

The total number of ECTS credits is:

  • 240 ECTS credits for the undergraduate curriculum
  • 90 ECTS credits for the Master's Curriculum

The faculty provides the teaching of disciplines of professional and practical training:

  • The first foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish)
  • The second foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Modern Greek)
  • The third foreign language (German, French, Spanish, Italian, Modern Greek, Romanian, Chinese)
  • The Latin language
  • History of the first foreign language
  • Stylistics
  • Lexicology
  • Culture studies of the countries where the first and second languages are native
  • Theoretical grammar
  • Introduction to Germanic / Romance Philology
  • Introduction to Translation Studies
  • History of foreign literature
  • Methods of teaching a foreign language and literature
  • Pedagogy
  • Theory and practice of translation
  • Translation of business speech
  • Fundamentals of the theory of speech communications
  • Literary studies
  • Linguistics, etc.

Students also study the basic disciplines that constitute an education in the sphere of Humanities (philosophy, political science, sociology, the basics of law, psychology, ethics and aesthetics, religious studies, the history of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture, the Ukrainian language of professional orientation, literature and painting, the basics of art and special courses in the specialty (psycholinguistics, gender linguistics), cognitive research, linguistic culture and translation, intercultural communication, etc.).

The Faculty of Romanсe-Germanic Philology has a computer class, where the conditions are created for the application of information technologies in the study of a foreign language, for linguistic research, for the implementation of term papers and dissertations. The faculty also has an art history cabinet, an experimental phonetics laboratory, a specially equipped simultaneous translation room and resource linguistic and regional centres of English, German, French, Spanish, Modern Greek, Italian and Chinese.

035 Philology

  • PhD disciplines

    Compulsory disciplines

    • Philosophy of science and scientist’s ethics
    • Research project activity and intellectual property
    • Academic writing in a foreign language
    • Communication technologies of the scientific discourse
    • History, concepts, and contemporary scientific achievements
    • Methods, analysis, and presentation of research results
    • Pedagogical practice

    Selective disciplines (Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology)

    • Pedagogy of Higher Education
    • Literary, scientific and mass communication as an object of linguistic research
    • Cognitive onomastics
    • Comparative Imagology
    • Linguoculture and translation in the modern paradigm space
    • Cognitive-communicative axiology
    • Domestic and international scientific and metric bases
    • Theolinguistics
    • Gender Studies in linguistics
    • Gustatory code of culture
    • Artistic communication as a kind of communication
    • Problems and prospects of territorial variation in speech
    • Neurolinguistics in the paradigm of modern philology
    • Ephrasis in modern literary perception
    • Communicative linguistics through the prism of Gestalt theory

    Selective disciplines (Philological Faculty)

    • Authorial worlds of Neo-Romantic writers
    • Theoretical-and-literary Thought of the early 21st century
    • NLP Fundamentals
    • Fundamentals of Linguoconflictology
    • Modern literary strategies of literary text interpretations
    • Fundamentals of Linguopersonology
    • Technologies of Communicative Influence
    • Functional types of Language
    • Mainstream areas of modern linguistics
    • Mainstream areas of contemporary Literary Studies
    • Main issues of applied linguistic research

    Selective disciplines (other faculties)

    • Psychology of efficient time-management
    • Internationalization of academic and research activities
    • Methods of statistical data processing

  • Elective disciplines (Department of English Grammar)

    1st year

    Classification of Parts of Speech (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. E.Pozharytska)

    Brushing up the knowledge obtained at school and enlightening students on the seemingly easy, but, in fact, quite intricate problems of English grammar, the present course lays the groundwork for those majoring in English and willing to enjoy a safe start at university. It aims at familiarising students with the basic notions of Grammar, like the part of speech and parts of speech in English as well as the ways they function in English sentences; the sentence, its communicative types, and typical English word order in them; the sentence member and basic sentence members in the English sentence. The lectures also cover all types of questions, together with their communicative peculiarities. Students will get to know more about the pronouns It and There and their roles in impersonal and nominative sentences & sentences of unclear existence (There is time… Vs It is time…).

    Grammatical peculiarities of a simple sentence (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. О. Lymarenko)

    This course focuses on basic principles of constructing a simple sentence in modern English. Students are taught to differentiate communicative and structural types of simple sentences, to distinguish between the core of a sentence and its adjuncts. Special attention is drawn to the word order, to the place of secondary members in particular. Peculiarities of some sentence structures in oral speech are also highlighted.

    2nd year

    Peculiarities of Phrasal Verb Usage in the English Language (PhD in Pedagogy, Assoc. Prof. O. Khromchenko)

    The course is designed to empower university students with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in effectively using phrasal verbs. This course aims to address the challenges students often encounter when dealing with these complex linguistic structures. Through a combination of theoretical insights and hands-on exercises, participants will gain a deep understanding of the nuances, meanings, and applications of phrasal verbs in various contexts.

    The course structure consists of two main components. The theoretical segment delves into the linguistic mechanics of phrasal verbs, exploring their formation, separability, and idiomatic nature. Students will learn to decipher the intricate relationship between the verb and the accompanying particle, enhancing their ability to grasp the intended message of these expressions.

    The practical aspect of the course focuses on honing students' practical skills through engaging activities. These activities include real-life scenarios, context-based exercises, and interactive discussions that encourage participants to apply phrasal verbs accurately and confidently. By immersing themselves in authentic language usage, students will gradually build the expertise needed to integrate phrasal verbs naturally into both written and spoken communication.

    Upon completing the course, students can expect to have a solid foundation in using phrasal verbs effectively. They will be equipped with strategies to decode new phrasal verbs encountered in academic materials, texts, and everyday conversations. This specialized course not only enhances linguistic proficiency but also cultivates the ability to communicate fluently and eloquently, setting students on a path to successful academic and professional endeavors.

    Implementation of the Project-Based Approach in Institutions of Higher Education (PhD in Pedagogy, Assoc. Prof. O. Khromchenko)

    The course focuses on the unique aspects of utilizing the project method to teach subject matters with a professional orientation. The main objectives are to foster research skills, nurture creative aptitude, and enhance the intellectual curiosity of higher education students. This course comprises two main components: a theoretical segment that delves into the analysis of diverse scholarly viewpoints regarding the essence of the "project method." It also involves classifying educational projects based on various perspectives concerning the feasibility of incorporating design elements into the educational process. The practical aspect of the course centers on guiding students in crafting their own projects. Opting for this specialized course offers several valuable outcomes: the ability to think independently, tackle issues using knowledge from multiple disciplines, formulate hypotheses, draw conclusions, and ultimately, break away from a purely formal approach to education. Project-based learning facilitates a shift toward practical educational outcomes.

    Principles of sequence of grammatical tenses (PhD in Pedagogy, Assoc. Prof. O. Khromchenko)

    The special course is dedicated to highlighting the main principles of sequence of grammatical tenses in the English language. The proposed special course involves the study of a certain system of dependence of the grammatical tense of a verb in a subordinate clause on the grammatical tense used in the principle clause of a complex sentence. The special course, which is taught in English, gives students the opportunity to improve their foreign language communication skills, since the rules of sequence of tenses are used in indirect (reported) speech.

    3rd year

    Non-finite forms of the verb (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. О. Lymarenko)

    This course focuses on the non-finite forms of the verb (verbals) in English: their forms, syntactic functions in the sentence, peculiarities of their realisation in modern English. Special attention is drawn to the comparative analysis of the verbals usage in different types of sentences in formal and informal English.  

    Realisation of the category of modality (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. О. Lymarenko)

    This course aims at building students’ practical competence in the usage of modal verbs in moden English. For this purpose the following topics are highlighted: the notion of the category of modality as means of presenting (un)real attitude of the speaker towards the objective world; types of modality and its realisation in the English language; the usage of modal verbs (their classification, grammatical forms and semantic meaning).

    4th year

    Verbalisation of Unreality in English (Doctor in Philology, Full Professor I.Morozova)

    The special course is devoted to the basic principles of expressing unreality in English through the prism of the logical and philosophical concept of subjective modality. The main goal of the course is to highlight grammatical principles of constructing modal utterances and their use in current speech. The material is delivered with the view of practical use of the oblique moods in the English language, taking into account diachronic trends of its development. The course consists of the theoretical part, which examines the concept of "subjective modality", means of expressing modality, types of the oblique moods and their basic speech models in English. The practical part of the course is devoted to training students actively to employ different types of moods in their current speech.

