Dimova Larysa

Dimova Larysa

PhD in Pedagogy,

Associate professor


Google Scholar:


  • In 1988 graduated with honors from the Izmail State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Foreign Languages, with a degree in Foreign Languages. Qualification: French and English teacher. (Honours Diploma Qualification IV-І N°217149 from 02.07.1988).
  • From 1988 to 2003 worked as a teacher of French at secondary school 55 in Mykolayiv, lecturer, senior lecturer at the Department of French Language, acting associate professor at the Department of Romance Philology of the Izmail State Pedagogical Institute/Izmail State Humanitarian University .
  • In 1994 graduated from the full-time postgraduate course at the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculties of Humanities of the Odesa National I.I. Mechnikov University.
  • In 1997 defended Ph.D. thesis on the topic: «Methods of Teaching Students of Language Universities Communication in the Social Sphere by Means of Linguistic and Cultural Vocabulary» (speciality 13.00.02 – Teaching Methodology (KN N° 013214 from 03.02.19997 р. Protocol N°3 Decisions of the Specialized Academic Council of South Ukrainian K. D. Ushynsky Pedagogical University).
  • In 2001 graduated from the full-time doctoral studies of the Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University at the Department of French Philology (specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and Methods of Teaching) in time with a recommendation for defense. The doctoral dissertation has passed the international scientific examination by specialists of the Bordeaux Michel Montagne University with the conclusion the need for further joint international leadership. As part of it, developed the author's video course "Strategies of Communicative Behavior", filmed in Austria and France.
  • In 2003, was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Department of Economics – Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the Izmail City Council.
  • Since 2004 has been invited to the Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University as a senior lecturer, since 2005 as an associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Humanities Faculties.
  • In 2011 was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages (Associate Professor's Certificate 12DC N°025293 from 01.07.2011 р., Protocol N°3/69 – D Decision of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine).
  • In 2012 received a second higher education at the Institute of Innovative and Postgraduate Education of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University in the specialty "Psychology" (qualification – psychologist, teacher of psychology, specialization "Clinical Psychology"). Specialist's Diploma of Retraining 12 DSC N° 233411 from 25.02.2012.
  • In 2013 was invited part-time to the position of Head of the Psychological Service of the Izmail organisation of Red Cross Society, from 2014-2017 - on volunteer terms.
  • Since 2013 has been the Head of the Scientific Interdisciplinary Scientific Circle in Foreign Languages of the Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University "History of the Izmail Red Cross".
  • In 2015 proposed the idea of the I.I. Mechnikov Prize.
  • From 2015-2020 performed the duties of the Executive Secretary of the Collection of Materials of Reports in French of Students of Non-Special Faculties Participating in Student Scientific Conferences of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, as well as a moderator of university-wide international events of the French language section with scientists from France and Francophonie countries, employees of the Embassy of France in Ukraine, Alliance Française in Odessa, University Agency of Francophonie.
  • Since 15.11.2021 to 30.06.2024 has been the Head of the Scientific Interdisciplinary Scientific Circle in Foreign Languages of the Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University "History of the Izmail Red Cross" in Honor of the Honorary President of the Circle - Mrs. Halyna Semenivna Dimova (Shutko).
  • Since 01.09.2023 to 30.06.2024 has been Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes, on an internal part-time basis – Lecturer at the Professional College of the Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University. 
  • Since 01.09.2023 to 19.02.2024 has been Coordinator for Foreign Language Training Department of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes at the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
  • Since 25.09.2024 is Expert on accreditation in the field of professional pre-higher education of the State Service for Education Quality of Ukraine and the State Educational Institution "Educational and Methodological Center for the Quality of Education" for the training of experts on accreditation examination educational and professional programs of professional pre-higher education. Listed By the Order of the State Service for Education Quality of Ukraine No. 01-10/251. 

Educational activities:

  • Foreign Language (English) for the First Bachelor's Level;
  • Foreign languages (English, French) for professional purposes for the first bachelor's and Second master's levels;
  • Second Foreign Language (French) for Professional Purposes for the First Bachelor's and Second Master's Levels;
  • Foreign Language (French) for Professional Purposes (Advanced Course) for the First Bachelor's Level;
  • Foreign Language (English) for Professional Purposes for the Second Master's Level (Lecture and Practical Course) .

Membership in associations:

  • Member of the NGO "Progressives and Strongs " N° 1020/24 (from 23.10.2024).
  • Member of the International Association of François Mauriac (2000 - 2001).
  • Member of the jury of the International Competition "Le Mot d'Or" (2014 – 2019);
  • Member of the Presidium of the Odessa Regional Organization of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society for two terms (2005 - 2015);
  • Member of the Presidium of the Izmail Organization of the Red Cross Society (2015 – 2017 р.р);
  • Member of the University Agency for Francophonie (з 2015 р.);
  • Member of the Association of French Language Teachers of Ukraine (APFU), affiliated member of the International Federation of French Language Teachers (FIPF) (from 2019) https://www.facebook.com/groups/620944585404616/permalink/888551491477256;
  • Associate member of the Department of Tourism of the Faculty of Geology and Geography of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University in the Tourism Association of Ukraine (since 2019);
  • Member of the organizing committee of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V. L. Skalkin "Topical Issues of Linguistics and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages" 12.04.2022. Odesa, 2022. URL: https://onu.edu.ua/pub/bank/userfiles/files/rgf/konferenciya_Skalkina_imgf_2022.pdf
  • Member of the Methodological Commission of Foreign Language Teachers of Professional Institutions of Pre-Higher Education of Odesa Region (since 01.09.2023);
  • Full member (245038g) of the public organization "Association of English Language Teachers "TESOL-Ukraine" ("TESOL-Ukraine"), International Branch of TESOL, Inc. (Certificate N° 24/2005) (since 05.01.2024).

