Training and methodical works

  • Fedir Tkachenko

    1. Gerasimyuk V.P. Electronic methodological recommendations for independent work from the course “Algology” for students of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education for specialties: 014 “Secondary education (Biology and human health)”, 091 “Biology”, 162 “Biotechnology and bioengineering”, 206 “Garden and Park State” / V.P. Gerasimyuk, F.P. Tkachenko. – Odessa: I. I. Mechnikova ONU, 2023. – 28 p. – 84 KB.
    2. Tkachenko F., Nazarchuk Yu. Mycology: Methodical recommendations for the organization of independent work for students of all forms of education. – Odessa: Print Master, 2017. – 27 p.
    3. Tkachenko F., Gerasimyuk V., Nazarchuk Yu., Babenko A. Microscopic and histochemical methods for the study of algae, fungi and lichens: guidelines for a large special workshop. – Odessa: Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 2016. – 60 p.
    4. Tkachenko F., Nazarchuk Y., Gerasimyuk V., Kutsin O. Methodical instructions for laboratory work on the course "Botany. Systematics of lower plants ". – Odessa: Print Master, 2015. – 56 p.
  • Olena Bondarenko

    1. Bondarenko O.Yu. Geobotany: method. rec. for independent work of special students. 206 "Horticulture" / O.Yu. Bondarenko; Odessa national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, Biological Ph.D. – Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 42 p
    2. Bondarenko O.Yu. Urboecology: method. rec. for independent work of special students. 206 "Horticulture" / O.Yu. Bondarenko; Odessa national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, Biological Ph.D. – Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 36 p.
    3. Bondarenko O.Yu. Geobotany: method. rec. for practical work of students of special 206 "Horticulture" / O.Yu. Bondarenko; Odessa national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, Biological Ph.D. – Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 38 p.
    4. Bondarenko O.Yu. Urboecology: method. rec. for practical work of students of special 206 "Horticulture" / O.Yu. Bondarenko; Odessa national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, Biological Ph.D. – Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 43 p.
    5. Bondarenko O.Yu., Nazarchuk Yu.S. Floriculture and lawns: methodical recommendations for practical work for the discipline for students of special. 206 "Horticulture" / O.Yu. Bondarenko, Yu.S. Nazarchuk; Odessa national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, Biological Ph.D. – Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 50 p.
    6. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work from the module "Anatomy of plants" of a standard course "Botany" / Pauser O., Bondarenko О., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. – Odessa: Print Master, 2021. – 72 p.
    7. Bondarenko О. Methodical instructions to independent work and flora of Ukraine (for students of the biological faculty of full-time and part-time forms of education; specialty 014.05 – Secondary education and human health). – Odessa, 2019. – 42 p.
    8. Kovalenko S., Nemertsalov V., Bondarenko O., Vasilieva T. Methodical instructions to the summer training practice in botany (for students studying for a reduced period of study). – Odessa, 2018. – 49 p.
    9. Botany. Morphology and taxonomy of plants / Methodical recommendations for laboratory work for students majoring in "Biology". Part 2. Systematics of vascular plants / T. Vasilieva, S. Kovalenko, V. Nemertsalov, O. Bondarenko. – Odessa, 2018. – 60 p.
    10. Botany. Morphology of plants: [methodical instructions for laboratory work for first-year students of the Faculty of Biology, who study English in depth] / S. Kovalenko, V. Nemertsalov, T. Vasilieva, O. Bondarenko. – Odessa, 2017. – 45 p.
    11. Bondarenko O., Petrun N., Vasilieva T., Slyusarenko O. The system of flower plants according to AL Takhtadzhyan: methodical recommendations for independent work of students in educational practice in botany / under the general editorship of A. N. Слюсаренко. – Odessa: Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 2017. – 52 p.
    12. Kovalenko S., Vasilieva T., Nemertsalov V., Nazarchuk Yu., Bondarenko O. Botany. Plant morphology: guidelines for laboratory work for students majoring in "Biology". – 3rd ed. – Odessa: Print Master, 2013. – 60 p.
  • Valery Gerasimuk

