Fundamental Research Laboratory of Engineering Geology of Mountain Sides and Sea and Reservoir Shorelines

The laboratory head is Kadurin Sergii, аssistant professor in Department of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, PhD in Geology 

Chief specialists:

  • Pikhodedova Olga Georgiyevna – candidate of geol.-min. science; chief research collaborator;
  • Pangaev Vadim Yuriyevytch – candidate of engineering science, senior research assistant;
  • Kremenchutskaya Margarita Konstantinovna – senior research assistant;

The teachers from the engineering geology and hydrogeology chair and students of senior courses of the specialty “Hydrogeology” are engaged in accomplishment of scientific researches and laboratory works.

Research directions of the activity:

The scientific school “Theory and methodology of forecasting of geohazards on the basis of laboratory, mathematical and natural-analog modeling” has appeared.

Research developments of PRSL-1

Methodology of prypod-analog stochastic modeling and forecasting of abrasion and hill-creep processes.
Authors: Glavatskiy A.B., Konikov E.G.

Methodology of approximate (previous) valuation of consolidation settlement of mud grounds solid mass.
Authors: Konikov E.G., Pikhodedova O.G., Pedan G.S.

Applied aspects of activity:

Method development of monitoring and forecasting of brinkforming processes (hill creep, abrasion, aggradation etc.) end recommendations on engineering site protection, harmonious exploitation and protection of fringe of sea and estuary. Evaluation and forecasting of processes, which are widespread at the territory of Odessa. Evaluation of seismic hazard and microseismic zoning of Odessa’s territory for purposes of construction. Methods of seismic processes forecasting on the basis of utilization of hydrobionts and microorganisms. Evaluation of state and pollution intensity of subareal fresh and service waters on population health. Methods of creation of artificial territories at the slurry dumps on shoreland.

Short historical inquiry:

PSRL-1 was formed in 1959 according to Resolution of the Council of Ministers of USSR №179 from 19 of November 1959. The founder and the fist research instructor – professor L.B. Rozovskiy. The main scientific and applied problems, formed in “Resolution”, consist in creation of theoretic and methodological foundations of modeling and forecasting of geodynamic processes at the shoreland of the sea and water-collecting area and chartered staff training in engineering geology and hydrogeology. The chair of engineering geology and hydrogeology was formed on the basis of scientific potential of the Laboratory in 1971. PRSL-1 is the member society of International Organizations - “EUROCOAST-UKRAINE" и “European Union of Coastal Cover (EUCC)".


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Dvoryans'ka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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