Astronomical Observatory” Research Institute

The Scientific Research Institute “Astronomical Observatory”

Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University


Director of the ESC “Astronomical Observatory” 

Mykola Ivanovych Koshkin, PhD/CandSc in Physics & Mathematics

  • History of the Institute

    The Astronomical Observatory was founded on 3 August 1871 (15 August 1871 in the Gregorian calendar) as a component unit of Imperial Novorossiya University. It was first directed by Professor Leopold F. Berkevich, the Head of the Department of Astronomy of the University, an expert in meteorology and celestial mechanics; under his directorship, the Observatory staff made expeditionary observations of the transit of Mercury across the disc of the Sun, and performed a series of other studies.

    The astrophysical focus of the Observatory’s research activities was narrowed by Aleksandr K. Kononovich, who was in charge in 1881-1912. The name of the next Director of the Observatory, Aleksandr Ya. Orlov, an Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, who held the position in 1913-1933, was associated with numerous initiatives and further evolution of the Observatory as a large scientific institution in the South of Ukraine.

    Since the University was disbanded in 1920, the Observatory’s status changed to Odesa State Astronomical Observatory of the People's Commissariat for Education of Ukraine up to 1933. In 1933, with the re-establishment of Odesa State University, the Observatory again became a part of it. A new Director, Professor Konstantin D. Pokrovskiy, a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, was in charge of the Observatory in 1934-1944.

    From 1945 to 1983, the Observatory was headed by Professor Volodymyr P. Tsesevich, a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, an Honoured Scientist and Engineer of Ukraine. Under his directorship, the Observatory built two observing stations away from the city – in Kryzhanivka and Mayaky villages, as well as three high-mountain stations in Armenia, North Caucasus and Turkmenia, respectively; moreover, the Observatory gained its status as a 2nd category scientific institution, while its scientific staff enlarged from 15 to almost 100 employees. In 1957-1960, the Observatory was reckoned as the main observatory in the USSR for studying meteor events (under the leadership of E. N. Kramer); it was assigned by the International Astronomical Union to investigate variable stars within three specified tasks (which was performed by Yu. S. Romanov, K. M. Makarenko, O. Yu. Mandel and others). The respective research was conducted, and meaningful fundamental and applied results were obtained; meanwhile, the institution purchased a KT-50 telescope for satellite observations made at Krasnogorsk Mechanical Factory; the Observatory was also equipped with a new reflecting Azimuth Star Telescope, AZT-3, manufactured by the LOMO factory, a number of self-manufactured telescopes (with mirrors of 20 to 80 cm in diameter) and advanced surveillance instruments and devices.

    Alumni of Odesa Astronomical Observatory include notable scientists who worked at the Observatory in 20th century – namely, V. K. Abalakin, V. A. Albitsky, Z. M. Aksentieva, I. S. Astapovich, A. S. Vasilyev, J. J. Witkowski, G. A. Gamov, A. P. Hansky, V. M. Grigorevsky, N. B. Divari, V. S. Zhardetsky, N. S. Komarov, E. N. Kramer, B. V. Novopashenny, K. M. Savchenko, N. M. Stoyko-Radilenko, V. V. Stratonov and many others.

    Yu. A. Medvedev, PhD/CandSc in Physics and Mathematics, was appointed as Director in 1983-1989 and also headed the Department of Cosmic Research of the Observatory. During that time, the Observatory conducted contract-based studies on the cosmic and other astronomical topics; it also managed to purchase a 100-cm laser ranging theodolite TPL-1M. The number of the Observatory staff members and contract-based researchers exceeded 150 employees.

    From 1990 to 2006, the Observatory was directed by Professor Valentyn G. Karetnikov, DSc in Physics and Mathematics, who also headed the Department of Astronomy of the University. In 1993, the Observatory gained its status as a 1st category scientific research institution at Odesa State University (along with the rights of a legal entity), having reserved its legal name “Astronomical Observatory”.

    During 1990s and early 2000s, the total number of the Observatory staff members constantly reduced whereas the number of employees with doctoral degrees increased. All observations and calculations were computerised. AZT-3 and a 60-cm telescope, equipped with an analogue TV camera, were employed at the observing station in Mayaky village; an 80-cm telescope with a two-channel electro-photometer still operated in Turkmenia; in Odesa, the high-speed satellite tracking telescope KT-50, equipped with a CCD TV camera, was given a new lease of life, while a self-manufactured telescope with a primary mirror of 1 m in diameter, furnished with a two-channel electro-photometer, was installed and operated in Humenné (Slovakia) under agreement with Vihorlat Observatory.

    In 2006, Professor Sergiy M. Andrievsky, DSc in Physics and Mathematics, was appointed to head the Observatory, as well as the Department of Astronomy. However, later on, the Department of Astronomy was integrated into the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Faculty of Physics of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University. And after a while, when the Faculties of Mathematics and Physics merged together, a single Department of Physics and Astronomy was created.

    During the 2000s, the SRI “Astronomical Observatory” has continued performing tasks addressing the topics of state-funded competitive research grants and several contract-based research projects. It is owing to the sponsorship and personal participation in the works by an alumnus of the Department of Astronomy of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University and former employee of the Observatory, Vadym V. Zhukov, that a multifunctional automated telescope OMT-800 (with a primary mirror of 800 mm in diameter) was placed in operation, having been restored to full working order and furnished with state-of-the-art equipment. Thanks to collaboration with Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, a high-speed satellite tracking telescope KTC was automated and installed at the observing station in Mayaky village. The TV Meteor Patrol keeps working at the observing station in Kryzhanivka village. Constructing and putting in operation a digital Planetarium of the University at the territory of the Observatory is a result of intense efforts of the Head of Odesa Astronomical Society, Mykhailo I. Riabov (PhD/CandSc in Physics and Mathematics, a staff member of Odesa Observatory of the Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), sponsors’ financial support and collaboration with local authorities in Odesa city.

    In the second half of the 20th century, an extensive collection consisting of more than 100 thousands of photographic plates with captured images of the starry night sky, reckoned as the 3rd largest in the world, was accumulated at Odesa Observatory; in the 21st century, the collection became a significant contribution of the Observatory to the Virtual Astronomical Observatory of Ukraine. The collection of the Astronomical Observatory Scientific Library includes over 200 thousands items.

    In early 2021, the state funding reduced dramatically, which was catastrophic for the Observatory thus compelling to fire almost 90 per cent of the staff employees. Later, the situation with financing slightly improved – as a result of competitions for research projects arranged by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Observatory obtained funding which enabled to enlarge the number of staff members up to 14 employees. In 2023, the Observatory has been executing research within two state-funded projects under supervision of two Doctors of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, namely Valery V. Kovtyukh and Tamara V. Mishenina.

    In September 2021, the Educational and Scientific Centre for Educational Programmes “Astronomical Observatory” was created as per the Order of the Rector of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University; consequently, salaries were allocated for the positions of the Director of the Observatory and three full-time specialists acting as Heads of the suburb observing stations and authorised as responsible for material assets. The Head of the Department of Cosmic Research, Mykola I. Koshkin, PhD/CandSc in Physics and Mathematics, was appointed as Director of the ESC “Astronomical Observatory”.

  • Scientific research lines

    A scientific school entitled “Odesa Scientific Astronomical School” was established at the SRI “Astronomical Observatory” as early as in the 20th century. Professors Volodymyr P. Tsesevich and Valentyn G. Karetnikov were academic supervisors of the School; today, it is nominally headed by Professor Sergiy M. Andrievsky. The scientific research conducted at the SRI “Astronomical Observatory” focuses on a variety of objects and covers a wide range of scientific issues; these include studying the chemical evolution of matter in the Universe as a whole, and in particular in the Milky Way; the problems of dark energy and dark matter; the near-Earth space monitoring and other related issues.

    The scientific research lines have been historically developed as follows:

    • The determination of positions of celestial objects (stars, planets, etc.) was initiated in 1920 by I. A. Diukov and further continued by N. V. Tzimmerman in 1924-1929. The longest observations sequences were obtained by Associate Professor B. V. Novopashenny, PhD/CandSc in Physics and Mathematics, who was the research supervisor in 1929-1976. Later, the studies were supervised by Professor L. F. Cherniev and M. Yu. Volianska, PhD/CandSc in Physics and Mathematics.
    • Investigations of variable stars (in particular, intrinsic physical variables and binary stars) began in 1937; they were significantly extended by Professor V. P. Tsesevich, who was the Chief Supervisor from 1945 to 1983. Notable findings of the studies of variable stars were obtained by S. V. Rublev, O. Yu. Mandel, K. M. Makarenko, A. M. Shulberg, G. A. Lange, V. G. Karetnikov, I. L. Andronov, V. V. Nazarenko and others.
    • Studies of physical parameters and evolution of stars in the Galactic disc and halo began in 1968-1970 and lasted till 2003 under the supervision of Professor N. S. Komarov, DSc in Physics and Mathematics. A significant contribution in this regard has been made by V. E. Panchuk, S. A. Korotin, A. V. Dragunova, S. I. Belik, V. F. Gopka, V. D. Motrich and others.
    • Studies of the spatial distribution, physical characteristics and evolution of interstellar matter in the Solar System, as well as meteoroids, were initiated in 1956 by Professor E. N. Kramer, DSc in Physics and Mathematics, and headed by him till 1994. Outstanding results were obtained by I. S. Shestaka. Investigations of the cosmic-dust matter component in near-Earth (circumterrestrial) space were conducted by N. B. Divari and Yu. I. Zaginaylo.
    • Studies of the motion and rotation of man-made satellites were arranged in 1957-1958 by Professor V. P. Tsesevich, DSc in Physics and Mathematics, and later continued by his apprentice, Professor V. M. Grigorevsky, DSc in Physics and Mathematics, who headed the research till 1976. In 1976-1999, the research line was supervised by Yu. A. Medvedev, PhD/CandSc in Physics and Mathematics. Numerous applied studies on the photometry of artificial satellites were carried out by S. Ya. Kolesnik, A. V. Dobrovolsky, A. A. Korobko, M. P. Petrov, N. R. Burlak, M. Paltsev, S. Melikyants and others.
    • The line of development of new telescope systems, as well as novel methods and techniques of astronomical observations and data recording, was headed by Professor V. P. Tsesevich from 1968; subsequently, V. N. Ivanov, N. N. Fashchevsky, L. S. Paulin, A. F. Pereverzentsev, M. G. Dorokhov, V. V. Dragomiretsky, A. V. Riabov, S. V. Podlesniak, Yu. M. Bondarenko and others pursued the research line.

