educational Manual / N.L. Fedorko, S.S. Chernadchuk, O.K. Budnyak, A.V. Sorokin, S.A. Petrov. – Odesa: FOP S.L. Nazarchuk, 2020. – 92 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Enzyme Diagnostics. Educational and Methodological Guide for Students of the Faculty of Biology, Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov / S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, O.K. Budnyak, A.V. Sorokin, S.A. Petrov. – Odesa: FOP S.L. Nazarchuk, 2020. – 89 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological Guidelines for Conducting Laboratory Work in the Course "Biophysics" for Students of Specialty 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering" [Electronic Resource] / A.V. Sorokin, O.K. Budnyak, S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, S.A. Petrov. – Odesa, 2020. – 54 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Petrov S.A., Zaporizhchenko O.V., Budnyak O.K., Chernadchuk S.S., Fedorko N.L. Vitaminology. Textbook. – Odesa: Publisher "VMV", 2013. – 228 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Fedorko N.L., Zakharieva Z.E., Vovchuk I.L., Budnyak A.K., Chernadchuk S.S., Petrov S.A., Zaporozhchenko A.V., Sorokin A.V., Kokoshkina O.A. Methodological Guidelines for Conducting Experimental Research in the Large Special Practicum "Basic Properties and Methods of Isolating Oxydoreductases." – Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2012. – 52 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Vovchuk I.L., Fedorko N.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Zakharieva Z.E., Budnyak O.K., Sorokin A.V., Kokoshkina O.O., Zaporozhchenko O.V. *Methodological Guidelines for Conducting Experimental Research in the Large Special Practicum "Methods for Determining the Activity of Transferases and Hydrolases." – Odesa, 2008. – Publisher: "PRINT-master". – 87 pages. (in Ukrainian)
- Fedorko N.L., Zakharieva Z.E., Chernadchuk S.S., Budnyak A.K., Petrov S.A., Zaporizhchenko A.V. *Methodological Guidelines for Conducting Experimental Research in the Large Special Practicum "Methods for Assessing the Condition of Oxidative and Antioxidative Systems of Biological Objects." – Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2010. – 67 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Sorokin A.V., Budnyak A.K. Methodological Guidelines for Laboratory Work on Bioorganic Chemistry (Physico-Chemical Properties of Amino Acids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids). – Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2008. – 62 pages. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological Guidelines for Laboratory Work on Bioorganic Chemistry. Physico-Chemical Properties of Carbohydrates and Lipids. Authors: Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Chernadchuk S.S., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Sorokin A.V., Budnyak A.K. – Odesa: Print-master, 2008. – 64 pages. (in Ukrainian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Sorokin A.V., Budnyak A.K. *Methodological Guidelines for Working in the Biochemical Laboratory (for conducting experimental research on BSP, internships, course and diploma projects).* – Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2008. – 91 pages. (in Ukrainian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Sorokin A.V., Zakharieva Z.E., Budnyak A.K., Fedorko N.L., Chernadchuk S.S. Methodological Guidelines for Laboratory Work on Enzymology for Students of the Faculty of Biology. – Odesa: "Alliance-Yug" - 2007. – 47 pages. (in Ukrainian)
- Biochemistry of membranes: a special course for students of biol. special : 8.070501 "Microbiology and virology", 8.070502 "Biology" / O. V. Zaporozhchenko, L. M. Karpov, O. K. Budniak. – Odesa: ONU named after I.I. Mechnikova, 2003. – Part 1. – 2003. – 47 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Zaporozhchenko O.V., Karpov L.M., Petrov S.A., Budniak O.K., Fedorko N.L. Methodical guidelines for students' independent work, laboratory work and tasks from the course "Biophysics". - Odesa, 2003. - 44 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Budnyak O.K., Sorokin A.V., Fedorko N.L., Zaporozhchenko O.V., Petrov S.A. Methodical instructions for students' independent work, laboratory work and assignments from the biochemistry course. – Methodological guidelines, Odesa, 2003. – 78 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Zaporozhchenko O.V., Karpov L.M., Petrov S.A., Budniak O.K., Fedorko N.L. Methodical instructions from the large special workshop "Energy of membranes" for students of the Faculty of Biology. - Odesa, 2003. - 20 p. (in Ukrainian)
Snizhana Chernadchuk
- Chernadchuk S.S., Budnyak O.K., Sorokin A.V. Functional Biochemistry: Electronic methodological recommendations for independent work for students of the Faculty of Biology, first (Bachelor's) level of education. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnicov National University, 2023. 27 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Biochemical Pharmacology: Methodological recommendations for independent work (for students of the Faculty of Biology, full-time and part-time forms of education) [Electronic Resource] / compiled by S. S. Chernadchuk. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnicov National University, 2022. 28 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Chernadchuk S.S., Zaporozhchenko O.V. Stem Cells in Biology: Electronic methodological recommendations for seminar sessions for students of the Faculty of Biology, first (Bachelor's) level of higher education. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnicov National University, 2023. 24 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Xenobiochemistry: methodological recommendations for seminar sessions and independent work (for students of the Faculty of Biology, full-time and part-time forms of education) [Electronic Resource] / compiled by S. S. Chernadchuk, O. K. Budnyak, A. V. Sorokin. – Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnicov National University, 2022. 