
  • Monetary and financial conditions for the development of world trade

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 1,5

    Duration: lectures - 28 hours., Practical lessons - 14 hours.

    Semester : VIII.

    The purpose of discipline: the main purpose of the discipline is the study of monetary and financial aspects of world trade, and to teach students to simulate the consequences of the introduction of certain monetary changes for trading entities.

    The task of the discipline is to introduce to the students the research methodology of monetary and financial mechanisms of the world trade regulation, and modern models of monetary and fiscal policies of states and international organizations.

    Instructor: Ph.D., Associate Professor Voynova E.I. Telephone: (38-048) 723-54-18. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • International investment business planning

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 1,5

    Duration: lectures - 14 hours., Practical lessons - 14 hours.

    Semester : X .

    The purpose of discipline: the main purpose of the discipline is the study of theoretical and applied aspects of the preparation and understanding of investment business plans, feasibility studies, as well as their practical use in international projects.

    The task is to master the discipline categorical apparatus of business planning; familiarize students with the structure of investment business plans, global standards of their construction; skills in business planning, including the software.

    Instructor: Ph.D., Associate Professor Voynova E.I. Telephone: (38-048) 723-54-18. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Dynamics of world trade in the context of global disbalances

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 1,5

    Duration: lectures - 24 hours., Practical lessons - 20 hours.

    Semester : VII.

    The purpose of discipline: The main purpose of the discipline "Dynamics of world trade in the context of global imbalances" second name "Modern statistical methods for estimating international trade" is to study the applied aspects of global trade flows, the definition of sales cycles and the laws of formation of modern international trade relations by processing of international statistical data on trade.

    The task of the discipline is to introduce to the students the research methodology of world trade, the dynamics of modern global trade, global trade flows, skills movement of goods from the manufacturer to the customer.

    Instructor: Ph.D., Associate Professor Voynova E.I. Telephone: (38-048) 723-54-18. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The role of innovation in the development of international economic relations

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 1,5

    Duration: lectures - 14 hrs., Practical lessons - 14 hours.

    Semester : IV.

    The purpose of discipline: The main purpose of the discipline is to study of theoretical and applied aspects of innovation, defining the investment component of the development of innovation, research world experience of functioning of technology parks, technopolis and business incubators. Broadly, the goal is to familiarize students with the market innovation, introducing innovative culture among students, learning to think innovatively, to find and process statistical data from international sources of information, including innovation and foreign direct investment.

    The task is to master the discipline of the theory and practice of innovative component of economic development, to introduce students to the development and operation of innovative environment, in particular technology parks, technopolis and business incubators, particularities of regulations of their activities and management in Ukraine and in the world; skills of analysis of use of economic motives, distribution and introduction of innovative containment into the world economy, justification and adoption of international innovative solutions.

    Teacher: Ph.D., Associate Professor Voynova E.I. Telephone: (38-048) 723-54-18. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Microeconomics

    The subjectof the discipline:economic behavior of economic entities based on which they make decisions about production, consumption, supply of goods, services and resources. The purpose of discipline: forming of understanding of thefunctioning of the economic patterns of microsystems in different market situations and the ability to effectively use this knowledge to develop theoretically grounded optimal management decisions.

    The main tasksof the discipline:

    • Definition of the role of science in society, microeconomic definition of its object, subject and methodology;
    • Providing profound understanding of the categories and laws of this science of the functioning and development of micro-economic systems;
    • Defenition of key elements of the market mechanism, and their interrelation and interaction of factors influencing the formation of the market situation and determining economic behavior of economic agents;
    • Determination of the mechanism of making economic decisions of individual economic actors, and how they make choice when resources are limited and multiple alternatives are available;
    • Definition of laws, rules of behavior of economic agents in the market environment.

    The contentof the discipline is represented in the following topics:subject, methods and methodology of microeconomics; basics of microeconomic theory of supply and demand; partial market equilibrium; model of consumer behavior; theory of production; theory of production costs; perfect competition; pure monopoly market; market of monopolistic competition; oligopoly market; demand of the resources of the firm; supply of the resources; general equilibrium and welfare; externalities and public goods.

