Teaching and methodical works of employees of the Department

  • Svitlana Gvozdii

    1.  Gvozdii S. P., Ivanova I.V. The concept of phytotherapy and aromatherapy: methodical instructions for practical classes and independent work of applicants of the second (master's) level in the specialty 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and Human Health) in the discipline "Theory and practice of human wellness." Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 44 p.
    2.  Gvozdii S. P., Ivanova I. V. Reflexology: methodical instructions for practical classes and independent work of applicants of the second (master's) level in the speciality 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and Human Health) in the discipline "Theory and practice of human wellness" Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 38 p.
    3. Gvozdii S. P., Ivanova I. V. The concept of massage and manual therapy: methodical instructions for practical classes and independent work of applicants for the second (master's) level in the speciality 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and Human Health) in the discipline "Theory and practice of human wellness". Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 44 p.
    4. Gvozdii S. Innovative Technologies in Teaching Biology and Health Basics: methodological instructions for seminars and independent work of applicants for the second (master's) level in the specialty 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and Human Health). Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 68 p.
    5. Gvozdii S. P. Methods of educational work in general secondary education institutions: methodical instructions for seminars and independent work of applicants of the second (master's) level in the specialty 014.05 Secondary education (Human Biology and Health). Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 36 p.
    6. Gvozdii S. P., Tkachenko M. V. Methodical recommendations for the preparation and defence of qualification work for applicants for the second (master's) level in the specialty 014.05 Secondary education (Human Biology and Health). Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 48 p.
    7. Burdeniuk R. V., Gvozdii S. P. Fundamentals of medical knowledge and first aid: a course of lectures for applicants for higher education of non-medical specialities of full-time and part-time forms of study. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 156 p.
    8. Burdeniuk R. V., Gvozdii S. P. Disaster medicine and medical and sanitary training: Workshop for students of natural sciences of full-time and part-time forms of study. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2020. 104 p.
    9. Gvozdii S. P., Ivanova I. V., Burdeniuk R. V. Theory and practice of human health wellness: a course of lectures for applicants for higher education of non-medical direction. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2020. 372 p.
    10. Gvozdii S. P., Stenpkovska H. I. Collection of situational tasks on labour protection: Workshop for students of humanities and natural sciences of higher education institutions of Ukraine. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2019. 180 p.
    11. Bashtan S. O., Gvozdii S. P., Pienov V. V. Fundamentals of medical knowledge: Workshop for students of pedagogical specialities of full-time and part-time study. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2019. 88 p.
    12. Gvozdii S. P., Polishchuk L. M. First aid in emergency situations: injuries, fractures, dislocations: Methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work in the disciplines "Medical and sanitary training", "Fundamentals of medical knowledge", "Life safety and basics of labour protection", "Civil protection" for students of all specialities and forms of education. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2019. 48 p.
    13. Gvozdii S. P., Shapkina T. I. Formation of skills to determine the degree of risk in emergency situations: Methodical instructions for practical classes in the discipline "Life safety and basics of labour protection" for students of all specialities of full-time and part-time study. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2019. 32 p.
    14.  Gvozdii S. P., Ustyanska O. V. Fundamentals of physiology, occupational health and industrial sanitation. Part 1: Sanitary and hygienic requirements for noise indicators. Effect of noise on the human body and health: Methodical instructions for practical classes in the discipline "Life safety and basics of labour protection" for students of all specialities and forms of education. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2019. 32 p.
    15.  Gvozdii S. P., Shapkina T. I.. Rational and healthy nutrition: methodical instructions for practical classes in the disciplines "Life safety and basics of labour protection", "Valeology", "Fundamentals of medical knowledge" for students of all specialities of full-time and part-time forms of study. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2019. 36 p.
    16.  Gvozdii S. P., Polishchuk L. M. Prevention of diseases of social significance in educational institutions: methodical recommendations for practical classes in the disciplines "Innovative technologies of teaching biology, basics of health and natural science", "Culture of health and safety", independent and extracurricular work of students of pedagogical specialities of full-time and part-time forms of study. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2019. 54 p.
    17.  Gvozdii S. P. Identification of topical issues of safe living of university students (scientific substantiation) // Theoretical and practical approaches to safe living: [methodical recommendations] / O. I. Burdeniuk, S. P. Gvozdii, L. Y. Hlinska and others; Under the general editorship of S. P. Gvozdii: Publisher Vadym Bukaev, 2016. P. 10-20.
    18.  Gvozdii S. P. Rules of conduct during military emergencies // Theoretical and practical approaches to safe living: [methodical recommendations] / O. I. Burdeniuk, S. P. Gvozdii, L. Y. Hlinska and others; Under the general editorship of S. P. Gvozdii: Publisher Vadym Bukaev, 2016. P. 249-267.