Scientific consulting Regional Commission of Foreign Language Teachers of Professional Pre-Higher Education Institutions Odesa region: 2023/2024, 2024/2025 n.y. 

Experience of practical work in the second higher education (Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist):

Experience as the Head of the Psychological Service of the Izmail Organization of the Red Cross Society at 0.5 rate from 2012 to 2017 (for the second higher education – specialty Psychology, specialization – clinical psychology), of which from 2015 to 2017 – free of charge, on volunteer terms).

Scientific consulting of the Izmail organization of the Red Cross Society from 2013-2018 on holding citywide events to preserve the unique historical heritage of the Red Cross Movement in Izmail, Odesa region, with her further consulting in 2018-2020 on the preparation of the Historical Background of the organization, with the analysis of the medical and social work of the Patronage Service and Psychological and Social Assistance for the National Committee of Red Cross Society of Ukraine (period of reform, termination of the status of a legal entity, preparation for opening in a new status), work on the Analytical Report on Work with Internally Displaced Persons of the Most Vulnerable Categories of the Population in 2014 – on the basis of the Regulations on the Circle from 2013 and 2016 signed by the head of the university.


Numerous Certificates of Honor and Gratitude during 2002-2020 from authorities and local governments, public organizations, scientific institutions: Odesa Regional Council, Izmail City Council, Department of Economics of Izmail City Council, Odesa Regional Organization of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, Izmail Organization of the Red Cross Society, Rectorate of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Trade Union Committee of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Rector of the University, deans of the faculties of the university, Association of French Language Teachers of Ukraine АРFU, Annual certificates and gratitude from the directors of the Alliance Française of Odesa – employees of the Embassy of France in Ukraine, Scientific Libraries of Odesa, in particular, from the Head of the Odessa M.S. Hrushevsky Regional Universal Scientific Library, from the Izmail city organization of the Women Party of Ukraine for a series of lectures on the prevention of bullying, mobbing, prevention of suicidal intentions, etc.

Acknowledgments for 2021:

  • from the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University – for the training of Anna Mudra – 2nd year master's degree in the Faculty of Physics, secretary of the Scientific Club "History of the Izmail Red Cross" to participate with a report in French at the International Interdisciplinary Francophone Conference under the high patronage of the European Parliament «Migration et Minorités» 14 – 16 October 2021, Galati Romania, with the participation of the Embassy of France in Romania, French Institute in Romania, AUF – University Agency of Francophonie of Eastern and Central Europe, Sorbonne University – Paris Nord, France, University Rennes 3, France, University of Lumière Lyon 2, France, University le Havre Normandie, France, University Franche-Comté, Besançon, France, University D'unarea de Jos de Galati, Roumanie, International Research Centers – Centres scientifiques: Pléiade, IRDA, CELLAM, ІSTA, Lex Feim, etc. (Report and abstracts in French) (Odesa: 25.11.2021);
  • from the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University – for the training of Anna Mudra – 2nd year master's degree in the Faculty of Physics, secretary of the Scientific Club "History of the Izmail Red Cross" to participate with reports in French at the International Conference «Histoire, Spiritualité, Culture. Dialogue et interactivité» University D'unarea de Jos de Galati, Roumanie, with the participation of the University Lumière Lyon 2, France, University le Havre Normandie, Університету Kairouan, Tunisia, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine, Odesa National Maritime University, Ukraine, Cahul B.P. Hasdo State University, Moldova, Izmail State Humanitarian University, Ukraine, International Research Centers - Centres scientifiques: CеRLa, Centre for East European Historical and Social-Cultural studies, etc. (Report and publication of the article in French) (Odesa: 29 November 2021);
  • from SESS – Scientific Ethnological Student Society of the Faculty of History and Philosophy of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University for the preparation and holding of a number of scientific French-speaking spring events 2021 with the participation of GGF, FHF, FRGF, SESS and the Scientific Sercle «History of the Izmail Red Cross» of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University (Odesa: 01.09.2021).

E-Acknowledgments 2021:

  • from the Embassy of France in Ukraine, Institut Française Ukraine and Alliance Française Ukraine, for participation in the Video Contest «Ma classe de FLE et le numérique… en 180 secondes» 14 – 22 November 2021 on the occasion of the International Day of the Teacher of French Language, Kyiv;
  • from Pôle Langue et Formation de l'Institut Français d'Ukraine for participation in the International Event «Café des profs» «Le numérique dans ma classe de FLE, c'est pratique!» Embassy of France in Ukraine, French Institute in Ukraine, Pôle Langue et Formation de l'Institut Français d'Ukraine, Alliance Française, Ukraine, on the occasion of the International Day of the Teacher of French on November 25, 2021, Kyiv;
  • From Pôle Langue et Formation de l'Institut Français d'Ukraine, for Participation in the results of the Video Contest «Ma classe de FLE et le numérique… en 180 secondes» Embassy of France in Ukraine, French Institute in Ukraine, Alliance Française, Ukraine with the participation of the Association of Teachers of the French Language of Ukraine on the occasion of the International Day of the Teacher of French on November 25, 2021, Kyiv;
  • On behalf of the Embassy of France in Ukraine and the French Institute in Ukraine for the promotion of the French language at the Announcement of the results of the Video Contest «Ma classe de FLE et le numérique… en 180 secondes» - 29.129.11. 2021 р., Kyiv.

