Research Laboratory of Detectors and Register Systems of Moving Objects

Updated 17.09.2015

Scientific research laboratory Sensors and recording systems (S&RS)

Head of the laboratory Budiyanska Lyudmyla Mikhailivna

Scientific leader Professor, doctor of physics and mathematics, academician Smintina Valentyn Andriyovych

Scientific staff of the laboratory:

  • Head of the laboratory Senior research worker Budiyanska Lyudmyla Mikhailivna
  • Ivanchenko Irayda Alexandrovna senior research worker
  • Santoniy Vladimir Ivanovich senior research worker
  • Molchanyuk Vladimir Ivanovych research worker
  • Yanko Vladimir Vasiliyovych research worker


A scientific research laboratory was founded in 1969 by Professor Presnov V.A.
In 1993 the ministry of machine-building, military complex and conversion, and the department of education of Ukraine created the inter-branch Scientific and technical center "Sensors and recording systems" on the base of the laboratory.
In 2002 Scientific Technical Centre (S&RS) was reorganized into the Scientific Research laboratory (S&RS) of the Department of education and science of Ukraine.

Directions of scientific researches:

Optical electronics Environmental protection

A laboratory is specialized in the following industries:

  • Optical-electronic informatively-measuring systems;
  • Methods and principles of computer design;
  • Systems of the ecological monitoring of water level;
  • Planning and development of imitation technique,
  • Power electronics and medical equipment.

Basic results of fundamental researches for 2000-2005:

  • Development of methods, tools and devices of analysis of the reflected optical wave, exceeding exactnesses existing on indexes, efficiency and reliability is conducted .
  • The original modified method of the location measuring in a nanosecond temporal range is developed, guaranteeing the high-fidelity measuring of small distances, which optimizes the systems of location.
  • The optimum structure of the receiver taking into account the quantum structure of the optical field is different for weak and strong signals.
  • Application of correlation treatment of signals in the modified method of the optical location measuring the distance in the direction of development and optimization of the digital method of the phase measuring in the optical location systems is grounded in theory.
  • The original method of calculation and introduction the result of measuring of optical location device of amendment on the systematic error of measuring is developed. It is set that this error has sign-changing non-casual character and a signal-noise depends only on correlation.

Applied aspects

The algorithm of work of the specialized microprocessors for treatment of signals of the optical location systems is developed, that provides the use of digital technologies and taking of analog functional operations to the minimum.

The vehicle-programmatic complex of non-standard equipment is developed for conducting technical diagnostics of the located devices in the process of planning and research by non-destructive methods and verifications of work in dynamic terms by the design or imitation with sufficient exactness of tester process.

The scientifically-applied orientation of the laboratory research is provides acceleration of the use of results in different industries of the national economy of Ukraine.
Scientific base of the researches is reflected more than in 130 publications, copyright certificates and patents. 7 developments are published In Directory of Ministry of Science and Formation of Ukraine.

Over the last 3 years more than 40 scientific works have been published, 15 national and international conferences have been taken part in. In total more than 100 lectures at scientific and scientific and technical conferences have been done by the employees.
Information for potential partners
Exhibits are developed as a result of the conducted researches (short description)

Optical-electronic range-finder

solves the problem of the distance control of short distances of spatial area for the speed measuring systems. A range-finder provides exactness of measuring ~ 1 % at speed to 30 m/sec.

Optic and electronic cane for blind people

Multifunctional photoelectronic cane examines a road condition by a remote-contact method and distinguishes three types of on-path irregularities thus solving the problem of special orientation of a user. The incidence of the optic-electronic device operates in the long-wavelength infrared spectrum, which is safe for users. The cane distinguishes pot-holes, such obstacles as prominences, walls, borders and so on, as well as puddles with the dimensions of more that 5 cm. A user is informed of on-path irregularities by means of various tones of audible alarm.

Laser roulette, the optical-electronic measuring device of short distances

The device is able to replace mechanical roulettes. It is a universal device for the rapid and exact measuring of the distance from different fixed surfaces, such as the floor, the ceiling, columns, and dangerous objects or difficult of access ones, such as elevator mines or stair openings.The laser roulette is a non-contact optico-electronic measuring device of short distances possessing the improved consumer properties and able to replace mechanical roulettes. Work of roulette is based on measuring of phase correlations between the radiated and reflected visual signals. It is a universal device for implementation of rapid and exact telemeterings of distance from different fixed surfaces, such as floor, ceiling, columns, and also in the difficult and dangerous places of access, such as elevator mines, open stair exits. A result hatches on a liquid-crystal screen in units of measuring. The laser radiation used in the roulette is safe for a consumer.

