Cultural and Sports Events

Student self-governance

At the faculty there is a student professional bureau headed by the 1st year student Zarechnaya Valeria. The bureau is involved in organizing students’ leisure activities, providing material assistance to students, and encouraging them to participate in sports competitions and cultural events.

The student self-governance union at the faculty is headed by the 2nd year student Anastasia Kolesnik. Representatives of the union help organizing charity events and holding Department Days, Faculty Days, University Open Doors Days.

Cultural activities

Student life at the faculty is impossible to imagine without active, meaningful leisure. From the first days of training, students reveal their talents in the traditional autumn concert of amateur art "Freshman Day". Other interesting events are the Day of the English Department, the Day of the German Department, the Day of the Spanish Department, Translator's Day, the Day of the French Department, phonetic contests, poetry readings, theatre performances in foreign languages, and evenings at the University Culture Centre.

The culmination of the school year is the Faculty Day - the spring festival of students, teachers and graduates, who do not forget and honour their Alma Mater. The faculty has a French student drama club and a German student drama club, the performances of which are popular among students and teachers of not only the faculty, but also among other Ukrainian universities during theatre festivals.

The faculty has a student club of translators, which holds monthly "Translation Meetings". A collection of student translations and scientific works "Sprouts" is published.

In 2019, a collection of poetry and prose by undergraduate and graduate students of the faculty “We also write ...” was published.

Participation in olympiads and competitions

  • Student of the fifth year Pshonyak Valentina in 2009 became the winner of the international competition "Youth and Poetry" in Turin (Italy), and in 2010 she became the Laureate of the same competition in the nomination "Best Work in Italian". She received a book and a cup for the best foreign poetic text in Italian as a gift, and in April 2010 she won III place in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Italian in Kiev. Now Valentina teaches English, Italian and translation.
  • The first place at the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in French in the city of Gorlovka (2010) was awarded to a fifth-year student of the French department Zhuk Yekaterina, who is currently finishing postgraduate studies at the faculty and the Higher School of Translators in Paris (France).
  • The second place in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in English in Kiev was taken by the 2nd year student of the English department Peregud Marina. The second place in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Spanish in Kiev was awarded to the fifth-year student of the Spanish department Garets Elena, and the third-year student Anastasia Mikhaleva became the third.
  • In March 2010, student of the English department Kostyukhina Agnessa took the third place in the First All-Ukrainian Interuniversity Olympiad in Spanish as a second foreign language (Dnepropetrovsk).
  • The second place in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in English in Kiev was taken by the 5th-year student of the English department Karpenko Maxim (2013). He currently teaches English and Chinese.
  • The fourth-year student of the Spanish department V. Solopova took the III place at the Spanish Language Olympiad, which was held at the Kiev National Linguistic University, and the fourth-year student of the Spanish department Savchuk G. - 7th place; 4th-year student of the translation department Anastasia Yakubovskaya took the second place and 3rd-year student Ekaterina Betrinak took the 3rd place at the Italian language Olympiad, which was held at the Kiev National Linguistic University; Romanko G. (4th place) and A. Vysotskaya, first year graduate students in the French department, took part in the second stage of the French language Olympiad, which was held at Zaporizhzhya National University (2018).
  • In February and September 2018, students of the translation department worked as translators at the DEC Education forum.
  • The student (master of the first year of study) of the French department Skok A.YU. took part in the youth school "DOBRE - ICE: Leadership, Ideas, Democracy" as part of the USAID DOBRE program, which is carried out by the international organization Global Communities.
  • In March 2018, students of the French department took part in the Francophonie Marathon, organized by the Embassy of France in Ukraine and the Alliance Francaise (Odessa).
  • In April 2018, students of the translation department worked as translators at the Comedy International Festival.
  • Alina Kurenkova, a first-year student, became Miss Student in the contest “Beauty and Talent” and “Queen of Ukraine 2018”, which was held in Odessa.

Centre of Art Studies

At the faculty there is Centre of Art Studies under the guidance of prof. V. Silantieva. Students, graduate students, teachers of the faculty and other departments of the university, as well as invited guests participated in the following cultural events:

  • 28.09.2019 Lecture "Pre-modernism in the Art of the West (English version)."
  • 05.10.2019 Lecture "Pre-modernism in the Art of the West (French version)."
  • 12.10.2019 Lecture "Impressionism in the history of the formation of modernism."
  • 19.10.2019 Lecture "Leading aesthetic categories of art criticism (on the problems of preparation for modular control)."

Significant dates and events

  • In 2010, the faculty celebrated its 50th anniversary. This event was celebrated by the gala concert and the International scientific-practical conference "Philology and the educational process: XXI century", which took place on September 30 - October 2, 2010.
  • The Department of French Philology celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. On this occasion, the Third All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Romanists "Structural-semantic and cognitive-discursive paradigms of modern Roman linguistics" was held on September 16-18.
  • In 2015, the Fifth All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Romanists “Structural-semantic and cognitive-discursive paradigms of modern Roman linguistics” was held.
  • On September 6-7, 2010, the International Pedagogical Congress "IX Slavic Pedagogical Readings" was held at the faculty.

Sports events

Students of the faculty annually take part in student sports and athletics competitions held by the Department of Physical Culture of ONU. The team of the RGF faculty took the second place in football and tug of war competitions at the annual sports contest, which was held in September 2018.

Irina Shchetnik, International Master of Sports, became the winner of the European Bullet Shooting Championship, which was held in December 2018 in Belgrade. Irina took the first and third places at the Ukrainian Cup in bullet shooting, which was held in October 2018, received a license to participate in future Paralympic Games in Tokyo. She received a personal scholarship from the governor of Odessa region as the best athlete of the year (December 2018). In 2019, Shchetnik I. became the four-time champion at the World Championships in Sydney (Australia) and set 2 world records.

Students of the faculty Elizaveta Levshina and Daria Levshina took the third place at the World Championships in Sports Dance (Disco Dance and Disco Freestyle), which was held in Sweden in October 2018.

Veronika Byvsheva took the second place in the All-Ukrainian tournament in modern dance sports (category Street Dance Show), which was held in Odessa in October 2018.

Student dormitory

Students of the faculty (if necessary) live in dormitory No. 4 of the University, which is located in Odessa, Dovzhenko st., 5.

We invite you to take part in the cooperation and joint creativity at the faculty. We guarantee you a high level of training and modern teaching methods. You can not only perfectly master many languages, but also join the culture and traditions of countries whose languages ​​you want to learn!


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Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Dvoryans'ka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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