    19.  Gvozdii S. P. Financial and economic security. Fundamentals of financial literacy // Theoretical and practical approaches to safe living: [methodical recommendations] / O. I. Burdeniuk, S. P. Gvozdii, L. Y. Hlinska and others; Under the general editorship of S. P. Gvozdii: Publisher Vadym Bukaev, 2016. P. 57-74.
    20.  Gvozdii S. P., Polishchuk L. M.. Methodical instructions for practical classes in the discipline "Civil Defence" for students of all specialities and forms of education of the I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University. Part I. Fundamentals of organisation of measures to provide assistance to victims and life support of the population in emergency situations. Odesa, 2013. 32 p.
    21. . Ivanova I. V., Burdeniuk O. I., Gvozdii S. P. Course of lectures on functional and laboratory diagnostics of pathological conditions of a person: Study guide. Odesa: Odesa National University Press, 2011. 143 p.
    22. Ivanova I. V., Neizvestnyi M. O., Stenpkovska G. I., Gvozdii S. P. &etc. Methodical instructions for practical classes and independent work of students in the disciplines "Fundamentals of labour protection" and "Labour protection in the industry" (information package of methodological materials). In 2 parts. Part 1: Labour relations. Samples of documents. Odesa: Odesa National University Publishing House, 2011. 36 p.
    23.  Gvozdii S. P., Stenpkovska G. I., Shapkina T .I., Glinska L. Y. Methodical instructions for practical classes and independent work of students in the disciplines "Fundamentals of labour protection" and "Labour protection in the industry". In 2 parts. Part 2. Investigation of accidents. Odesa: Odesa National University Publishing House, 2011. 32 p.
    24.  Gvozdii S. P. Methodical instructions for the implementation of the section "Labour protection" in diploma projects and works (for students of all specialities of the Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University). Odesa: Odesa National University Publishing House, 2011. 20 p.
    25. .Ivanova I. V., Zaplatynskyi V. M., Gvozdii S. P. Safety of life and activity: educational and control tests. Educational and methodological manual for students of higher education institutions. 2nd edition, revised and supplemented. Odesa: Publisher Vadym Bukaev, 2009. 161 p. (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).
    26.  Ivanova I. V., Zaplatynskyi V. M., Gvozdii S. P. Safety of life and activity: training and control tests. Study guide. Kyiv: Summit-book, 2005. 148 p. (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).
  • Tetiana Hladkii

    1. Electronic methodological recommendations for practical classes, independent work and knowledge control. Content module 1 “The study of bones and muscles”. For applicants for specialties 091 Biology and biochemistry, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health), 226 Pharmacy. Industrial pharmacy / compiled by: T. V. Gladkiy, N. A. Kyrylenko, O. D. Pavlichenko, T. V. Kolomiychuk. Odesa: Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 2024. 113 p. (13.2 MB).
    2. Humoral regulators of biological processes [Electronic resource]: electronic methodical recommendations for seminar classes and independent work on the course “Humoral regulators of biological processes” for students of the second (master) level of higher education in specialties 091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy. Industrial pharmacy / compiled by T. V. Gladkiy. Odesa: Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 2023. 62 p. (4.1 Mb)
    3. Human and animal physiology [Electronic resource]: Electronic methodical instructions. Part 4. Laboratory work and tasks for testing knowledge. Physiology of metabolism and energy. Physiology of excretion. For students of the Faculty of Biology of the first (bachelor's) level of education, speciality 091 "Biology", 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health), for students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the second (master's) level of education, speciality 206 "Pharmacy. Industrial pharmacy" / compiled by: T. V. Gladkiy, T. V. Kolomiychuk. Odesa: Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 2023. 74p. (12 MB).
    4. Electronic. method. instructions. Part 3. Laboratory work and tasks for testing knowledge. Physiology of digestion. Physiology of respiration. For students of the Faculty of Biology of the first (bachelor's) level of education, speciality 091 "Biology", 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health), for students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the second (master's) level of education, speciality 206 "Pharmacy. Industrial Pharmacy" / compiled by: T. V. Gladkii, G. V. Maykova, O. A. Makarenko, N. A. Kyrylenko. Odesa: Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 2022. 59p. (3.5 MB.).
    5. Dietetics and Rational Nutrition [Electronic resource]: electronic methodical recommendations for practical classes and independent work for applicants for the second level of higher education in the specialties 091 Biology, 162 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 014.05. Secondary education. Biology and human health, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy / O. A. Makarenko, T. V. Gladkiy, - Odesa: Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 2023. 73 p. 1.99 MB.