Optical-electronic device for registration of smoke aerosols

The device finds out the presence of smoke aerosols by the controlled distance method.

Computer model of optical channel

It is a flexible macro-model of optical channels of optical-electronic devices in the environment of the PSpice language which replaces the experiment by the numeral design of processes by computer in the SAPR environment.

Mathematical model of phase measuring device of distance in the MATLAB environment

A model makes the numeral design of the processes in the optical-electronic devices including
the parameters of signals passing of the optical and electric systems of phase range-finder,.
A model estimates influencing of coefficient of reflection of object of location , sources of noise of supporting and measuring channels.

Hardware-software complex of measurements of spatial position of mobile objects

The hardware of the complex will consist of three-channel laser range finding system which accumulates the information on parameters of movement of the object which is taking place on a line of vision. The software, together with the block of the external interface, allows to carry out record of this information with the subsequent calculation of parameters of movement for any current point of the trajectory. The settlement information is displayed in a numerical and graphic kind, and also illustrated by the behaviour of mathematical model in a various time scale.

The magnetic bio-corrector

The magnetic bio-corrector allows to balance the system of power meridians of the person by purposeful influence by an electromagnetic field of complex existential structure. The spatial configuration, power and time parameters of a magnetic field are generated electromagnetic work-coil, established on surfaces of a physiotherapeutic table in the locations of the "power" centres and lengthways acupuncture meridians of the person. Medical influence is carried out on the basis of the preliminary analysis of the individual diagnosis. It enables operation- and medicine-free treatments.

High-speed optico-electronic measuring instrument of small distances

Optico-electronic measuring instrument (ОEI) of small distances solves a problem of the remote control of a spatial zone for high-speed measuring systems.

Optico -electronic smoke detector

The detector finds out presence of smoke aerosols by a distance method. The principle of the detector work for edifice is based on measurement of the reflected signal from a smoke aerosol with the help of optical power.
The optical system which forms circular volume in space is developed. Hit of smoke in controllable volume results in the detector operation. The radius of action depends on capacity of a radiator and sensitivity of the photoreception device.

High-powered inverter semiautomatic and manual arc welding

The device provides soft tracking of welding current when operating in various operating modes, barring adverse periods of transition. The device stands well data spread, as well as ferromagnetic substance quality of a power transformer. The system of bipolar constrains that saturates magnetic core of a power transformer abates dynamic losses of the inverter, as the operating frequency of a power transformer has been lowed to its minimum.
Method of measurement of the optical antenna direction diagram
The measuring of the optical antenna direction diagram is carried out by moving a reflector along the normal line to the researched antenna that provides a field of view self-scanning of the measuring reception antenna according to the researched antenna directional diagram.

Physical simulation plant for shuffling of optical and electronic devices

The plant imitates shuffling of optical and electronic devices, range-finders of short distances. It also measures their dynamic characteristics.

The developed exhibits were demonstrated on the following exhibitions

  • Exhibition of the military-applied developments and technologies at Ukrainian scientific research institute of aviation technologies, Kiev, 2001
  • National exhibition «Year of Ukraine in Russia», Department of education and science , 2002
  • Constantly operating Exhibition of achievements of national economy of Ukraine, Kiev, 2003
  • Exhibition of achievements of the scientific subsections ONU in January and November, 2003, Odessa.
  • Exhibition of scientific and technical achievements of the Odessa region, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Odessa.
  • Exhibition is «Days of science and technique of Ukraine in India», New-Delhi, November, 2004
  • The presentation of economic investment export potential of the Odessa region in France, 2004г.
  • Exhibition of scientific researches and innovative projects of the Odessa region, OCSTEI, in 2005 and 2006
  • II International forum of investments and innovations, 2005, 2006, 2007
  • Exhibition devoted to 140 anniversary of І.І. Mechnykov ONU, May, 2005, Odessa.
  • III International forum of investments and innovations, May, 30 - June, 3, 2006,2007
  • Exhibition of the Ukrainian-Chinese forum «Science-production» (UCF-2006).
  • Exhibition of scientific researches and technologies of Ukraine in the Socialistic Republic Vietnam, 2006
  • Exhibition within the framework of inauguration conference of the 7th Frame Program of EU, Warsaw, 2006
  • To the state exhibition-action “Barvysta Ukraine” , 2007, conducted by State administration by the President of Ukraine in the National complex “Expocentre of Ukraine”.