26 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Ecological Biochemistry: Methodological recommendations for independent work for students of specialties 091 "Biology", 014.05 "Secondary Education" (Biology and Human Health), 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering", 206 "Garden and Park Management" first (Bachelor) level of higher education [Electronic Resource] / compiled by O. K. Budnyak, S. S. Chernadchuk, A. V. Sorokin. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnicov National University, 2022. 18 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological guidelines for conducting laboratory work in the discipline "Bioorganic Chemistry" (for students of the Faculty of Biology, full-time and part-time forms of education) [Electronic Resource] / compiled by N. L. Fedorko, S. S. Chernadchuk, O. K. Budnyak et al. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnicov National University, 2022. 82 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological guidelines for conducting laboratory work in the course "Biophysics" for students of specialties 091 "Biology", 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering" [Electronic Resource] / compiled by A.V. Sorokin, O.K. Budnyak, S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, O.V. Zaporozhchenko, O.M. Andriievsky, S.A. Petrov. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnicov National University, 2022. 96 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological recommendations for independent work in the course of "Biophysics" for students of specialty 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering" [Electronic Resource] / compiled by A.V. Sorokin, O.K. Budnyak, S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, O.V. Zaporozhchenko, O.M. Andriievsky, S.A. Petrov. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnicov National University, 2021. 23 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Biochemistry: methodological guide for students of the Faculty of Biology / compiled by S.A. Petrov, O.M. Andriievsky, N.L. Fedorko, S.S. Chernadchuk, O.K. Budnyak, A.V. Sorokin, O.O. Kokoshkina. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnicov National University, 2021. 68 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Medical Enzymology. Educational manual / compiled by N.L. Fedorko, S.S. Chernadchuk, O.K. Budnyak, A.V. Sorokin, S.A. Petrov. Odesa: FOP S.L. Nazarchuk, 2020. 92 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Enzyme Diagnostics. Educational and methodological guide for students of the Faculty of Biology / compiled by S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, O.K. Budnyak, A.V. Sorokin, S.A. Petrov. Odesa: FOP S.L. Nazarchuk, 2020. 89 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Methodological guidelines for conducting laboratory work in the course "Biophysics" for students of specialty 162 "Biotechnology and Bioengineering" [Electronic Resource] / compiled by A.V. Sorokin, O.K. Budnyak, S.S. Chernadchuk, N.L. Fedorko, S.A. Petrov. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnicov National University, 2020. 54 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Petrov S.A., Zaporozhchenko O.V., Budnyak O.K., Chernadchuk S.S., Fedorko N.L. Vitaminology. Textbook. Odesa: Publisher "VMV", 2013. 228 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Petrov S.A., Vovchuk I.L., Galkin B.M., Chernadchuk S.S., Furman Yu.V., Mosyagin V.V. Ecology of Society. Textbook. Odesa: Publisher "Alliance-Yug", 2012. 188 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Fedorko N.L., Zakharieva Z.E., Vovchuk I.L., Budnyak A.K., Chernadchuk S.S., Petrov S.A., Zaporozhchenko A.V., Sorokin A.V., Kokoshkina O.A. Methodological guidelines for conducting experimental research in the large special practicum "Basic properties and methods of isolating oxydoreductases." Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2012. 52 p.(in Russian)
- Petrov S.A., Zaporizhchenko O.V., Galkin B.M., Filipova T.O., Chernadchuk S.S. Enzymes of Protection and Aggression of Microorganisms. Monograph. Odesa: Publisher "Phoenix", 2011. 118 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Fedorko N.L., Zakharieva Z.E., Chernadchuk S.S., Budnyak A.K., Petrov S.A., Zaporizhchenko A.V. Methodological guidelines for conducting experimental research in the large special practicum "Methods for assessing the condition of oxidative and antioxidative systems of biological objects." Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2010. 67 p. (in Russian)
- Vovchuk I.L., Fedorko N.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Zakharieva Z.E., Budnyak O.K., Sorokin A.V., Kokoshkina O.O., Zaporozhchenko O.V. Methodological guidelines for conducting experimental research in the large special practicum "Methods for determining the activity of transferases and hydrolases." Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2008. 87 p. (in Russian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Sorokin A.V., Budnyak A.K. Methodological guidelines for laboratory work on bioorganic chemistry (physico-chemical properties of amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids). Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2008. 62 p. (in Russian)
- Methodological guidelines for laboratory work on bioorganic chemistry. Physico-chemical properties of carbohydrates and lipids. / compiled by Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Chernadchuk S.S., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Sorokin A.V., Budnyak A.K. Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2008. 64 p. (in Russian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Zakharieva Z.E., Fedorko N.L., Vovchuk I.L., Chernadchuk S.S., Sorokin A.V., Budnyak A.K. Methodological guidelines for working in the biochemical laboratory (for conducting experimental research on BSP, internships, course and diploma projects). Odesa: Publisher: "PRINT-master", 2008. 91 p. (in Russian)
- Zaporozhchenko A.V., Petrov S.A., Sorokin A.V., Zakharieva Z.E., Budnyak A.K., Fedorko N.L., Chernadchuk S.S. Methodological guidelines for laboratory work on enzymology for students of the Faculty of Biology. Odesa: "Alliance-Yug", 2007. 47 p. (in Russian)