    6. Method. recommendations for students of higher educational institutions for laboratory classes in the course «Human Physiology». Part 4. Laboratory works and tasks to test knowledge. «Physiology of metabolism and energy. Physiology of secretion". / T. V. Hladkii, T. V. Kolomiіchuk. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 72 p.
    7. Method. recommendations for students of higher educational institutions for laboratory classes in the course «Human Physiology». Part 3. Laboratory works and tasks to test knowledge. «Physiology of digestion. Physiology of respiration" / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, O. A. Makarenko, N. A. Kyrylenko. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. – 59 p.
    8. Dietology and rational nutrition. Methodical recommendations to practical ones to take up that independent work for getting a different level of higher education for specialties 091 Biology, 162 Biotechnology and bioengineering, 014.05. Middle light. Biology and healthy people, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy / O. A. Makarenko, T. V. Hladkii. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 73 p.
    9. Human anatomy. Splanchnology: methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work for students of the first and second levels of higher education in the specialties 091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, O. D. Pavlichenko, T. V. Kolomiichuk, N. A. Kyrylenko. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 63 p.
    10. Human anatomy. Neurology. Esthesiology: methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work for students of specialties 091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, 014 Secondary education (Biology and human health), first and second levels of higher education / T. V. Hladkii, O. D. Pavlichenko, G. V. Maikova, T. V. Kolomiichuk, N. A. Kyrylenko. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 96 p.
    11. Human anatomy. Angiology: methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work for students of the first and second levels of higher education in specialties 091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / T. V. Hladkii, T V. Kolomiichuk, G. V. Maikova, O. D. Pavlichenko, N. A. Kyrylenko. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 52 p.
    12. Workshop on Psychophysiology: workshop / T. V. Hladkii, O. D. Pavlichenko, L. V. Eberle, M. V. Tkachenko. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 122 p.
    13. Methods of teaching people with special educational needs. Methodical instructions for independent and practical work for students of the second levels of higher education in the specializations 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / S.O. Bashtan, T.V. Hladkii. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 112 p.
    14. Methodological recommendations for students of higher educational institutions for laboratory classes in the course "Human Physiology". Part 1. Laboratory works and tasks to test knowledge. Content modules 1-3 / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, L. V. Eberle, T. V. Kolomiichuk. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 76 p.
    15. Methodological recommendations for students of higher educational institutions for laboratory classes in the course "Human Physiology". Part 2. Laboratory works and tasks to test knowledge. Content modules 4-5 / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, N. A. Kyrylenko, L. V. Eberle, O. A. Makarenko. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 97 p.
    16. Methodological guide lines for conducting pedagogical (assistant) practice for educational-scientific degree holders (Doctor of Philosophy) of the specialty 091 Biology / T. V. Hladkii, T. V. Gudzenko, O. M. Ruzhitska,.M. V. Tkachenko. Odesa: I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 38 p.
    17. Human anatomy. Educational visual guide. Content modules I, II. Introduction to anatomy. Musculoskeletal apparatus. Splanchnology / T. V. Нladkii, O. A., Makarenko, N. A., Kyrylenko, G. V. Maіkova, T. V. Kolomiichuk. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2020. 117 p.
    18. Human anatomy. Educational visual guide. Content modules III, IU. Anatomy of the vascular system. Neurology. Esthesiology / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maіkova, L. I. Syomik, M. V. Tkachenko, O. D. Pavlichenko. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2020. 127 p.
    19. Workshop on Psychophysiology: workshop / T. V. Hladkii, O. D. Pavlichenko, L. V. Eberle, M. V. Tkachenko. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2020. 102 p.
    20. Workbook on Human Anatomy. Chapter 1. Locomotor apparatus / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maіkova, O. D. Pavlichenko, T V. Kolomiichuk, O. V. Denisenko, L.M. Karpov, L. I. Syomik. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2017. 48 p.
    21. Methodological instructions for laboratory work from the course "Physiology of man and animals" (part 3) for students of the biology faculty of full-time and correspondence forms of study in the direction 6.040102 Biology / L.M. Karpov, L.I. Syomik, T.V. Hladkii, G.V. Maikova, O.D. Pavlichenko, T.V. Kolomiichuk. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2014. 49 p.
    22. Methodological instructions for laboratory work of the course "Physiology of man and animals" (Part 2 "Blood, circulation, breathing") for students of the Faculty of Biology / L. M. Karpov, L. I. Syomik, T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, O. D. Pavlichenko, T. V. Kolomiichuk. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2008. 54 p.
    23. Methodological instructions for laboratory work from the course "Physiology of man and animals" (Part 1) for students of the Faculty of Biology / L. M. Karpov, L. I. Syomik, T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, O. D. Pavlichenko, T. V. Kolomiichuk. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2005. 59 p.