  • Finance

    The purpose of thecourseis to systematize knowledge and examine in depth of the aggregate financial relations, which reflect the distribution and redistribution of gross domestic product at the macro and micro levels, strengthening and deepening of theoretical knowledge about the public finance system in Ukraine, finance business organizations, households and taxation.

    The tasksof the discipline- an understanding of theoretical concepts and practical methods and and tools in financial relations: the formation and use of public funds of financial resources, the budget structure, the principles of the budgetary and tax systems, methods and sources of budget revenues, directions and forms of financing, mastering the technique to determine the volume of budget expenditures for the purpose of implementing the functions of state and local authorities, learning of the theoretical foundations of the budgeting process; studying the problems of public debt management; definition of financial security mechanisms of social welfare; functions and structure of government public and private finance; financial aspects of foreign economic activity entities .

    The subjects ofthe coursearethe basic laws, principles and methods of forming and using the financial resources of the state, entities and individuals.

    Thecontentof the discipline is represented in the following topics: the nature and purpose of finance; financial system of Ukraine; the tax system; the state budget; government revenues; government spending; state credit; state funds; finance companies; private finance; insurance; financial forms of regulation of market relations; finance in foreign trade activities.

  • Credit and Banking

    Goals: Development of basic knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the banking system as a part of the financial system of the country; formation of a system of knowledge about the commercial bank as an independent institution and the main financial intermediary in the money market and the capital market; obtaining of practical skills in assessment and analysis of the economic efficiency of banking operations. Forming of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of banking operations, particularly passive, active and fee-brokerage operations in Ukraine. Study of the theory and practice of bank management using national and international experience.

    Objective: the study of the structure of the banking system of Ukraine and the procedure for registration and licensing of domestic commercial banks. Study of the theoretical foundations of organization accounting operations of the bank. Understanding of the mechanism and characteristics of the resource base of the banking institutions: the formation of equity, deposit and non-deposit operations. Study of the mechanism of the major banks' active operations: the formation of credit and investment banking portfolio. Study of payment systems and the content of banks’ cash operations. Disclosure of other non-traditional banking products and services.

    Subject: activities of commercial banks in Ukraine.

    Contents discipline represented in the following topics:the essence, structure and functions of the banking system; organization of business accounting and operational work in the bank; method of reading and analyzing balance of a commercial bank; analysis of a resource base of commercial banks; Banking in Ukraine. Banking operations; passive operations of commercial banks, the nature and types; credit operations of commercial banks; features of banking operations with bills; banking activities in the securities market; investment banking operations; unconventional operations and banking services in Ukraine; features of banking operations in foreign currency.

  • The role of innovation in the development of international economic relations

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 1,5

    Duration: lectures - 14 hours, Practical classes - 14 hours.

    Semester : III.

    The purpose of discipline: The main purpose of discipline is to study the theoretical and applied aspects of innovation, defining the investment component of the development of innovation and research experience from the world of technology parks, techno and business incubators. The broad objective is to familiarize students with the market innovation, innovation culture among students learning to think innovatively, find and process statistical data from international sources, including innovation and foreign direct investment. The objective is to master the discipline of theory and practice of innovation component of economic development, to introduce students to the development and operation of innovative environment, particularly parks, techno and business incubators , features of the regulation of their activities and management in Ukraine and in the world, the acquisition of skills for analyzing economic motives use, distribution and contain implementations of innovative developments in the world economy, the adoption of international studies and innovative solutions.

    Instructor: Assistant Voinova E.I. Telephone: (38-048) 723-54-18. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The international movement of financial resources

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 2

    Duration: lectures - 18 hours, Practical classes - 18 hours.

    Semester : VI.