    Ongoing research lines:

    • Studies of physical parameters, chemical composition, structure and evolution of stars and galaxies under scientific supervision of Doctors of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, namely S. M. Andrievsky, V. V. Kovtyukh, T. V. Mishenina, and S. M. Udovichenko, PhD/CandSc in Physics and Mathematics.
    • Studies of the motion, photometric parameters and physical features of artificial space objects under scientific supervision of M. I. Koshkin, PhD/CandSc in Physics and Mathematics.
    • Studies of the spatial distribution, physical characteristics and evolution of meteoric and cometary matter under scientific supervision of S. M. Andrievsky, DSc in Physics and Mathematics, and Yu. M. Gorbanev, PhD/CandSc in Physics and Mathematics.
    • Four- and multidimensional space-time cosmological models; multiscale modelling of the Universe under scientific supervision of A. I. Zhuk, DSc in Physics and Mathematics.
    • The determination of relative positions and celestial-mechanical studies of natural and artificial celestial objects under scientific supervision of PhD/CandSc in Physics and Mathematics, namely M. I. Koshkin, O. A. Bazyey and V. V. Troianskyi.
    • The development and manufacturing of new telescope systems, elaboration of novel methods and techniques of astronomical data recording under scientific supervision of the Head of the Laboratory of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the NAS of Ukraine, V. V. Zhukov, and S. M. Udovichenko, PhD/CandSc in Physics and Mathematics.
  • Main scientific findings and research results

    For the first time, abundances of elements from lithium to europium were analysed in the sampled stars (about 200 disc dwarf stars with or without planets). Deficiencies in lithium and barium, along with aluminium overabundances, were detected in planet-hosting dwarf stars. Based on lithium abundance determinations in 280 stars, the relationship between superflares and content of lithium was analysed for the first time; it was also illustrated that high lithium abundances were associated with the saturation of stellar activity.

    It was first demonstrated that the distribution of lithium abundances in solar twins could be mainly attributed to the dependence of the lithium content on the age of stars, that is, abundance variations due to stellar evolution. The results were consistent with theories considering rotationally induced mixing of stellar matter. It was found out that for dwarf stars there was a certain value of the effective temperature at which the pattern of their surface activity changed. Yttrium and barium abundances were determined for stars in open clusters.

    A correlation between the yttrium abundance and galactic distance similar to that one measured using Cepheids was found for young clusters; it confirmed the existence of radial yttrium abundance gradient in the Galactic disc. Correlations of yttrium and lanthanum abundances with the age of stars were established based on the studies of abundances of barium and other elements in stars of open and globular clusters belonging to different Galactic substructures. Correlations obtained for stars in open clusters turned out to be similar to those for thin disc stars, which suggested similar origin of stars in the Galactic thin disc and open clusters. A new source of barium production was proposed, namely the i-process neutron capture.

    Abundances of strontium, molybdenum and ruthenium were determined in about 300 Galactic disc stars. It was first confirmed that contributions of the s-process in AGB and massive stars were the main sources of strontium in the Galactic disc and in the Sun, while different sources of nucleosynthesis could account for high abundance ratios [Sr/Ba] and [Sr/Eu] observed in the early Galaxy.

    For the first time, it was shown that using four Galactic Chemical Evolution (GCE) codes, the proposed additional contribution to the molybdenum enrichment by SNe Ia improved the reproduction of its behaviour by modern GCE theoretical calculations at solar metallicities; however, the molybdenum and ruthenium underproduction as compared to the observed values was still observed at all metallicities. Molybdenum abundances were first determined for stars in 13 clusters. A comparison of the molybdenum behaviour in stars of open clusters and those of the Galactic disc exhibited similar trends of decreasing molybdenum content with increasing [Fe/H]; such a model of the Mb abundance behaviour suggested similar origin of the examined stellar populations. The relationship of the molybdenum abundance with the age of stars and distances from the Galactic centre was analysed. A comparison with the behaviour of the s- and r-process elements revealed the existence of an alternative source of the molybdenum enrichment. It could be either the i-process or proton-capture processes. It required considering or re-calculating processes of nucleosynthesis which had not yet been taken into account in modern simulation.

    For the first time, in order to find “chemical fingerprints” in stellar atmospheres, chemical characteristics of 12 stars with confirmed planets were investigated based on homogeneous spectral data, including lithium, carbon, oxygen, magnesium and silicon abundances and their ratios; the results could help to choose between two main theories of planetary origin – namely, protoplanetary disc accretion and planetesimals falling off.

    Manganese and sulphur abundances in atmospheres of dwarf stars in the Galactic thin and thick discs and the Hercules stream were determined. It was detected that the manganese abundance increased with increasing metallicity, which confirmed the basic scenario that the greater part of manganese in the Galactic disc and in the Sun originated in thermonuclear supernovae; alternative sources of production were analysed and employed.

    A study of the Galactic disc enrichment with neutron-capture elements, such as Gd, Dy and Th, was conducted. New observational data, along with the europium (Eu, Z=63) data from earlier studies, were compared with the nucleosynthesis predictions and GCE simulations. It was confirmed that the behaviour of gadolinium and dysprosium was similar to that of europium. However, the production of thorium, unlike europium, was metallicity dependent in the case of a unique source of the r-process in the Galaxy; otherwise, the frequency of a thorium-rich r-process source decreased with increasing metallicity.

    Stellar parameters, as well as abundances of elements from Li to Eu, were obtained for 25 stars hosting massive planets. The content of iron [Fe/H] and key elements (Li, C, O, Mg and Si) that indicated the planet formation, as well as correlations between [El/Fe] and condensation temperature, Tcond, were analysed. Iron abundances estimated in the sampled stars with detected massive planets ranged within -0.3 < [Fe/H] < 0.4. The behaviour of [C/Fe], [O/Fe], [Mg/Fe] and [Si/Fe] with [Fe/H] was consistent with GCE trends. The mean values of C/O and [C/O] were slightly lower than the solar ones. The ratio Mg/Si varied from 0.83 to 0.95 in four stars of the sample and from 1.0 to 1.86 in the other 21 stars. For the first time, different slopes of [El/Fe] vs. Tcond were found. Correlations of the planetary mass with metallicity, lithium abundance, C/O and Mg/Si ratios, as well as [El/Fe] vs. Tcond slopes, were first considered for the investigated stars.

    The dispersion of lithium in the atmospheres of 56 solar-type stars, including 22 solar twins, was analysed for the first time. The lithium abundance was obtained by comparing observed and synthetic spectra in the Li I 6707 Å line region, taking into account NLTE corrections. The Li abundance scatter observed in solar twins was considered as a function of age, rotational velocity and other factors. A comparison of predictions of stellar evolution models which factored in various processes of angular momentum transport, as well as chemical elements’ transport was conducted (T. V. Mishenina, T. I. Gorbaneva, V. V. Kovtyukh and S. A. Korotin).

    Actinium abundances in three red supergiants in the Small Magellanic Cloud, thorium abundances in Cepheids in Magellanic Clouds, and abundances of heavy elements in the star BL138 belonging to the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy were determined for the first time. It was demonstrated that the accretion of the surrounding gas onto the surface of stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud with high spatial velocities was possible (V. F. Gopka and V. O. Yushchenko).

    A direct analysis of carbon and nitrogen lines in the spectra of nine RR Lyrae stars using the synthetic spectrum method under non-LTE conditions was performed for the first time. It was first concluded that the observed abundances could be attributed to the first dredge-up which had occurred in the previous red-giant phase and during which partially CNO-processed material had been transported onto the stellar surface (S. M. Andrievsky and V. V. Kovtyukh).

    For the first time, a series of high-resolution Very Large Telescope (VLT) spectra was obtained in order to calibrate the radial velocity zero point of the Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) on board the ESA Gaia satellite. Moreover, the chemical analysis of the respective 80 stars was first conducted. Two new super lithium-rich Cepheids, with a high lithium abundance А(Li) = 2.94±0.09 dex – namely, ASAS 075842-2536.1 and ASAS 131714-6605.0 – were discovered. As a result of the discovery, the number of known super lithium-rich Cepheids in the Milky Way increased to five, three of which were discovered at the SRI “Astronomical Observatory” of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (V. V. Kovtyukh).

    The chemical composition of four classic Cepheids in the Galactic nucleus was examined for the first time. An advanced self-developed method for determination of the effective temperature of programme stars, based on the calibration ratios between temperature and spectral line depths, was employed. The results obtained recently have confirmed an earlier discovery about roughly solar metallicity in the Galactic Centre (V. V. Kovtyukh and S. M. Andrievsky). It was shown for the first time that classical Cepheids could be used to trace spiral arms even at far distances from the Sun. To that end, the existing distortion (warp) of the Galactic disc was first used. For the first time, a detailed chemical composition (including 25 elements) of 105 classical Cepheids was determined using spectra obtained with the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) with a primary mirror of 11 m in diameter. Rather significant azimuthal variations in the oxygen abundance [O/H] were first detected. It substantiated similar conclusions for the nearest spiral galaxies, as well as recent 2D chemodynamical models of our Galaxy (V. V. Kovtyukh and I. O. Usenko).

    The emission in the He I infrared (IR) triplet line at the wavelength 10 830 Å in the classical Cepheid X Cyg was detected for the first time. It was the first detection of the IR emission of helium in classical Cepheids. For the first time, it was demonstrated that the interplay of charge-exchange reactions due to the accretion of interstellar matter or the gas-dust separation mechanism could affect the initial abundances and could be used to qualitatively explain the patterns of overabundances in some elements in the atmosphere of the planet-hosting star HD 47536 (V. V. Kovtyukh and S. M. Andrievsky). A new scenario to account for the phenomenon of Przybylski's star (HD 101065) was proposed. It was based on the supposition that Przybylski's star was a component of a binary system containing a neutron star (S. M. Andrievsky and V. V. Kovtyukh).

    Photometric observations of variable stars, asteroids and nuclei of active galaxies were performed using the AZT-3 telescope (at the observing station of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University in Mayaky village). The results obtained in studies of RR Lyrae variables were published subsequently, in particular detailed light curves at different phases of the Blazhko cycle and the Blazhko periods. Periodic variations in brightness just before and at the end of each outburst were recorded in SU UMa dwarf novae (S. M. Udovichenko, L. E. Keir and others). Detailed light curves were obtained for active radio galaxies, namely blazars OJ 287, 3C371, Mrk421, Mrk501 and 3С84; along with radio observations, it made it possible to detect short- and long-term periodic variations in brightness associated with the accretion of matter into the black hole (S. M. Udovichenko, L. E. Keir, A. L. Sukharev, M. I. Riabov and others).

    Light curves were obtained for Vesta family asteroids; together with observation results reported by other authors, it enabled to determine their spin rates (V. V. Troianskyi, V. I. Kashuba, S. M. Udovichenko, L. E. Keir and others).

    Three-dimensional hydrodynamic computations of the formation of a gaseous envelope around β Lyrae were performed taking into account all known observational facts which could have an impact on that process, such as mass transfer through the first Lagrangian point (L1) and mass loss due stellar winds from the accretor and the mass donor. It yielded a model not just qualitatively, but also quantitatively similar to modern views about the complex structure of the gaseous envelope surrounding β Lyrae formed on the basis of numerous observations at all wavelength ranges via various methods and techniques.

    Three-dimensional numerical hydrodynamic simulation of the radiation-driven jet launching and disappearing in the off state, and also modelling of flares in close binary systems (CBS) were carried out for the Cyg X-1 close binary system taken as an example. It was demonstrated that owing to the mass transfer instability, the flare generation mechanism could reproduce quite realistically flares in CBS (V. V. Nazarenko and S. V. Nazarenko).

    For the first time, parameters of eclipsing binary systems 2MASS J11080308-6145589 and GSC 3692-00624 were obtained. Mathematical-phenomenological models of eclipsing binary stars of different types were developed (I. L. Andronov and L. L. Chinarova).