    24. Methodical instructions for laboratory work from the course "Physiology of man and animals" (chapter 1. "Physiology of excitable tissues") for students of the Faculty of Biology / T. V. Hladkii, L. I. Syomik, L. M. Karpov, T. V. Kolomiichuk, G. V. Sivachenko. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2003. 21 p.
    25. Physiology of endocrine glands. Section 1. General endocrinology / T. V. Hladkii, T. V. Kolomiichuk, L. M. Karpov, L. I. Syomik, G. V. Sivachenko, O. D. Pavlichenko. – A short lecture course on a special course. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2003. 33 p.
  • Natalia Kyrylenko

    1. Kyrylenko N. A., Pavlichenko O. D. Methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work from the course "Instrumental methods of research" for students of the first level of higher education in the following specialties: 091 "Biology and biochemistry", 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health), 162 Biotechnology and bioengineering, 206 Horticultural management. Odesa: Odesa. national I.I. Mechnikov University, 2023. 57 p. (excerpt from protocol № 2 of the meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Biology dated September 26, 2023).
    2. Kyrylenko N. A. Methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work from the course "Physiology of the autonomic nervous system" for students of the first level of higher education in the majors: 091 "Biology", 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health), 162 Biotechnology and bioengineering. Odesa: Odesa. national I.I. Mechnikov University, 2023. 42 p. (excerpt from protocol № 5 of the meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Biology dated March 16, 2023).
    3. Methodical recommendations for practical classes and independent work from the course "Human Anatomy". Splanchnology for students of the first and second levels of higher education in biological, medical, pedagogical specialties (091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy. Industrial pharmacy, 014 Secondary education) / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, O. D. Pavlichenko, T. V. Kolomiychuk, N. A. Kyrylenko. Odesa: Odesa National I. I. Mechnikov University, 2022. – 63 p.
    4. Methodical recommendations for practical classes and independent work from the course "Human Anatomy". Neurology. Esthesiology for students of the first and second levels of higher education in biological, medical, pedagogical specialties (091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy. Industrial pharmacy, 014 Secondary education) / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, O. D. Pavlichenko, T. V. Kolomiychuk, N. A. Kyrylenko. Odesa: Odesa National I. I. Mechnikov University, 2022. 96 p.
    5. Methodical recommendations for practical classes and independent work from the course "Human Anatomy". Angiology for students of the first and second levels of higher education in biological, medical, pedagogical specialties (091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy. Industrial pharmacy, 014 Secondary education) / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, O. D. Pavlichenko, T. V. Kolomiychuk, N. A. Kyrylenko. Odesa: Odesa National I. I. Mechnikov University, 2022. 52 p.
    6. Methodological recommendations for students of higher educational institutions for laboratory classes in the course "Human Physiology". Part 2. Laboratory works and tasks to test knowledge. Content modules 4-5 / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, N. A. Kyrylenko, L. V. Eberle, O. A. Makarenko. Odesa: Odesa National I. I. Mechnikov University, 2021. 97 p.
    7. Human anatomy. Educational visual guide. Content modules I, II. Introduction to anatomy. Locomotor apparatus. Splanchnology / T. V. Hladkii, O. A. Makarenko, N. A. Kyrylenko, G. V. Maikova, T. V. Kolomiychuk. Odesa: Odesa National I. I. Mechnikov University, 2020. 117 p.
    8. Kyrylenko N. A. Methodical instructions "Methods of anatomical research of plants" for the implementation of scientific research work of students of all forms of education in the direction of training 6.040102 "Biology". Odesa, 2016. 44 p.
  • Tetiana Kolomiichuk

    1. Methodological recommendations for students of higher educational institutions for laboratory classes in the course «Human Physiology». Part 4. Laboratory works and tasks to test knowledge. «Physiology of metabolism and energy. Physiology of secretion" / T. V. Hladkii, T. V. Kolomiіchuk. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2023.  72 p.
    2. Makarenko O. A., Kolomiichuk Т. V. Separate chapters of pathophysiology : lecture notes. Odesa: Nazarchuk S. L., 2022. 115 p.
    3. Human anatomy. Angiology: methodological recommendations for practical classes and homework for students of the first and second levels of higher education in specialties 091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / T. V. Hladkii, T V. Kolomiichuk, G. V. Maikova, O. D. Pavlichenko, N. A. Kyrylenko. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022.  51 p.
    4. Human anatomy. Neurology. Esthesiology: methodological recommendations for practical classes and homework for students of specialties 091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, 014 Secondary education (Biology and human health), first and second levels of higher education / T. V. Hladkii, O. D. Pavlichenko, G. V. Maikova, T. V. Kolomiichuk, N. A. Kyrylenko. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022.  95 p.