    1. Gerasimyuk V.P. Electronic methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work from the course "Geobotany with the basics of botany" for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education/ V.P. Gerasimyuk. – Odessa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2023. – 51 p. – 134 KB.
    2. Gerasimyuk V.P. Electronic methodological recommendations for independent work from the course "Algology" for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education for specialties: 014 "Secondary education (Biology and human health)", 091 "Biology", 162 "Biotechnology and bioengineering", 206 "Horticulture and park management" / V.P. Gerasimyuk, F.P. Tkachenko. – Odesa: Odesa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2023. - 28 p. – 84 KB.
    3. Tkachenko F.P. Microscopic and histochemical methods of researching algae, fungi and lichens: methodological instructions for a large special workshop /F. P. Tkachenko, V. P. Gerasimyuk, Yu. S. Nazarchuk, O. A. Babenko. – Odesa: Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikova, 2016. – 60 p.
    4. Tkachenko F.P. Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work from the course "Botany. Systematics of lower plants" / F.P. Tkachenko, Yu.S. Nazarchuk, V.P. Gerasimyuk, O.B. Kucin. – Odesa: Printmaster, 2015. – 56 p.
    5. Slyusarenko O.M. Dictionary of botanical terms / O.M. Slyusarenko, T.V. Vasylieva, V.P. Gerasimyuk, S.G. Kovalenko, G.A. Shvets, V.V. Nemertsalov, Yu.S. Nazarchuk; under the editorship S.G. Kovalenko. - Odesa: Printing House, 2012. - 204 p.
    6. S.G. Kovalenko, T.V. Vasylieva, V.P. Gerasimyuk, V.V. Nemertsalov, and Yu.S. Nazarchuk. Botany. Morphology of plants: methodological guidelines for laboratory work for students majoring in "Biology". - 2nd edition. – Odesa: Print Master, 2011. – 52 p.
  • Antonina Kadurina

    1. Kadurina A. O., Morgun O. L. Illustrated dictionary-reference of architectural, artistic and garden and park terms. T. 1. Theory and history of architecture. – Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2023. – 122 p.: ill.
    2. Kadurina A., Nazarchuk Yu. Basics of landscaping of settlements: guidelines for 4th year students of the specialty 206 "Garden and park economy". – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 36 p.
    3. Kadurina A., Nazarchuk Yu. Landscaping and design: guidelines for 3rd year students of the specialty 206 "Garden and park economy". Part 1. – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 28 p.
    4. Kadurina A., Nazarchuk Yu. Landscaping and design: guidelines for 3rd year students of the specialty 206 "Garden and park economy". Part 2. – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 32 p.
    5. Kadurina A. Landscape graphics and modeling: guidelines for 2nd year students of the specialty 206 "Garden and park economy". Part 1. – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 44 p.
    6. Kadurina A. Landscape graphics and modeling: guidelines for 2nd year students of the specialty 206 "Garden and park economy". Part 2. – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 28 p.
    7. Kadurina A. History of garden and park construction and landscape architecture: methodical instructions for 1st year students of the specialty 206 "Garden and park economy". – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 28 p.
    8. Methodical instructions for graphic work on the discipline "Landscape design and equipment design of environmental systems" for students majoring in 191 "Architecture and Urban Planning" qualification level "Master" OPP training "Architectural Environment Design". Developers: Morgun O., Kadurina A. – Odessa: OSABA Publishing House, 2019. – 41 p.
    9. Methodical instructions for practical classes and performance of calculation and graphic work on discipline "History of garden and park art" for students of the 4th course of the direction "Architecture" of a qualification level "bachelor". Developers: Kadurina A., Morgun O. – Odessa: OSABA Publishing House, 2013. – 36 p.
    10. Handout in the discipline "Architectural graphics" for independent work of first-year students of the direction "Architecture" qualification level "bachelor". Developers: Kadurina A., Zavadskaya O. – Odessa: OSABA Publishing House, 2009. – 65 p.
    11. Methodical instructions on discipline "Architectural graphics" for students of the 1st course of the direction "Architecture" of a qualification level "bachelor". Developers: Eksaryova N., Kadurina A., Zavadskaya O. – Odessa: OSABA Publishing House, 2009. – 43 p.
    12. Methodical instructions on discipline "Art - design graphics and modeling of the complex equipment of the city environment" for students of the 5th course of a specialty 7.120.103 "Design of the architectural environment". Developer: Kadurina A. – Odessa: OSABA Publishing House, 2008. – 34 p.
  • Julia Nazarchuk