    It was first shown that multidimensional Kaluza-Klein gravitational models with different types of compactification of the internal space did not contradict famous gravitational tests in the Solar System if the gravitating masses were uniformly smeared over the internal space, having negative pressure (i.e. tension) in those dimensions. The findings were published in a series of articles in leading foreign journals. A new approach to studying multiscale structure of the Universe was proposed for the first time. Within that approach, dubbed “the cosmic screening”, scalar and vector perturbations of metric coefficients were considered. As a result, an accurate analysis of linearized Einstein’s equations demonstrated that gravitational potentials of gravitating masses were subject to an exponential cut-off at far (of the order of 2-3 gigaparsecs) distances. It was a pure relativistic effect associated with the non-linearity of Einstein’s equations. The energy-momentum tensor, being a source of the gravitational field, itself depended on the gravitational field. The cosmic screening effect was substantiated by numerical simulation using the supercomputer at Istanbul Technical University. Power spectra for scalar and vector metric perturbations, as well as mass density contrasts, were obtained. It was also demonstrated that a computer code based on the simplified Einstein’s equations within the cosmic screening approach was 40% more efficient than the known N-body relativistic code “Gevolution”, thus making it possible to significantly save expensive computational time on supercomputers (A. I. Zhuk, M. V. Eingorn, A. V. Chopovsky, M. D. Brilenkov, R. D. Brilenkov and M. V. Burgazli).

    New original observations of artificial and natural cosmic objects in near-Earth space, whose photometric and dynamic parameters were included in the relevant astronomical databases, were conducted. Based on high-frequency photometric observations, high-time-precision data were obtained and spin parameters of a number of artificial satellites, in particular experimental geodetic satellite “Ajisai”, were calculated. An optical-geometric model of Ajisai was computed and used to analyse variations in the satellite spin rate and causes of such spinning instability; that was essential for building the theory of free rotation of many other near-Earth bodies. A number of methods and techniques that enable the monitoring slow changes in the spatial orientation and the nature of rotation of various satellites, which sometimes specularly reflect the light off the surface facets, have been developed. Such monitoring makes it possible to determine long-time changes in the inertial rotation period, to update the spin-pole position and track the evolution of the spin parameters due to the YORP-effect. Spin parameters and spatial orientation of a large inactive Earth-observing satellite “Envisat” were obtained, which is necessary for the European Space Agency e.Deorbit mission aimed to remove it from orbit (M. I. Koshkin, L. S. Shakun, O. O. Korobeynikova, S. L. Strakhova, S. M. Melikiants, V. V. Dragomiretsky, A. V. Riabov, S. S. Terpan and others).

    A numerical model of orbital motion of artificial near-Earth objects was built using the Orekit a space flight dynamics library; the model factored in high harmonics of the Earth’s gravitational potential, perturbations from the Solar System bodies, ocean and solid Earth tides, atmospheric effects predicted by static and dynamic models (in particular, the Drag Temperature Models – DTM), as well as solar radiation pressure taking into account the Earth’s shadow and relativistic corrections. Based on the Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA), softwares for the conversion between UTC, TAI and TT time scales and for astrometric transformations of the positions of Earth-orbiting objects with an accuracy of 1 µas were developed. A method to assess co-ordinates of a station based on optical astrometric observations of reference satellites (Doris, ILRS) was developed; it made it possible to estimate systematic corrections to a time scale within 0.1 millisecond and reduce errors in astrometric observations of low-Earth orbit objects to fractions of an arc second (L. S. Shakun).

    A model of globally distributed ground-based observing sites was created, suitable for a unified analysis of how such a network ensured continuous tracking of all catalogued cosmic objects. Methods and formulae for assessment of the potential accuracy of predictions of the motion of space objects at various orbits were developed with the use of a generalised model of measurements by the local network of observing sites. Limiting possibilities for the refinement of orbital elements were computed with minimization of the number of required measurements and the use of a priori information (M. I. Koshkin, L. S. Shakun and others).

    The Gauss method for determination of preliminary Keplerian elements of small celestial bodies in circumsolar orbits was modified (aiming to improve the method’s reliability). The employment of the modified Gauss’s method yielded preliminary orbits of 34 observed asteroids whereas determination of preliminary Keplerian elements through the classical Gauss method was not feasible for 9 of them. The effect of solar radiation pressure on the orbital evolution of asteroid (minor-planet) moons was studied, taking into account the shadow function. The conditions for the systems, composed of at least two gravitationally-bound asteroids orbiting their common centre-of-mass, to be disrupted by tidal forces of a major planet were determined for the first time. A statistical database of critical approaches of binary and multiple asteroids with major planets was created. Rotation periods of 536 sampled V-type asteroids were analysed. Well determined phase curves were first build for about 20 V-type asteroids (O. A. Bazyey, I. V. Kara and V. V. Troianskyi).

    TV images of 3,571 meteors were recorded with the TV Meteor Patrol comprised of a Schmidt telescope and three astrocameras over 2003-2018. Today, the total database of observations contains 15,535 recorded meteor events. The Meteor Patrol of Astronomical Observatory of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University makes it possible to carry out regular observations with an angular resolving power of 1 arc second and a time resolution of 20 ms, and record meteor events with an apparent magnitude of up to 12. There are not more than 10 such meteor patrols in the world. Regular pattern of meteor patrolling and a sufficient number of observation nights enable to fill the statistics of meteor events for the search of abnormal meteorites. The Meteor Patrol at the observing station in Mayaky village was supplied with new equipment and provided with software created for recording meteorites. A mobile base station positioned on the azimuth mount, comprising an astrocamera KO-140 and a TV receiver, was built. Reference meteor observations were conducted within a special programme of recording high-altitude (130-180 km) meteors. Parameters of base stations for observations of meteors at very high altitudes were calculated; probabilities of recording such meteors were estimated. The results of meteor observations were processed, thus yielding altitudes, velocities and decelerations of meteoroids. The analysis of the existence of nine meteorite-dropping groups in near-Earth asteroidal orbits, comprising sporadic fireballs from the IAU MDC-2007 database, sporadic meteors from the SonotaCo database, as well as L5, L6 and H4-H6 ordinary chondrites and an ureilite, for which atmospheric and orbital parameters had been obtained from instrumental observations, was performed (Yu. M. Gorbanev, I. I. Kimakovska, S. R. Kimakovsky and V. O. Shestopalov).

    At the observing station in Mayaky village, the manufacture of component units for the multifunctional automated telescope OMT-800 with a primary mirror of 800 mm in diameter was accomplished, and the telescope was furnished with state-of-the-art equipment and placed into operation (V. V. Zhukov). A CCD photometer on the AZT-3 telescope was upgraded (in particular, a microprocessor and electronic components were replaced). Special computer programmes were developed to automate observations (ensuring automated change of optical filters and dome rotation). A relay board to control the telescope dome rotation was manufactured and installed at the AZT-3 telescope. A new stand was installed for the telescope electronics and photometer. The renovation of the equipment room was accomplished (V. V. Zhukov, L. E. Keir and S. M. Udovichenko). A set of optics for the future telescope with a wide field of view, including a primary mirror (with a diameter of 0.6 m), the surface of which is a hyperboloid of revolution and a Ross-type two-lens corrector, was manufactured (S. V. Podlesniak and Yu. M. Bondarenko).

  • International collaboration

    International collaboration has been taking place on terms and conditions within signed contracts and agreements, for instance, with Vihorlat Observatory (Slovakia), Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (China), the University of Texas at Austin (USA), and also within individual grants and invitations for cooperation of local researchers with foreign colleagues in joint research programmes, in particular with the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, the Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany (S. M. Andrievsky, V. V. Kovtyukh); the Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS) and its partner research centre Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. (HZDR), Germany (A. I. Zhuk); Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland (A. I. Zhuk); Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland (V. V. Troianskyi); the Department of Mathematics and Physics at North Carolina Central University, USA (A. I. Zhuk); the Division of Astronomy and Astrophysics and the Department of Astronomy, Earth Physics and Meteorology at the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (N. I. Koshkin and L. S. Shakun); the Institute of Astrophysics of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan (Yu. M. Gorbanev); the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Science and Letters of Istanbul Technical University, Turkey (A. I. Zhuk); the SCOPES programme (Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland), Switzerland (in 2010-2016, the Ukrainian part of the programme was performed under scientific supervision of T. V. Mishenina); the Laboratory of Astrophysics of Bordeaux (LAB), France (T. V. Mishenina); CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), Geneva, Switzerland (A. I. Zhuk); Meudon Observatory, which is a part of Paris Observatory-PSL, and the University of Paris, France (S. M. Andrievsky); Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea (V. F. Gopka and V. O. Yushchenko), etc. Since 2018 the Astronomical Observatory of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, represented by Prof. T. V. Mishenina, has been participating in the ChETEC (Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos – Infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics) network funded by the European COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) action scheme, Heidelberg, Germany.

    The key lines of international collaboration include astrophysics, cosmology, deep space and near-Earth space; within these lines, studies of Galactic Chemical Evolution and distribution of chemical elements in the Milky Way, chemical composition of stellar atmospheres, chemical characteristics of comets, the large-scale structure of the Universe, etc. have been conducted.

Research papers, authored by the staff of the SRI “Astronomical Observatory”

