Valery Gerasimuk
Scientific degree, scientific level: candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the department of botany, physiology of plants and landscape state
ORCID: 0000-0002-9199-9854
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Short news from CV: Gerasimyuk V.P. born on February 3, 1959 near the city of Odesa. He first studied at the eight-grade school № 14 in Odesa, where he graduated on June 14, 1974. with a certificate of commendation. Later he entered the ten-grade secondary school № 26 in Odesa, which he graduated from in 1976. After school Gerasimyuk V.P. worked as a driller and a distributor of workbenches at the Odesa factory of radial drill workbenches. He joined the biological faculty of the Odesa I.I. Mechnikov State University September 1, 1977, graduated in black in 1982. with a diploma with a sign. During his time at the university, he immediately began studying at the Faculty of Public Professions, a branch of the school of a young journalist and graduated in 1979, having received an additional specialty - a journalist (diploma № 390). Gerasimyuk V.P. attended military training camps from July 1 to September 17, 1982. and received the military rank of lieutenant. He was appointed to the Department of Botany as a biologist from September 1, 1982. Gerasimyuk V.P. was transferred to the position of assistant professor of the Department of Botany on October 16, 1990, becoming a senior lecturer of this department on September 1, 1999, and associate professor on September 1, 2002. There has already been a transfer to the position of associate professor of the Department of Botany. Gerasimyuk V.P. defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Diatomeae algae in the benthos of the Khadzhibey and Kuyalnik estuaries (Western-Western Black Sea region”) for the specialty 03.00.05 – botany at the Institute of Botany named after. M.G. Cholodniy near Kiev. Solutions of the specialized scientific institute named after. M.G. Cholodniy from February 16, 1993. (Protocol No. 121) Valeriy Petrovich Gerasimyuk was awarded the scientific degree of candidate of biological sciences (Series KN No. 002093). By the decisions of the Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science, Valeriy Petrovich Gerasimyuk was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Botany on June 20, 2002. (protocol No. 3147-D, associate professor certificate). In parallel with the work of an associate professor, he implemented the obligations of the intercessor of the dean of spiritual work of the biological faculty of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University from 2000 to 2020. In addition to his insanity, he also worked as a senior research fellow at the Physico-chemical Institute of Environmental Protection and Humanity from August 2004 to December 2018.
Author of 188 scientific publications, 19 articles in scientometric databases (Scopus), 6 basic and methodological publications, 92 articles in scientific publications of Ukraine (Algology, Hydrobiological journal, ONU Bulletin, Black Sea Botanical Journal), author and co-author of 6 monographs, co-author of a dictionary of botanical terms.
Scientific interests: morphology, chorology, systematics, nomenclature, ecology and biogeography of microscopic algae of various water bodies of the Northern-Western Black Sea region (estuaries, rivers, reservoirs, ponds, streams, rivulets), Black, Mediterranean, Red Seas, Indian and Southern Oceans.
- Specialty 091 Biology and biochemistry, 1st level of completion, OK 30th laboratory workshop in biology
- Specialty 091 Biology and biochemistry, 1st level of completion, OK 36 initial practice in botany
- Specialty 091 Biology and biochemistry, level 1 of completion, VK 58 ecology and phytogeography of algae
- Specialty 206 Gardening and park government, level 1 of completion, VK 95 basics of mariculture