    The purpose of discipline: The course "International movement of financial resources" refers to the cycle of the professionally-oriented disciplines are among the majors for students enrolled in the specialty "International economic relations". The course is based on the disciplines of "Macroeconomics", "Microeconomics", "International Economic Relations", "International monetary relations." The objective of discipline is to reveal the experience of foreign countries in addressing the challenges of economic development in today's globalized world financial markets. To explore the possibilities of the world experience to bring to Ukraine direct, portfolio and other foreign investment. Purchase of student skills in analyzing economic motives and factors of international capital movements, justification and adoption of international investment decisions. The subject of discipline is the theoretical and practical aspects of international capital flows, trends shaping the balance of capital-saving countries. Students learn to: develop modern terminology to analyze the features of formation of the balance of capital and financial account of the balance of payments. Considerable attention is paid in the course of interactive teaching methods, namely, analysis and discussion of the reasons and factors of foreign investment in the world economy on the basis of collective decision-making and discussion. When the materials of teaching discipline of international economic organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, and the National Bank of Belarus. The use of independent creative work of advanced materials in English allows students to learn the current international terminology to use modern educational, scientific, analytical and educational materials in English.

    Instructor: Professor Yakubovskiy S.O. Telephone: (38-048) 723-54-18. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Clusters in the global economy

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 2

    Duration: lectures - 24 hours, Practical classes - 22 hours.

    Semester : VII.

    Discipline specialization examines the economic processes taking place at the regional level (meso level). Since the regionalization of the world economy next to globalization is one of the main trends of the modern economy, the study of some aspects of regionalization is important for the formation of the modern world students. This discipline reveals the essence of the cluster model (the cluster, it is the condition of development), its advantages over the industry development model. By studying this discipline, students deepen the knowledge of the modern firm, changing its role in the national and global economy. Development of clusters changes the role of the state (government) in the economy, which should conduct the appropriate structural policies to be a broker and demanding consumer, and not actively intervene in economic processes. Learning new aspects of the company and the state of the cluster model, it develops students' creative thinking and the ability to critically evaluate the current economic reality and to see the direction of its qualitative changes.

    Instructor: Professor Gornyak O.V. Telephone: (38-048) 731-77-62. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Joint ventures and regional industrial policy in the global economy

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    Duration: lectures - 36 h., Practical classes - 18 hours.

    Semester : YII.

    The purpose of teaching the discipline is to teach students the basic methods of analysis of economic processes and the ability to make informed decisions about economic issues related to their future careers. The subject of the study are: the laws of development of joint ventures in regional clusters and the principles of operation of the joint venture, particularly the current state of development of joint ventures and regional industrial clusters. In the teaching discipline, statistical and analytical information of joint ventures.

    Objectives of discipline:

    • Study of concepts and conceptual apparatus of the theory of joint ventures and the theory of regional industrial policy;
    • Disclosure of the functioning of joint ventures in the modern economy;
    • Study of the structure and features of the formation of regional industrial policy;
    • The characteristics and features of the present state of development of joint ventures in the world economy.

    Logic and structure of specialization subjects № 1 "Joint ventures and regional industrial policy in the global economy" and the methods of study allow students complete perception about the functioning of joint ventures and the formation of regional industrial policy. The basis of the course are: classroom work, which includes lectures and seminars, individual work under the guidance of a teacher and independent work, which is to develop the material of textbooks, manuals, periodicals, and electronic resources on issues that are not of classroom study. In the teaching discipline, statistical and analytical information of domestic and international economic sources.

    Instructor: Associate Professor Nikolaev Y.O.

    Telephone: (38-048) 723-54-18.

    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Financial aspects of the global labor market

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 3

    Duration: lectures - 28 hours, practical work - 28 hours

    Semester : VIII

    The purpose of discipline. Course "Financial aspects of the global labor market" refers to the cycle of the professionally-oriented courses for students enrolled in the specialty "International Relations." The course is based on disciplines such as "Principles of Economics", "Macroeconomics", "International Economic Relations", "International Organizations". The main purpose of discipline, "Financial aspects of the global labor market" is the study of the theoretical and applied aspects of the labor market and labor relations at the macro level, as well as international labor migration, economic and financial indicators and their reflection in the balance of payments, regulation and the role of international organizations. The objective is to master the discipline of the students of theory and key trends in the development and regulation of labor relations, skills analysis of the current status and the use of foreign experience in Ukraine, to instill an interest in the chosen specialty and to show the connection with other academic disciplines. The subject of discipline is the theoretical and practical aspects of international labor relations, the current state and prospects of development and reflection of the relevant statistics and documents.