    Syntactic Complexes (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. E.Pozharytska)

    The course of lectures makes one of the most difficult topics in Grammar, i.e. syntactic complexes, quite easy and comprehensible. With an ample amount of time on our hands, we’ll dedicate enough classes to understanding the communicative functions of infinitive, gerundial, and participle complexes and phrases, see their possible transformations and the way they function in modern English. In fact, syntactic complexes are a turn of phrase that will make your speech sound English, so coming to grips with them is another step to fluency and proficiency.

    Syntactic Sentence Analysis (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. M. Karpenko)

    The course covers the basic concepts of analysing a simple sentence. In particular, attention is paid to the following points:

    • Differentiation of various sentence members;
    • Typical ways of expressing each sentence member;
    • Analysis of the morphological characteristics of various parts of speech;
    • Types and subtypes of the subject, predicate, object, adverbial modifier, attribute;
    • Structural and communicative classification of sentences.

    Graduate school

    1st year

    Modern Linguistic Trends (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. M. Karpenko, PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. E.Pozharytska)

    The course is orientated at the systematisation and generalisation of the attendees’ knowledge in modern trends in linguistics, including those in teaching foreign languages. It gives the attendees a substantial platform to find their way in the wide scope of different linguistic and didactic problems and single out the most essential trends for their further professional development. The course also highlights modern methodological and linguistic approaches for a deep study of language units of different levels.

    English Communicative Style (Doctor in Philology, Assoc. Prof. V.Neklesova)

    This course focuses on the establishment and improvement of students' professional speech competence. The course is aimed at mastering and developing the components of business communicative competence and culture, improving the forms and functions of the culture of business communication. The lecture course contributes to the readiness of students to use a foreign language in the context of various aspects of the professional environment in the English-speaking background and to realise effective communication within the business milieu.

    2nd year

    Psycholinguistics (Doctor in Philology, Full Professor E.Karpenko)

    The discipline is dedicated to highlighting the principles of comprehension, production and perception of speech. The main purpose of the course is to familiarize students with the basics of psycholinguistics in order to prevent difficulties with teaching material in future professional activities, as well as to understand better the features of memory functioning and speech competence of information recipients. Lecture topics include speech ontogenesis, the level of speech perception: psychological mechanisms, internal vocabulary, speech production models, conversion interactions. It is also planned to conduct psycholinguistic experiments, interpretation and analysis of their results.

    Foundations of Cognitive Onomastics (Doctor in Philology, Assoc. Prof. V.Neklesova)

    The course is dedicated to the study of proper names, onyms, and is designed for all who are interested in proper names. The leading problem of cognitive onomastics is mental being of proper names. Onyms enter mental lexicon daily in great quantities, but only necessary, subjectively valuable remain there and transform, being coded in concepts. Emerging into speech they undergo transformation being encoded into words. Onymic concepts are connected with other elements of mental lexicon as their organizers, optimizing the functioning of mental lexicon and increasing its effectiveness.

    Framing of the mental lexicon (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. M. Karpenko)

    The purpose of the educational discipline is to acquaint students with the functions and transformation of proper names in the language mentality, to trace the interrelationships of language, speech and thinking, to investigate the formation of the mental lexicon and its organization into a number of onymic frames in the linguistic consciousness of a person. The main task of the course is to study the principles of framing the mental lexicon of an individual, to consider anonymous frames. As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student of higher education should learn the processes of conceptualization and categorization of common and proper names, be able to follow the interrelationships of various onymic frames, investigate the formation of the onymic component of a person's mental lexicon.

    Intra- and Extra-Lingual Determiners of Universal Attractiveness (Doctor in Philology, Full Professor I.Morozova)

    The given course considers the problem of intra- and extra-lingual means of creating (and self-creating) appealing personalities. The peculiarity of the suggested approach consists in a close study of obviously negative virtual and real personalities who are known to enjoy universal sympathy despite their evil natures. The course discloses various mental-and-lingual mechanisms of creating particular personal images, with focusing on the verbal side of the process and a communicative models study. The students are supposed to be familiarized with R. Sassower’s conception of “global and universal appeal” and with image-making elaborations suggested by Harvard University. The course will result in giving its attendees practical skills in verbal modelling granting a positive feedback from the audience addressed.

  • Elective disciplines (Department of English Lexicology and Stylistics)

    3rd year

    Ways of learning and teaching vocabulary (Doctor of Philology, Assoc. Prof. L. Strochenko)

    The special course focuses on:

    1. Basic principles in teaching vocabulary: theoretical background; objectives; students’ needs in vocabulary acquisition;
    2. Methods and approaches in vocabulary teaching;
    3. Types of vocabulary exercises;
    4. Ways of learning vocabulary: language learning styles; traditional and innovative ways of memorizing new words.

    Introduction to Feminist Linguistics (Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. N. Dolusova)

    The course is devoted to the basic principles of Feminist Critique of the Language - the study of patriarchal stereotypes in English texts of various genres. The course consists of a theoretical part, which introduces the basic concepts of Feminist Linguistics, as well as the method of Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis. During practical classes, students develop the skills of analytical reading of women's texts, learn to identify patriarchal stereotypes and analyze the vocabulary that represents them.

    The theory of narrative (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. O. Igina)

    The course is intended for the 3d year students of Romance-Germanic Faculty majoring in English. It introduces the key concepts and basic notes on Narratology and Narrative, clarifies the types of organising Narrative. The lecturers are aimed at specifying the main types of Narrative such as "ich -erzahlung", "er-erzahlung", "entrusted narrative". The notion of Narrator such as Author-1, Author-2, non-ordinary narrator is also focused on. To sum up, the diachronic development of the main types of Narrative is represented. The course is conducted in English.

    How to make an effective presentation (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. O. Rozanova)

    Communication works for those who work on it! The series of workshops is designed for the students interested in advancing their knowledge and developing their competence of Professional Communication Skills in order to hold the key of communication in business context. The course, conducted fully in English, gives the participants an opportunity, on the one hand, to brush up accuracy and fluency of their language, and, on the other hand, to deepen their expertise in communicating more effectively in the frame of business environment. All classes are supported by a range of Video and Audio materials, a variety of communicative activities and a number of language tasks both focused on training business vocabulary, arranging information in logical order and reaching clear and coherent structure. A special focus is placed on the aspect of cultural diversity and its influence on the effectiveness of the procedure of making a presentation.

    Mass media discourse (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. L. Terekhova)

    The course “Mass media discourse” focuses on pragmatic and discourse peculiarities of English-language newspaper communication. The following fields are highlighted and covered in the course: the history of newspaper communication, the stages of creating a journalistic text, types of newspaper articles, pragmatics of newspaper texts belonging to different genres, the structure of a newspaper article (text, paratext, the interaction “text-paratext”), advertisement as a text.

    4th year

    Elements of the narrative-compositional form "description" in a literary text and in its screenplay communicative transform (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. O. Kaliniuk)

    This course allows students to expand their understanding of one of the types of division of a literary text, namely, narrative-compositional division, and also helps to consider the types of transformation of a literary text and the components of narrative-compositional form "description" in the text of its screenplay.

    Introduction to Ethnolinguistics (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. K. Krasnytska)

    Description: Within this course such notions as "national identity", "culture constants", "linguocultural concepts" will be looked into. We will examine the peculiarities of ethnospecific world-view of Ukrainians and the English, their linguo-cultural bonds with other ethnic groups will be identified. Furthermore, we will learn to avoid and solve some problems of cross-cultural communication while discovering the source of these problems.

    Reading English business press (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. N. Stepaniuk)

    The course “Reading English business press” is designed for students of the fourth year. The aim of the course is to help students understand English business press by enlarging their special vocabulary as well as developing the skills of expressing their opinion on business topics.

    International English Exams and Tests (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. O. Tomchakovsky)

    The course focuses on the Common European Framework (CEFR) language levels and main international English exams and tests, such as Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL®); International English Language Testing System (IELTS); Cambridge English Qualifications; Pearson English Language Test (PTE Academic).

    Graduate school

    Modern English Lexicography (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. O. Tomchakovskyi

    The course focuses on

    1. A brief history of English lexicography: pre-history: from glossaries to dictionaries; dictionaries of ‘hard’ words; Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century dictionaries;
    2. Main components of the dictionary and dictionary structures (microstructure, macrostructure, megastructure, cross-reference structure);
    3. Types of dictionaries (General dictionary typology);
    4. Illustrations in dictionaries: purpose and functions of illustrations; types of illustrations.

