Kateryna Chernychko


Сandidate of biological sciences (PHD), associate professor of the department of zoology, hydrobiology and general ecology

ORCID ID 0000-0002-4543-270X   

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

The author of 27 publications, of which 17 are scientific and 10 are educational and methodological, including scientific works published in national and international peer-reviewed professional publications.

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Biology; member of the NMR of the I. I. Mechnikov ONU; member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Natural Sciences sector; guarantor OP 091 Biology of the second (master's) level of higher education

Scientific interests: biodiversity, animal behavior


  • Ecology (091; 1st level of higher education)
  • Fundamentals of ecological tourism (091, 014.05, 162, 206; I level of higher education)
  • Ethology (091, 014.05, 162, 206; I level of higher education)
  • Zoology (091; 1st level of higher education)
  • Ecology and biodiversity. Module 9.1. Biodiversity conservation strategies (014.05; II level of higher education)
  • Certificates















Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24
E-mail: vstup@onu.edu.ua


Vsevoloda Zmiienka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15
Email: rector@onu.edu.ua


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