    5. Human anatomy. Splanchnology: methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work for students of the first and second levels of higher education in the specialties 091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, O. D. Pavlichenko, T. V. Kolomiichuk, N. A. Kyrylenko. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022.  65 p.
    6. Methodological recommendations for students of higher educational institutions for laboratory classes in the course "Human Physiology". Part 1. Laboratory works and tasks to test knowledge. Content modules 1-3 / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, L. V. Eberle, T. V. Kolomiichuk. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 98 p.
    7. Human anatomy. Educational visual guide. Content modules I, II. Introduction to anatomy. Musculoskeletal apparatus. Splanchnology / T. V. Нladkii, O. A., Makarenko, N. A., Kyrylenko, G. V. Maіkova, T. V. Kolomiichuk. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2020.  120 p.
    8. Methodological recommendations for students of higher educational institutions for laboratory classes in the course "Human Physiology". Part 1. Laboratory works and tasks to test knowledge. Content modules 1-3 / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, L. V. Eberle, T. V. Kolomiichuk. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2020.  76 р.
  • Olga Makarenko

    1. Makarenko O. A. Typical pathological processes : lecture notes. Odesa: Nazarchuk S. L., 2024. 111 р. 
    2. Makarenko O. A., Hladkii T. V. Dietology and rational nutrition. Methodical recommendations to practical ones to take up that independent work for getting a different level of higher education for specialties 091 Biology, 162 Biotechnology and bioengineering, 014.05. Middle light. Biology and healthy people, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2023. 73 p. 1,99 МБ. 
    3. Methods of researching the state of intestines and bones in laboratory rats. Directory / Makarenko O. A. [et al.]. Odesa: Nazarchuk S. L., 2022. 81 p. 
    4. Makarenko O. A., Kolomiichuk Т. V. Separate chapters of pathophysiology : lecture notes. Odesa: Nazarchuk S. L., 2022. – 113 p. 
    5. Methodological recommendations for students of higher educational institutions for laboratory classes in the course «Human Physiology». Part 3. Laboratory works and tasks to test knowledge. «Physiology of digestion. Physiology of respiration" / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, O. A. Makarenko, N. A. Kyrylenko. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. 59 p. 
    6. Methodological recommendations for students of higher educational institutions for laboratory classes in the course "Human Physiology". Part 2. Laboratory works and tasks to test knowledge. Content modules 4-5 / Т. V. Hladkii, H. V. Maikova, N. А. Kyrylenko, L. V. Еbеrlе, O. A. Makarenko. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 97 p.
    7. Human anatomy. Educational visual guide. Content modules I, II. Introduction to anatomy. Musculoskeletal apparatus. Splanchnology / Т. V. Hladkii, O. A. Makarenko, N. А. Kyrylenko, H. V. Maikova, Т. V. Kolomiichuk. Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2020. 117 p. 
  • Olha Pavlichenko

    1. Kyrylenko N. A., Pavlichenko O. D. Methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work from the course "Instrumental methods of research" for students of the first level of higher education in the following specialties: 091 "Biology and biochemistry", 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health), 162 Biotechnology and bioengineering, 206 Horticultural management. Odesa: Odesa. national I.I. Mechnikov University, 2023. 57 p. (excerpt from protocol № 2 of the meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Biology dated September 26, 2023).
    2. Human anatomy. Splanchnology: methodological recommendations for practical classes and homework for students of the first and second levels of higher education in the specializations 091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maikova, O. D. Pavlichenko, T. V. Kolomiichuk, N. A. Kyrylenko. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. – 63 p.
    3. Human anatomy. Neurology. Esthesiology: methodological recommendations for practical classes and homework for students of specializations 091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, 014 Secondary education (Biology and human health), first and second levels of higher education / T. V. Hladkii, O. D. Pavlichenko, G. V. Maikova, T. V. Kolomiichuk, N. A. Kyrylenko. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. – 96 p.
    4. Human anatomy. Angiology: methodological recommendations for practical classes and homework for students of the first and second levels of higher education of specializations 091 Biology, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health) / T. V. Hladkii, T V. Kolomiichuk, G. V. Maikova, O. D. Pavlichenko, N. A. Kyrylenko. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. – 52 p.
    5. Instrumental methods of research in biology. Methodological instructions for carrying out practical work for students of higher education (the level of higher education: first (bachelor)) / N. A. Kyrylenko, O. D. Pavlichenko. – Odessa: Print master, 2021. – 21 р.
    6. Human anatomy. Educational visual guide. Content modules III, IU. Anatomy of the vascular system. Neurology. Esthesiology / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maіkova, L. I. Syomik, M. V. Tkachenko, O. D. Pavlichenko. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2020. – 127 p.