  • Elective disciplines (Department of Theoretical and Applied Phonetics of the English Language)


    The peculiarities of English speech division

    (Associate Professor, L.V. Savilova)

    The special course is intended for the 1st year students as the introduction to the theory of English intonation, its structure elements and functions. Intonation is a powerful means of human intercommunication and the communicative function of intonation is considered most important.

    As the main goal of the students of our department is to sound correct, natural and understandable, it is essential to learn to organize your speech logically adequate, i.e. to divide the sentences into smaller units (intonation groups/ thought groups/chunks/sense groups). English is a time-stressed language thus rhythm and stress are of our major interest here. To make the communicative act successful it is also important to be aware of the peculiarities of the intonation patterns in accordance with the speaker’s communicative intention (i.e. whether the phrase is a question, exclamation, statement etc.). Finally, intonation serves to convey connotational meaning of “ attitude” such as surprise, annoyance, enthusiasm, involvement, etc. . and thus the speaker sounds vibrant and expressive. Any shade of feeling or attitude can be conveyed by changes in pitch, widening or narrowing the voice rang, modifying the tempo, increasing or decreasing the loudness of the voice by changing its quality, using emphatic tones and Heads and in various other ways. These basic peculiarities of English speech are in focus of this course. The materials are presented using audio and video resources.

    Quasi-spontaneous speech (Associate Professor, N. R. Grygorian)

    Summary.The course is intended for junior students and introduces basic characteristics of dialogical quasi-spontaneous speech. Being the variety of spontaneous speech, quasi-spontaneous speech is the main subject of study and definition at the course lectures.The course materials are illustrated by audio files and may be useful at writing course papers.

    Prosodic peculiarities of institutional discourse

    (Associate Professor, N.V. Lanchukovska)

    The course is intended for students of the 3rd year of study who have chosen the phonetic direction of scientific research and study the prosodic features of institutional discourse. As part of the course, students focus on understanding the distinctive characteristics of various types of institutional discourse (political, diplomatic, administrative, legal, military, pedagogical, religious, mystical, medical, business, advertising, sports, scientific, stage, mass-informational, etc.). Course materials are presented using audio and video materials.

    Oral Mass Communication and its Influence Factors

    (Associate Professor, O. K. Pelivan)

    The course is intended for students of the 3rd year of study who have chosen the phonetic direction of scientific research and study the peculiarities of oral mass communication and its influence factors. As part of the course, students study the main theories of oral mass communication, its means and types, and also focus on the understanding of mass communication influence as a communicative process, its types and factors.

    Prosody of oral discourse. Perceptive characteristics of oral discourse

    (Prof. N.O. Kravchenko)

    The course is intended for students of the 3rd year of study who have chosen the phonetic direction of scientific research and study the peculiarities of the functioning of verbal and non-verbal means in oral communication. As part of the course, students focus on understanding the distinctive characteristics of various phonetic styles of oral discourse (everyday, academic, publicistic, informational, etc.). Course materials are presented using audio and video materials.

    Teaching English: expanding pedagogical skills

    (Prof. N. O. Bigunova)

    Summary. The special course is focused on the opportunities that the student-centred approach to teaching English offers; as well as the language immersion techniques, language games, cognitive approach to grasping new language patterns; studying the basics of theatrical skills.

    Peculiarities of syntactic phrasal stress and pausation in English speech

    (Prof. N.O. Kravchenko)

    The course is intended for students of the 4th year of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology to study the peculiarities of the functioning of prosodic means of actual accentuation of oral communication. As part of the course, students focus on the problem of the structural organization of the rhythmic-intonational component of English speech. The meaning-distinguishing function of intonation is carried out due to the opposition of utterances that differ in certain intonation parameters - melody, phrasal stress, volume, tempo, rhythm, pause, timbre of the speaker's voice.

    Linguistic Changes in Modern English

    ( Associate Professor, Y. V. Vit)

    This course is intended for the 4th year students, specializing in English Philology, and includes theoretical and practical material in the field of linguistic changes in modern English that took place in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The course includes the following topics: changes in pronunciation, changes in the grammatical structure of the English language, changes in the lexical composition of the English language and a description of the social factors that influenced the creation of new lexical units studied in the given course.


    Methods and principles of experimental research of speech

    (Associate Professor, N. R. Grygorian)

    The course is intended for the senior and master’s degree students who are concerned with the problems of contemporary sociolinguistics and sociophonetics. The course focuses on the study of peculiarities of modern English variation by means of situational-stratified method of investigation. The study of social and language structures’ contacts and methods of experimental investigation of speech may be useful at writing course and master’s degree papers.

    Neuro-lingual and theolingual mechanisms of speech activity

    (Prof. I.M.Kolegaeva, N.O. Kravchenko)

    The course is intended for second-year masters of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology. The complex theoretical discipline provides for a step-by-step two-level consideration of the mechanisms of speech generation.

    From the point of view of neurolinguistics, the brain mechanisms of speech activity and the associated speech-thinking processes are described, namely: the ways of obtaining sensory information (vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch), its further cognitive processing and subsequent transformation into speech. The neuro-lingual organization of mental processes of creation and understanding of an utterance is considered.

    From the point of view of theolinguistics as a modern synthetic discipline aimed at theological comprehension of the linguistic processes occurring in religious discourse, religious discourse is considered as a multi-level communication carried out in two planes - horizontal (communication of a clergyman with believers) and vertical (communication of a person with the Almighty).

    Verbal and non-verbal realisation of evaluation in fictional discourse

    (Prof. N. O. Bigunova)

    Summary. The special course focuses at unveiling the mechanisms of evaluation verbalization. Evaluation, traditionally seen as a category of logic, is now considered a universal cognitive category that shapes the semantics of language units and the pragmatics of their use in speech. Special attention is paid to the factors that determine the choice of evaluative speech means, such as communicative strategies, communicants’ expectations and intentions, their individual and social characteristics.

  • Elective disciplines (Department of Theory and Practice of Translation)

    3rd year

    Introduction in Translation as Profession (Doctor of Philology, Full Professor O. Matuzkova)

    The course aims at building translators/interpreter’s expertise and competence. It focuses on basic history of translation, translator’s professional ethics, skills, professional advantages and disadvantages, linguocultural aspects of translation, avoiding loan translation, technological and psychological aspects of translation, translation aspects of classic mythology, the Bible, Shakespearisms, idioms and proverbs, typical mistakes while translating.

    Student's thesis on translation and contrastive studies (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. S. Ieriomenko, PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. Kyryllova M. )

    The course highlights the process of writing students’ thesis on translation. It discusses the areas of focus of translation studies. The requirements to students’ thesis on translation are considered. The present theoretical course is dedicated to the contrastive analysis of the original and translation of the texts of Modern English prose. It given an opportunity to reveal language discrepancies and coincidences on the level of the whole text as well as on other levels of the text structure. The course has scientific importance and practical innovation.

    4th year

    Translation and Culture (Doctor of Philology, Full Professor O. Matuzkova)

    The course aims at building cultural and linguocultural expertise and competence of teachers and translators|interpreters. It focuses on constituents of linguocultural expertise, culture typologies through the prism of translation and comparison of Ukrainian, British and other ethnic linguocultures (individualism/collectivism, time and space categorization, communication styles, speech etiquette).

    EU Terminology as an Integrated Terminological System (Translation Aspect) (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. O. Hrynko, PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. I. Raievska, PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. L. Iarovenko)

    Multilingualism is central to the EU’s language policy. It became a catalyst for continuously growing translation activities both inside and outside of the organization. Ukraine’s aspiration toward joining the European community asks for the profound studies of the EU terminological system. This specialized course looks at the functioning of the European Union terminology and problems of its translation into Ukrainian. The development of the Ukraine's international relations with the outside world and membership in various international organizations have contributed to the considerable growth of translation activity in this field and asks for the profound study of the terminology of these organizations. The specialized course looks at the peculiarities of the terminology of international organizations and institutions and the problem of its translation from English into Ukrainian.

    This course focuses on maritime cargo documentation, namely:

    • Bill of lading
    • Invoice
    • Delivery order
    • Loading order
    • Packing list
    • Certificate of quality
    • Certificate of origin

    Its aim is to teach students to translate the stated types of maritime documentation.

    Graduate school

    Problems of Regulatory (Normative) Documents Translation (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. I. Raievska)

    Regulatory (normative) documents are divided into two groups: normative and non-normative acts. These include resolutions of authorities, international treaties, explanatory notes, instructions and regulations, etc. But all these documents are characterized by the peculiarities of presenting information and the use of specific terms and structures. The course looks at the theoretical grounds of translation of normative documents and peculiarities of their translation into Ukrainian.