    Instructor: Senior Lecturer Lazareva A.R. Telephone: (38-048) 723-54-18. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Management of international portfolio investment

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 1,5

    Duration: lectures - 14 hours, practical work - 14 hours

    Semester : VIII.

    Course on "Management of international portfolio investment" refers to the cycle of specialization subjects aimed at students studying for a degree in "International Economic Relations". The course is based on disciplines such as "International Economic Relations", "Global Finance", "Corporate Governance". The purpose of discipline specialization "Management of international portfolio investment" is the study of the theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation of portfolio investment, develop strategies for building an investment portfolio, the characteristics of investment strategies for different types of stock markets.

    Task of the course is to master students theoretical and practical knowledge of portfolio investment, the choice of the optimal strategy for the formation of the investment portfolio, control of public companies with securities. As a result of this course the student should To know:. theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation of portfolio investment (the concept and classification of portfolio investment, financial markets and their instruments in the securities market) To be able to: carry out transactions with securities, have skills formation of the investment portfolio, be skilled in processing and analysis of market data.

    Instructor: Senior Lecturer Buldin I. V. Telephone: (38-048) 723-54-18. Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The theory of exchange rate

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 1,5

    Duration: lectures - 14 hours, Practical classes - 14 hours.

    Semester : VIII.

    The course "Formation and Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates" is to ensure that students' knowledge of theoretical principles concerning the establishment of the exchange rate in the short, medium and long term, and some aspects of the theory to the practical problems of forecasting the exchange rate. In the process of studying the discipline of specialization, students are introduced to the classical and the latest theories of establishing exchange rates, find out the problems of modeling levels of exchange rates and the problems of applying the theory to the practical purposes of the equilibrium exchange rates and prediction of their development in the future that will promote the use of this knowledge in practice. After completing the course, "Formation and Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates", students should know the classic and the latest theories of the formation of exchange rates in the different periods of follow-up (short-, medium-and long-term), the criteria of optimum currency areas, methods of forecasting exchange rates based on the theories of the formation of the exchange rates , symptoms of currency crises. Students should be able to apply the model to test the exchange rate to the empirical data, choose methods of forecasting exchange rates depending on the purpose of the forecast. Students must master the specialized terminology in the field theory of the formation of exchange rates, professional reasoning skills at the individual empirical study of theoretical laws of formation of the exchange rate. A number of case studies give students the opportunity to build on the theoretical knowledge of the laws of the formation of exchange rates.

    Instructor: Associate Professor Nasadyuk I.B. Telephone: (38-048) 723-54-18. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The theory of collective and international currencies

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 1,5

    Duration: lectures - 14 hours, Practical classes - 14 hours.

    Semester : VIII.

    Discipline "theory of collective and international exchange" refers to the disciplines of specialization in educational choice within the specialization "International Finance" bachelor. Collective and international currencies are absolute monetary and credit relations of countries and international economic integration in the specialty "International economic relations" and examines in detail the mechanisms and patterns of coordination of monetary and financial relations in the group of countries, as well as the evolution of the factors of formation and decline of international currencies. Module "theory of collective and international currencies," examines the history, milestones, organization, problems and results of the monetary and financial integration in the European Union and European Economic Area as a whole. For the discipline the student should master such disciplines as "Macroeconomics", "Microeconomics", "International monetary relations", "World Economy" - a basic course bachelor program "International economic relations." The knowledge and skills acquired after studying the subject "Monetary and financial integration of the EU" can be applied in the implementation of master's thesis, the study of other modules of the Master "Global macroeconomic policy", "Actual problems of the world economy and international economic relations" and others. Course objective: To provide students with knowledge about the processes of formation, operation, stability, common currencies, in particular the structure and results of operation of the European Monetary Union, the impact of a common currency in Europe on economic relations between the EU and the financial system of the EU.