of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, published in 2018-2022

  • 2022

    1. Andrievsky S.M. An enigma of the Przybylski star // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2022, v.35, pp.13-17. 10.18524/1810-4215.2022.35.268673
    2. Bazyey O., Bazyey N. On one property of the movement on the outskirts of the Solar System// Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 2022, Том 33, Випуск 1, Стор. 5 – 10. 10.17184/eac.6465
    3. Canay, Ezgi; Eingorn, Maxim; McLaughlin, Andrew; Savaş Arapoğlu, A.; Zhuk, Alexander. Effect of peculiar velocities of inhomogeneities on the shape of gravitational potential in spatially curved universe // Physics Letters B, 2022, Volume 831, article id. 137175. 10.1016/j.physletb.2022.137175
    4. da Silva, R.; Crestani, J.; Bono, G.; Braga, V. F.; D'Orazi, V.; Lemasle, B.; Bergemann, M.; Dall'Ora, M.; Fiorentino, G.; François, P.; Groenewegen, M. A. T.; Inno, L.; Kovtyukh, V.; Kudritzki, R. -P.; Matsunaga, N.; Monelli, M.; Pietrinferni, A.; Porcelli, L.; Storm, J.; Tantalo, M.; Thévénin, F. A new and Homogeneous metallicity scale for Galactic classical Cepheids. II. Abundance of iron and α elements // Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2022, 661, A104. 31 pp. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202142957
    5. 5. da Silva, R.; Crestani, J.; Bono, G.; Braga, V. F.; D'Orazi, V.; Lemasle, B.; Bergemann, M.; Dall'Ora, M.; Fiorentino, G.; François, P.; Groenewegen, M. A. T.; Inno, L.; Kovtyukh, V.; Kudritzki, R. -P.; Matsunaga, N.; Monelli, M.; Pietrinferni, A.; Porcelli, L.; Storm, J.; Tantalo, M.; Thévénin, F. // yCat, J/A+A/661/A104, 2022, 2022yCat..36610104D
    6. Eingorn, Maxim; Yükselci, A. Emrah; Zhuk, Alexander. Screening vs. gevolution: In chase of a perfect cosmological simulation code //Physics Letters B, 2022, Volume 826, article id. 136911. 10.1016/j.physletb.2022.136911
    7. Gopka, V. F.; Shavrina, A. V.; Yushchenko, V. A.; Pavlenko, Ya. V.; Yushchenko, A. V.; Glazunova, L. V. Analysis of Actinium Abundances in the Atmosphere of Cepheid HIP13962// Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, 2022, vol. 38, issue 2, pp. 100-107. 10.3103/S0884591322020040
    8. Gorbanev Yu. M., Kleshchonok V. V. and Kimakovsky S. R. Observation of an occultation of the UCAC4 488-082551 star by asteroid (76228) 2000 eh 75 on 31 May 2022. //Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2022, v.35, pp. 71-73. DOI 10.18524/1810-4215.2022.35.268213
    9. Kato, Taichi; Kasai, Kiyoshi; Pavlenko, Elena P.; Pit, Nikolaj V.; Sosnovskij, Aleksei A.; Itoh, Hiroshi; Akazawa, Hidehiko; Brincat, Stephen M.; Keir, Leonid E.; Udovichenko, Sergei N; Tampo, Yusuke; Kojiguchi, Naoto; Shibata, Masaaki; Wakamatsu, Yasuyuki; Tordai, Tamas; Vanmunster, Tonny; Galdies, Charles. Analysis of the IW And star ASAS J071404+7004.3// eprint arXiv:2202.11832, February 2022, arXiv:arXiv:2202.11832 E-Print Comments:25 pages, 14 figures, VSOLJ Variable Star Bulletin No. 92 .
    10. Kleshchonok, V. V.; Kashuba V. I.; Andrievsky S. M.; Gorbanev Yu. M. Surface structure and assessment of dust productivity of the cometary nucleus C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS) //Mathematical Modeling and Computing, Volume 9, Number 1, pp.159-165 (2022). 10.23939/mmc2022.01.159
    11. Kovtyukh V., Lemasle B., Bono G., Usenko I.~A., da Silva R., Kniazev A., Grebel E.~K., et al., Andronov, I. L. ; Shakun, L. ; Chinarova, L. The MAGIC project - III. Radial and azimuthal Galactic abundance gradients using classical Cepheids // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2022, Volume 510, Issue 2, pp.1894-1901. doi: 10.1093/mnras/stab3530
    12. Kovtyukh, V. V.; Andrievsky, S. M.; Korotin, S. A. First detection of the He I 10830 Å emission in spectra of Classical Cepheid X Cyg// Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Advance Access, 2022, 10.1093/mnrasl/slac130
    13. Kovtyukh, V. V.; Korotin, S. A.; Andrievsky, S. M.; Matsunaga, N.; Fukue, K. Chemical properties of the central part of the Galactic nuclear stellar disc. Abundances in four classical Cepheids revisited //Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2022, Volume 516, Issue 3, pp.4269-4275. 10.1093/mnras/stac2468
    14. Kwiatkowski, Tomasz; Koleńczuk, Paweł; Mykhailova, Sofiia; Kamińska, Monika; Kamiński, Krzysztof; Troianskyi, Volodymyr; Kryszczyńska, Agnieszka; Oszkiewicz, Dagmara; Wilawer, Emil. Photometry and model of near-Earth asteroid 2022 AB from one apparition// 16th Europlanet Science Congress 2022, held 18-23 September 2022 at Palacio de Congresos de Granada, Spain. Online at, id.EPSC2022-1073. 10.5194/epsc2022-1073
    15. Lemasle, B.; Lala, H. N.; Kovtyukh, V. and 10 more Tracing the Milky Way warp and spiral arms with classical Cepheids// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2022, Volume 668, id.A40, 28 pp. 10.1051/0004-6361/202243273
    16. Mishenina T.. From spectroscopy to the chemical evolution of the galaxy. Part 1.//Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2022, v.35, pp.50-61. 10.18524/1810-4215.2022.35.268105
    17. Mishenina, T.; Pignatari, M.; Gorbaneva, T.; Côté, B.; López, A. Yagüe; Thielemann, F. -K.; Soubiran, C. Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron-capture elements: Gd, Dy, and Th //Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Advance Access.
    18. Mishenina, Tamara; Charbonnel, Corinne; Lagarde, Nadege; Borisov, Sviatoslav; Soubiran, Caroline; Katsova, Maria; Nizamov, Bulat; Dumont, Thibaut; Palacios, Ana. Lithium Abundance Scatter in Solar Twins // The 21st Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (CS21), held 4-8 July, 2022 in Toulouse, France. Online at, id.58
    19. Okhotko H., Troianskyi V., Bazyey O. Physical properties of “hot population” objects in the kuiper belt. // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2022, v.35, pp. 74-76. 10.18524/1810-4215.2022.35.268732
    20. Oszkiewicz, Dagmara; Troianskyi, Volodymyr; Wilawer, Emil and 14 more Spins and shapes of V-type asteroids outside the dynamical Vesta family //16th Europlanet Science Congress 2022, held 18-23 September 2022 at Palacio de Congresos de Granada, Spain. Online at, id.EPSC2022-340,  10.5194/epsc2022-340
    21. Santos-Sanz, P.; … Kashuba, V.; Kiss, Cs.; Koshkin, N.; Kozhukhov, O. M.; Zhukov, V.; et al. (88). Physical properties of the trans-Neptunian object (38628) Huya from a multi-chord stellar occultation// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2022, Volume 664, id.A130, 18 pp. 10.48550/arXiv.2205.12882
    22. Sukharev, A.; Ryabov, M.; Bezrukovs, V.; Ul'yanov, O.; Udovichenko, S.; Keir, L.; Dubovskii, P.; Kudzej, I.; Konovalenko, A.; Zakharenko, V.; Bakun, D.; Eglitis, I. Study of the Rapid Variability of the BL Lac Object MRK 421 in the Optical Range// Astrophysics, 2022, Volume 65, Issue 1, p.1-18. 10.1007/s10511-022-09718-2
    23. Sukharev, A.; Ryabov, M.; Bezrukovs, V. Ulyanov, O. ; Udovichenko, S. ; Keir, L. ; Dubovsky, P. ; Kudzej, I. ; Konovalenko, A. ; Zakharenko, V. ; Eglitis, I. ; Tsehmeystrenko, V. ; Bakun, D. Results of studying the radio and optical variability properties of MRK 501 active galaxy// Astronomical & Astrophysical Transactions, 2022, Vol. 33, Issue 1, pp. 45-66. 2022A&AT...33...45S
    24. Sukhov Peter , Yepishev, Vitaly , Sukhov Konstantin . Determination of external GSS payload from light curves. // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2022, v.35, pp. 87-90 10.18524/1810-4215.2022.35.268799
    25. Sukhov Peter. P. , Yepishev Vitaly P. , Sukhov Konstantin P. , Pavlovskyi Alexei L. 3 , Mamrai Sergei A. 3determination degradation of satellite surface optical features by photometric method. // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2022, v.35, pp. 81-86. 10.18524/1810-4215.2022.35.268215
    26. Sukhov, P.P., Sukhov, K.P., Pavlovskyi, A.L., Mamray, S.A. Photometric method for degradation surface determination of a geostationary object// Космічна наука і технологія (Space Science and Technology), 2022,. Том 28, Випуск 5, Стор.75 – 80, 10.15407/knit2022.05.075
    27. Troianskyi, Volodymyr; Kankiewicz, Pawel; Oszkiewicz, Dagmara . Dynamical evolution of basaltic asteroids outside the dynamical Vesta family// 16th Europlanet Science Congress 2022, held 18-23 September 2022 at Palacio de Congresos de Granada, Spain. Online at, id.EPSC2022-888. 10.5194/epsc2022-888
    28. Yushchenko, Alexander; Doikov, Dmytry; Andrievsky, Sergei; Jeong, Yeuncheol; Yushchenko, Volodymyr; Rittipruk, Pakakaew; Kovtyukh, Valery; Demessinova, Aizat; Gopka, Vira; Raikov, Alexander; Jeong, Kyung Sook. The Chemical Composition of HD47536: A Planetary Host Halo Giant with Possible lambda Bootis Features and Signs of Interstellar Matter Accretion// Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 2022, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 169-180. 10.5140/JASS.2022.39.4.169
    29. Zhuk, Alexander; Shulga, Valerii. Effect of Medium on Fundamental Interactions in Gravity and Condensed Matter // Frontiers in Physics, 2022, vol. 10, id. 875757 10.3389/fphy.2022.875757, (Q2, SNIP 20211.248)
    30. Голубаєв О. В., Горбаньов Ю. М., Шульга О. В., Андрєєв О. А., Бушуєв Ф. І., Відьмаченко А. П., Грудинін Б. О., Жиляєв Б. Є., Калюжний М. П., Козак П. М., Куліченко М. О., Малиновський Є. В., Мозгова А. М., Савчук С. Г., Стєклов О. Ф., Сумарук Ю. П., Янків-Вітковська Л. М. Створення Української метеорної спостережної мережі: інструменти, методи обробки, спостережні можливості. Космічна наука і технологія ( Space Science and Technology) 2022. 28, № 4 (137). С. 39—70.
    31. Клещонок В. В., Карбовський В. Л., Буромський М. І., Лашко М. В., Горбаньов Ю. М., Кашуба В. І., Кімаковський С. Р., Шавловський В. І., Ангельський О. В., Цехмейстренко В. С., Мишевський М. М., Ревун А. В. Покриття зір малими планетами Сонячної системи: стан спостережних програм в Україні. Космічна наука і технологія ( Space Science and Technology) 2022. 28, № 5 (138). С. 56—66.
    32. Клещонок В., Горбаньов Ю., Кімаковський С. Покриття зорі астероїдом (853) НАНСЕНІЯ 8 квітня 2021 р. // Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка АСТРОНОМІЯ, випуск 1(65)/2022, с.5-9 DOI:
    33. Фудулей Н.О., Горбаньов Ю.М. Використання астрономічної камери ZWO ASI120MM для дослідження молекулярного розсіяння світла //Фізика аеродисперсних систем. – 2022. – № 60. – С.53.-62
  • 2021