    Strategies of scientific-technical translation (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. L. Iarovenko)

    The course focuses on lexical and grammatical peculiarities of scientific-technical literature. Its aim is to teach students to translate texts of various sublanguages of engineering and scientific texts and also to provide training to students in different types of technical translations.

    Humour: linguistic and translation characteristics (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. A. Boldyrieva)

    The course is devoted to the comprehensive study of humour: its cognitive nature and cognitive mechanism of creating humorous effect are established, linguistic means of creating humorous effect in fiction and translation are studied.

    Identity as a Linguocultural Phenomenon (Doctor of Philology, Full Professor O. Matuzkova)

    The course aims at building awareness about lionguoculturology – innovative interdisciplinary philological discipline and one of its major categories – linguocultural identity. The course formulates the research methodology of collective identity as linguocultural phenomenon and suggests a basic definition of identity as an interdisciplinary category. It also constructs linguocultural hyperconcept ENGLISH IDENTITY as a model for cognitive-discursive description of any ethnic-cultural collective identity/ The course also explores why modern English identity is not a national or ethnic construct, but first and foremost linguocultural , based on the system of dominant key values: courtesy, domesticity, fair play, liberty, moderation and humour.

    Current Ukrainian translation: translators, publishing houses and on-line journals (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. S. Ieriomenko)

    The course highlights current Ukrainian translation. It discusses the issues of Ukrainian and foreign publishing houses and on-line translators’ journals. It also focuses on Ukrainian translators.

    British Identity (Doctor of Philology, Full Professor O. Matuzkova)

    The course aims at building awareness about modern British individual and collective identity. It focuses on identity definition, structure and typology, the quintessence of collective and individual British identities: national, ethnic, family, geographical, class, men and women, social, religious, political etc. The course also discovers the peculiarities of current linguocultural British collective identity as a system of values.

  • Elective disciplines (Department of German Philology)

    3rd year

    Functioning of language units for special purposes in a nationwide language (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. S. Boguslawskij)

    This course is devoted to the issues of transfer into the national language of language units for special purposes, their education, functioning both in the language for special purposes and in the national language. The reasons for the nomination processes, forms and methods of term formation are explained.

    Online teaching and education: Introduction to Data Wise: A Collaborative Process to Improve Learning & Teaching (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. K. Pylypiuk)

    Educators have an ever-increasing stream of data at their fingertips, but knowing how to use this data to improve learning and teaching — how to make it less overwhelming, more useful, and part of an effective collaborative process — can be challenging. Based on the book Data Wise: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning, this course describes a clear, 8-step process for using a wide range of data sources to improve instruction. You will see what this disciplined way of working with colleagues can look and feel like in a school setting.  Platform: GoToWebinar

    Variability of the German sound speech in mass media (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. T. Verbitska)

    In the digital age, mass communication sees the dominating role of sounding speech. To achieve the global goal of teaching foreign languages – communicative competence – it is necessary to acquire a sufficiently high level of skills and abilities of decoding sounding media speech. The course focuses on the phonetic side of speech, sounded in the German-speaking media, which is characterized by polycentrism. Pronunciation features of German sounding speech are manifested in significant variability, which is associated primarily with:

    1. The presence of national variants of the German pronunciation norm (Standardaussprache).
    2. Phonostylistic levels of sounding speech.

    Trends in the Contemporary German Language (Doctor of Pedagogy, Full Professor N. Kolesnichenko)

    The course studies the changes of the contemporary German language related to the globalization and European integration. The special emphasis is placed on the youth speech as well as on the gender’s influence on the contemporary German language.

    The linguistic link of ancient German dialects with the modern ones (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. Kulina I.G.)

    The recommended special course aims at familiarizing the students with the development of German language, starting with the Old High German period, when the language existed in a large number of different dialects, to its present state, i.e. Standardsprache. The theoretical and practical materials of the course will help to confirm the fact that it is the dialects that formed the basis for the development and formation of unified German national language, that a dialect is genetically linked to a language in the course of historical development. In practical classes, while analyzing modern texts taken from newspapers and books written in certain German dialects, students, comparing them to identical texts written in Standarddeutsche, should recognize the territorially marked linguistic units and those, which are due to different fluctuations led to a new state of the language and became its new attractor. The students are supposed to take the end-of-course tests bases on the presented material. The students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge for writing coursework assignments, bachelors and masters theses.

    4th year

    German in Austria: Diversity and Changes (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. M. Didenko)

    The course focuses on the linguistic diversity and dynamics of the German language in Austria from a sociolinguistic and system-linguistic perspective. The focus is on vocabulary, morphology and syntax. The content of the course focuses primarily on the following two main issues:

    1. Who says what form / styles / varieties of German language, when, how, with whom and what for in Austria?
    2. What are the similarities and differences of linguistic variation at different linguistic levels or different lexical and grammatical attributes?

    E-learning methods in teaching of foreign languages (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. I. Azarova)

    The course considers an opportunity for integration of e-learning methods in teaching of foreign languages. There are offered, closely studied and analyzed some effective methods, means and resources of online education to provide them into educational programs of study for modern foreign languages. The course is also to define a solid rational for the using e-learning/online methods in institutions of higher education.

    Syntax of the Simple Sentence in the German Language (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. S. Boguslawskij)

    Units and syntax issues. The theory of valencе and combinability of words in the German sentence. The problem of modeling and its implementation in the sentence. Predicаtivity Category. Communicative division of a sentence.

    Syntax of the Composite Sentence in the German Language (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. S. Boguslawskij)

    The course discusses the main characteristics, problems and functioning of complex and compound sentences, as well as all kinds of subordinate clauses in the light of their syntactic function and combination in a sentence.

    Fremdwörter in der deutschen Sprache (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. Iu. Monastyrska)

    The objective of the course is the usage of foreign words in the contemporary German language. It also covers the causes of their occurrence and adaptation to the German language standard. Students have the opportunity to differentiate between borrowings and foreign words. The output is the students ability to  define the extent of Germanization of foreign words in the codified norm. The Course is conducted in German.

    Semantic Processes in German Lexis (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. I. Kulina)

    Within the offered special course the students will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with lexical composition of Germanic languages, to get an idea of ​​the psychology of thinking, life, customs and way of life of ancient Germans; to observe the semantic development of a word (the acquisition or loss of motivation, the polarization of meanings, etc.); to learn about the causes, types and means of semantic changes in the process of German language development from ancient times to modern ones. After completing the course, the students must investigate certain lexical units, taking into account their etymology and semantics, and perform tests on the material studied independently, using ancient and modern texts and dictionaries, using comparative historical and other methods. The students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge for writing coursework assignments, bachelors and masters theses.

    Theory of Mediation: a basic course (Doctor of Pedagogy, Full Professor N. Kolesnichenko)

    The course looks at the key aspects of mediation which aims at conflict-free communication between a student – a student, a student – a professor, a student – a family member, a student – a friend. The basics of mediation promote the quality of education and socialization of an individual in any society.

    Graduate school

    Gender Linguistics (Doctor of Pedagogy, Full Professor N. Kolesnichenko)

    The Gender Linguistics course focuses on the 3 waves of feminism, their influence on the language, and on how much it has affected the modern society. The course looks at all the stages of its establishment along with the positive and negative effects. During the course, the professor’s empirical experience is utilized.

  • Elective disciplines (Department of French Philology)

    1st year

    Prosody of oral French discourse (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. A. Mlynchyk)

    The purpose of the discipline is to develop the normative pronunciation skills of the modern French language. The course introduces such prosodic phenomena of oral French discourse as rhythmic groups, stress, coupling, linking, rhythmic and historical lengthening, as well as intonation. Languages: French, Ukrainian.

    Grammatical categories of nominal parts of speech (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. T. Teletska)

    The course "Grammatical categories of nominal parts of speech" is aimed at forming stable skills in students and the ability to use grammatical forms of nouns and adjectives in oral and written speech, taking into account modern ways of developing the vocabulary of the French language. As part of the course students study the basic grammatical forms of nouns and adjectives acquire the skills to formulate their opinion grammatically correctly in French, learn to distinguish normative and variable grammatical forms according to their stylistic meaning. Languages: French, Ukrainian

    Modern oral French-language communication: lexical and grammatical aspect (Doctor of Pedagogy, Full Professor M. Kniazian, PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. A. Mlynchyk)

    The aim of the discipline is to develop oral speech skills as a means of communication in all spheres of intercourse, based on actively learned lexical, grammatical and phonetic materials. The formation of linguistic competence is foreseen, that is, the knowledge and the ability to generate well-formed, meaningful statements; formation of sociolinguistic competence; as well as pragmatic competence, i.e. knowledge of the principles by which utterances are organized, structured and used to perform communicative functions. Languages: French, Ukrainian.

