Snigovska Oksana
Department of Social Communication and Regional Studies, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2, Dvoryanska, Odesa, Ukraine, 65082.
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Main Courses: First Foreign Language (Modern Greek), Modern Greek Language, Foreign Language for Professional Purposes (Modern Greek), Language of Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette (Modern Greek), Academic Language (Modern Greek), Terminology in International Diplomatic Practice (Modern Greek), Business Writing and Public Speaking (Modern Greek), Linguistic and Cultural Studies (Modern Greek).
2022 – Acting Head of Department of Social Communication and Regional Studies.
2014 – 2016 – Associate Professor, Department of International Relations.
1998 – 2016 – Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations.
1997 – MA in Russian and Greek Philology, Mariupol State University.
List of main publications:
Snigovska, O.V., Malakhiti, A.V. The Linguocultural Concept of "Refugee" in Greek-Language Socio-Political and Media Discourse. International and Political Studies. Odesa: I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University, 2024. No. 37 (2024), pp. 132–150.
Snigovska, Oksana; Lebedieva, Nataliia; Skidan, Serhiy; Dorozhko, Yevhen; Zapadynska, Iryna. Integrating Cultural Perspectives in Building Foreign Language Communicative Competence for Future Professionals. Brazilian Journal of Education, Technology and Society (BRAJETS), 2024, v.17, n.se3, pp. 73–86. DOI: 10.14571/brajets.v17.nse3.2024
Sosnytskyi, Yurii; Piddubna, Oksana; Snigovska, Oksana; Donets, Ivan; Hlazunova, Iryna. The Role of Art and Humanities in Shaping a Cultural Approach. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7, 2024spe049. DOI: 10.31893/multirev.2024spe049
Snigovska, Oksana; Rembach, Olha; Broda, Mariana; Mosiiyevych, Larysa; Shum, Olha. Adopting a Linguocultural Method for Educating Prospective Foreign Language Experts. Ad Alta, 2024, Vol. 14, Issue 2, Special XLV.
Snigovska, O.V., Malakhiti, A.V., Zakharchuk, N.V. Political Image of Ukraine: Analysis of Fake Instrumentation in Hybrid Warfare (Based on Greek Mass Media Materials). International and Political Studies. Odesa: I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University, 2023. No. 36 (2023), pp. 188–201.
Snigovska, O. Principles of the Linguocultural Approach in Foreign Language Training for Future Professionals. Ukrainian Professional Education = Ukrainian Professional Education, 2023, (14), pp. 44–56. DOI: 10.33989/2519-8254.2023.14.300216
Greek Content in the Work of Hryhorii Skovoroda: Intertextual Dimensions or Artistic Bilingualism of the Author? Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal, 9, 2022. Pp. 83–104 (in English). Covered in Scopus and WoS // Access mode :
Vynnychuk Renata, Bakka Tamara, Bohomaz Oksana, Krupina Lesia, Snigovska Oksana. The Process of Developing Media Competence of the Personality by Means of Humanities. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol.22 No.6, June 2022. Pp. 531-541. Covered in WoS // (in English).
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Formation of professional readiness of future international specialists to work with information in the conditions of hybrid warfare. Innovative pedagogy. Issue 46. Odesa: Helvetica Publishing House, 2022. Pp. 170–177 (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Official and unofficial diplomacy of I. Kapodistria against the background of the emergence of the etherist movement. Drynovsky collection, T. XV. Sofia – Kharkiv: Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences named after prof. Marin Drynov, 2022. Pp. 161–183. Access mode :
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Political caricature as a type of creolized text in the context of the crisis of Ukrainian-Russian relations (based on the material of the Greek press). International and political studies. Odesa: ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov, № 35. Pp. 179–202 (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
Malakhiti Andrii, Snigovska Oksana. The media space of Greece against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict in 2022: the ban on the broadcast of the Russian channels RT and Sputnik. Man, culture, technology in the new millennium: Collection of theses of scientific reports: XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Kharkiv. Pp. 63–66 (in Ukrainian). DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6964464
Malakhiti Andrii, Snigovska Oksana. Greece's economic dependence on Russia's energy carriers: ways to overcome it against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Socio-economic and political development of countries in modern conditions. Collection of scientific works of the international scientific and practical conference. Odesa: ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov, 2022. Pp. 43–46 (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Creolized text in media discourse and its linguistic didactic potential in teaching foreign language communication during the war. Management of the quality of scientific and research activities in institutions of higher and professional advanced education in the conditions of wartime realities: materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Pedagogical Advanced Training, May 10 – June 21, 2022. Odesa: Publishing House "Helvetika", 2022. Pp. 253–257 (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
Modern Greek Literature. Literature and Historical and Political Realities. Linguistic and Area Studies. Part II: a textbook / Ed. V.I. Ryzhykh. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. Pp. 101–114 (in Ukrainian).