    1. Andrievsky, S.~M., Korotin, S.~A., Kovtyukh, V.~V., Khrapaty, S.~V., Rudyak, Y.(2021) NLTE CNO abundances in a sample of nine field RR lyr type stars.// Astronomische Nachrichten, 2021, Volume 342, Issue 6, pp. 887-897. 10.1002/asna.202113955
    2. Caffau, E.; Bonifacio, P.; Korotin, S. A.; François, P.; Lallement, R.; Matas Pinto, A. M.; Di Matteo, P.; Steffen, M.; Mucciarelli, A.; Katz, D.; Haywood, M.; Chemin, L.; Sartoretti, P.; Sbordone, L.; Andrievsky, S. M.; Kovtyukh, V. V.; Spite, M.; Spite, F.; Panuzzo, P.; Royer, F.; Thévenin, F.; Ludwig, H. -G.; Marchal, O.; Plum, G. \2021.\ The Gaia RVS benchmark stars. I. Chemical inventory of the first sample of evolved stars and its Rb NLTE investigation.// Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 651, id.A20, 23 pp. 10.1051/0004- 6361/202140808
    3. Canay, E., Brilenkov, R., Eingorn, M., Arapoğlu, A.S., Zhuk, A.(2021).Scalar and vector perturbations in a universe with nonlinear perfect fluid.// European Physical Journal C . 2021, Volume 81, Issue 3, article id.246. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09032-9
    4. Carry, B.; Thuillot, W., Spoto, F., Kashuba, V.; Troianskyi, V.; et al and 40 colleagues (2021) Potential asteroid discoveries by the ESA Gaia mission. Results from follow-up observations.// Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 648. 10.1051/0004-6361/202039579
    5. Eglitis, I.; Cernis, K., Nazarov, S., Kashuba, Volodymyr; Troianskyi, V.; Kashuba, S.; and 323 colleagues 2021.\ Observations and Orbits of Comets and a/ Objects.// Minor Planet Electronic Circulars 2021-A190. 2021MPEC. A..190E
    6. Eingorn, M., Canay, E., Metcalf, J.M., Brilenkov, M., Zhuk, A. Effect of the cubic torus topology on cosmological perturbations.// Universe, 2021, vol. 7, p. 469. 10.3390/universe7120469
    7. Eingorn, M., McLaughlin, A., Canay, E., Brilenkov, M., Zhuk, A.\ 2021.\ Gravitational Interaction in the Chimney Lattice Universe.// Universe, vol. 7, issue 4, p. 101 10.3390/universe7040101
    8. Eingorn, M., O'Briant, N., Arzu, K., Brilenkov, M., Zhuk, A.(2021). Gravitational potentials and forces in the Lattice Universe: a slab.// The European Physical Journal Plus, Volume 136, Issue 2, article id.205.
    9. Kwiatkowski, T.; Koleńczuk, P.; Kryszczyńska, A.; Oszkiewicz, D.; Kamiński, K.; Kamińska, M. K.; Troianskyi, V.; Skiff, B.; Moskowitz, N.; Kashuba, V.; Kim, M. -J.; Kim, T.; Mottola, S.; Santana-Ros, T.; Kluwak, T.; Buzzi, L.; Bacci, P.; Birtwhistle, P.; Miles, R.; Chatelain, J. Photometry and model of near-Earth asteroid 2021 DW1 from one apparition. // Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 656, id.A126, 9 pp. 10.1051/0004-6361/202142013
    10. Mishenina, T., Basak, N., Adibekyan, V., Soubiran, C., Kovtyukh, V. (2021) Chemical composition of stars with massive planets.// Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021, Volume 504, Issue 3, pp.4252-4273. 10.1093/mnras/stab1171
    11. Mishenina, T., Basak, N., Adibekyan, V., Soubiran, C., Kovtyukh, V. (2021) Chemical imprints in atmospheric abundances of stars with massive planets.\ The 20.5th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (CS20.5), virtually anywhere, March 2-4, 2021. Online at, id.324 10.5281/zenodo.4743921
    12. Mishenina, T.V., Usenko, I.A., Kniazev, A.Y., Kovtyukh, V.V. TYC5594-576-1: R-Process Enrichment Metal-Poor Star. // Odessa Astron. Publs., 2021, v.34, pp. 48-52. doi:10.18524/1810-4215.2021.34.244291
    13. Nazarenko V.V. The 3-d numerical simulations of the dependence of the disk structure from the wind configuration in one-point in microquasar Cyg X-1. The case of the high resolution grid in the vertical direction // Odessa Astron. Publs., 2021, v.34, pp. 56-58. DOI 10.18524/1810-4215.2021.34.244295
    14. Nazarenko V.V.THE 3-D NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF THE SMALL Radius accretion diskformation in microquasar Cyg X-1. The case of the high resolution grid in the vertical direction // Odessa Astron. Publs., 2021, v.34, pp. 53-55. DOI 10.18524/1810- 4215.2021.34.244293
    15. Nodyarov A.S., Miroshnichenko A.S., Khokhlov S.A., Zharikov S.V., Manset N., Klochkova V.G., Usenko I.A. High-resolution spectroscopy of the B[e] star MWC 645. // Odessa Astron. Publs., 2021, v.34, pp.59-64. DOI 10.18524/1810-4215.2021.34.244321
    16. Oszkiewicz, D.; Wilawer, Emil; Podlewska-Gaca, Edyta; Kryszczyńska, Agnieszka; Kwiatkowski, Tomasz; Troianskyi, Volodymyr; Koleńczuk, Paweł; Föhring, Dóra; Galád, Adrián; Skiff, Brian A.; Geier, Stefan; Borczyk, Wojciech; Moskovitz, Nicholas A.; Gajdoš, Štefan; Világi, Jozef; Polcic, Ludovít; Kashuba, Volodymyr; Benishek, Vladimir; Shevchenko, Vasilij. 2021. First survey of phase curves of V-type asteroids.// Icarus, Volume 357, article id. 114158. 10.1016/j.icarus.2020.114158
    17. Pavlenko, E.; Kato, T.; Antonyuk, K.; Pit, N.; Keir, L.; Udovichenko, S.; Dubovský, P.; Sosnovskij, A.; Antonyuk, O.; Shimansky, V.; Gabdeev, M.; Rakhmatullaeva, F.; Kokhirova, G.; Belan, S.; Simon, A.; Baklanov, A.; Kojiguchi, N.; Godunova, V. MASTER OT J172758.09+380021.5: a peculiar ER UMa-type dwarf nova, probably a missed nova in the recent past.// Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2021, vol. 51, no. 2, p. 138-162. 10.31577/caosp.2021.51.2.138
    18. Podlesnyak S.V., Fashchevsky N.N., Bondarenko Yu.N., Andrievsky S.M. Spherical Primary Mirror in Telescopes with Complex (Multi-Element) Optical Designs.// Odessa Astron. Publs., 2021, vol. 34, p. 81-84 1. DOI 10.18524/1810-4215.2021.34.244333
    19. Romanyuk Ya.O., Shulga O.V., Shakun L.S., Koshkin M.I., Vovchyk Ye.B., Bilinsky А.І., Kozyryev Y.S., Kulichenko M.O., Kriuchkovsky V.F., Kashuba V.I., Korobeynikova E.A., Меlikyants S.M., Strakhova S.L., Теrpan S.S., Golubovskaya T.A., Martyniuk-Lototskiy K.P., Nogacz R.T., Epishev V.P., Kudak V.I., Neubauer І.F., Perig V.М., Prysiazhnyi V.I., Ozeryan A.P., Kozhukhov O.M., Kozhukhov D.M., Ivaschenko Yu.M. Monitoring the artificial space objects with Ukrainian network of optical stations // Odessa Astron. Publs., 2021, v.34, pp.85- 92 1. DOI 10.18524/1810-4215.2021.34.244926
    20. Shakun, L., Koshkin, N., Korobeynikova, E., Kozhukhov, D., Kozhukhov, O., Strakhova, S. (2021). Comparative analysis of global optical observability of satellites in LEO.// Advances in Space Research, 2021, Volume 67, Issue 6, p. 1743-1760. 10.1016/j.asr.2020.12.021
    21. Sukhov P.P., Yepishev V.P., Motrunich I.I., Sukhov K.P. Application of photometry to understand the behaviour of geostationary objects on orbit // Odessa Astron. Publs., 2021, v.34, pp. 93-99 DOI 10.18524/1810-4215.2021.34.244335
    22. Usenko, I. A. ; Kniazev, A. Yu. ; Miroshnichenko, A. S. ; Danford, S. ; Kovtyukh, V. V. ; Mishenina, T. V. Spectroscopic investigations of Galactic open cluster Collinder 394 - New Results. // Odessa Astron. Publs., 2021, vol. 34, p. 65 DOI: 10.18524/1810- 4215.2021.34.244381
    23. Yushchenko V., Gopka V., Yushchenko A., Shavrina A., Pavlenkо Ja., Vasil’eva S. Actinium abundances in stellar atmospheres // Odessa Astron. Publs., 2021, v.34, pp.70-73 DOI 10.18524/1810-4215.2021.34.244288
  • 2020