    7. Workshop on Psychophysiology: workshop. / T. V. Hladkii, O. D. Pavlichenko, L. V. Eberle, M. V. Tkachenko. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2020. – 102 p.
    8. Workbook on Human Anatomy. Chapter 1. Locomotor apparatus/ T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Maіkova, O. D. Pavlichenko, T. V. Kolomiichuk, O. V. Denisenko, L. M. Karpov, L. I. Syomik. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2017. – 48 p.
    9. Methodological instructions for laboratory work of the course "Physiology of man and animals" (part 3) for students of the biology faculty of full-time and correspondence forms of study in the direction 6.040102 Biology / L. M. Karpov, L. I. Syomik, T. V. Hladkii, O. D. Pavlichenko, T. V. Kolomiichuk. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2014. – 49 p.
    10. Physiology of endocrine glands. Section 1. General endocrinology/ T. V. Hladkii, T V. Kolomiichuk, L. M. Karpov, L. I. Syomik, G. V. Sivachenko, O. D. Pavlichenko. – A short lecture course on a special course. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2003. – 33 p.
  • Vadim Pienov

    1. Basics of health-preserving activities in educational institutions: methodological guidelines for practical classes and independent work for undergraduate students of the specialty “014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health)” / V. Pienov. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. – 62 p.
    2.  Fundamentals of valeology: methodological recommendations for practical classes, independent work and tests for undergraduate students of the specialties “091 Biology”, “162 Biotechnology and bioengineering”, “206 Horticulture” / V. Pienov. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2022. – 89 p.
    3. Management in educational institutions: methodological guidelines for seminar classes and independent work for graduate students of the specialty “014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health)” / V. Pienov. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. – 44 p.
    4. Basics of medical knowledge: Workshop for students of pedagogical specialties of full-time and extramural education / S. Bashtan, S. Gvozdii, V. Pienov. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2019. – 88 p.
    5.  Methodological recommendations to the section "Concepts of health and methods of determining health" from the course "Fundamentals of valeology" / V. Pienov. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2017. – 26 p.
    6. Methodological materials "Peculiarities of providing first aid for life and health emergencies" for the sections from the course syllabi "Life safety", "Fundamentals of valeology", "Occupational protection" aimed at students of all specialties / V. Pienov. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2017. – 60 p.
    7. The concept of biological weapons and the history of their use / V. V. Pienov // Theoretical and practical approaches to safe living: [method. rec.] / O. I. Burdeniuk, S. P. Gvozdii, L. Ya. Glinska and others; Under the general editorship of S. P. Gvozdii – Odesa: Bukaev Vadim Viktorovych Publisher, 2016.– P. 239-248.
    8. Principles of behavior during accidents at radiation-hazardous facilities / V. V. Pienov // Theoretical and practical approaches to safe living: [method. rec.] / O. I. Burdeniuk, S. P. Gvozdii, L.Ya. Glinska and others; Under the general editorship of S. P. Gvozdii – Odesa: Bukayev Vadim Viktorovych Publisher, 2016. – P. 216-227.
  • Liubov Polishchuk

    1. Prevention of diseases, that have acquired the social significance, in higher education institutions. Methodological recommendations to practice sessions on “Innovative tuition technics on biology, health and natural science fundamentals”, “Health and Safety Ethics”, self-study and extracurricular activities within full time and distant learning classes in pedagogical specializations / S. P. Gvozdii, L. M. Polishchuk. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2019. – 54 p.
    2. Pre-medical assistance in emergency situations wounds, fractures, dislocations Methodological recommendations to practice sessions and self-study on the disciplines “Medical and Sanitary Training”, “Medical Knowledge Fundamentals”, “Life Safety and Labour Protection Fundamentals”, “Civil Protection” for students of all specializations and forms of learning. / S. P. Gvozdii, L. М. Polishchuk. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2019. – 48 p.
    3. Methodological recommendations. Online digest Safety in society. Theoretical and practical approach to safe living: / L. М. Polishchuk Edited by S. P. Gvozdii; team of authors. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016. – P.75 - 92.
    4.  Methodological recommendations.Fundamental actions in the event of different types of car accidents. Theoretical and practical approach to safe living: Online digest / L. М. Polishchuk Edited by S. P. Gvozdii; team of authors. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016. – P. 228 - 238.
    5. Methodological recommendations. Prevention of diseases, that have acquired social significance // Theoretical and practical approach to safe living: Online digest / L. М. Polishchuk Edited by S. P. Gvozdii; team of authors. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016. – P. 93 - 114.