Certificates for 2022 р. :

  • from the Faculty of Geology and Geography of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University – for a significant personal contribution to the organization and holding of international events in French under martial law on Historical Tourism of the Scientific Interdisciplinary Interfaculty Circle «History of the Izmail Red Cross» 2022, dedicated to the Memory of the Honorary Chairman of the Circle (according to the European tradition – the Honorary President) – Mrs. Halyna Dimova (Shutko) on the occasion of the holidays of the University, the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology, the Circle, NEST and the Red Cross Movement (Odesa: June 26, 2022);
  • from the Faculty of Geology and Geography of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University – for a significant personal contribution to the training in the Second Foreign Language (French) for professional purposes under martial law of the Master of the first year of study of the Department of Tourism of the Faculty of Geology and Geography Victoria Bakul, which for the first time allowed to take part in the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference in memory of Professor V.L. Skalkin and to publish joint scientific theses in French on historical cruise tourism within the framework of the work of the Scientific Interdisciplinary University Circle «History of the Izmail Red Cross» in the scientific collection of the conference (Odesa: June 26, 2022).

Acknowledgments for 2023 р. :

  • from the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations of the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University – for a significant personal contribution to the training of the Second Foreign Language (French) for professional purposes in the conditions of martial law of second-year bachelors of the Department of International Economic Relations Anastasia TROFIMCHUK and Yelyzaveta TITOVA, who for the first time took part in the II International Scientific Francophone Interdisciplinary Conference, and prepared scientific articles that were published as joint scientific theses in French as part of the work of the Scientific Interdisciplinary University Group "History of the Izmail Red Cross" in the scientific International Collection, which is placed in the conference collection (Odesa: June 26, 2022).
  • from the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology of the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University – V.V. Glebov for a significant personal contribution to the training of second-year bachelors of the Department of International Economic Relations in the conditions of martial law Anastasia TROFIMCHUK and Elizaveta TITOVA, who took part in the II International Scientific French-speaking Interdisciplinary Conference for the first time, and prepared scientific articles, which were published joint scientific theses in French within the framework of the work of the Scientific Interdisciplinary University Circle «History of the Izmail Red Cross» in the scientific International Collection, which is placed in the conference proceedings (Odesa: June 26, 2022).

Acknowledgments for 2024 :

  1. Certificate of Honor from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Institutions of Professional Pre-Higher Education of the Odesa Region and the Chairman of the Methodological Commission of Foreign Language Teachers of Professional Pre-Higher Education Institutions of Odesa Region for conscientious work as a member of the Regional Methodological Commission of Teachers of Foreign Languages ZFPO Odesa region, for high professional qualities, creative approach and active life position - 01.09.2024. 
  2. Gratitude for many years of selfless work, high professionalism from the Rector of Odesa I.I Metchnikov National University I.I. Mechnikov - Vyacheslav Truba and Chairman of the Trade Union Committee - Vadym Penov - 16.12.2024. 

Research Interests:

Methods of tele- and distance learning of IM, creation of educational online channels, creation of webinars, educational videos, psycholinguistics/ethnopsycholinguistics, teaching foreign languages for professional purposes (Specialties 231 Cocial Work, 113  Applied Mathematics, 053 Psychology, 242 Tourism, 103 Earth Sciences, 011 Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, etc.); Lifelong Learning of Foreign Languages; Philosophy, History and Contemporary Activities of the Red Cross and other UN Non -governmental Organizations; Modern Clinical Psychology under Martial Law Conditions, Research of Foreign Language and Scientific-Professional Discourse, Artificial intelligence (AI) for Foreign Languages, Science and Education.  

Internships and professional development:

  • 1995–2001 – scientific internships in leading universities: Ukraine (2000, Kyiv: Kyiv National Linguistic University – 1 year), Austria (1999, Graz: Karl Franzens University – 2 months), Bulgaria (1995, Sofia: University of St. Kliment Ohrid – 1 month), France (1998, Montpellier: Mediterranean Institute for the Study of French – 1 month, 1999, Bordeaux: Michel Montaigne University – 3 months).
  • Fellow of the Government of Austria (1999) and France (1998, 1999).
  • 2005 – Odesa Alliance Française, under the leadership of the Director-Employee of the Embassy of France in Ukraine - M. Castelan.
  • 2010 - Odessa National Medical University under the leadership of the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Associate Professor. G. Eremkina.
  • 2015 – Odesa Alliance Française under the leadership of the Director Employee of the Embassy of France in Ukraine - P. Fourneau.
  • 2015, 2016 – Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University (methodologist: E. Deschamps, University of Lyon 2), topic: "Communicative and Activity Method of Language Learning". The certificates issued by the Embassy of France in Ukraine and the International Center of the WFM of the University of Lyon 2, France.
  • 2016 Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University (methodologist: K. Vishan, UAF), topic: "We learn and teach French together with the TV5Monde channel". The certificate was issued by the UAF branch in Chisinau.
  • 2017 Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University (methodologist: K. Perazzo, UAF), topic: "The use of authentic materials in teaching French as a foreign language". The certificate issued by the UAF branch in Chisinau.
  • 2020 Kyiv National Linguistic University, Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Information and Communication Technologies. Advanced training: November 02 – December 28, 2020 – under the guidance of the Head of the Department prof. Chernysh V.V. and prof. Mayer N.V. Topic: "The Use of Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions". Course topics: Innovative technologies of blended learning of foreign languages in universities; Methods of teaching French language and culture to students of the second and third levels of higher education; Methods of teaching English language and culture to applicants of the first level of higher education.
  • Orders of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University n° 2089-18 dated 02.11.2020; by KNLU n° 5 000 dated 29.10.2020.
  • The total number of hours is 180 academic hours (6 EKTS credits). Certificate of advanced training 12 SPV 186183.
  • 06.12.2023 – State Certificate of Fluency First degree in the state language UMD N° 00220356 by the decision of the National Commission on State Language Standards N° 446.
  • 25.05.2023 - Department of Foreign Languages Faculty of Economics and Management Polissya National University of Zhytomyr. Training on the basics of academic integrity (6 hours). Certificate dated May 25, 2023.
  • January 22 – January 27, 2024 - Department of Education and Science of the Odessa Regional State Administration, KZVO «Odesa Academy of Continuing Education of the Odesa Regional Council». On-the-job refresher courses (on-line). Topic: "Development of emotional competence of teachers" (30 hours – 1 ECTS credit). Certificate of Advanced Training ПК02137097/001090 КПОМ/01 from 30.01.2024.
  • 28.08-30.08.2024 - State Service for Education Quality of Ukraine and State Educational Institution "Educational and Methodological Center for the Quality of Education". On-line seminar for training experts on accreditation examination of educational and professional programs of professional pre-higher education (1 ECTS credit). According to the results of advanced training and successful passing of tests acquired the ability to analyze information, necessary for the accreditation examination of educational and professional programs in the field of professional pre-higher education and Educational Activities under these programs. Certificate dated 16.09.2024. Account  N° 670. 14.09.2024 - EVI 2024: 160 points for the Foreign Language Exam.
  • 08.10 - 29.10.2024 - Google and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. On-line course - «Digital Skills for Education with Google: A Hands-on Program». 100% of the total volume of course tasks has been completed. Improved professional competence (digital component) in the scope of 15 academic hours (0.5 ECTS credits). Certificate N° GDSFEC2-4768 dated October 29, 2024
  • 21.10-30.10.2024 - Islands of the Progressives and Strongs. Master class "New Opportunities for the Teacher: Pumping for Teachers" ONU I.I. Mechnikov, WUNU, KhNU. Certificate OP ОЗХ N° 180/24 dated November 01, 2024. Volume 60 hours/2 ECTS credits. Volume 60 hours/2 ECTS credits.
  • 28.10-01.11.2024 - NGO " Progressives and Strongs ". Advanced training. «Innovative teaching: from design thinking to artificial intelligence». Certificate ІІВ-0683 from November 05, 2024 Volume 30 hours/1 ECTS credit).
  • 14.11.2024 - Сlarivate. Webinar «Thesis: from planning to use». Certificate - 1 hour.
  • 29.11.2024 -  Сlarivate. Webinar "Limits or Limitations of Web of Science Core Collection. Why does it matter?» Certificate – 1 hour.
  • 07.12.2024 – NGO " Progressives and Strongs ". Progressive Educators Summit 2024,  Kyiv. Certificate N°314 dated 07.12.24 (0.3 credits – 8 hours).