    1. Akarsu, O., Chopovsky, A., Shulga, V., Yalçinkaya, E., Zhuk, A. 2020. Weak field limit of higher dimensional massive Brans-Dicke gravity: Observational constraints . Physical Review D 101, 024004.
    2. Andrievsky S. M., Wallerstein G., Korotin S. A., Kovtyukh V. V., Khrapaty S. V., Rydyak Yu., Mishenina T. V., Wenjin Huang. NLTE C and O abundances in RR lyrae stars// Astronomische Nachrichten , 2020, Volume 341, Issue 8, 9 pages.
    3. Andronov, Ivan L.; Andrych, Kateryna D.; Chinarova, Lidia L. Multi-algorithm analysis of the semi-regular variable DY Per, the prototype of the class of cool RCRB variables// Annales Astronomiae Navae, vol.1, p. 179-190, 2020
    4. Andrych K. D., Andronov I. L., Chinarova L. L. mavka: program of statistically optimal determination of phenomenological parameters of extrema. parabolic spline algorithm and analysis of variability of the semi-regular star z uma// Journal of Physical Studies 24 (1), Article 1902 [10 pages]
    5. Andrych, K.D.; Tvardovskyi, D.E.; Chinarova, L.L.; Andronov, I.L. MAVKA: Investigation of stellar brightness extrema approximation stability for various methods// Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnatй Pleso , vol. 50, no. 2, p. 557-559. DOI:
    6. Bono, G.; Braga, V. F.; Crestani, J.; Fabrizio, M.; Sneden, C.; Marconi, M.; Preston, G. W.; Mullen, J. P.; Gilligan, C. K.; Fiorentino, G.; Pietrinferni, A.; Altavilla, G.; Buonanno, R.; Chaboyer, B.; da Silva, R.; Dall'Ora, M.; Degl'Innocenti, S.; Di Carlo, E.; Ferraro, I.; Grebel, E. K.; Iannicola, G.; Inno, L.; Kovtyukh, V.; Kunder, A.; Lemasle, B.; Marengo, M.; Marinoni, S.; Marrese, P. M.; Martínez-Vázquez, C. E.; Matsunaga, N.; Monelli, M.; Neeley, J.; Nonino, M.; Moroni, P. G. Prada; Prudil, Z.; Stetson, P. B.; Thévenin, F.; Tognelli, E.; Valenti, E.; Walker, A. R. On the Metamorphosis of the Bailey Diagram for RR Lyrae Stars // The Astrophysical Journal Letters , Volume 896, Issue 1, id.L15, 9 pp. (2020)
    7. Burgazli Alvina; Shulga Valerii; Emrah Yükselci, A.; Zhuk, Alexander Effect of peculiar velocities on the gravitational potential in cosmological models with perfect fluids // Physics Letters B , 2020, Vol. 809, 135761, 7 p. DOI:
    8. Canay, Ezgi; Eingorn, Maxim; Zhuk, Alexander Effects of nonlinearity of f(R) gravity and perfect fluid in Kaluza-Klein models with spherical compactification //The European Physical Journal C, 2020, Volume 80, Issue 5, article id.379.
    9. Cernis, K; Eglitis, I.; Sonka, A.; Kulichenko, M.; … Kashuba, V.; Troianskyi, V.; Kashuba, S.; … et al. (2020). Observations and Orbits of Comets and A/ Objects . Minor Planet Electronic Circ., No. 2020-P19 (2020).
    10. Cervak, G.; Svoren, J.; Rychtarek, Pittich. E . ; … Kashuba, V.; Troianskyi, V.; Kashuba, S.; … et al. (2020). Observations and Orbits of Comets and A/ Objects . Minor Planet Electronic Circ., No. 2020-W26 (2020).
    11. Coffano, A.; Marinello, W.; Micheli, M.; ….. ; Kashuba, V.; Troianskyi, V.; Kashuba, S.; et al. Observations and Orbits of Comets and A/ Objects//Minor Planet Electronic Circ., No. 2020-U96 (2020);
    12. Eglitis, I.; Cernis, K.; Bacci, P., ... , Troianskyi, V.; Kashuba, V.; Kashuba, S.; and 227 more Observations and Orbits of Comets and A/ Objects// Minor Planet Electronic Circ., No. 2020-E26 (2020).
    13. Fashchevsky N.N., Podlesnyak S.V., Bondarenko Yu.N., Andrievsky S.M., Romanyuk Ya.O. A new wide-field telescope with a mirror diameter of 600 mm for the telescope network of the Odessa observatory // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2020, v. 33, pp.97-100. DOI:
    14. Gorbanev Yu.M., Konovalova N.A., Davruqov N.Kh. Groups of meteorite-producing meteoroids and meteorites in asteroidal orbits and their sources // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2020, v. 33,.pp101-104.
    15. Khokhlov S.A., Miroshnichenko A.S, Zharikov S.V., Manset N., Zakhozhay O.V., Bilinskyi I.O., Grankin K.N., Kusakin A.V., Omarov C.T., Kokumbaeva R.I., Reva I.V., Korv{c}'akov'a D., Usenko I.A., Kuratova A.K. The Emission-Line Dusty Object IRAS 07080+0605, a Less-Evolved Example of the Red Rectangle//Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2020, v 33, pp. 141-146.
    16. Kim Yonggi; Andronov Ivan L.; Andrych Kateryna D.; Yoon Joh-Na; Han Kiyoung; Chinarova Lidia L. Poorly Studied Eclipsing Binaries in the Field of DO Draconis: V454 Dra and V455 Dra // Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society , vol. 53, pp. 43-48 (2020) doi:
    17. Kleshchonok V.V., Kashuba S.G., Andrievsky S.M., Gorbanev Yu.M. Specific features of structures in the inner coma of comet C/2017 T2 (PANSTARRS) as observed with the OMT-800 telescope of the Odessa observatory telescope network. // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2020, v. 33, pp.105-108. DOI:
    18. Korotin, S. A.; Andrievsky, S. M.; Caffau, E.; Bonifacio, P.; Oliva, E. Study of the departures from LTE in the unevolved stars infrared spectra //Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020, Volume 496, Issue 2, pp.2462-2473.
    19. Koshkin N., Shakun L., Melikyants, Korobeynikova E., Strakhova S., Bilinsky A., Vovchyk Ye., Kudak V., Motrunich І., Neubauer I., Kozhukhov O., Romanyuk Ya., Ryabov A., Terpan S., Dragomiretsky V., Golubovskaya T. Simultaneous multi-site photometry of LEO satellites to characterise their rotation states // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2020, v. 33, pp.119-124. DOI:
    20. Kozhukhov O.M., Dementiev T.O., Rischenko S.V., KoshkinI., ShakunL.S., Strakhova S.L., at al. (2019). Observation of LEO objects using optical surveillance facilities: the geographic aspect / Artificial Satellites, Volume 54, Issue 4, pp.113-128 Опубликовано: ‏ DEC 2019
    21. Mishenina T., Usenko I., Kniazev A., Kovtyukh V. HD 121135: Features of its chemical composition //Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2020, v. 33, pp.40-44. DOI:
    22. Mishenina, T.; Soubiran, C.; Charbonnel, C.; Katsova, M.; Nizamov, B.Solar twins: lithium abundance scatter// Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, v.91, p.171 (2020)
    23. Mishenina, Tamara, Shereta, Elena, Pignatari, Marco, Carraro, Giovanni, Gorbaneva, Tatyana, Soubiran, Caroline Molybdenum in the open cluster stars// Journal of Physical Studies, 2020, v.24, N3, pp.3901-3910. DOI:
    24. NazarenkoV. The on- and off-state generations in classical microquasars. 3-d numerical hydrodynamical simulations on high resolution grid in the case of intermediate mass transfer rate in accretion disk of microquasar Cyg X-1 // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2020, v. 33, pp.45-47. DOI:
    25. Oszkiewicz, Dagmara; Troianskyi, Volodymyr; Fohring, Dora; Galad, Adrian; Kwiatkowski, Tomasz; Marciniak, Anna; Skiff, Brian A.; Geier, Stefan; Borczyk, Wojciech; Moskovitz, Nicholas A.; Kankiewicz, Pawef; Gajdos, Stefan; Vilagi, Jozef; Polc, L. udovit; Kluwak, Tomasz; Wilawer, Emil; Kashuba, Volodymyr; Udovichenko, Sergei; Keir, Leonid; Kaminski, Krzysztof; Devogele, Maxime; Gustafsson, Annika. Spin rates of V-type asteroids //Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020, Volume 643, id.A117, 26 pp. DOI:
    26. Sukharev, A.; Ryabov, M.; Bezrukovs, V.; Orbidans, A.; Bleiders, M.; Udovichenko, S.; Keir, L.; Eglitits, I.; Dubovsky, P. Study of Rapid Variability of the Blazar OJ 287 in the Radio and Optical Ranges //Astrophysics, Volume 63, Issue 1, p.32-44.
    27. Sukharev, Artem; Ryabov, Michail; Bezrukovs, Vladislavs; Orbidans, Arturs; Bleiders, Marcis; Udovichenko, Sergei; Keir, Leonid; Eglitis, Ilgmars; Kudsey, Igor; Dubovsky, Pavol. Program and Results of Investigations Rapid Variability of the BL Lac Object 3C 371 in Radio and Optical Ranges //Galaxies, 2020, 8(3), 69;
    28. Sukhov P., Sukhov K.P. Degradation of the reflectance properties of some GSS in space, preliminary results // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2020, v. 33, pp.138-140. DOI:
    29. Tvardovskyi, D. E.; Andronov, I. L.; Andrych, K. D.; Chinarova, L. L.Analysis of Photometry of Stars from Space and Ground-Based Surveys// Proceedings of the conference Stars and their Variability Observed from Space, held in Vienna on August 19-23, 2019. Eds.: C. Neiner, W. W. Weiss, D. Baade, R. E. Griffin, C. C. Lovekin, A. F. J. Moffat. University of Vienna, 2020, pp.381-382
    30. Udovichenko N., Keir L.E. Photometry and the Blazhko effect in the RR Lyr variable star Y Vul // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2020, v. 33, pp.53-57; DOI:
    31. Usenko I.A., Kniazev A.Yu., Katkov I.Yu., Kovtyukh V.V., Mishenina T.V., Miroshnichenko A.S., Turner D.G. Spectroscopic investigations of galactic clusters with associated cepheid variables. IV. Collinder 220 and UW Car //Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2020, v. 33, pp. 58-64; DOI:
    32. Usenko I.A., Miroshnichenko A.S., Danford S., Kovtyukh V.V., Turner D.G. Spectroscopic investigations of the Polaris (α Umi) system: radial velocity measurements, new orbit, and companion influence for the cepheid polaris Aa pulsation activity // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2020, v. 33, pp. 65-71; DOI:
    33. Yushchenko, Alexander V.; Kim, Chulhee; ,Jeong Yeuncheol; Doikov, Dmytry N.; Yushchenko, Volodymyr A.; Khrapatyi, Sergii V.; Demessinova, Aizat. The Chemical Composition of V1719 Cyg: δ Scuti Type Star without the Accretion of Interstellar Matter // Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences , 2020, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 157-163,
    34. Коновалова Н.А., Горбанев Ю.М., Давруков Н.Х. эволюция метеоритных групп с кометными орбитами семейства юпитера // Вестник Таджикского национального университета. Серия естественных наук/ ISSN 2413-452Х /2020. № 2. 157-167 с.
  • 2019