    1. Bondarenko O.Yu., Nazarchuk Yu.S. Floriculture and lawns: methodical recommendations for practical work for the discipline for students of special. 206 "Horticulture". – Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 52 p.
    2. Methodical instructions for the implementation and basic requirements for the design of coursework and diploma projects in the project direction for students of specialty 206 "Horticulture and park management" / A.O. Kadurina, D. A. Kivganov, Yu. S. Nazarchuk. – Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 38 p.
    3. Nazarchuk Yu. S. Methodical guidelines for production practices for students of specialty 206 "Horticulture" / Yu. S. Nazarchuk, A. O. Kadurina. – Odesa: S. L. Nazarchuk Publisher, 2021. – 24 p.
    4. Methodical guidelines for educational practice in floriculture and decorative dendrology for students of specialty 206 "Horticulture" / Yu. S. Nazarchuk, O. Yu. Bondarenko. – Odesa: S. L. Nazarchuk Publisher, 2021. – 48 p.
    5. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work from the normative course "Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants". Part 3. Physiology of mineral nutrition, growth and development of plants, physiology of plant resistance / Pauzer O.B., Ruzhitska O.M., Nazarchuk Yu.S., Yakuba I.P. – Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. - 42 p.
    6. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work from the normative course "Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants". Part 2. Physiology of photosynthesis and respiration of plants / Pauzer O.B., Ruzhitska O.M., Nazarchuk Yu.S., Yakuba I.P. - Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 36 p.
    7. Test questions to control knowledge and independent work from the normative course "Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants". Part 1. Physiology of the plant cell and plant water exchange / Pauzer O.B., Ruzhitska O.M., Nazarchuk Yu.S., Yakuba I.P. - Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 36 p.
    8. Test questions for knowledge control and independent work from the module "Anatomy of plants" of the normative course "Botany" / Pauzer O.B., Bondarenko O.Yu., Nazarchuk Yu.S., Yakuba I.P. – Odesa: Print Master, 2021. – 72 p.
    9. Kadurina A.O., Nazarchuk Yu.S. Basics of greening of populated areas: methodological guidelines for students of the 4th year of the specialty 206 "Horticulture and park management". – Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 36 p.
    10. Kadurina A.O., Nazarchuk Yu.S. Landscape planning and design: methodological guidelines for students of the 3rd year of the specialty 206 "Horticulture". Part 1. - Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. - 28 p.
    11. Kadurina A.O., Nazarchuk Yu.S. Landscape planning and design: methodological guidelines for students of the 3rd year of the specialty 206 "Horticulture". Part 2. – Odesa: Publisher S.L. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 32 p.
    12. Small workshop on physiology and biochemistry of plants / Pauzer O.B., Ruzhitska O.M., Yakuba I.P., Nazarchuk Yu.S. – Odesa: Print Master, 2019. – 72 p.
    13. Tkachenko F.P., Nazarchuk Yu.S. Mycology: Methodological recommendations for organizing independent work for students of all forms of education. – Odesa: Print Master, 2017. – 27 p.
    14. Tkachenko F.P., Gerasimyuk V.P., Nazarchuk Yu.S., Babenko O.A. Microscopic and histochemical methods of studying algae, fungi and lichens: methodological instructions for a large special workshop. – Odesa: Odesa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 2016. – 60 p.
    15. Tkachenko F.P., Nazarchuk Yu.S., Gerasimyuk V.P., Kutsyn O.B. Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work from the course "Botany. Systematics of lower plants." – Odesa: Print Master, 2015. – 56 p.
  • Olena Popova