  • 24.11-31.12.2024 - Online course from Google - «AI for productivity from Google".
  1. Participation on November 14 – 22, 2021 in the Competition of the Embassy of France in Ukraine, the French Institute in Ukraine and Alliance Française Ukraine «Ma classe de FLE et le numérique… en 180 secondes» on the occasion of the International Day of the Teacher of the French Language, Kyiv (in French) – Video Introduction: Le numérique dans le travail du cercle scientifique «Histoire de la Croix-Rouge d’Izmail» de l’Université nationale I.I. Metchnikov d'Odessa.
  2. Participation on November 25, 2021 in the International E-Event «Café des profs» «Le numérique dans ma classe de FLE, c'est pratique!» Embassy of France in Ukraine, French Institute in Ukraine, Pôle Langue et Formation de l'Institut Français d'Ukraine, Alliance Française d'Ukraine, on the occasion of the International Day of the Teacher of French (in French).
  3. Participation November 25, 2021 in the results of the Video Contest "Ma classe de FLE et le numérique... en 180 secondes" on the occasion of the International French Teacher's Day, Kyiv (in French); Embassy of France in Ukraine, French Institute in Ukraine, Alliance Française, Ukraine with the participation of the Association of Teachers of the French Language of Ukraine.
  4. Participation in offline/on-line meetings of sections of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculties of Humanities; Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Purposes; Department of History of Ukraine; Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Department of World History; Department of Archaeology, Ethnology and History; Department of International Relations and World Economy; Department of Social Geography and Tourism of annual (since 2004) conferences of the Teaching Staff of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
  5. Participation in online webinars 2022 by Clarivate on scientometric databases Web of Science Core Collection and scientific publications. Obtaining 13 certificates from May to November (10.05; 12.05; 24.05; 26.05; 09.06; 14.06; 28.06; 30.06; 07.07; 11.07; 11.08; 08.09; 10.11; 11.11 2022 р.).
  6. Participation in the online webinar «International Science Landscape, First Orientation & Useful Tips, #2:Austria & Switzerland» 23.06.2022.
  7. Participation in the online event of the Association of French Language Teachers of Ukraine (APFU) 2023: Round table "Virgil's Aeneid and its European echoes" April 5, 2023.
  8. Participation in the webinar of the National Qualifications Agency: "Accreditation of qualification centers: theoretical and practical aspects" on February 08, 2023.
  9. Participation in the online "Training on the Basics of Academic Integrity" of Department of Foreign Languages of Polissya National University of Zhytomyr. May 25, 2023  Certificate (6 hours).
  10. Participation in online meetings of the Methodological Commission of Foreign Language Teachers of Professional Institutions of Pre-Higher Education of the Odessa Region on advanced training and organization of conferences for the 2023/2024, 2024/2025 academic years (28.09.2023, 27.09.2024), on the organization of the Regional Book Treillers Competition and the Regional Olympiad in English (14.02.2024), on pedagogical readings (06.05.2024, 06.06.2024),  on lectures-presentations (30.10.2024).
  11. Participation in the online event of the Embassy of France in Ukraine and the Association of French Language Teachers of Ukraine: « Enseigner le Français: les Défis à relever » for International French Teacher's Day 23 November 2023.
  12. Participation in the online III Regional Scientific and Practical Student Conference «UKRAINE ON THE WAY TO VICTORY». Presentation at the Plenary session of the conference: 23.11.2023, 14.00 – 17.00, preparation of 3 students of the Professional College of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University with reports at the conference sections.
  13. Participation on 07.02.2024 in the online open meeting of the National Agency for Accreditation of Bachelor's Training under the educational program Social Work, ІD 29878. B. URL: onu.edu.ua/uk/podii/akredytatsii-pidhotovky-bakalavriv-za-osvitnoiu-prohramoiu-sotsialna-robota
  14. Participation (since 2004) in offline/online meetings sections of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculties of Humanities; Department of Foreign Languages of Specific Purposes; Department of History of Ukraine; Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Department of World History; Department of Archeology, Ethnology and History; Department of International Economic Relations and World Economy; Department of Social Geography and Tourism of annual conferences of the teaching staff of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
  15. Guidance (since 2004) of English/French-language reports by students of FHF, FF, GGF, HF, FCF, BF, MEW, FPSR offline/on-line meetings of sections of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculties of Humanities; Department of Foreign Languages of Professional Direction, as well as VSP "FC ONU I.I. Mechnikov" at annual student reporting conferences of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
  16. Participation on 14.03-17.03.2024 in the online Regional Competition of Book Trailers of the Methodological Commission of Foreign Language Teachers of the ZFPE of the Odesa Region «READ! CREATE! COMMUNICATE!»,  Guidance of 3 2nd year students of the specialty 113 Applied Mathematics on creating a book trailer in English to the drama - L. Ukrainka's extravaganza "Forest song", receiving the nomination "Plot Content".