Intercultural Communication, Etiquette and Mental Features of Greek Speakers. Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette. Linguistic and Area Studies. Part II: a textbook / Ed. V.I. Ryzhykh. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. Pp. 168–183 (in Ukrainian).
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Public diplomacy as an instrument for achieving Russia's foreign policy objectives in Greece. Drinovsky collection. Vol. XIV. Sofia – Kharkiv: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2021 (in Ukrainian).
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Ethnic stereotypes of the Greeks in the modern language space (on the example of the dictionary of the Modern Greek by G. Babiniotis). National identity in language and culture: a collection of scientific papers / under the general editorship of O.G. Shesterok. K.: Talkom, 2021. Pp. 298–304. Access mode :
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. The use of creative tasks in teaching the languages of national minorities (on the example of the Modern Greek). Collection of abstracts of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference “Teaching the Ukrainian language and the language of national minorities to students of general secondary education in the context of a competency-based approach”, Kyiv, April 21, 2021. К.: Pedagogical thought, 2021. Pp. 73–75 (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Definition of stakeholders of the educational process “International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies”. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Methodological Conference “University Education and Science: Traditions and Innovations”, UESTI-2021. Kharkiv: Publishing house LLC “Style Printing House”, 2021. Pp. 107–108 (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. “Red” Odessa in the eyes of N. Kazantzakis: documentary-artistic two of the author` worlds (based on the travelogue «Traveling: Russia»). Studia Linguistica. Issue. 15. K . : KNU named after T. Shevchenko, 2019. Pp. 235–249 (in Ukrainian). Access mode
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. The political discourse of the Greek parliamentary elections 2019 on the material of foreign media. Rhetoric and Communications Journal. Sofia, 2020. Issue 43. (in English). Access mode :
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. The phenomenon of memory in Nikos Kazantzakis’ travelogue “Traveling: Russia”. Artistic phenomenon in history and modernity (“Memory and identity”) : abstracts of the VI International scientific conference on April 03-04, 2020. Kh . : Entepreneur Brovin A.V., 2020. Pp. 96–97 (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
Modern Greek language (standard level): a textbook for the 11th grade of general secondary education institutions with instruction in the Ukrainian language (ISBN 978-617-7663-74-3) / O.M. Dobra, N.Y. Voevutko, O.V. Snigovska, A.V. Malakhiti. Chernivtsi: Bukrek, 2019 (in Modern Greek and Ukrainian). Access mode :
Republic of Cyprus. Section I. Area Studies. Geopolitical position and foreign policy of states // Linguistic and Area Studies. Part 1: textbook / Ed. I.V. Zubarenko, O.V. Snigovska, Y.M. Tarasyuk. Odesa: ONU, 2018. Pp. 55 –72 (in Ukrainian and Modern Greek).
Modern Greek for comprehensive school with education in the Ukrainian language: textbook for the 10th form of general education institutions / O.M. Dobra, N.Y. Voevotko, O.V. Snigovska, A.V. Malakhiti. Chernivtsi: Bukrek, 2018, 143 p. (in Modern Greek and Ukrainian).
Modern Greek Workbook for 10th form of comprehensive school with education in the Ukrainian language / O.M. Dobra, N.Y. Voevotko, O.V. Snigovska, A.V. Malakhiti. Chernivtsi: Bukrek, 2018. (in Modern Greek and Ukrainian).