Publications 2001 - 2007

  • High-accurate optico-electronic distance measurement of short distances for moving
    objects./Science and Technology Center in Ukraine. Annual Report 1999. Kyiv 2000, p.43.
  • Santonij V.I., Ivanchenko I.A., Budiyanskaya L.M. Device of detection of obstacles for a cane of blind people. Collection of works. Proceedings on materials of 5-th International youth forum “Radio electronics and youth in XXI century”, Kharkov, April 24-26, 2001, Part 2, pages 302-303.
  • Santonij V.I., Janko V.V., Ivanchenko I.A., Budiyanskaya L.M. Phase optico-electronic range finder of short distances. Collection of works. Proceedings on materials of 5-th International youth forum “Radio electronics and youth in XXI century”, Kharkov, April 24-26, 2001, Part 2, pages 304-305.
  • Santonij V.I., Janko V.V., Ivanchenko I.A., Budiyanskaya L.M. Monitoring system of parameters of small satellites dejoining from a space platform. Materials of V International scientific technical conference. “ Modern technologies in aerospace complex”, Zhitomir, Sept 4-6, 2001 , pages 71-76.
  • High-Accurate Optico-Electronic Distance Measurement of Short Distances for Moving Objects. Abstracts of regular projects, Odessa State University, Odessa. Budiyanskaya Lyudmyla. STCU, Annual report, 2000-2001р.
  • Vaksman J.F., Budiyanskaya L.M., Ivanchenko І .A. Colour-detecting photoreceiver on the basis of thin-film heterotransmission p(Cu2O)-n(CdS) with regulated spectrum coordinated sensivity. Thesis of report of the 1st Ukrainian physical conference of semi-conductors (with international participant), Odessa, Sept 10-14, 2002, Part 2, pages 181-182.
  • Vaksman J.F., Ivanchenko І. A., Budiyanskaya L.M. Properties and characteristics of photoelements with heterotransmissing structure p (Cu2O)-n (CdS) on thin lining. Thesis of report of the 1st Ukrainian physical conference of semi-conductors (with international participant), Odessa, Sept 10-14, 2002, Part 2 , pages 183-184.
  • Vaksman J.F., Santonij V. I., Budiyanskaya L.M., Ivanchenko І .A. Characteristics of open optical pair laser diode-pin-photodiode at phase metrical systems of short distance measurements of dymamic purpose. Thesis of report of the 1st Ukrainian physical conference of semi-conductors (with international participant), Odesa, Sept 10-14, 2002, Part 2, pages 185-186.
  • Molchanjuk V.I., Vaksman J.F., Budiyanskaya L.M., Ivanchenko I.A. Research of elements IR optical pairs for optico electronic sensor controls. Thesis of report of the 1st Ukrainian physical conference of semi-conductors (with international participant), Odessa, Sept 10-14, 2002, Part 2, page 342.
  • Bekshaev A.J., Molchanjuk V.I. Application of silicon substrates in the electronic microanalysis of small particles at sliding corners of supervision. Thesis of report of the 1st Ukrainian physical conference of semi-conductors (with international participant), Odessa, Sept 10-14, 2002, Part 2, page 343.
  • Vaksman J.F., Ivanchenko I.A., Budiyanskaya L.M., Santonij V.I. Statistical attributes of aerosol educations and their influence on job of optico-electronic navigating systems. Thesis of report of XX scientific conference of the CIS countries “ Disperse systems ”, Odessa, Sept 23-27, 2002, pages 44-45.
  • Vaksman J.F., Ivanchenko I.A., Budiyanskaya L.M., Santonij V.I. Research of influence atmospheric an aerosol on the optico -electronic block of navigating system. Thesis of report of XX scientific conference of the CIS countries “ disperse systems ”, Odessa, Sept 23-27, 2002 , pages 46-47.
  • Molchanjuk V.I., Budiyanskaya L.M. Installation of physical modeling of optico-electronic sensor work controls on border disperse medium. Thesis of report of XX scientific conference of the CIS countries “ Disperse systems ”, Odessa, Sept 23-27, 2002, page 203.