  17. Participation on 16.04.2024 in the regional online Olympiad in English for applicants of the ZFPE of the Odesa region on the platform Vseosvita, supervision of two students, one of whom is a student of the 2nd grade, specialty 231 Social Work - Winner - 2nd place.
  18. Participation on 12.04.2024 in the IX International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference «Topical Issues of Linguistics and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages", dedicated to the memory of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.L. Skalkin. Certificate signed by the Dean of the RGF of ONU I.I. Mechnikov dated 12.04.24.
  19. Participation from 22.01.-27.01.2024 in online advanced training on the topic "Development of emotional competence of teachers". Certificate of advanced training of the Department of Education and Science of the Odesa Regional State Administration KZVO «Odesa Academy of Continuing Education of the Odesa Regional Council" 30 hours (1 EKTS credit) from 30.01.2024.
  20. Participation 28.03.2024 in an interregional online seminar for representatives of professional pre-higher education institutions on topical issues of self-assessment, accreditation and post-accreditation monitoring in the field of professional pre-higher education with the participation of Natalia Vitranyuk, Director of the Department of Control in the Field of Higher, Professional Pre-Higher and Adult Education of the State Service for Education Quality of Ukraine.
  21. Participation on 06.06.2024 in the online Regional Pedagogical Readings of Methodological Commission of Teachers of Foreign Languages of Institutions of Professional Pre-Higher Education of the Odesa Region: Introduction to the Quizzes Platform as a tool for interactive testing and diagnostics of students' knowledge and using mind mapping technologies in the modern educational process.
  22. Participation in the online seminar on 28.08-30.08.2024 - of the State Service for Education Quality of Ukraine and State Educational Institution "Educational and Methodological Center for the Quality of Education" for training experts on accreditation examination of educational and professional programs of professional pre-higher education (1 ECTS credit) and successful passing of tests. Based on the results of advanced training, the ability to analyze information has been acquired, necessary for the accreditation examination of educational and professional programs in the field of professional pre-higher education, education and educational activities under these programs. Certificate dated 16.09.2024. Account  N° 670.
  23. Participation in the online course of Google and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine 08-29.10.2024 - «Digital Skills for Education with Google: A Hands-on Program». Certificate N° GDSFEC2-4768 dated October 29, 2024. Completed 100% of the total course tasks. Advanced professional competence (digital component) in the amount of 15 academic hours (0.5 ECTS credits).
  24. Participation in the master class from the Progressive Islands on 21.10-30.10.2024 – «New Opportunities for the Teacher: Leveling for Teachers» ONU I.I. Mechnikov, WUNU, KhNU. Certificate OP ОЗХ N° 180/24. Volume 60 hours/2 ECTS credits.
  25. Participation in the advanced training event from the NGO "Progressive" 28.10-01.11.2024 – «Innovative Teaching: From Design Thinking to Artificial Intelligence». Certificate ІІВ-0683. Volume 30 hours/1 ECTS credit).
  26. Participation in the lecture-presentation on 30.10.2024 – «Theoretical foundations of non-traditional methods and forms of teaching, their effectiveness. Formation of motivation for educational activity through art" of  Tamara KUBOVA - teacher of the highest category FC NTIS ONTU within the framework of the meeting of the Methodological Commission of Teachers of Foreign Languages of the Odesa Region.
  27. Participation 12.11.2024 - in the Information Seminar "EU Horizon Europe Program: Opportunities for Ukrainian Scientists. Duration of the event: 10.00-15.00.
  28. Participation in the Clarivate Webinar 14.11.2024 - «Dissertation: From Planning to Use". Certificate - 1 hour.
  29. Participation in the Clarivate Webinar on 29.11.2024 - «Limits or limitations of Web of Science Core Collection. Why does it matter?» Certificate – 1 hour.
  30. Participation 29.11.2024 – in the X All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference «Challenges of Modern Science: An Interdisciplinary View through the Prism of Foreign Languages» Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Purposes of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University with theses: «Composantes de l'identité européenne de l’attraction touristique d’Odesa dans la dimension interdisciplinaire à travers de l’enseignement de français».
  31. Participation 07.12.2024 - in the Summit 2024 of the NGO "Progressive", Kyiv. Certificate N°314 of 07.12.2024 (0.3 credits – 8 hours).
  32. Participation in the online course from Google 24.11.-31.12.2024 - "AI for productivity from Google".
  33. Participation on 16.12.2024 - in the solemn meeting of the Rectorate and the Trade Union Committee of the Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University. 