Modern Greek for comprehensive school with education in the Ukrainian language: textbook for the 9th form of general education institutions / O.M. Dobra, N.Y. Voevotko, K.O. Zhabko. Y.A. Kior, R.V. Kior, Y.B. Labetska, O.V. Snigovska. Chernivtsi: Bukrek, 2017. 154 p. (in Modern Greek and Ukrainian).
Modern Greek Workbook for 9th form of comprehensive school with education in the Ukrainian language / O.M. Dobra, N.Y. Voevutko, K.O. Zhabko. Y.A. Kior, R.V. Kior, Y.B. Labetska, O.V. Snigovska. Chernivtsi: Bukrek, 2017. 64 p. (in Modern Greek and Ukrainian).
Modern Greek. Collection of practical grammar exercises. Part 3. Adjectives, adverbs. Kyiv, 2016. 104 p. (in Modern Greek and Ukrainian).
Modern Greek for general education schools with education in the Ukrainian language: textbook for the 8th form of general education institutions / O.M. Dobra, N.Y. Voevtko, O.V. Snigovska, R.A. Alipa. Chernivtsi: Bukrek, 2016, 168 p. (in Modern Greek and Ukrainian).
Workbook for the textbook for the 8th form of the Modern Greek language for general schools with instruction in Ukrainian / O. M. Dobra, N. Y. Voevtko, O. V. Snigovska, R. A. Alipa. Chernivtsi: Bukrek, 2016, 64 p. (in Modern Greek and Ukrainian).
Foreign language training as a means of forming the professional competence of future diplomats (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
Training future international relations students, translators of the Modern Greek language using kinesic means of non-verbal communication in intercultural communication (in Ukrainian). Access mode : (PDF)
Features of the translation of English and Modern Greek economic multicomponent terms (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
Professional foreign language training as an important factor in the formation of intercultural competence of future specialists in international relations (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
Formation of intercultural competence of international relations students in the teaching of a foreign language (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
Determinants of intercultural communication optimization of future specialists in the educational environment. Humanitarian Herald of the Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University: Thematic issue "Ukraine Higher Education in the Context of Integration into the European Educational Space. K. : Gnosis, 2015. Appendix 1 to the issue. 36. Pp. 470-477 (in Ukrainian).
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Motivation formation for international relations students of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University in the study of professional Modern Greek language. New pedagogical thought. Rivne, 2015. N 3 (83). Pp. 128–131 (in Ukrainian).
Understanding of the Greek native speakers’ mental characteristics in the context of developing the skills of intercultural communication of future international relations students. Access mode :(in Ukrainian).
The role of a foreign language in the context of modern requirements to the professional training of specialists in international relations in the context of the world integration and globalization processes (in Ukrainian).
Formation of students’ professional competences in "International relations" in the teaching of professional Modern Greek language. Herald of Cherkasy University. Pedagogical Sciences. 2014. N 13 (306). Pp. 120–125 (in Ukrainian).
Intercultural competence of specialists in international relations in the context of the modern paradigm of the Dialogue of Cultures (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Implementation of the linguistic and cultural concept in professional foreign language training for specialists in international relations. Herald of Cherkasy University. Pedagogical Sciences. 2014. N 13 (306). Pp. 120–125 (in Ukrainian).
Integrative preparation of future specialists for professional-oriented intercultural communication: the national and socio-cultural context. Odessa, 2013. 70 p. (in Ukrainian).
Theoretical principles of an experimental model development for the formation of intercultural competence of future specialists in international relations in the educational environment of the classical university. Scientific Bulletin of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. Odessa, 2013. N 9-10. Pp. 180–185 (in Ukrainian).
Formation of the professional image of the future specialist - representative of the socionomic sphere of activity in the process of professional training. Scientific Bulletin of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. Odessa, 2013. N 7-8. Pp. 44–49 (in Ukrainian).
Conceptualization of ethno-cultural ideological guidance of future specialists in international relations in the context of the formation of intercultural competence. Scientific Bulletin of the South-Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. Odessa, 2013. Special Issue. Pp. 191–196 (in Ukrainian).