    1. Andrievsky S. M., Shereta A., Khrapaty S. V., Korotin S. A., Kovtyukh V. V., Kashuba V. I. Diffuse interstellar band 6202 å as an indicator of organic matter in cosmos: cepheid spectra /Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2019, v.32, pp.52-54, DOI:
    2. Berdnikov L.N., Pastukhova E.N., Kovtyukh V.V., Lemasle B., Kniazev A.Yu., Usenko I.A., Bono D., Grebel E., Hajdu G., Zhuiko S.V., Udovichenko S.N., and Keir L.E.,.\ Search for Evolutionary Changes in the Periods of Cepheids: V1033 Cyg, a Classical Cepheid at the First Crossing of the Instability Strip.\Astronomy Letters, 2019, 45, 227-236. 2019AstL...45..227B, 10.1134/S1063773719040017
    3. Berdnikov, L. N.; Kniazev, A. Yu.; Kovtyukh, V. V.; Kravtsov, V. V.; Mishenina, T. V.; Pastukhova, E. N.; Usenko, I. A. Search for Evolutionary Changes in the Periods of Cepheids: BG Cru//Astronomy Letters, Volume 45, Issue 7, pp.445-452 Pub Date: July 2019, 10.1134/S1063773719070028
    4. Caffau E., Monaco L., Bonifacio P., Korotin S., Andrievsky S., Cristallo S., Spite M., Spite F., Sbordone L., François P., Cescutti G. and Salvadori S. The CEMP star SDSS J0222-0313: the first evidence of proton ingestion in very low-metallicity AGB stars?.// Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2019, 628, A46. 2019A&A...628A..46C, 10.1051/0004-6361/201935680
    5. Caffau, E.; Bonifacio, P.; Oliva, E.; Korotin, S.; Capitanio, L.; Andrievsky, S.; Collet, R.; Sbordone, L.; Duffau, S.; Sanna, N.; Tozzi, A.; Origlia, L.; Ryde, N.; Ludwig, H.-G. Systematic investigation of chemical abundances derived using IR spectra obtained with GIANO//Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019, Volume 622, id.A68, 14 pp. 10.1051/0004-6361/201834318, 10.1051/0004-6361/201834318
    6. Eingorn, M., Duygu Guran, N., Zhuk, A.\ 2019.\ Analytic expressions for the second-order scalar perturbations in the ΛCDM Universe within the cosmic screening approach.//Physics of the Dark Universe, 2019, 26, 100329. 2019PDU....2600329E 10.1016/j.dark.2019.100329
    7. Eingorn, Maxim; Emrah Yukselci, A.; Zhuk, Alexander. Effect of the spatial curvature of the Universe on the form of the gravitational potential //European Physical Journal C 79, 655. 2019EPJC...79..655E
    8. Jeong, Yeuncheol; Yushchenko, Alexander; Gopka, Vira; Yushchenko, Volodymyr; Rittipruk, Pakakaew; Jeong, Kyung Sook; Demessinova, Aizat. The Barium Star HD204075: Iron Abundance and the Absence of Evidence for Accretion // Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Vol. 36, p. 105-114, 10.5140/JASS.2019.36.3.105
    9. Kniazev, A.~Y., Usenko, I.~A., Kovtyukh, V.~V., Berdnikov, L.~N.\ 2019.\ The MAGIC Project. I. High-Resolution Spectroscopy on Salt Telescope and the Cepheid RsNor as a Test Object.\ Astrophysical Bulletin, 74, 208-220. 2019AstBu..74..208K, 10.1134/S199034131902010X
    10. Kolesnikov S.V. Development of Equipment and Techniques of the Polarimetric Method as an Effective Method Of Astrophysical Research. I //Journal of Physical Studies, 2019, Vol. 23, id. 3901, 10.30970/jps.23.3901
    11. Konovalova N. A., Gorbanev Yu. M., Davruqov N. H. Evolution of comet-like orbits of meteoriteproducing groups and their parent bodies / Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2019, v.32, pp.151-157, DOI:
    12. Konovalova, N.~A., Gorbanev, Y.~M., Davruqov, N.~K.\ 2019.\ On the Annual Occurrence of Large and Small Sporadic Meteoroids and Meteorites.\ 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, LPI Contribution No. 2132, id.1502; 2019LPI....50.1502K
    13. Koshkin N. (ed.), Korobeynikova E. at al. (2019) Atlas of light curves of space objects. Part 5 (2016-2018).295 pages ( DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25562.18881
    14. Koshkin N., Melikyants S., Korobeinikova E., Shakun L., Strakhova S., Kashuba V., Romanyuk Ya., Terpan S. Simulation of the orbiting spacecraft to analysis and understand their rotation based on photometry / Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2019, v.32, pp.158-161, DOI:
    15. Kovtyukh, V., Lemasle, B., Kniazev, A., Berdnikov, L., Bono, G., Usenko, I., Grebel, E.~K., Hajdu, G., Pastukhova, E. The MAGIC project - II. Discovery of two new Galactic lithium-rich Cepheids.\ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019, v.488, 3211-3221. 2019MNRAS.488.3211K, 10.1093/mnras/stz1872
    16. Kovtyukh, V.V., Andrievsky, S.M., Martin, R.P., Korotin, S.A., Lepine, J.R.D., Maciel, W.J., Keir, L.E., Panko, E.A\ Elemental abundances in the centre of the Galactic nuclear disc.\ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019, v.489, 2254-2260. 2019MNRAS.489.2254K, 10.1093/mnras/stz2316
    17. Kulichenko M. O., Shulga O. V., Gorbanev Yu. M. Results of positional and photometric measurements of meteor trajectories observed in mykolaiv 2017-2018 / Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2019, v.32, pp.165-167, DOI:
    18. Kuratova A. K., Miroshnichenko A. S., Zharikov S. V., Manset N., Khokhlov S. A., Raj A., Kusakin A. V., Reva I. V., Kokumbaeva R. I., Usenko I. A., Knyazev A. Y. Spectroscopic monitoring of the B(e) objects FS cma and MO Cam / Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2019, v.32, pp.63-65, DOI:
    19. Maciel, W.J., Andrievsky, S.\ 2019.\ Galactic radial abundance gradients: cepheids and photoionized nebulae.// II Workshop on Chemical Abundances in Gaseous Nebulae// 11-14 March 2019, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil (invited talk), Boletin Asociacion Astronomica de Argentina, in press Also available from
    20. Mishenina T., Basak N., Kovtyukh V. Chemical imprints in atmospheric abundances in planet- hosting stars / Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2019, v.32, pp.66-69, DOI:
    21. Mishenina, T., Pignatari, M., Gorbaneva, T., Bisterzo, S., Travaglio, C., Thielemann, F.-K., Soubiran, C. Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron capture elements: Sr.\ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019, v.484, 3846-3864. 10.1093/mnras/stz178
    22. Mishenina, T., Pignatari, M., Gorbaneva, T., Travaglio, C., Côté, B., Thielemann, F.-K., Soubiran, C. Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron-capture elements: Mo and Ru.\ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019, v.489, 1697-1708. 10.1093/mnras/stz2202
    23. Nazarenko V. V. The on- and off-state generations in the case of the thick accretion disk and undefined precession period. 3-d numerical hydrodynamical simulations in accretion disk in microquasar cyg x-1 / Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2019, v.32, pp.70-74, DOI:
    24. Oszkiewicz, Dagmara; Kryszczyńska, Agnieszka; Kankiewicz, Paweł; Durech, Josef; Marciniak, Anna; Moskovitz, Nick; Skiff, Brian; Geier, Stefan; Fedorets, Grigori; Włodarczyk, Ireneusz; Troianskyi, Volodymyr. The unusual V-type asteroid (2579) Spartacus// European Planetary Science Congress 2018, held 16-21 September 2018 at TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, id.EPSC2018-846 (2018); 2018EPSC...12..846O
    25. Oszkiewicz, Dagmara; Kryszczyńska, Agnieszka; Kankiewicz, Paweł; Moskovitz, Nicholas A.; Skiff, Brian A.; Leith, Thomas B.; Ďurech, Josef; Włodarczyk, Ireneusz; Marciniak, Anna; Geier, Stefan; Fedorets G.; Troianskyi, Volodymyr; Fцhring, Dуra. Physical and dynamical properties of the unusual V-type asteroid (2579) Spartacus //Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019, v. 623, id.A170, 7 pp.; 10.1051/0004-6361/201833641
    26. Pavlenko, E., Niijima, K.; Mason, P.; Wells, N.; ... Troianskyi, V.; Kashuba, V.: 2019.\ ASASSN-18fk: A new WZ Sge-type dwarf nova with multiple rebrightenings and a new candidate for a superhumping intermediate polar.\ Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso 49, 204-216. 2019CoSka..49..204P
    27. Picazzio, Enos; Luk'yanyk, Igor V.; Ivanova, Oleksandra V.; Zubko, Evgenij; Cavichia, Oscar; Videen, Gorden; Andrievsky, Sergei M. Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 dust environment from photometric observation at the SOAR Telescope //Icarus, 2019, Volume 319, p. 58-67. 10.1016/j.icarus.2018.09.008, 10.1016/j.icarus.2018.09.008
    28. Salvadori S., Bonifacio P., Caffau E., Korotin S., Andreevsky S., Spite, M., Skúladóttir, Á. Probing the existence of very massive first stars// Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 487, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 4261-4284
    29. Simon, A., Pavlenko, E.; Shugarov, S.; Vasylenko, V.; Izviekova, I.; Reshetnyk, V.; Godunova, V.; Bufan, Yu.; Baransky, A.; Antonyuk, O.; Baklanov, V.; Troianskyi, V.; Udovichenko, S.; Keir, L. Gaia18aak is a new SU UMa-type dwarf nova.\ Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, 2019, 49, 420-423. 2019CoSka..49..420S
    30. Troianskyi, Volodymyr; Kashuba, Volodymyr; Krugly, Yu. Photometry of Selected Asteroids on the OMT-800 Telescope // The Minor Planet Bulletin (ISSN 1052-8091). Bulletin of the Minor Planets Section of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 109-110 (2019); 2019MPBu...46..109T
    31. Udovichenko S. N., Kovtyukh V. V., Keir L. E. Lithium-rich classical cepheid v1033 cyg: evolutionary status / Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2019, v.32, pp.83-86, DOI:
    32. Usenko I. A., Kniazev A. Yu., Katkov I. Yu., Kovtyukh V. V., Mishenina T. V., Miroshnichenko A. S., Turner D. G. Spectroscopic investigations of galactic clusters with associated cepheid variables. Iii. Collinder 394 and bb sgr / Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2019, v.32, pp.91-96, DOI:
    33. Usenko I. A., Miroshnichenko A. S., Danford S., Kovtyukh V. V. Pulsational activity of the small–amplitude cepheid Polaris (α Umi) in 2018-2019 / Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2019, v.32, pp.87-90, DOI:
    34. Yalçınkaya E., Zhuk, A.\ 2019.\ Weak-field limit of Kaluza-Klein model with non-linear perfect fluid.\ Gravitation and Cosmology, Volume 25, Issue 4, p.349-353, 10.1134/S0202289319040145
    35. Єпішев В.П., Кудак В.І., Мотрунич І.І., Найбауер І.Ф., Періг В.М., Сухов П.П., Кожухов Д.М., Мамарєв В.М. "Аналіз розвитку і можливостей оптичних систем, розміщених на космічних апаратах стратегічного призначення США і Росії ". Аерокосмічні технології, НТЖ, Випуск 3(3) – Київ, НЦУ та ВКЗ, 2019. – с.5 – 12.
    36. Кошкін М., Шакун Л. Програмно-апаратний комплекс оптичного дистанційного зондування космічних об’єктів на орбіті Землі / ІННОВАЦІЙНІ РОЗРОБКИ УНІВЕРСИТЕТІВ І НАУКОВИХ УСТАНОВ МОН УКРАЇНИ. Т. 2, Київ, 2018, с.188.
    37. Кудак, В. І.; Шакун, Л. С.; Періг, В. М.; Саваневич, В. Є. Comparison of the geosynchronous objects position accuracy with different software. Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University.Series Physics, Uzhhorod National University, 2019, 45, 134-140. DOI: 10.24144/2415-8038.2019.45.134-140
  • 2018