    Written French-language communication (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. L. Kokkina)

    The aim of the discipline is to familiarize students with the basics of French-language written communication in modern society, with the features of written communication, and the conscripting of basic private and official messages. Thanks to this course, a basis for understanding the peculiarities of written communication is created; the elementary prerequisites for using appropriate vocabulary are learned; practical skills of creating private and official documentation are initiated. Languages: French, Ukrainian

    Authentic dialogue speech (Doctor of Pedagogy, Full Professor M. Kniazian, PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. A. Mlynchyk)

    The course is aimed at the formation of oral communication skills in all spheres of intercourse, on the basis of assimilated authentic lexical, grammatical and phonetic materials. Within the frame of the course students will develop the ability to produce a dialogical unity of various types, taking into consideration the peculiarities of the communicative situation; the competence to freely understand and perceive values, norms, language of given socio-cultural environment and use them in everyday practice; the knowledge about the principles by which statements are organized, structured and used. Language: French

    Grammatical categories of the French verb (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. T. Teletska)

    The course "Grammatical categories of the French verb" is aimed at forming stable skills in students and the ability to use grammatical forms of the verb in oral and written speech, taking into account modern trends in the French language. The special course makes it possible to learn the basic tenses of the French verb, to learn how to form your statement grammatically correct in French, to distinguish between normative and variable forms of the verb in the modern French language. Languages: French, Ukrainian

    3rd year

    Techniques of social and pedagogical interaction between teachers and students in French lessons (Doctor of Pedagogy, Full Professor M. Kniazian)

    The purpose of the course is to form the future teachers’ ability of effective social and pedagogical interaction with students in the process of teaching the French language. Methods of creating a situation of success in foreign language lessons, pedagogical technology of ethical protection, strategies of positive pedagogical communication with students and methods of activating their cognitive motivation are considered. It is planned to develop the skills of future teachers to implement such techniques as "advancement", "moral support", "flank approach", and others. The course will be useful for undergraduate students. Languages: French, Ukrainian.Teaching languages: French, Ukrainian.

    Particularities of French-language written communication in tourism (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. L. Kokkina)

    The educational discipline aims to familiarize students with the peculiarities of French-language written communication in tourism, with the elementary techniques of professional written communication, drafting documents in the specified field. Thanks to this course, a basis is created for understanding the peculiarities of written communication in the modern tourist environment; the elementary prerequisites for using appropriate vocabulary are taught; practical skills of creating documentation of a professional orientation in tourism are initiated. Languages: French

    Oral Communication strategies (Doctor of Pedagogy, Full Professor M. Kniazian, PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. A. Mlynchyk)

    The purpose of the discipline is to develop the skills of speech actions aimed at solving specific communicative tasks and achieving certain pragmatic goals. The course is aimed at forming the ability to produce dialogues of various functional types depending on specific communicative situations; the ability to start a dialogue and respond to the interlocutor’s speech; the ability to maintain a conversation and stimulate the interlocutor to speak, expressing interest with the help of evaluative remarks. Language: French.

    Assimilation of grammatical competence in the context of spontaneous speech (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. T. Teletska)

    The purpose of the course is the formation of grammatical competence, that is, the ability to use oral and written statements grammatically correct, as well as understanding the grammatical formatting of the speech of others. Thus, the course is aimed at mastering grammatical knowledge (meaning and form), grammatical receptive and reproductive speech skills, as well as grammatical awareness, that is, the ability to register and recognize grammatical phenomena in oral and written speech, their features and patterns of formation and functioning. Languages: French, Ukrainian

    Civilization of French-speaking countries. (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. L. Kokkina)

    Within the scope of this academic discipline, students are provided with basic information about French-speaking countries (information of a historical, geographical, economic, cultural and sociological nature), as an addition to the discipline " Civilization ", or as a separate discipline for those who seek to expand their worldview and form country studies orientation and the correct direction in assessing the facts of the reality of French-speaking countries, due to the expansion of the vocabulary. The special course makes it possible to correctly interpret the facts found in the literature, journalism and Internet resources of French-speaking countries, thanks to the analysis of the linguistic structures of a certain region. Languages: French

    Functional and semantic features of French modal verbs (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. T. Teletska)

    The course is aimed at specifying the semantic and functioning of French modal verbs (falloir, devoir, pouvoir, savoir). In this course, students focus on understanding the important categories such as objective and subjective modality. Particular attention is paid to the concept of functional and semantic field. Practical exercises give students the opportunity to distinguish specific speech acts that implement the semantics of the studied modal verbs. The course is intended for the 3d year students. Languages: French, Ukrainian. Languages: French, Ukrainian.

    Individual French-speaking lexical fund: formation and actualization (Doctor of Pedagogy, Full Professor M. Kniazian)

    The purpose of the course is to form the students' ability to communicate in French orally and in writing, using lexical units from various spheres of daily life of a modern European. Students of higher education are offered to master lexical knowledge and strategies on such topics relevant for communication in personal, social, educational and professional areas, such as "Identités", "Santé", "Vie universitaire", "Habitudes de consommation", "Voyages et tourisme", "Logements en ville", "Recherche d'un emploi", "Nouvelles technologies", "Énergies" and others. Languages: French

    French business communication (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. A. Mlynchyk)

    The purpose of the discipline is to form high-level communicative culture in the field of business communication in its oral and written forms. The tasks of the course are the formation of knowledge on economic and entrepreneurial activity; formation of the ability to correctly use language means of official style; acquisition of operational skills (understanding the structure of business papers and their creation, making oral presentations) necessary for work in the business world. Language: French. Modern media discourse of France (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. T. Vesna)

    Actual direction – media linguistics examines the functioning of language in mass information and communication media (printed periodicals, audiovisual media, Internet sources). Modern media practices, French media broadcasting in terms of genre typology of journalistic discourse, effectiveness of language resources, media stylistics are considered. The course introduces the modern media space, develops general media culture, forms media competence, skills and ability to analyze and evaluate media text. Language: French

    4th year

    Modern French political discourse  (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. T. Vesna)

    Theoretical and practical aspects of modern science - political linguistics - are considered on the basis of French periodicals (Le Monde, Le Figaro, Le Point, La Libération, Le Nouvel Observateur, etc.), official speeches of the President of France ( and speeches of political figures in the press and on television (France 24, etc.). Students deepen their knowledge of the socio-political system of France, receive information about current events in the interior and foreign policy of the country whose language they are studying, enrich their vocabulary, and learn to analyze a political text as a kind of argumentative discourse. Language: French

    Synthesis, annotation and summary of the French-language text (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. A. Mlynchyk)

    The immediate aim of the course is to improve French communicative competence of students. The task of the course is further development of linguistic activity of writing and formation of skills in writing summary and annotation as well as synthetic rendering of a French text abstract. The development of textual survey abilities including primary and secondary ideas definition and their comparative analysis, is focused on advanced students skills in brief text content presentation or coherent text synthesis based on several written documents. Language: French

    Text as a communicative phenomenon (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. I. Panchenko)

    In modern linguistics, the text is considered as the most important form of everyday human practice and is defined as a complex communicative phenomenon.

    Interest in the study of the text is due to the desire to consider the language as a holistic means of communication in complex interaction with situational, gender, social and psychological factors that significantly affect the choice and organization of the means of the language code for the purpose of targeted social action and a certain impact on human consciousness.

    A selected course Text as a communicative phenomenon provides knowledge that allows you to notice the narrative mechanisms and tricks of the addresser in order to achieve an adequate understanding of the situation for the maximum effectiveness of the communicative process. Languages: French

    French perfume discourse (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. I. Panchenko)

    French perfumes have never left any woman indifferent. For this reason, a more in-depth examination of the secrets of French elite perfume science will be very useful to students, and especially to woman students, studying French as well as the history of France, its economy and culture. The proposed specific course includes the following aspects:

    • a brief overview of the history of the perfume industry;
    • study of structural, semantic and pragmatic features of perfume discourse, as well as lexico-stylistic means that provide linguistic manipulation of the consumer's consciousness;
    • compilation of vocabulary of lexical units denoting the basic concepts of perfumery;
    • consideration of gender tendencies of perfume annotations when creating olfactory images of a man and a woman.

    Using the knowledge gained can be useful in commercial or translation activities. This information may also be useful for those who seek to master the secrets of perfume art in order to create their own perfume brand. Languages: French.

