Research Laboratory of Electronic Ionic and Molecular Processes in Semiconductors

Updated 17.09.2015

The laboratory head is the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Lepikh Yaroslav Ilich

RL-3 was founded in 1983 on the base of economic contract which research director was professor V.V.Serdjuk. At present in laboratory 10 regular science associates, including 1 doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, 1 candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and 3-4 non-staff scientists - 3 professors and 1 candidate of sciences are working.

Personal structure of regular scientific associates:

  • Lepikh Yaroslav Illich - the laboratory head, the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
  • Balaban Andrey Petrovich - the scientific ssociate
  • Borshchak Vitaly Anatolievich - the senior scientific associate, the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
  • Viter Roman Vitalievich - the younger scientific associate
  • Zatovskaja Nataliya Petrovna - the scientific associate
  • Kutalova Maria Ivanovna - the scientific associate
  • Karpenko Andrey Aleksandrovich - the younger scientific associate
  • Snegur Pavel Alekseevich - the senior scientific associate
  • Filevskaya Lyudmila Nikolaevna - the scientific associate
  • Karatsuba S.B. - the younger scientific associate

The basic directions of scientific researches:

  • Electronic, ionic and molecular processes on thr surface and in the volum of the semiconductor materials.
  • The photoelectric phenomena in semiconductors
  • Acoustoelectronics
  • Elecrto-physical and adsorptive phenomena in crystal dielectrics and piezoelectric - semiconductor, piezoelectric-dielectric layered structures at surface acoustic waves distribution.
  • Sensor electronics, microsystem and nanotechnologies.

For the period of 1991 - 2005 in the laboratory approximately 45 scientific projects were fulfilled. Three statebudget and ttree self-supporting themes are caring out at present. One of the last is carring out within the framework of the Interbranch Program the most competitive directions of microelectronics development in Ukraine, the second - at the support of the State Fund of fundamental researches of Ukraine, the therd – with the V.E. Lashkarev Institute of Semiconductor physics of NASU. The laboratory cooperates, including on self-supporting basis, with the scientific institutes of NAN of Ukraine - Institute of Physics of NASU, M.M. Bogol’ubov Institute of Theoretical Physics, V.E. Lashkar'ov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NAN’ etc. For the last year by the associates of the laboratory it was published more than 30 scientific works, they took part in the work of 7 National and International Conferences. On the basis of laboratory the 1-st and the 3-rd “Ukrainian Scientific Conference on physics of semiconductors” (with the international participation) (USCPS-1, USCPS –3) Odessa, September, 10-14, 2002, and June, 17-22, 2007 and the 1-st and the 2-nd International scientific and technical conferences "Sensor electronics and microsystem technologies" (SEMST-1, SEMST-2), Odessa, June, 1-5 2004 and June, 25-29,2006 have been carried out. In total during last 10 years by laboratory associates were made over 100 reports at scientific conferences. RL-3 developments were on display at International exhibitions, in particular, SeBIT (Hannover, Germany, 2002), the Days of the Ukrainian science and engineering in Chinese People's Republic (Tsinan’, CPR, 2003, Chan’-Chun’, CPR, 2004), the Days of the Ukrainian science and engineering in India (Haidarobad, 2003, Delhi, 2004), Hannover-Messe (April, 2007, Hannover, FRG). On the basis of the researches which were carried out and are carring out in laboratory 9 candidates and 3 doctors degree have been defended. On the RL-3 base scientific and technical journal “Sensor electronics and microsystem technologies" and the scientific and technical collected articles "Photoelectronics" which are included into the list of professional HAC editions of Ukraine on protection of dissertations on physico-mathimetical and technical sciences. Under the laboratory associates guide each year students of the physical faculty take an active participation in scientific investigations and the degree and the course works are realize. The laboratory associates take part in the fullfil of the State Program on island Zmeinyi assimilation regarding the decision of a problem its power maintenance.

The basic results of fundamental researches for the last years:

On the basis of Mott tunnel-jumping mechanism the model of carrent carry in nonideal heterojunction which is based on the account of abnormality of crystal lattices transmitting symmetry in RSC has been created. Physical mechanisms and laws adsorption - desorption processes in layered structures piezoelectric – Langmuir-Blodget film have been established. The new data on the electro-physical parameters and crystal dielectic acoustic characteristics, including piezoelectrics, for Rayleigh waves have been received and systematized. The physical mechanisms of generation, distribution and detection of surface acoustic waves and management in their parameters in layered structure photosensitive semi-conductor – piezoelectric and in selectively polarized segneto-electrics have beenestablished.

The basic results of applied researches for last years

Optical and X-ray images sensors on the basis of semiconductor nonideal heterostructures, that prevail analogues on a number of parameters have been developed. Gas sensors on the basis of investigated adsorptiv-desorptiv mechanisms in layered structures and in new materials which have a number of advantages before analogues on the basic metrological characteristics have been developed.

Physical gauges on the basis of investigated acoustoelectronic effects which have advantages before the analogues constructed on other physical principles have been developed. One of such gauges (the turn corner gauge) has passed successful tests in Chinese People's Republic on the basis of Ukrainian - Chinese Technopark of high technologies. It is supposed its application to production. The solar energy concentrator on the basis of Frenel mirrors, that excel analogues in the main parameters has been developed. The non-polluting precision switching plates of a high degree integration manufacturing techniques have been developed. Thus, research works which are carring out in RL-3 have not only a fundamental orientation, but also is of significant practical value which allows to use RL-3 researches and development results both in a science, and in a national economy.

For contacts with RL-3:

  • ph/fax +38-048-723-34-61
  • e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Dvoryans'ka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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