    6.  Methodological instructions to practice sessions on “Civil Protection“ class for students of all specializations and forms of learning in Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University. Part І. Principles of organizing activities on providing help to injured persons and life support in emergency situations / S. P. Gvozdii, L. М. Polishchuk– Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2014. – 32 р.
    7.  Methodological instructions to practice sessions and self-study on “Life Safety Fundamentals“ class for students of all specializations and forms of learning. / І. V. Ivanova, S. P. Gvozdii, E. S. Maidaniuk, A. G. Kozykin, О. S. Bagayeva, L. М. Polishchuk. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2009. – 32 p.
    8. Educational control tasks for the current and final knowledge control on "Medical Knowledge Fundamentals" class (methodological recommendations for pedagogical specializations) / I. V. Ivanova, О. І. Burdeniuk, L. М. Polishchuk, S. P. Gvozdii; Department of Medical Knowledge and Life Safety. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2007. – 31 p.
  • Maya Tkachenko

    1. Methodology of teaching professional disciplines in higher education: method. rec. to practice occupations and independence. works for students of biology. Ph. of the second (master's) level of higher education. special education 091 "Biology and biochemistry". / edited by: O. M. Ruzhitska, M. V. Tkachenko. Odesа: Oldi+, 2023. 36 p.
    2. Production (assistant) practice: method. rec. to org. and assistance practices for students of biology. Ph. of the second (master's) level of higher education. special education 091 "Biology and biochemistry" / edited by: M. V. Tkachenko, O. M. Ruzhitska, T. V. Gladkii. Odesa Oldi+, 2023. 48 p.
    3. Gvozdii S. P., Tkachenko M. V. Methodological recommendations for the preparation and defense of a master’s thesis for applicants of the second (master’s) level in the specialty 014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health). Odesa: I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 48 p.
    4. Workshop on psychophysiology: workshop / T. V. Hladkii, О. Р. Pavlichenko, L. V. Emberle, M. V. Tkachenko. Odesa: I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 122 p.
    5. Methodological guidelines for conducting pedagogical (assistant) practice for educational-scientific degree holders (Doctor of Philosophy) of the specialty 091 Biology /T. V. Hladkii, T. V. Gudzenko, O. M. Ruzhitska, M. V. Tkachenko. Odesa: I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2021.- 35 p.
    6. Human anatomy. Educational visual guide. Content modules 3-4. Anatomy of the vascular system. Neurology. Esthesiology. / T. V. Hladkii, G. V. Mikova, L. I. Semik, О. Р. Pavlichenko, M. V. Tkachenko. Odesa: I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2020. 127 p.
    7. Tkachenko M. V. Innovative learning technologies in biology classes: educational and methodological manual. Odesa: INVAC, 2016. 88 р.
    8. Tkachenko M. V. Higher school pedagogy: Study guide. Odesa: INVAC, 2013. 150 р.
    9. Аnnenkova І. Р., Streltsov E. L., Tkachenko M. V. Monitoring the quality of higher education in the conditions of the credit-module system of organization of the educational process. Tutorial. Odesa: I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2011. 182 p.
    10. Tkachenko M. V. Development of professionally significant qualities of future teachers / technological approach. Methodical manual. Odesa: Odessa Law Institute of KhNUVS, 2006. 78 с.
    11. Tkachenko M. V. Independent work of students in pedagogy in conditions of modular training. Methodical manual. Odesa: Odessa Law Institute of KhNUVS, 2006. 55 с.
  • Ryzhko I. L.

    1. Zoopsychology [Electronic Resource] : Electronic methodological recommendations for seminar classes and independent work for first-level (bachelor) students, specialties 091 «Biology and biochemistry», 014.05 «Secondary education» (Biology and human health), 162 «Biotechnology and Bioengineering», 204 «Garden and Park Management» / compiled by I. L. Ryzhko. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2024. 25 p. 0,9 МB.
    2. General histology. Biology of individual development. Content module II. General histology [Electronic Resource] : Electronic methodological recommendations for independent work for first-level (bachelor) students, biological specialties / compiled by I. L. Ryzhko, V. V. Zamorov. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2024. 36 p. 1,4 МB.
    3. Mechanisms of adaptation [Electronic Resource] : Electronic methodological recommendations for seminar classes and independent work from the course «Mechanisms of adaptation» for second (master's) level students in the specialty 091 «Biology and biochemistry», 014.05 «Secondary education» (Biology and human health), 162 «Biotechnology and Bioengineering», 204 «Garden and Park Management» / compiled by I. L. Ryzhko. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2024. 28 p. 0,9 МB.
    4. Ryzhko I. L., Zamorov V. V. Atlas of the microscopic structure of tissues for laboratory classes in general histology: a visual educational guide / I. L. Ryzhko, V. V. Zamorov. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. 82 p. ISBN 978-617-689-513-8.