The author of more than 55 scientific national and international publications in Ukrainian, English and French.

Main publications:

  1. Dimova L.S. Opportunities and Prospects for the Use of Booktrailers in a Foreign Language Language for Specific Purposes in the Context of Foreign Language Training of Masters of ONU I.I. Mechnikov pp. 111-115//Topical issues of linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages: Coll. materials of the IX international Sciences. – Practice. conf., dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.L. Skalkin (April 12, 2024). Odesa: Oldie+, 2024. 212 с. URL: onu.edu.ua/uk/structure/faculty/rgf/kafedry-ta-inshi-strukturni-pidrozdily/foreign/naukova-konferentsiya-imeni-profesora-v-l-skalkina
  2. Dimova L.S., Yavorska V.V. Tourist Attractiveness of the Ukrainian City of Odesa as One of the Components of European Identity pp. 165 - 168//Topical issues of linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages: Coll. Materials IX International Sciences. – Practice. conf., dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.L. Skalkin (April 12, 2024). Odesa: Oldie+, 2024. 212 с. URL: onu.edu.ua/uk/structure/faculty/rgf/kafedry-ta-inshi-strukturni-pidrozdily/foreign/naukova-konferentsiya-imeni-profesora-v-l-skalkina
  3. Dimova L.S.Composantes de l'identité européenne de l’attraction touristique d’Odesa dans la dimension interdisciplinaire à travers de l’enseignement de français. P. 23-26. // Coll. Proceedings of the X All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of the Department of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology of the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University «Challenges of Modern Science: An Interdisciplinary View through the Prism of Foreign Languages»: 29.11.2024. Odesa, 2024. 130 p. URL:onu.edu.ua/uk/structure/faculty/rgf/kafedry-ta-inshi-strukturni-pidrozdily/foreign
  4. Дімова Л.С. Французька мова для академічних цілей в діяльності наукового гуртка ОНУ імені І.І. Мечникова «ІСТОРІЯ ІЗМАЇЛЬСЬКОГО ЧЕРВОНОГО ХРЕСТА». Записки з романо-германської філології. Випуск 2(43). Одеса, 2019. С. 109-122. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18524/2307-4604.2019.2(43).186238 (фахове видання)
  5. Дімова Л.С. Міждисциплінарний підхід в програмах магістерського рівня з викладання другої іноземної мови зі спеціальності 242 Туризм. Вісник Одеського національного університету. Географічні та геологічні науки. Том 25. Випуск 2 (37) 2020. Одеса, 2020. С. 325-335. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18524/2303-9914.2020.2(37).216556 (фахове видання)
  6. Dimova L. Recherches historiques du Cercle scientifique d'Odessa «Histoire de la Croix-Rouge d’Izmail» // The Annals of «Dunarea de Jos» de Galati University of Galati. Fascicule XX, Sociology. Roumanie. No 16 (2021). Published 2022-03-07. P.155-165. https://www.gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/socio/article/view/5119/4504 (фахове видання, Румунія) (Index Copernicus). Індексація в наукометрічних франкофонних базах Центральної та Східної Європи (CEEOL); ERI+
  7. Дімова Л.С. Туризмологія Франції в спецкурсі «Туристичний потенціал франкомовних країн» (для магістрів спеціальності 242 Туризм). Вісник Одеського національного університету. Географічні та геологічні науки. Том 27. Випуск 1 (40) 2022 Одеса, 2022. С. 144-154. http://visgeo.onu.edu.ua/article/view/257539 (фахове видання).
  8. Дімова Л.С. & Яворська В.В. Історичний круїзний туризм в біосферних резерватах ЮНЕСКО: «Чорноморський» та «Дельта Дунаю» (співпраця Наукового гуртка «Історія Ізмаїльського Червоного Хреста» та Геолого-географічного факультету Одеського національного університету імені І.І. Мечникова). Вісник Одеського національного університету. Географічні та геологічні науки. Том 28. Випуск (1(42), 2023. С. 84-94. http://visgeo.onu.edu.ua/article/view/282238 (фахове видання).
  9. Дімова Л.С. Методичні вказівки з розвитку навичок аудіювання франкомовних автентичних лінгвокультурологічних текстів у студентів І курсу гуманітарних факультетів університетів за кредитно-модульной системою. Одеса: Фенікс, 2007. 40 с.
  10. Дімова Л.С. Методичні вказівки з розвитку навичок аудіювання франкомовних автентичних лінгвокультурологічних текстів у студентів ІІ курсу гуманітарних факультетів університетів за кредитно-модульной системою. Одеса: Фенікс, 2007. 35 с.
  11. Історія України в книжкових пам'ятках ХVII – ХVIII ст. з колекції Наукової бібліотеки ОНУ імені І.І. Мечникова: зб. наук. пр. /(Бачинська О. А., Чухліб Т. В., Подрезова О. М., Г. В. Великодна, Дімова Л. С., Іванова Н. Г., Радзиховська О.О. Одес. нац. Ун-т ім. І.І. Мечникова. Наук. б-ка. Іст. Ф-т. Від. Історії козацтва на Півдні України НДІ козацтва Ін-ту історії України НАН України. Одеса: ОНУ ім.і І. І. Мечникова, 2015. 420 с.
  12. Дімова Л.С. Освіта дорослих у сфері профілактики та охорони здоров'я в Україні (на прикладі власного досвіду інструктора курсів Першої допомоги Ізмаїльської організації Товариства Червоного Хреста)//Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Освіта дорослих в Україні та світі» Одеського національного університету імені І.І Мечникова. Одеса, 02.10.2020. С. 76-78. URL: http://liber.onu.edu.ua/pdf/osvita_doros_uk_konf2020.pdf
  13. Dimova Larуsa. Activité francophone du Cercle scientifique interdisciplinaire «Histoire de la Croix-Rouge d’Izmail» (Analyse de soutien psychologique de migration contemporaine) // Résumés des intervenants de la Conférence Francophone Interdisciplinaire Internationale «Migration et Minorités» Sous le haut patronage du Parlement Européen, l'Université «Dunarea de Jos» de Galati, Roumanie, Octobre 2021. P. 38-39. (PDF) La Conference Francophone Interdisciplinaire Internationale MIGRATIONS & MINORITES. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353029963_La_Conference_Francophone_Interdisciplinaire_Internationale_MIGRATIONS_MINORITES