    1. Research work of schoolchildren in biology: guidelines for students studying in the specialty – 014 "Secondary education" (subject specialization - 014.05 "Secondary education (Biology and human health") / Popova O. – Odessa Odessa National University named after I. Mechnikov, 2021. – 48 p.
    2. Popova O. Plant Anatomy. Course of lectures: for correspondence students in the discipline "Botany". – Odessa: Odessa I. Mechnikov National University, 2017. – 110 p.
    3. Popova O. Plant anatomy: test tasks for correspondence students in the discipline "Botany". – Odessa: Odessa I. Mechnikov National University, 2017. – 38 p.
    4. Popova O. Plant morphology: test and control tasks for the course "Botany": guidelines. – Odessa: Odessa I. Mechnikov National University, 2016. – 60 p.
    5. Popova O. Plant morphology: a short illustrated course of lectures in the discipline "Botany". – Odessa: Odessa I. Mechnikov National University, 2016. – 236 p.
    6. Popova O. Plant resources. Methodical recommendations on the organization of independent work for correspondence students of specialty 7.040102. Biology. – Odessa: ONU, 2015. – 42 p.
  • Olga Ruzhitskaya

    1. Hladkii T. V., Gudzenko T. V., Ruzhitska O. M., Tkachenko M. V. Methodical guidelines for conducting pedagogical (assistant) practice for students of the educational and scientific level (doctor of philosophy) specialty 091 Biology – Odesa, ONU, 2020. - 35 p.
    2. Ruzhitska O. M., Tkachenko M. V. Methodical recommendations for practical classes and independent work for students of the biological faculty of the second (master's) level of higher education, special. 091 "Biology and biochemistry". – Odesa: Odesa. national I. I. Mechnikov University, 2023. – 31 p. – 0.62 MB
    3. Production (assistant) practice: electronic. method. recommendations for the organization and conducting of assistant practice for students of the Faculty of Biology of the second (master's) level of higher education, special. 091 "Biology". / edited by: T. V. Gladkii, O. M. Ruzhitska, M. V. Tkachenko. – Odesa: Odesa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2023. - 46 p. – 1.1 MB
    4. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work on the normative course "Physiology and biochemistry of plants." Part 3. Physiology of mineral nutrition, growth and development of plants, physiology of plant resistance / Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021 .– 42 p.
    5. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work on the normative course "Physiology and biochemistry of plants." Part 1. Physiology of photosynthesis and respiration of plants / Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 36 p.
    6. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work on the normative course "Physiology and biochemistry of plants." Part 2. Physiology of photosynthesis and respiration of plants / Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 36 p.
    7. Small workshop on plant physiology and biochemistry / Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Yakuba I., Nazarchuk Yu. – Odessa: Print Master, 2019. – 72 p.
    8. Ruzhitskaya O. Methodological guidelines for independent work of students in the discipline "Photosynthesis". – Odessa: Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016. – 44 p.
    9. Ruzhitskaya O., Pauser O., Yakuba I. Methodical recommendations for independent work of students in the discipline "Ecophysiology of plants" (for full-time and part-time students). - Odessa: Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016. – 58 p.
    10. Yakuba I., Ruzhitskaya O., Pauser O. Methodical instructions for independent work of students in the discipline "Regulators of plant growth" for students of the Faculty of Biology of all forms of education. – Odessa: Print Master, 2015. – 24 p.
    11. Totskiy V., Belokon S., Miros S., Dzhurtubaev M., Zamorov V., Alekseeva T., Zaporozhchenko A., Gladkiy T., Ruzhitskaya O., Yamborko G., Afonin S. – Edited by A. V. Zaporozhchenko // Odessa: I. I. Mechnikov ONU, 2014. – 42 p.
    12. Shvets G., Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work on the normative course "Plant Anatomy". Part 2. "Plant tissue". – Odessa: Print Master, 2013. – 44 p.
    13. Shvets G., Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. Test questions for the control of knowledge and independent work on the normative course "Plant Anatomy". Part 3. Anatomy of vegetative organs. – Odessa: Print Master, 2013. – 48 p.
    14. Ruzhitskaya O., Shvets G. Methodical recommendations for independent work of students in the discipline "Methods of teaching special disciplines in higher education." – Odessa: PrintMaster, 2013. – 24 p.
    15. Khaustova N., Zamorov V., Ruzhitskaya O., Gladkiy T., Belokon S. Methodical recommendations for organizing independent work for students of the biological faculty of correspondence courses. – Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2013. – 21 p.
  • Iryna Yakuba