    5. Zamorov V. V., Karavanskyi Yu. V., Ryzhko I. L. Fishes of the carp family (Cyprinidae) of Ukrainian reservoirs: a guide. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2015. 121 р.
    6. Hydroecological characteristics of the Danube lakes of Ukraine : monograph / V. V. Zamorov, Yu. M. Zhurtubaev, M. A. Zamorova, E. Yu. Leonchyk, N. P. Radionova, I. I. Radionov, I. L. Ryzhko, N. I. Belenkova / Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2014. – 227 р.
    7. Zamorov V. V., Ryzhko I. L., Karavanskyi Yu. V. Section : Family of carp (Cyprinidae). Part 3. «Fish of the genera Chalcalburnus, Alburnus, Alburnoides, Blicca, Abramis, Vimba, Pelecus, Rhodeus, Carassius, Cyprinus, Hypophthalmichthys, Aristichthys» : Methodological instructions for laboratory and practical classes in the disciplines «Systematics of fishes and their diversity» and «Great special workshop. Definition of fishes and roundmouths» for students of the Biology Faculty, biological specialty. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2012. 58 p.
    8. Basics of ecology: a guide for students of classical universities / V. V. Zamorov, B. G. Alexandrov, I. L. Ryzhko [et al.]. Odesa : Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2012. 115 p. (Гриф МОНмолодь-спорту (лист № 1/11-14718 від 19.09.2012 р.)
  • Ustianska O. V.

    1. Ustianska O. V., Radaieva I. M. "First pre-medical aid with the basics of BZD (Part 1. First pre-medical aid in an emergency)" [Electronic resource]: electronic. method. instructions for conducting practical classes. Odesa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2023. 42 p. 
    2. Ustianska O. V., Radaieva I. M. "First pre-medical aid with the basics of BZD. Part 2. Protection of the population during emergencies of man-made and military nature": [Electronic resource] electronic methodical instructions for conducting practical classes. Odesa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2023. 67 p.
    3. Ustianska O. V., Radaieva I. M. "First pre-medical aid with the basics of BZD. Part 3. Disinfection. Means of individual protection of the population": [Electronic resource] electronic methodical instructions for conducting practical classes. Odesa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2023. 77 p
    4. Ustianska O. V., Radaieva I. M. "Fundamentals of medical knowledge. Care of the sick and injured" (Part I): [Electronic resource] electronic methodical instructions for conducting practical classes. Odesa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2023. 77 p. – 3.72 MB
    5. Ustianska O. V., Radaieva I. M. Epidemiology of diseases of civilization [Electronic resource]: workbook. Odesa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2023. 67 p. – 839 KB 
    6. Eberle L. V., Ustianska O. V., Shkodovska A. M. I. Bioethics and biosafety [Electronic resource]: electronic. method. instructions for practice. student works Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the first (bachelor) level of education, special. 102 Chemistry (ONP Pharmaceutical Chemistry), and the second (master's) 226 "Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy". Odesa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2023. 59 p. – 1.2 MB. 
    7. Ustianska O. V., Eberle L. V. Biological chemistry. Part I: Method. instructions for laboratory work. Odesa: Odessa. national I. I. Mechnikov University, 2022. 92 p. onu.edu.ua
    8. Ustianska O. V., Eberle L. V. Biological chemistry. Part II: Method. instructions for laboratory work. Odesa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2022. 90 p. onu.edu.ua
    9. Ustianska O. V., Shkodovska A. M. I. Biological chemistry. Part I: General patterns of metabolism: a workbook for laboratory work. Odesa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2022. 48 p. onu.edu.ua
    10. Ustianska O. V., Shkodovska A. M. I. Biological chemistry. Part II: Molecular biology. Biochemistry of intercellular communications and physiological functions: a workbook for laboratory work. Odesa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2022. 52 p. onu.edu.ua
    11. Ustianska O. V., Shkodovska A. M. I. General characteristics and classification of modern methods of research of biological systems. Spectroscopic methods of analysis. Part II [Electronic resource]: method. instructions Odesa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2022. 84 p. – 1.7 MB 
    12. Ustianska O. V., Shkodovska A. M. I. General characteristics and classification of modern methods of research of biological systems. Sound research methods in the clinic. Ch. I [Electronic resource]: method. instructions Odesa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2022. 60 p. - 2.3 MB 
    13. Eberle L. V., Ustianska O. V. Homeopathic medicines: method. instructions for conducting practical classes from the course in the specialty: 226 "Pharmacy. Industrial Pharmacy" and 102 "Chemistry". Odesa: Odessa. national University named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2022. 50 p. 
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