Research Laboratory of Non-Crystalline Systems of Electronics

Updated 17.09.2015

Non-crystalline media Department (NDL-11)

Head of department, associate professor Doycho Igor Kostyantynovich

The department was created in 1988 owing to reorganization of SDTB «Contact». The head of department is Doycho I.K., PhD, associate professor. The department realizes the researches in priority line of investigation „New substances and materials”. Now the porous siliceous substances, their creation methods, their photoluminescence properties, their radiating stability and their application in electronics, instrument making and medicine are objects of our research. About 20 researches according to state budget, over 10 contractual ones with enterprises, 3 researches under order of the SCST and 2 university self-financing researches were executed for the period of department existence. Besides, the department researchers participate in collateral execution of grants with Wrocław Polytechnic university on non-financial terms. About 150 scientific papers (over 10 inventions among them) were published. 1 thesis for a Doctor's degree and over 10 Ph.D. theses were defended. All-Union conference on amorphous silicon-based semiconductors and dielectrics was held. The department participates in all-university exhibitions regularly where represents breadboard models, computer presentations and paper booklets of the most interesting developments suggested for years of its existence. Investigations of department are used at the enterprises of the former Ministry for electronic industry (in the main, in the Russian Federation and in Georgia). The scientists, who in various years were fulfilling successfully their researches within department, are considered now as leading experts on solid-state physics in the USA, Israel and some other countries. In particular, it were professors M.G.Foygel, Y.O.Roizin (first head of department) and A.G.Petukhov, associate professors A.V.Alexeyev-Popov, V.P.Kushnir, L.V.Tsibeskov and another persons. The successful combination of subjects and experts has allowed to add traditional for physical faculty theoretical and experimental researches in the area of liquids physics (prof. Kovalenko N.P.) with achievements in the area of the band theory of crystalline semiconductor compounds (profs. Foygel M.G. and Petukhov A.G., and actual head of department Doycho I.K.), of surface physics (prof. Roizin Y.O.), golography (as.profs. Alexeyev-Popov A.V. and Gevelyuk S.A.) and of radiation resistance problems (prof. Mak V.T.). In result, there were preconditions for successful activity of department researchers in the area of disordered media physics.

Now conducting scientists of department are:

  • professor Mak Vasil Tymofiyovich,
  • associate professor Doycho Igor Kostyantynovich,
  • associate professor Gevelyuk Sergiy Anatoliyovich,
  • PhD Vorobyova Valentyna Olexiyivna.
  • Students and post-graduate students of physical faculty participate in scientific activity of department, most of investigations apply in educational process by addition and improvements of some special courses.

The department is to the address:

Ap. № 32, 42 Paster-St., Odessa, Ukraine;
Phone (048)723-64-82;
Post address: Box 36, 65089, Odessa, Ukraine;
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Vsevoloda Zmiienka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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