    French tourism discourse (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. L. Kokkina)

    The purpose of the academic discipline is to acquaint students with the peculiarities of communication and professional terminology in the French-speaking tourism environment, with the elementary techniques of professional travel description for travel blogs, compilation of travel guides, reviews and conducting excursions. Among the tasks of the course: creation of a base for understanding the peculiarities of communication in modern tourism; presentation of the elementary prerequisites for the use of appropriate vocabulary; the initiation of practical skills in creating events and documentation in tourism. Languages: French

    The affective syntax of modern French (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. I. Panchenko)

    As a rule, expressiveness, which is inherent in language, is realized in the semantics of lexical units. But the expression of a speech act can also be manifested asemantically in a particular syntactic structure of a sentence by means of the specific arrangement of the individual structural elements. The proposed special course considers the most characteristic ways of expressing emotionality in modern French syntax, which ensure its ability to act in a communicative act as a means of subjective attitude of the speaker to the content or addressee of the language. This information will be useful both in scientific studies and translations of texts of different genres, as well as in direct communication for a more proper understanding of motivation of a particular linguistic choice of a communicator. Languages: French.

    French-language linguistic text: structural, lexical and  stylistic aspects (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof.  M. Marinashvili)

    The purpose of the discipline is to acquaint students with the main characteristics of the scientific style, the structural and compositional organization of the French-language scientific text on linguistic issues, the terminological apparatus of various branches of linguistics, the specifics of the use of grammatical forms, speech clichés, and stylistic devices. As a result of studying the discipline, students develop the basic skills of linguistic and stylistic analysis of scientific linguistic texts, the ability to adequately translate them into Ukrainian, and the vocabulary of professional terminology is enriched. Languages: French, Ukrainian

    Category of modality in the artistic text (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. I. Panchenko)

    Awareness of the speech influence on a person's worldview led to the understanding of the text as a sociocultural phenomenon, which is the embodiment of the inherent values of a certain cultural system and appeals to the emotional and intellectual manifestation of the personality.

    In this regard, a very important issue arises in the theoretical and practical study of the processes of generation and perception of a speech message.

    We become accustomed to words, situations, and other facts of our experience. For the most adequate implementation of one's intention, which is oriented towards the final result, i.e. achieving the effect of influencing the recipient of information, the sender, using special techniques, makes ordinary things unusual, forcing to perceive and comprehend them in a new way.

    In the process of determining the content of the text, first, sign relations are established, and then the meaning is revealed, which cannot be equal to the sum of the values ​​of its constituent units.

    A selected course The category of modality in a literary text based on the identification and study of textual reference points for the author's perception and evaluation of the provided information will help to adequately understand and interpret the sociopsychological situation of a particular speech act. Languages: French

    French-language written communication for professional purposes (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. L. Kokkina)

    The purpose of the academic discipline is to acquaint students with the peculiarities of French-language written professional communication in a modern environment, with the elementary techniques of professional written communication, drafting various documents. Within the scope of this course, a basis for understanding the peculiarities of written professional communication in the modern environment should be created; the elementary prerequisites for using appropriate vocabulary are outlined; practical skills of creating professional documentation have been started. Languages: French

    Graduate school

    Strategies of professional communication (Doctor of Pedagogy, Full Professor M. Kniazian)

    The purpose of the course is to prepare future masters of philology for successful communication in professional activities, namely to form theoretical knowledge of professional communication strategies in process of scientific and critical research, providing educational, scientific reference and translation services to interested institutions. The classes cover such issues as the conceptual basis of professional communication strategies; terminological base; communicative behavior, its styles and strategies; psychological foundations of communicative influence strategies; oral and written professional communication strategies. Languages: Ukrainian

    Intercultural Communication (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. T. Vesna)

    The course familiarizes with the intercultural communication theory and has a practical focus on forming the intercultural competence of future translators and teachers of a foreign language. On the basis of scientific and methodological literature, periodicals, audio and video materials, as well as their own experience, students deepen their knowledge of verbal and non-verbal means of communication in the context of interaction of different cultures. Specificity of national semiospheres, cultural signs and codes that function in speech, as well as examples of cultural stereotypes, culture shock, etc. are represented in individual projects that students present to other learning group. Languages: French, Ukrainian

    French academic discourse (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. M. Marinashvili)

    The course is aimed at the forming of research professionally oriented language competence and provides for the development of oral and written academic speech. In particular, it is focused on the development of skills and ability to produce scientific texts of the professional field (abstract, article, summary), to formulate them competently, in accordance with modern requirements, to presentation of own research results in French orally and in writing (presentations, reports); to conduct scientific debate, to argue scientific propositions. Languages: French.

    French poetic discourse: intralingual and interlingual aspects (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. L. Kokkina)

    The educational discipline is aimed at deepening the knowledge about French-language poetic discourse, in the area of ​​the French language and translation, contributing to the expansion of their worldview. The discipline is designed to form the translation orientation of future teachers and translators, to improve practical training in the translation of poetic works through the practice of translating poems and songs into Ukrainian. Among the tasks of the special course: to provide the right orientation in the assessment of translation practices of rhyming texts; provide factual information; contribute to the consolidation of the understanding of the peculiarities of the French poetic discourse and its translation into the Ukrainian language. Languages: French, Ukrainian

  • Elective disciplines (Department of Foreign Literature)

    1st year

    Antique temper in English drama in the late 19th - the early 20th (Doctor of Philology, Assoc. Prof. L. Syniavska)

    In this course You will study antique themes and issues, how they are transforming in works of B. Shaw, O. Wilde. Students will learn to analyze texts of different historic ages and cultures, to find common and specific features in the same plot, to find unrepeatable characteristics in works of different authors. Students have to write personal statements about something that inspires them. The course is presented by lectures and video. After completing the tasks, student will improve his\her skills of proving his\her opinion, writing short stories.

    Image of a Child in Antiquity and Middle Ages literary tradition (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. N. Dolha)

    The course is devoted to the study of the dynamics of child’s image in the artistic texts of Antiquity and Middle Ages. The socio-cultural and historical features of the formation and functioning of child’s image are determined. The course addresses questions: the anthropology of childhood, the image of a child, children’s literature. The course material is provided in the form of lectures. The seminars offer preparation of creative tasks.

    Literature and art of modern Europe: artistic «Saturdays» (Doctor of Philology, Full Professor V. Sylantieva)

    The course is aimed at enhancing students' knowledge and competencies in the problems of contemporary European art. Objects of demonstration and study are realistic, modern, avant-garde, mass media forms of fine and literary arts. The leading task is to show the parallels that exist between literary and art works in the space of artistic directions and currents (pre-Raphaelites, art-nouveau, magic realism, surrealism, pop art, etc.). Without fail the acquired knowledge will contribute to the development of intellectual abilities and students' capacities to independently learn and understand all forms of art.

    Interpretation of world-known artists in different fields of art: painting, music, ballet, cinematography (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. V. Romanets)

    The special course is aimed at exploring the versatility of the possibilities of works of art, from the point of view of their interpretation and vision by specialists of different genres of art. Within this course students will be able to deepen their knowledge not only from foreign literature, but also from painting, music, cinematography and more. The course materials will help you improve your artistic study skills in the context of a variety of creative interpretations. Students have the opportunity to write scientific works on topics that interest them. Course materials are presented through lectures, videos, etc. Tasks include writing articles, essay, etc.

    3rd year

    Theories and methods of literary analysis (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. Iu. Pomohaybo)

    The course offers an introduction to the main theories and approaches in literary studies. The purpose is to provide students the knowledge of the main scientific methods for analyzing a literary work. Course content: basic theories/models and methods of literary analysis, including:

    • positivism, biographical approach
    • hermeneutics, mythological approach
    • comparative studies
    • text-immanent approach
    • structuralism
    • post-structuralism
    • deconstructivism
    • discourse analysis
    • theories of intertextuality
    • psychoanalytic literary studies
    • Cultural Studies: New Historicism, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Feminist Theory
    • sociological approach
    • Rezeptionsästhetik (receptive aesthetics, Constance School)

    The Golden Age of Children’s Literature (on the material of English-language literature of the late XIX - early XX centuries) (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. N. Dolha)

    The course explores the limits of the concept "children's literature" in native and foreign concepts, periodization and functions of children's literature. It is found out features of the communication process and the role of the author in the organization of the text on the examples of masterpieces of children's literature of the late XIX-XX centuries. The course material is provided in the form of lectures. The seminars are in the form of a colloquium.