  • Santonij V. I., Budiyaanskaya L.M., Ivanchenko І .A., Molchanjuk V. I., Yanko V.V. Informative measuring installation of movement imitation of optico- electronic devices (distance meters). Materials of V International scientific technical conference "АVІА-2003", Kiev, Apr 23-25, 2003, Volume 1, pages 11.65-11.69.
  • Yanko V.V., Ivanchenko I.A., Budiyanskaya L.M. Application of language PSpice for modeling of optico-electronic systems. Works of the Fourth International scientific practical conference “ Modern information and electronic technologies (MIET) ”, Odessa, May 19-23, 2003, page 121.
  • Yanko V.V., Molchanjuk V.I., Santonij V.I. Suppression of unilateral saturation of ferromagnetic cores in power converters. Works of the Fourth International scientific practical conference “ Modern information and electronic technologies (MIET) ”, Odessa, May 19-23, 2003 , page 219.
  • Vaksman J.F., Santonij V.I., Yanko V.V., Ivanchenko I.A., Budiyanskaya L.M. Optico-electronic range finder of short distances for dynamic systems // Technology and designing in electronic devices.-2003.-№ 2.- pages 44-49.
  • Santonij V.I., Santonij G. M. Educative stand " PRACTICE " for carrying out of laboratory work at the rate “ Theoretical bases of electrical engineering ”. Thesis of report of the 2nd International scientific methodological conference “ Modern technologies of high education ”, Odessa, Sept 25-27, 2003, page 55.
  • Yanko V.V., Molchanjuk V.I. Increase of efficiency of powerful inverters. Collection of materials of IV International scientific practical conference “ Problems of power economy ”, Lvov, Oct 8-12, 2003, page 79.
  • Molchanjuk V.I., Vaksman J.F., Budiyanskaya L.M., Ivanchenko I.A. Research of elements of IR optical pairs for optico-electronic sensor controls // Photoelectronics. – 2003. – № 12.- pages 56-58.
  • Vaksman J.F., Budiyaanskaya L.M., Ivanchenko І .A. Colour-detecting photoreceiver on the basis of thin-film heterotransmission p (Cu2O) - n (CdS) with regulated spectrum coordinated sensivity // Photoelectronics. – 2003. – № 12 – pages 76-79.
  • Vaksman J.F., Santonij V. I., Budiyaanskaya L.M., Ivanchenko І .A. Characteristics of open optical pair laser diode-pin-photodiode at phase metrical systems of short distances short distance measurements // Photoelectronics. – 2003. – № 12. – pages 102-106.
  • Bekshaev A.J., Molchanjul V.I. Application of silicon substrates in the electronic microanalysis of small particles at sliding corners of supervision // Photoelectronics. – 2003. – № 12. – pages 16-19.
  • Santonij V. I., Domrachev V.A. Magnet biocorrector. Scientific researches of Odessa National university /chief editor V.A.Smintina. – Odessa. – Astroprint, 2004, page 41.
  • Santonij V. I., Ivanchenko І .A., Karsh L.A., Chereshanskij V.A.Optico-elektronic cane for blind people. Scientific researches of Odessa National university /chief editor V.A.Smintina. – Odessa. – Astroprint, 2004, page 44.
  • Santonij V. I., Molchanjuk V. I. Apparatus programmed complex of measuring of space position of moving objects. Scientific researches of Odessa National university /chief editor V.A.Smintina. – Odessa. – Astroprint, 2004,, page 56.
  • Ivanchenko І .A., Santonij V. I., Budyanskaya L.M. Method of measuring diagram of optical aerial aiming. Scientific researches of Odessa National university /chief editor V.A.Smintina. – Odessa. – Astroprint, 2004, page 58.
  • Vaksman J.F., Santonij V. I., Budyanskaya L.M., Іvanchenko І .A., Molchanjuk V. I., Yanko V.V. Installation of physical modeling of moving of optical electronic devices. Scientific researches of Odessa National university /chief editor V.A.Smintina. – Odessa. – Astroprint, 2004, page 85.
  • Molchanjuk V. I. Optico-electronic smoke detector. Scientific researches of Odessa National university /chief editor V.A.Smintina. – Odessa. – Astroprint, 2004,, page 86.
  • Yanko V.V. Powerful invertors for semi-automatically manual control arc welding. Scientific researches of Odessa National university /chief editor V.A.Smintina. – Odessa. – Astroprint, 2004, page 87.
