Olga Ruzhitskaya

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the Department of Botany, plant physiology and gardening and park management of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0384-2652
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Author of more than 80 scientific publications and more than 20 educational publications. Member of the team of developers of higher education standards of Ukraine, specialty 091 "Biology". Deputy Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University. Head of the Odesa branch of the Ukrainian Society of Plant Physiologists, member of the Ukrainian Botanical Society.

Field of scientific interests: physiological and biochemical processes and sowing qualities of seeds, features of growth, development and productivity of durum wheat (spelt, spelled) in the south-west of Ukraine.


  1. GC № 22 Physiology and biochemistry of plants (091 "Biology", I level of higher education)
  2. GC № 27, № 30 Physiology of plants (206 "Gardening and park management ", 014 "Secondary education", I level of higher education)
  3. GC № 30 Technologies for growing planting material and plant propagation (206 "Gardening and park management ", I level of higher education)
  4. GC № 08 Methodology of teaching professional disciplines in higher education (091 "Biology", II level of higher education)
  5. EC № 62 Fundamentals of seed science (014 "Secondary education", 091 "Biology", 162 "Biotechnologies and bioengineering", 206 "Gardening and park management").


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24
E-mail: vstup@onu.edu.ua


Dvoryans'ka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15
Email: rector@onu.edu.ua


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