  14. Dimova Larysa. Recherches historiques du Cercle scientifique d'Odessa «Histoire de la Croix-Rouge d’Ismail» // «History, Spirituality, Culture. Dialogue et Interactivity». 7th Edition. Book of Abstracts of the International Conference, «Dunarea de Jos» University of Galati, Romania. Novembre, 2021. P. 61. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353029963_La_Conference_Francophone_Interdisciplinaire_Internationale_MIGRATIONS_MINORITES
  15. Дімова Л.С. Освітні послуги з викладання французької мови в контексті іншомовної підготовки зі спеціальності 242 Туризм //Актуальні питання лінгвістики та методики викладання іноземних мов. Збірник матеріалів VIII Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої пам'яти доктора педагогичних наук, профессора В. Л. Скалкіна. 12.04.2022. Одеса, 2022. С. 213-218. URL: http://onu.edu.ua/pub/bank/userfiles/files/rgf/konferenciya_Skalkina_imgf_2022.pdf
  16. Dimova Larysa, Bacul Victoriia. Tourisme historique aquatique dans les réserves de biosphère de l’UNESCO : «Tchornomorski» et «Delta du Danube» (recherche du Cercle scientifique «Histoire de Croix-Rouge d’Izmail» de l’Université nationale I.I Metchnikov d'Odessa pour établir des itinéraires des Hôpitaux flottants de Croix Rouge à Izmail pendant la Première Guerre mondiale) // Актуальні питання лінгвістики та методики викладання іноземних мов. Збірник матеріалів VIII Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої пам'яти доктора педагогичних наук, профессора В. Л. Скалкіна. 12.04.2022. Одеса, 2022. С. 290-294. URL: http://onu.edu.ua/pub/bank/userfiles/files/rgf/konferenciya_Skalkina_imgf_2022.pdf
  17. Dimova Larysa. Тourisme historique de croisière dans le Delta du Danube (recherche du Cercle scientifique «Histoire de la Croix-Rouge d’Izmail de l'université nationale I.I. Metchnikov d'Odessa») // International Conference: History, Spirituality, Culture. Dialogue and Interactivity. 8th Edition. June 16-17, 2022, Galati, Romania. P. 60. URL: Accueil http://migraconf.ugal.ro/index.php/fr/
  18. Dimova Larysa. Processus de migration dans la recherche du Cercle universitaire scientifique en l'honneur de la Présidente Honoraire – Mme Halyna Dimova (Choutko) « Histoire de la Croix Rouge d’Izmail » (aspects économiques) // Résumés des intervenants de la Conférence Francophone Interdisciplinaire Internationale «Migration et Minorités» de l'Université «Dunarea de Jos» de Galati, Roumanie, Octobre 2022. P. 49-50. URL: Accueil http://migraconf.ugal.ro/index.php/fr/
  19. Dimova L. Processus de migration dans la recherche du Cercle universitaire scientifique en l'honneur de la Présidente Honoraire – Mme Halyna Dimova (Choutko) « Histoire de la Croix Rouge d’Izmail » (aspects économiques) // Les actes de la Conférence francophone interdisciplinaire internationale « Migration et Minorités », Galati, Roumanie, 2022. (Al-Makhatabat Issue 45/January – Mars 2023, Tunisie). P. 353-366. Індексація EBSCO – https://www.ebscohost.com/, Research Gate, Academia.edu, Fabula.org, WorldCat etc. Le volume peut être lu in extenso en ligne sur le site de recherche panaméricain Academia.edu : https://www.academia.edu/92644070/AL_MUKHATABAT_ISSUE_45_JANUARY_MARS_2023?fbclid=IwAR3aMcdFf5iD3sJxr1GMzoPRqYhKo6ZPglv4dMFkLBE_qO4SDgdsM_BzK0
  20. Dimova L. & Titova E. Enjeux économiques de la migration dans lеs recherches du Cercle scientifique en l'honneur de la Présidente Honoraire – Mme Halyna Dimova (Choutko) « Histoire de la Croix Rouge d’Izmail » de l’Université nationale I.I. Metchnikov d'Odessa // Les actes de la Conférence francophone interdisciplinaire internationale « Migration et Minorités », Galati, Roumanie, 2022. (Al-Makhatabat Issue 45/January – Mars 2023, Тunisie). P. 609-622. Індексація EBSCO – https://www.ebscohost.com/, Research Gate, Academia.edu, Fabula.org, WorldCat etc. Le volume peut être lu in extenso en ligne sur le site de recherche panaméricain Academia.edu : https://www.academia.edu/92644070/AL_MUKHATABAT_ISSUE_45_JANUARY_MARS_2023?fbclid=IwAR3aMcdFf5iD3sJxr1GMzoPRqYhKo6ZPglv4dMFkLBE_qO4SDgdsM_BzK0
  21. Dimova L.&Trofymchuk A. Economie internationale de la migration forcée dans les études du Cercle scientifique interdisciplinaire en langues étrangères En l'honneur de la Présidente Honoraire – Mme Halyna Semenivna Dimova (Choutko) « Histoire de la Croix Rouge d’Izmail » de l’Université nationale I.I. Metchnikov d'Odessa // Les actes de la Conférence francophone interdisciplinaire internationale « Migration et Minorités », Galati, Roumanie, 2022. (Al-Makhatabat Issue 45/January – Mars 2023, Tunisie). P. 623-635. Індексація EBSCO – https://www.ebscohost.com/, Research Gate, Academia.edu, Fabula.org, WorldCat etc. Le volume peut être lu in extenso en ligne sur le site de recherche panaméricain Academia.edu : https://www.academia.edu/92644070/AL_MUKHATABAT_ISSUE_45_JANUARY_MARS_2023?fbclid=IwAR3aMcdFf5iD3sJxr1GMzoPRqYhKo6ZPglv4dMFkLBE_qO4SDgdsM_BzK0
  22. Дімова Л.С. Dimova Halyna Semenivna (Shoutko): Life as а Feat in the Context of National and International Red Cross and Red Crescent Mouvement (to the 10th Anniversary of Scientific Circle «History of the Izmail Red Cross» in Her Honor of Odessa I.I Metchnikov National University)//Матеріали ІІІ Обласної науково-практичної студентської конференції «УКРАЇНА НА ШЛЯХУ ДО ПЕРЕМОГИ!» 23.11.2023. Одеса, 2023. С. 7-10. (URL : Участь здобувачів освіти ІАТФК у ІІІ Обласній науково-практичній студентській конференції "УКРАЇНА НА ШЛЯХУ ДО ПЕРЕМОГИ" - Ізмаїльський агротехнічний фаховий коледж http://iatk.edu.ua/uchast-zdobuvachiv-osvity-iatfk-u-iii-oblasnij-naukovo-praktychnij-studentskij-konferencziyi-ukrayina-na-shlyahu-do-peremogy/).


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