  • Vaksman J.F., Santonij V. I., Janko V.V., Budiyanskaya L.M., Іvanchenko І .A., Molchanjuk V. I. High- speed optico-electronic distance meter of short distances. Scientific researches of Odessa National university /chief editor V.A.Smintina. – Odessa. – Astroprint, 2004,,page 88.
  • Ivanchenko I.A., Budiyanskaya L.M., Vaksman JU.F. Two-spectral sensor control of remote selection of natural surfaces. Thesis of report of International scientific technical conference “Sensor electronics and microsystem technologies ” (SЕМSТ-1), June 1- 5, 2004, Ukraine, Odessa, page 138.
  • Ivanchenko I.A., Santonij V.I., Budiyanskaya L.M. Optico-electronic remote control sensor with raster lattice. Thesis of report of International scientific technical conference “Sensor electronics and micro system technologies ” (SЕМSТ-1), June 1- 5, 2004, Ukraine, Odessa, page 139.
  • Yanko V.V., Vaksman J.F., Molchanjuk V.I. Designing and modeling of optico-electronic sensor controls with application of Pspice language. Thesis of report of International scientific technical conference “Sensor electronics and microsystem technologies ” (SЕМSТ-1), June 1- 5, 2004, Ukraine, Odessa, page 101.
  • Santonij V.I., Yanko V.V., Molchanjuk V.I. Touch the block and information system for measurements of the total area of details on the conveyor. Thesis of report of International scientific technical conference “Sensor electronics and microsystem technologies ” (SЕМSТ-1), June 1- 5, 2004, Ukraine, Odessa , page 109.
  • Ivanchenko I.A., Budiyanskaya L.M. Non-heterotransmissing photodetectors on the basis of connections А4В6 for distant IR-area of spectrum. Thesis of report of II Ukrainian physical conference (with participant of foreign scientists) UPhC-2, Sept 20-24, 2004, Chernyvtsy-Vyzhnytsya, Ukraine, Part 2, pages 446-447.
  • Budiyanskaya L.M., Ivanchenko I.A. Photodetector in distant IR-area of a spectrum on a basis of narrow-zone threefold connections of system Hg1-xCdxTe. Thesis of report of II Ukrainian physical conference (with participant of foreign scientists) UPhC-2, Sept 20-24, 2004, Chernyvtsy-Vyzhnytsya, Ukraine, Part 2, ,pages 448-449.
  • Santonij V.I., Ivanchenko I.A., Budiyanskaya L.M. Pyrometric gauge of ignition of cotton weight. Thesis of report of ХХІ scientific conference of the CIS countries “ Disperse systems ”, Sept 20-24, 2004, Odessa, Ukraine, pages 242-243.
  • Yu. F. Vaksman, I. A. Ivanchenko, L. M. Budiyanskaya. Properties and characteristics of photocells with heterojunction structure p-(Cu2O)-n-(CdS) on thin substrate // Photoelectonics.-2004.-N. 13.- pages122-124.
  • Ivanchenko I.A., Budiyanskaya L.M., Vaksman J.F. A double-wave sensor control of remote selection of natural surfaces // Technology and designing in electronic appliance.-2005.-№ 2.-pages 43-45.
  • Ivanchenko I.A., Santonij V.I., Budiyanskaya L.M. Method of measurement of the diagram of an orientation of radiating devices // Thesis of report of V International conference “ Up-to-date problems of physics of semi-conductors ”, June 27-30, 2005, Drogobych, Ukraine, pages 211-212.
  • Solovjeva O.N., Konovalenko L.D., Andreev V.I., Molchanjuk of the active centers on a surface of silicon under the influence of low temperature plasmas // Thesis of report of V International conference “ Up-to-date problems of physics of semi-conductors ”, June 27-30, 2005, Drogobych, Ukraine, pages 19-20.
  • Patent on Research № 3165764, applicance May 25, 1987, published Aug 29, 2005. Chereshanskij V.O., Ivanchenko І .А., Budiyanskaya L.M., Komyakov L. I., Santonij V.I.
  • Ivanchenko І .А., , Santonij V.I., Budijanskaja L.M. Method of surface reflection coefficient calculating in optico-location. Thesis of report of All Ukrainian Union “ Physics in Ukraine ”, Oct 3-6, 2005, Odessa, page 152.