    4th year

    Literature of the (post-) digital era. Authors on the Web PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. Iu. Pomohaybo)

    The course introduces students to modern forms of interaction between literature and new media and the Internet. The seminar examines new forms and genres of digital literature (author blogs, digital poetry, network novels, writing collaborative projects), as well as forms of media presence in contemporary post-digital literature. An overview of the main aesthetic categories of online literature is offered: hypertextuality, interactivity, multimedia, performativity etc. Particular attention is paid to significant changes in the field of literary production in the digital age, the possibilities of online publishing (printing on demand), as well as the means and forms of author's self-presentation on the Internet.

    Myth Tradition in Modern Literature and Culture и PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. O. Kholodov)

    Our course studies the archaic components in the modern literature and culture. We will concentrate on the mythopoetics as a cultural phenomenon. In our course we prove that it is in the nature of myth to appeal to the ‘most fundamental aspects of human existence, including among others values, beliefs, imagination, art, culture and language’ and to penetrate into all levels of cultural encounter: from religion to leisure, from entertainment to education, from literature to TV commercials. Ancient myth informs and invigorates the arts and manifests itself through everyday practices, beliefs, institutions within various contemporary cultures. Our course will examine the narrative dimensions of myth and literature as well as their intersection in matters of belief and linguistics. We will investigate extraliterary perspectives of myth such as anthropological, psychological, philosophical, and semiotic. The course’ goals are that the students

    • get acquainted with major existing theories of myth;
    • are able to trace the transformation and manifestations of the fundamental myths across space and time;
    • obtain the practical skills for the examination of the mythological subtexts in literature and film, myth patterns in media message and political ideology;
    • become aware of a danger of myth as a tool for social mobilization and manipulation of mass communication and, at the end, our conscious.

    Multicultural Аmerican novel (the second half of the XXth century/ beginning of the XXІst century) (PhD in Linguistics, Senior Lecturer O. Bezhan)

    The proposed course is addressed to the students who are interested in learning about and exploring the most important trends in American literature and the most significant American novels of the second half of the twentieth century, beginning of the twenty-first century within the paradigm of multiculturalism. This including authors of Southern, African-American, Mexican, Native American, Afghan, Jewish literary schools. During the course the students develop skills and analysis of artistic text. Course materials consist of lectures and video presentations. Students will have the opportunity to write reviews of interesting texts in contemporary American literature.

    Young-adult Literature: Trends in Teenage Reading of the 21st Century (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. N. Dolha)

    The aim of the course is to define the boundaries of the concept "young-adult" literature in native and foreign literary studies. The characteristic features of the hero of literature "young-adult" are determined. The course outlines the genres of young-adult reading: young-adult dystopia (V. Roth “Divergent”), mashup (“Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” S. Grahame-Smith), vampire fantasy (S. Mayer “Twilight”), fanfic, reading with Minecraft. The creative tasks: book video review, writing a work in the genre “mashup”.

    Graduate school

    The newest Hispanic literature (PhD in Linguistics, Senior Lecturer Iu. Sadovska)

    The course covers modern Hispanic literature of the late ХХth - early ХХІst centuries. Within the course, students have the opportunity to identify the literary process peculiarities of the specified period, to trace the formation and development of the latest literary trends and tendencies, to understand the creativity of the most outstanding writers of the Spanish-speaking world (A. S. Pinyol, J. Saramago, C.R. Safon, etc.).

    Literature and Synergetics (PhD in Linguistics, Assoc. Prof. N. Ababina)

    In our course the students will get acquainted with the most recent synergetic studies in the area of the transitional periods and unstable aesthetic systems; obtain the knowledge of such concepts as “order-chaos”, “pattern-randomness”, “thinking variability”, “turbulence”, “self-organized process” which may be applied to the literary studies; become aware of the main features of the creative worldview in the transitional/unstable periods. Synergetics provides us with the combination of sciences and arts knowledge that enriches text analyses’ methods. By studying theories of self-organization phenomena, students will develop new approach to the artwork, as well as to the nature of the aesthetic message and the ways of its representation.

    Interspecific comparative science (Doctor of Philology, Full Professor V. Sylantieva)

    The course is focused on developing common competences (knowledge, skills, acquirements) in the space of cross-discipline. Interspecific Comparatives in the Problems of Comparative Literature and Interdisciplinary Comparisons. Cognitive aspect of the special course – getting acquainted with the leading tendencies of the newest literary and art process, focused on multilevel synthesis: literature and art; literature and music; architectural forms as "frozen music" (L. da Vinci). The task is to deepen and universalize knowledge about the functioning of literature and other arts in synchronic and diachronic aspects.

    Communicative Strategies of English Dramature Of the End of the XIX-Early of the XX Century (Doctor of Philology, Assoc. Prof. L. Syniavska)

    The course involves the study of the concept of "communicative strategy" at the level of diachrony and synchronicity, the study of different communication models, the selection of the most relevant and effective models in the specified period in the texts of English playwrights. Within the course students develop the ability to creatively interpret and analyze dramatic texts in English and national languages, identify techniques for creating dramatic texts, determine their genre specificity. As a result of comparative analysis, students develop skills of generalization, ways of processing and transformation of known topics and subjects, skills of participation in scientific and applied research in the field of philology. The course involves lecturing, using video materials. Tasks for students include writing creative works, scientific articles and publications.

  • Elective disciplines (Department of Pedagogy)

    4th year

    The elective course "PEDAGOGICAL MANAGEMENT" contributes to better professional and pedagogical training for undergraduate students as future teachers of foreign languages through the development of their readiness to implement management activity functions of the foreign language education manager. The objective of the course is to introduce undergraduate students to the theoretical basics of pedagogical system management and to master the subject matter and functions of management activity and communication of a foreign language education manager.

    The elective course "TEST AND QUIZ CONSTRUCTION" improves professional and pedagogical training for undergraduate students as future teachers of foreign languages through the development of their didactic competence in the use of pedagogical testology tools. The objective of the course is to introduce undergraduate students to the theoretical basics of pedagogical testing and to master the methods of designing tests and quizzes and checking their validity.

    The elective course "MODERN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY" substantially improves professional and pedagogical training for undergraduate students as future teachers of foreign languages through mastering pedagogical innovation tools. The subject reveals the subject matter, structure and ways of implementation of modern educational technologies required for the innovatization of foreign language education system.

    Graduate school

    Optional subject «Pedagogical Assessment and educational quality monitoring» is contributed to professional-pedagogical improvement for applicants of master`s level, who will act as future foreign language lecturers with the ability to monitor and control foreign language quality. The subject is oriented for applicants to get acquainted with organizational methods and pedagogical assessment of students` achievements, including mastering technology and foreign language quality monitoring tools.

    Optional subject «Testing in the Human Science area» is contributed to professional-pedagogical improvement for applicants of master`s level, who will act as future foreign language lecturers with the ability to develop their pedagogical testing qualities in the right way. The subject is oriented for applicants to get acquainted with pedagogical testing specifications and criteria, including mastering test constructing methods, in the foreign educational sphere.

    Optional subject «Pedagogy of Classic University: History and Modern times» is contributed to theoretical, methodological and professional-pedagogical improvement for applicants of master`s level, who will realize scientific work in the pedagogical area. The subject is oriented for applicants to get acquainted with the origin and development of Ukrainian and world Classic Universities, their functioning problems and development prospects in ХХІ century.

011 Educational, Pedagogical Sciences

  • Disciplines of professional and practical training taught to graduate students of Specialty 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences

    Compulsory subjects and practices

    • Civil Defence
    • Labour Protection
    • Foreign Language (for scientific purpose)
    • Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher School
    • Fundamentals of Pedagogical Skills and Ethics of Higher School Lecturer
    • Methods of Teaching in Higher School
    • Management in education
    • Modern Educational Technologies
    • Scientific-Research Practice
    • Scientific-Pedagogical (Assistant) practice
    • Master's Thesis

    Elective courses in university option

    • Research Methodology and Organization of Science
    • Methods of Mathematical Statistics in the Field of Educational Sciences
    • History of Pedagogy and Development of Higher Education in Ukraine and in the World
    • Educational Measurements
    • Pedagogical Assessment and Monitoring of Education Quality
    • Organization of Student Individual Work and Research Activity
  • Elective disciplines on the graduate student training curriculum in specialty 011 Educational, Pedagogical Sciences

    The elective course “Pedagogy of ClassicAL University: History and Modern times” improves theoretical, methodological and professional-pedagogical training of graduate students as future university scientific and pedagogical personnel. The objective of the course is to introduce graduate students to the origin and development of Ukrainian and world Classical Universities, their functioning problems and development prospects in ХХІ century. 