    1. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work on the normative course "Physiology and biochemistry of plants." Part 3. Physiology of mineral nutrition, growth and development of plants, physiology of plant resistance / Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021 .– 42 p.
    2. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work on the normative course "Physiology and biochemistry of plants." Part 1. Physiology of photosynthesis and respiration of plants / Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 36 p.
    3. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work on the normative course "Physiology and biochemistry of plants." Part 2. Physiology of photosynthesis and respiration of plants / Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 36 p.
    4. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work with the module "Plant Anatomy" of the normative course "Botany" / Pauser O., Bondarenko O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. – Odessa: Print Master, 2021. – 42 p.
    5. Test questions for the control of knowledge and independent work on the selective course "Plant nutrition" / Pauser O., Yakuba I. – Odessa: Publisher S. Nazarchuk, 2021. – 28 p.
    6. Small workshop on plant physiology and biochemistry / Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Yakuba I., Nazarchuk Yu. – Odessa: Print Master, 2019. – 72 p.
    7. Ruzhitskaya O., Pauser O., Yakuba I. Methodical recommendations for independent work of students in the discipline "Ecophysiology of plants" (for full-time and part-time students). - Odessa: Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016. – 58 p.
    8. Yakuba I., Ruzhitskaya O., Pauser O. Methodical instructions for independent work of students in the discipline "Regulators of plant growth" for students of the Faculty of Biology of all forms of education. – Odessa: Print Master, 2015. – 24 p.
    9. Shvets G., Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work on the normative course "Plant Anatomy". Part 3. Anatomy of vegetative organs. – Odessa: Print Master, 2013. – 48 p.
    10. Shvets G., Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work on the normative course "Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants." Part 3. Physiology of respiration. – Odessa: Print Master, 2013. – 36 p.
    11. Shvets G., Pauser A., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. Methodical instructions for laboratory studies on the normative course "Plant Anatomy". – second ed. – Odessa: Print Master, 2013. – 24 p.
    12. Shvets G., Pauser O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. Test questions for the control of knowledge and independent work on the normative course "Plant Anatomy". Part 1. "Anatomy of a plant cell". – second edition – Odessa: Print Master, 2013. – 44 p.
    13. Shvets G., Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Nazarchuk Y., Yakuba I. Test questions for knowledge control and independent work on the normative course "Plant Anatomy". Part 3. Anatomy of autonomic organs. – Odessa: Print Master, 2013. – 48 p.
    14. Shvets G., Pauser O., Ruzhitskaya O., Nazarchuk Yu., Yakuba I. Test questions for control of knowledge and independent work on the normative course "Plant Anatomy". Part 2. "Plant tissue". – Odessa: Print Master, 2013. – 64 p.


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