  • Ivanchenko I.A., Santonij V.I., Budiyanskaya L.M.. Remote optico-electronic gauge with raster lattice // Technology and designing in electronic appliance.-2005.-№ 4.- pages31-34.
  • PSpice-modeling of optical electronic locators // Technology and engineering in electronic equipment.—2006.—№4.—p. 14-17.
  • Patent of Ukraine for a useful model № 21631 G01C 3/08, application № u 200611395, prior. 30.10.2006, published 15.03.2007, bulletin № 3. “Phase optical electronic range finder”.
  • Patent of Ukraine № 21631 G01C 3/08, application № u 200611395, prior. 30.10.2006, published 15.03.2007, bulletin № 3. “Phase optical electronic range finder”. Santonij V.I., Ivanchenko І.А., Budiyanskaya L.M., Yanko V.V.
  • Smyntyna V.A., Santonij V.I., Budiyanskaya L.M., Yanko V.V. Using of GSM system in systems of water monitoring. Works of the 8-th international scientific practical conference “Modern information and electronic technologies”, May 21-25, 2007, Odessa, p.393.
  • Smyntyna V.A., Santonij V.I., Budiyanskaya L.M., Yanko V.V., Ivanchenko І.А. Laser of level meter for systems of water monitoring. Works of the 2-th international scientific practical conference “Monitoring of environment: scientific methodological, normative, technical, programmed supply”, Sept 24 – 28, 2007, the Crimea, Koktebel, p.96-98.
  • Patent of Ukraine for invention № 78650 A61F 9/08, A61H 3/00, the application № А200510948, Nov 21, 2005, published 10.04.2007, bulletin № 4, 2007 “ Cane for blind people ”. Santonij V.I., Ivanchenko І.А., Budiyanskaya L.M., 8p.
  • V.I. Santoniy, V.I. Molchanyuk. Complex Hardware and software system for spatial location Measuring of mobile objects. / Scientific elaborations of I.I.Mechnikov Odesa national University, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine., Odesa, “Astropint”2007, p.55.
  • Santonij V.I., Domrachev V.А. Magnetic biocorrector./ Scientific elaborations of I.I.Mechnikov Odesa national University, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine., Odesa, “Astropint”2007, p.41.
  • Y.F. Vaksman, V.I. Santonij, V.V. Janko, L.M. Budijanskaja, I.A. Ivanchenko, V.I.Molchanjuk. High-speed optico-electronic measuring instrument of short distances. / Scientific elaborations of I.I.Mechnikov Odesa national University, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine., Odesa, “Astropint”2007, p.77.
  • Molchanyuk V.I. Pfotоelectronic smoke detector. / Scientific elaborations of I.I.Mechnikov Odesa national University, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine., Odesa, “Astropint”2007, p.79.
  • Ivanchenko I.A., Santonij V.I., Budijanskaja L.M. Method of measurement of the optical antenna direction diagram. / Scientific elaborations of I.I.Mechnikov Odesa national University, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine., Odesa, “Astropint”2007, p.56.
  • V.V. Janko. High-powered inverter semiautomatic and manual arc welding. / Scientific elaborations of I.I.Mechnikov Odesa national University, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine., Odesa, “Astropint”2007, p.81.
  • V.I. Santonij, O.V. Tudanov, I.A. Ivanchenko, L.A. Karsh, V.A. Chereshanskij. Optic and electronic cane for blind people. / Scientific elaborations of I.I.Mechnikov Odesa national University, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine., Odesa, “Astropint”, 2007, p.43.
  • Y.F. Vaksman., V.I. Santonij, L.M. Budijanskaja, I.A. Ivanchenko, V.I. Molchanjuk, Janko V.V. Installation of physical modeling of moving оptico-electronic devices. / Scientific elaborations of I.I.Mechnikov Odesa national University, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, Odesa, “Astropint”2007, p.83.

Contact information

Address, telephone: 65057, Odessa, Dovzhenko street, 7а, contact tel. 63-77-57


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Vsevoloda Zmiienka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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