    The objective of the elective course “TRAINING TECHNOLOGIES IN HIGHER SCHOOL” is to develop didactic competences of graduate students as future lectures of higher education establishments. The course reveals specific nature of training technologies, means of their introduction to educational process in universities.

    The objective of the elective course “TRAINING OF A LECTURER’S PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL GROWTH” is to increase a personal-professional self-development level of graduate students as future lecturers of higher education establishments. The course contributes to professional success qualities acquirement by means of applicants’ mastering the skills of effective interaction between the educational process participants, self-regulation of their own emotional state and following the rules of mental health in professional-pedagogical activity. 

    The elective course “ORGANISATION OF STUDENTS’ EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL LEISURE ACTIVITY” perfects professional-pedagogical training of graduate students as managers of students’ educational and cultural leisure activity organization. The course contributes to graduate students’ realization of specific nature, priority directions of students’ educational and cultural leisure activity in accordance with the state and European standards, mastering modern methods, forms and technologies of students’ educational and cultural leisure activity in university realization. 

    The elective course “LECTURER AS A SUBJECT OF EDUCATIONAL LEGAL RELATIONS” perfects professional-pedagogical training of graduate students as future active participants of educational legal relations. The course forms legal awareness of graduate students by introducing them to specific nature, structure and types of educational legal relations, their mastering the means of main university educational process participants’ rights and liberties defence.

    The elective course “THEORY AND PRACTICE OF EXTERNAL INDEPENDENT TESTING” perfects professional-pedagogical training of graduate students as future university lecturers by developing their didactic competence. The objective of the course is to introduce graduate students to innovation pedagogical experience of external independent testing implementation in Ukraine and European countries, to form students’ external independent testing skills.

    The elective course “ITEM RESPONSE THEORY: MODERN MODELS AND METHODS” perfects theoretical-methodological training of graduate students as future university scientific-pedagogical personnel. The course forms graduate students’ research and diagnostic culture developing their abilities to work out measuring-and-recording materials and interpret the results basing on Mathematic and Statistics.

    The elective course "TEST AND QUIZ CONSTRUCTION" improves professional and pedagogical training of graduate students as future university academic personnel by developing their didactic competence in the area of pedagogical testology tools usage. The objective of the course is to introduce graduate students to the theoretical basics of pedagogical testing and to master the methods of tests and quizzes construction, checking their validity.

    The elective course “Testing in NATURAL SCIENCES” improves professional and pedagogical training of graduate students as future higher education establishments lecturers by developing their abilities of pedagogical testing tools right use. The course introduces graduate students to pedagogical testing specific nature and criteria, including mastering tests and quizzes construction methods in natural sciences disciplines. 

    The elective course “STUDENT PERFORMANCE QUALITY MONITORING” improves professional and pedagogical training of graduate students as future university lecturers by developing their abilities to use skillfully monitoring as a mechanism of student academic performance quality testing. The objective of the course is to introduce graduate students to methodology and instrumentation of student teaching results quality monitoring.

    The elective course “LECTURER TEACHING QUALITY MONITORING” improves professional and pedagogical training of graduate students as future university lecturers by developing their abilities to use skillfully monitoring as a mechanism of lecturer teaching quality testing. The objective of the course is to introduce graduate students to methodology and instrumentation of university lecturer teaching activity quality monitoring

    The elective course: “REGULATORY LEGAL BASIS OF MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATION” improves the management skills of applicants of the second level graduate students second as future education managers. The course is aimed at familiarizing the students with the current regulatory acts governing relations of administration of educational institution, mastering the ability to choose effective legal management mechanisms, in particular, those related to the protection of the rights and freedoms of participants in the educational process during conflict situations.

    The elective course: “COMBATING AND PREVENTING CORRUPTION IN UNIVERSITY” improves the moral-ethical and professional-pedagogical skills of graduate students as future lecturers and managers of higher education. active didactic, scientific, methodological and social activities in university on combating and preventing corruption in university. The course is aimed at acquainting students with domestic and international experience in combating and preventing corruption, understanding of the essence, consequences of manifestations of corruption in universities, the formation of their skills in organizing activities to combat and prevent corruption in university.

    The elective course: "ORGANIZATION AND SUPPORT OF SUDDENT SELF-GOVERNANCE" improves organizational, managerial and professional-pedagogical skills of graduate students as future teachers and managers of high education. The discipline is aimed at acquainting students with the history of formation and stages of development of student self-governance in the world and Ukraine, mastering by them methods of analysis of its activity, organization and management support in accordance with applicable law, disclosing the powers of student self-government as one of the main subjects of educational legal relations in university.

    The elective course: "INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND EDUCATIONAL REFORMS IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION" improves the theoretical, methodological and professional-pedagogical skills of graduate students as future teachers and managers of educational institutions. The discipline is aimed at familiarizing graduate students with the requirements of international quality standards and European standards and recommendations for ensuring quality in the European Education Area, developing their ability to ensure the quality of education in university.

    The elective course: “PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT” improves the psychological and pedagogical skills of graduate students as future teachers and managers of educational institutions by developing their psychological competence and ability to carry out managerial activities. The discipline is aimed at acquainting students with the psychology of the personality of the education manager, styles, types of leadership and the modern typology of managers in education.

    The elective course: "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT" improves the moral and legal and professional-pedagogical skills of graduate students in the status of future scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher education. The discipline is aimed at familiarizing applicants with the legal and ethical aspects of the problem of intellectual property and academic integrity, mastering the protection of the results of intellectual, creative activity and organizing measures to counteract and prevent academic dishonesty in university.

    The elective course: “HUMAN RIGHTS” improves the legal and professional-pedagogical skills of graduate students as future teachers and managers of higher educational institutions by developing their legal culture and consciousness. The discipline is aimed at acquainting students with a system of theoretical views on human rights and freedoms, international experience in developing guarantees of human rights, mastering ways to use international and national mechanisms to protect their own rights, as well as the rights of pupils and students.

    The elective course: “PREVENTIVE PEDAGOGY” improves the legal, psychological and pedagogical skills of graduate students as future teachers and managers of higher educational institutions by recognizing the main directions of preventive activity in the field of their profession. The discipline is aimed at acquainting applicants with the basic concepts, structure and modern problems of preventive pedagogy, various types of deviations in personality behavior, mastery of the methods of social and pedagogical prevention and correction of deviant personality behavior.

    The elective course: "LEGAL PSYCHOLOGY" improves the legal and psychological-pedagogical skills of graduate students as future teachers and managers of higher law schools by developing their psychological competence and professional culture. The discipline is aimed at acquainting students with the features of legal activity and its main subjects, the formation of their ability to analyze human behavior as a subject of legal relations in specific life situations, to determine the motives of his actions, to predict subsequent actions and consequences.

    The elective course: "PEDAGOGICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS" improves the professional and pedagogical skills of graduate students as future tlecturers of higher education institutions by developing their ability to use correctly the types and methods of pedagogical assessment. The discipline is aimed at acquainting the students with the latest trends and methods for assessing student learning outcomes in university.

    Optional subject «Testing in the Human Science area» is contributed to professional-pedagogical improvement for applicants of master`s level, who will act as future foreign language lecturers with the ability to develop their pedagogical testing qualities in the right way. The subject is oriented for applicants to get acquainted with pedagogical testing specifications and criteria, including mastering test constructing methods, in the foreign educational sphere.

The choice of elective disciplines is carried out in accordance with the "Regulation on the Procedure for the Realization by Applicants of Higher Education of the Right to Free Choice of Study Disciplines at Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov", in particular, in accordance with paragraphs. 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5:

4.3. The receiver of a higher education must register for the block of elective disciplines until March 15 of the academic year that precedes the academic year in which the study of elective disciplines begins.
If the study of elective disciplines begins in the second semester of the first academic year, then the registration is to be made until September 15 this academic year.
If the study of elective disciplines begins in the first semester of the first academic year, then the registration is to be made until September 15 of this academic year.
As to postgraduate students, the registration is to be made within two months of enrollment, appropriate records in the individual work plan are to be made.

4.4. Registration for a block of elective disciplines is made on the basis of a statement written by the receiver of a higher education addressed to the Dean of the Faculty.

4.5. Within two weeks of writing a statement, receivers of a higher education have the right to adjust the list of elective disciplines, modifying them by submitting a corresponding statement to the Dean's office.


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Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


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