Zoological museum
Head of the Zoological Museum
Volodymyr Lobkov
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Zoological museum as s scientific establishment of the biological faculty
The post-war history the museum began with the recovery of the damaged and lost during the occupation. It was supervised by professor M.P. Savchuk and assistant L.E. Beshevli. When professor I.I Pusanov arrived in Odesa, the recovery and both extension and enrichment of the exposition hardly began. The professor organized a broad faunistic study of the lower of the Dniester and other regions of the Southern-Western Black Sea region, involving in that study young scientists and students (V.S. Gubski, A.Ya.Slobodyanik and others). The collection of the museum began to replenish, and farther, in connection with a redeployment in a new location in the new-built biological faculty, this process speeded up. Taxidermists Yu.S. Nikandrov, S.V. Mikhailov, artist B.I. Volodarski, laboratory assistants I.I. Genesin and Yu.V. Suvorov had an opportunity to create even art biogroups, such as " the Wolves on a day time respite", " In swamps of the Danube" and so forth. The assimilation of a sculptural method has enabled to create also a series of large stuffed sharks and slopes, to mount a skeleton of a light-blue whale. In due course the exhibition replenished with a collection of birds of the Antarctic Region, fish of ocean and other material, which were collected by the former graduates from the biological faculty and then transmitted to the museum.
There were expeditions to Western and East Siberia, Northern Caspian, in mountains Sayany and Caucasus performed by the workers of the museum. A. Treskin and I. Zamorov have visited even the Indian ocean, whence they brought collections of tropical fishes and mollusks. The collection was considerably enriched in the result of inter-exchange with museums of Novosibirsk, Alma-Ata, Vladivostok and others.
Now the funds and expositions of the museum are supported thanks to the work of the head of the museum V. Lobkov and his staff
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