    1. Akarsu, Ö., Brilenkov, R., Eingorn, M., Shulga, V., Zhuk, A.\ 2018.\ Scalar perturbations in cosmological f(R) models: the cosmic screening approach.\ The European Physical Journal C, 2018, Volume 78, Issue 8, article id. 609, 6 pp. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-6091-7
    2. Akarsu, Ö., Chopovsky, A., Eingorn, M., Fakhr, S.H., Zhuk, A.\ 2018.\ Brane world models with bulk perfect fluid and broken 4D Poincaré invariance.\ Physical Review D 97, 044024. 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.044024
    3. Akarsu, Ö., Chopovsky, A., Zhuk, A.\ 2018.\ Black branes and black strings in the astrophysical and cosmological context.\ Physics Letters B 778, 190-196. 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.01.022
    4. Andrievsky, S., Bonifacio, P., Caffau, E., Korotin, S., Spite, M., Spite, F., Sbordone, L., Zhukova, A.V.\ 2018.\ Galactic evolution of copper in the light of NLTE computations.\ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 3377-3384. 10.1093/mnras/stx2526
    5. Andrievsky, S., Wallerstein, G., Korotin, S., Lyashko, D., Kovtyukh, V., Tsymbal, V., Davis, C.E., Gomez, T., Huang, W., Farrell, E.M.\ 2018.\ The Relationship of Sodium and Oxygen in Galactic Field RR Lyrae Stars.\ Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 130, 024201. 10.1088/1538-3873/aa9783
    6. Bushuev F., Kaliuzhnyi M., Mazhaev O., Shulga O., Shakun L., Bezrukovs V., Reznichenko O., Moskalenko S., Malynovskyi Ye. External comparison satellite positions obtained by the network of passive correlation ranging of gestationary telecommunication satellites // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp. 171 DOI:
    7. Duggan, Gina E.; Kirby, Evan N.; Andrievsky, Serge M.; Korotin, Sergey A. Neutron Star Mergers Are the Dominant Source of the r-process in the Early Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies//eprint arXiv:1809.04597, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 869, Issue 1, article id. 50, 17 pp. (2018). 10.3847/1538-4357/aaeb8e
    8. Gopka V.F., Yushchenko A.V., Yushchenko V.A., Shavrina A.V., Andrievsky S.M., Jeong Y. and Shereta E.P.. The abundances of heavy elements in BL138 – red giant of local group fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy // Physical Sciences and Technology, Vol. 5 (No. 1), 2018: 70-78. DOI:
    9. Gopka, V.F., Shavrina, A.V., Yushchenko, V.A., Yushchenko, A.V., Pavlenko, Y.V., Andrievsky, S.M., Vasileva, S.V., Kim, C., Jeong, Y., Lyubchik, Y.P.\ 2018.\ Actinium Abundance in the Atmospheres of Three Red Supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds.\ Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, 2018, 34, 123-133. 10.3103/S0884591318030054
    10. Gorbaneva T.I., Mishenina T.V. Hafnium abundances in FGK dwarf of galactic disk // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp. 75-77. DOI:
    11. Ivanova, O.V., Picazzio, E., Luk'yanyk, I.V., Cavichia, O., Andrievsky, S.M.\ 2018.\ Spectroscopic observations of the comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 at the SOAR telescope.\ Planetary and Space Science, 157, 34-38. 10.1016/j.pss.2018.04.003
    12. Jeong, Y., Yushchenko, A.V., Gopka, V.F., Yushchenko, V.O., Kovtyukh, V.V., Vasil'eva, S.V.\ Magellanic Clouds Cepheids: Thorium Abundances.\ Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 2018, 35, 19-30. 10.5140/JASS.2017.35.1.19
    13. Kashuba S., Tsvetkov M., Bazyey N., The current state of the Odessa collection of astrophotonegatives. //Publ. Astron. Soc. “Rudjer Bošković” No 18, 2018, 75-86.
    14. Kashuba Svitlana, Milcho Tsvetkov, Natalya Bazyey, Elena Isaeva and Valentina Golovnia. The Simeiz plate collection of the Odessa astronomical observatory // Proceedings of the XI Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference (XI BSAC) Belogradchik, Bulgaria, May 14-18, 2018 Editors: Milcho K. Tsvetkov, Milan S. Dimitrijević and Momchil Dechev Publ. Astron. Soc. “Rudjer Bošković” No 18, 2018, 207-216.
    15. Konovalova N.A., Gorbanev Yu.M., Davruqov N.H. The existence of groups of meteorite-producing fire-balls and meteorites in comet-like orbits// Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp. 174-178. DOI:
    16. Korotin, S.A., Andrievsky, S.M., Zhukova, A.V.\ 2018.\ Copper abundance from Cu I and Cu II lines in metal-poor star spectra: NLTE vs LTE.\ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018, Volume 480, Issue 1, p.965-971 10.1093/mnras/sty1886
    17. Koshkin N., Shakun L., Korobeinikova Е., Melikyants S., Strakhova S., Dragomiretsky V., Ryabov A., Golubovskaya T., Terpan S. Monitoring of space debris rotation based on photometry// Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp. 179-185.
    18. Kovtyukh, V., Wallerstein, G., Yegorova, I., Andrievsky, S., Korotin, S., Saviane, I., Belik, S., Davis, C.E., Farrell, E.M.\ 2018.\ Metal-poor Type II Cepheids with Periods Less Than Three Days.\ Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 130, Issue 987, pp. 054201 (2018), 10.1088/1538-3873/aaacf7
    19. Kovtyukh, V., Yegorova, I., Andrievsky, S., Korotin, S., Saviane, I., Lemasle, B., Chekhonadskikh, F., Belik, S.\ 2018.\ Type II Cepheids: evidence for Na-O anticorrelation for BL Her type stars?.\ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 2276-2285. 10.1093/mnras/sty671
    20. Lemasle, B.; Inno, L.; Groenewegen, M. A. T.; Kovtyukh, V. V.; Bono, G.; da Silva, R.; Françcois, P.; Genovali, K.; Grebel, E. K.; Matsunaga, N.; Romaniello, M. Chemical Composition of Cepheids in the Milky Way and in the Magellanic Clouds// The RR Lyrae 2017 Conference. Revival of the Classical Pulsators: from Galactic Structure to Stellar Interior Diagnostics. Proceedings of the meeting held 17-21 September, 2017 in Niepołomice, Poland. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, Vol. 6. Edited by R. Smolec, K. Kinemuchi, and R.I. Anderson, ISBN 978-83-938279-9-2, pp.82-87
    21. Lemasle, B.; Kovtyukh, V.; da Silva, R.; Mor, R.; Bono, G.; Figueras, F.; François, P.; Inno, L.; Magurno, D.; Matsunaga, N.; and 2 coauthors. Cepheids as Swiss army knives for Milky Way archaeology//Rediscovering our Galaxy, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, 2018, Volume 334, pp. 329-330. 10.1017/S1743921317007451
    22. Lemasle, Bertrand; Hajdu, Gergely; Kovtyukh, Valery; Inno, Laura; Grebel, Eva. K.; Catelan, Márcio; Bono, Giuseppe; François, Patrick; Kniazev, Alexei; da Silva, Ronaldo; Storm, Jesper. Milky Way metallicity gradient from Gaia DR2 F/1O double-mode Cepheids // eprint arXiv:1809.07352, 2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 618, id.A160, 10 pp. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201834050
    23. Mishenina T., Usenko I., Kniazev A., Kovtyukh V. Status refinement of metal-poor star HD 6268 // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp. 84-89 DOI:
    24. Mishenina T.V., Gorbaneva T.I. Molybdenum and ruthenium in the Galaxy // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp. 78-83 DOI:
    25. Mishenina, T., …, Basak, N.; Gorbaneva, T.; Korotin, S. A.; Kovtyukh, V. V.; and 12 colleagues 2018.\ Stellar Parameters, Chemical composition and Models of chemical evolution.\ IAU Symposium 330, 331-332. 10.1017/S1743921317005439
    26. Mishenina, T., Gorbaneva, T., Pignatari, M., Thielemann, F.-K., Korotin, S.\ 2018.\ Manganese Abundances in the Stars with Metallicities -1<[Fe/H]<+0.3.\ Journal of Physics Conference Series 940, 012049. 10.1088/1742-6596/940/1/012049
    27. Nazarenko V.V. The dependence of on- and off-state generations in classical microquasars from the disk density. 3-d numerical hydrodynamical simulations of the high and low mass accretion rate in accretion disk in microquasar Cyg X-1 // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp. 90-93. DOI:
    28. Picazzio, Enos; Luk'yanyk, Igor V.; Ivanova, Oleksandra V.; Zubko, Evgenij; Cavichia, Oscar; Videen, Gorden; Andrievsky, Sergei M. Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 dust environment from photometric observation at the SOAR Telescope // Icarus, 2019, Volume 319, p. 58-67. 10.1016/j.icarus.2018.09.008
    29. Proxauf, B., da Silva, R.; Kovtyukh, V. V.; and 23 colleagues .\ A new and homogeneous metallicity scale for Galactic classical Cepheids. I. Physical parameters.//Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018, Volume 616, id.A82, 13 pp. 10.1051/0004-6361/201833087
    30. Proxauf, B.; da Silva, R.; Kovtyukh, V. V.; Bono, G.; Inno, L.; Lemasle, B.; Pritchard, J.; Przybilla, N.; Storm, J.; Urbaneja, M. A.; and 16 coauthors. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Physical parameters of classical Cepheids (Proxauf+, 2018)// VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/616/A82. Originally published in: 2018A&A...616A..82P
    31. Shakun L.S. Features of KOTLIN orbit estimation library// Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp. 191-195. DOI:
    32. Shereta E., Carraro G., Gorbaneva T., Mishenina T. Molybdenum abundance in some open clusters// Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp. 100-102. DOI:
    33. Troianskyi, V. V.; Bazyey, O. A. Numerical simulation of asteroid system dynamics// 14th INTEGRAL/BART Workshop : Karlovy Vary, Czech Republi. Apr 03-07, 2017. Contributions of the Astronomical observatory Skalnate Pleso, 2018, v. 48, no. 2, 356-380.
    34. Tvardovskyi D.E., Marsakova V.I., Andronov I.L., Shakun L.S. Period variations and possible third components in the eclipsing binaries AH TaurI AND ZZ Cassiopeiae// Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp. 103-109. DOI:
    35. Udovichenko S.N., Keir L.E. On the irregular variations in the light curves of RY Vul // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp.110-112. DOI:
    36. Usenko I.A., Kniazev A.Yu., Kovtyukh V.V., Mishenina T.V., Miroshnichenko A.S., Turner D.G., Protsyuk Yu.I. Spectroscopic investigations of galactic clusters with associated cepheid variables. II. NGC 5662 AND V Cen // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp. 117-122. DOI:
    37. Usenko I.A., Miroshnichenko A.S., Danford S.,.Kovtyukh V.V., Turner D.G., Shul'ga A.V., Protsyuk Yu.I. Spectroscopic investigations of galactic clusters with associated cepheid variables. I. Polaris cluster and α Umi // Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2018, v.31, pp. 113-116. DOI:
    38. Usenko, I. A.; Kovtyukh, V. V.; Miroshnichenko, A. S.; Danford, S.; Prendergast, P. Pulsational activity changes in the Cepheid Polaris (α UMi) during 2017-2018: a new amplitude decrease//Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 2018, Volume 481, Issue 1, p.L115-L119. 10.1093/mnrasl/sly170
    39. Єпішев В. П., Мотрунич І. І., Періг В. М., Сухов П. П., Сухов К. П., Павлажек Р. К. Про можливості контролю поведінки геосинхронних об'єктів за результатами їх наземних спостережень. Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Том 43 (2018) с.41-49.
    40. Єпішев В. П., Сухов П. П., Мотрунич I.I., Кашуба В. I., Кудак В. I., Перiг В. М., Сухов К. П., Найбауер I. Ф.. Комплексні спостереження маневруючих геосинхронних об'єктів українськими наземними засобами. Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Том 43 (2018) с.54-62.
    41. Єпішев В.П., Мотрунич І.І., Найбауер І.Ф., Кудак В.І., Періг В.М., Москаленко С.С., Сухов П.П., Сухов К.П. Ідентифікація космічних об’єктів за результатами фотометричних спостережень. Аерокосмічні технології, 2017, № 2 (02),26-34
    42. Єпішев В.П., Мотрунич І.І., Періг В.М., Кудак В.І., Найбауер І.Ф. Сухов П.П., Кашуба В.І., Сухов К.П., Варламов І.Д., Албул В.В., Москаленко С.С., Мисливий С.О. Можливості національних оптичних засобів спостереження за космічним простором щодо контролю геостационпрної орбити у інтересах збройних сил України. Сучасни інформаційні технології у сфери беспеки та оборони. №3 (33) 2018. с. 61-71. 

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