Specificity of the training of future specialists in the educational environment of the modern classical university. Modern problems of education and upbringing. Odessa, 2013. Pp. 92–96 (in Ukrainian).
Facilitational support for linguistic preparation of students as a pedagogical condition for the formation of intercultural competence of specialists. Materials IV International. Scientific Forum "Modern tendencies in pedagogical education and science of Ukraine and Israel: the way to integration". Odessa: South-Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, 2013. Pp. 292–297 (in Ukrainian).
International conferences, seminars, schools:
V International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Oriental Studies: Relevance and Prospects" Thesis: "The Linguistic and Cultural Phenomenon of Karamanli Script of Asia Minor Greeks" (H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, March 29, 2024). 2nd International Congress "Modern Practices in Teaching Greek as a Second/Foreign Language" Organized as part of the celebration of World Greek Language Day under the aegis of the Ministry of Education, Religion, and Sports of Greece, the General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in synergy with the Institute of Greek Language at the "TIMENOS" Research and Innovation Center of the University of Western Macedonia, the Education Office of the Consulate General of Greece in Johannesburg, and the Modern Greek Studies Program of the Department of Media, Communication, Visual Arts, Languages, and Literature at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia). Presentation: "Creative Exercises in Teaching Modern Greek as a Foreign Language (Based on Greek Language Textbooks for Ukrainian Children)" (January 26–28, 2024). International Tourism Forum "Tourism in Ukraine: Challenges and Recovery" Presentation: "Prospects for the Development of the Tourism Sector in the Republic of Cyprus Amid the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Russo-Ukrainian War" (Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Kyiv, March 21–22, 2023). Thematic Seminar "Regional Foreign Policy Dynamics in the Mediterranean" Conducted within the framework of the project "The Mediterranean Ring: Regional Studies" [№101047919, funded under the ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH Program] (Odesa, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science, and Sociology, I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University, April 20, 2023). Translating Europe Workshop. Theme: "Standardization and Language Services". Organized by the European Commission, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and the Hellenic Organization for Standardization (Athens, Greece, June 2, 2023). International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ukraine's Image: Socio-Political Representations and Linguistic Reflections of War Realities in Foreign and Domestic Media" (Odesa, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science, and Sociology, I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University, June 15–16, 2023). 78th Reporting Conference of Professors and Researchers. Subsection: "Public Communications and Regional Studies". Presentation: "Connotations of the Concept of 'Refugee' in Greek Political and Media Discourses: 'Battle of Narratives' and 'War of Discourses' (Odesa, Department of Public Communications and Regional Studies, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science, and Sociology, I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University, November 22, 2023).
XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Man, Culture, Technology in the New Millennium". Report on the topic "Greece's media space against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict in 2022: the ban on the broadcasting of Russian channels RT and Sputnik" (Kharkiv, April 28, 2022). International scientific and practical conference "Socio-economic and political development of countries in modern conditions". Report on the topic "Greece's economic dependence on Russia's energy sources: ways to overcome it against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian war" (ONU, Odesa, May 27, 2022). 77th reporting conference of the teaching staff. Report "Greek ambivalence, or the policy of double standards in the attitude of Greeks to the Russian-Ukrainian war (based on the material of Greek scientific and expert-analytical works)" (SKRS FMVPS of I.I. Mechnikov ONU, Odesa, November 24, 2022). Project “Learning together” / distance learning course “Autumn school of creators of modern educational materials for the new Ukrainian school” in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Institute for Modernization of Education, Ukrainian Institute for Educational Development, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, November – December 2021). Master class of the Kyiv School of Diplomatic Arts “Intercultural Competences: Who Needs Them and How to Develop Them” (Kyiv, 2021). A series of distance learning seminars for teachers of Modern Greek, organized on the initiative of the Federation of Greek Societies of Ukraine (Coordination Office for Greek Education, Laboratory of Linguistics, Department of Greek Philology, Democritus University, Thrace, Komotini, Greece, 2021). International Scientific and Methodological Conference “University Education and Science: Traditions and Innovations”, UESTI-2021. (Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, 2021). 1st All-Ukrainian Educational Forum “Scientific space – multispacer for creative teachers and gifted children”: conference “Learning youth in the scientific space”, coworking “Territory of pedagogical skills” (Mariupol, 2021). All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Teaching the Ukrainian Language and the Languages of National Minorities of General Secondary Education Students in the Context of the Competence Approach” (Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021). 14th International Scientific Conference “National Identity in Language and Culture” (Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications, National Aviation University, Kyiv, 2021). 10th Drinov Readings International Scientific Conference on “The Balkans in International Relations: From the Age of Antiquity to the Age of Globalization”. (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, 2021). International Scientific Conference “Central and South-Eastern Europe after the Cold War: Political, Socio-Economic and Sociocultural Transformations (to the 30th Anniversary of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe”), (Kharkiv, 2020). Webinar “Εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση: η επόμενη μέρα. Η πρόκληση της ανοιχτής εκπαίδευσης” / “Distance education: the next day. Open Education Challenge”, Open Technologies Alliance (Athens, 2020). International scientific conference “Linguistic Science in the XXI century”, Kyiv National University named after T.G. Shevchenko (Kyiv, 2020). VI International Scientific Conference “Artistic Phenomenon in History and Modernity. Memory and Identity” (Kharkiv, 2020). Third Annual Convention Draft Program “The Experience of Inter-Regionalism in the Black Sea and Caucasus Regions: Norm Diffusion, Legal Approximation and Contestation” (Odesa, 2019). Advanced training in an open distance course “Technologies for developing a distance course” of the National Technical University “Kharkіv Polytechnic Institute”: development of a distance course “Country studies of Greece and Cyprus through language” for graduate students specializing in International Relations and placing the course on the Moodle platform of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University (Kharkiv, January-March 2019) Program for Teachers of Modern Greek at the Pedagogical University of Cyprus (Nicosia, Cyprus, 2019). ІІ International scientific-practical conference «Internationalization of higher education of Ukraine in conditions of multicultural world space: condition, problems, perspectives» (Mariupol, 2018). Round table “Information and communication technologies in teaching Modern Greek language” (Mariupol, 2018). І Scientific meeting of teachers of the Greek language of Central and Eastern Europe in the former USSR “Greek-Language Education: Trends-Scale-Prospects” (Odessa, 2017). International Conference “Hellenistic Community of Nizhin: History and Modernity” (Nizhin, 2017). Scientific and Practical Conference “The Tragedy of the Greeks of Ukraine in the historical memory of Ukrainians (the 80th anniversary of the repressive Greek operation)” (Mariupol, 2017). X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Intercultural Communication: language-culture-person” (Ostrog, 2016). International Conference “Terminology and Translation” (Mariupol, 2016). All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Identity and Political Institutions” (Nizhin, 2016). All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Society, State and Church in the spectrum of interdisciplinary research” (Khmelnitsky, 2016). IX International Scientific and Practical Conference “Intercultural Communication: language-culture-person” (Ostrog, 2015). VI International Scientific and Methodical Conference “Formula of the modern interpreter” (Kyiv, 2015). The Republic of Cyprus: the path to independence (Mariupol, 2015). International Scientific Conference “Perspective directions of research-2015” (Bratislava, 2015). International Scientific-Practical Conference “Competence oriented education: quality measurements” (Kyiv, Warsaw, 2015). International Scientific-Practical Conference “Role and place of psychology and pedagogy in the formation of a modern identity” (Kharkiv, 2015). Scientific-Practical Conference “Formation of poly-lingual outlook of the person in the conditions of realization of intercultural communication” (Rivne, 2015). X International Scientific-Practical Conference “Higher Education in the context of Ukraine's integration into the European educational space” (Kyiv, 2015). XI International Conference NAAL “Language and Culture in the Modern World” (Paris, 2014). X International Conference of the Ionian Islands (Corfu, 2014). VIII International Conference “Greek Language and Terminology” (Athens, 2011).The IV European Congress of the European Society of Modern Greek Studies Greek Revival (Granada, 2010). “Teaching of the Modern Greek language in the world” (Messolonghi, Greece, 2008).