    The task of the course:

    • To introduce the theoretical aspects of the functioning of the exchange groups, learn to distinguish between the concept of the currency bloc, monetary zone, the monetary union;
    • To introduce students to the theory of optimum currency areas;
    • To give knowledge about the structure and activities of the European Central Bank, the nature of the monetary policy in the euro area, the problems of implementation of the fiscal policy of the country in terms of stay in the Economic and Monetary Union;
    • Transfer knowledge of the conditions of an international currency status, strengths and weaknesses of a country the status of the national currency;
    • Transfer knowledge of statistical sources and analytical works on the theory of collective and international currencies.

    Instructor: Associate Professor Nasadyuk I.B. Telephone: (38-048) 723-54-18. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • International Banking Management

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 1,5

    Duration: lectures - 14 hours, Practical classes - 12 hours.

    Semester : IX.

    The purpose of discipline: discipline program "International Banking Management" include the study of the theoretical aspects of international bank management and the acquisition of practical skills students decision-making in the organization of international banking.The course - training for the management of the international economy in the modern world. The main objectives of the course:

    • To introduce students to the theoretical foundations of the international banking management;
    • Development of specific knowledge about the peculiarities of the banking strategy, organization of banking institutions in the international environment;
    • Development of the skills of the organization and management of the international economy in the modern world. Study the course is based on the knowledge gained in the course "Banking", "Banking Management", "International Finance", "Banking".

    Instructor: Associate Professor Lomachinskaya I.A. Telephone: (38-048) 731-77-62. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Institutional features of economic analysis

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 1,5

    Duration: lectures - 28 hours, Practical classes - 22 hours.

    Semester : X.

    Determined by the nature of the norm as a basic element of the formation and functioning of the institutions. In terms of transactional approach focuses on the differences between the market and the organization, the typology of the latter. The peculiarities neoinstitutional theory of the state as a social contract. Conducted an economic analysis of property rights, the trajectory of economic change. Special attention is given to models of "network capitalism" and its consequences for the functioning of society.

    Instructor: Associate Professor Dolenko L.H. Telephone: (38-048) 723-54-18. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    «Courses taught in English language»

  • International Economic Relations

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 3

    Duration: lectures - 36 hours, practical work - 18 hours

    Semester : V.

    Contents: International economics: definition, participants at macro/micro level, forms. International economic integration. Classification of countries in the world economy. Labor Migration, remittances, economic consequences of migration. Current trends in international trade. International trade policy and government regulation of the international trade Definition of the balance of payments (BoP) of a country. Main components and principles of accounting of the BoP Determinants of international financial flows Determinants of international financial flows Exchange rate of a currency Exchange rate of a currency Foreign exchange market definition and main functions. Size, main trading platforms of foreign exchange market, Spot, Forward exchange rates. Bid and ask rate, spread definitions in currency trading. Direct and indirect foreign-exchange quotations Cross rates. Direct and indirect foreign-exchange quotations.

    Instructor: Rodionova Tatyana, PhD in International Economics, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Management of International Portfolio Investments

    Specialty: International economic relations.

    The number of credits ECTS: 2

    Duration: lectures - 28 hours, practical work - 14 hours

    Semester : VIII.

    Contents: 1.Classification of financial markets. 2. Primary markets. 3. Secondary markets. 4. The IPO process. 5. Role of underwriter in the IPO process. 6. Broker markets and dealer markets. 7. Securities exchanges. 8. Over-the-counter (OTC) market. 9. General market conditions (Bull and Bear markets). 10. Basic types of securities transactions (long purchase and short selling). 11. Bid and ask rate, spread definitions in currency trading. 12. Direct and indirect foreign-exchange quotations. 13. Cross rates. 14. Cross rates and triangular arbitrage. 15. “Top Down” Approach to Security Analysis. 16. Types of stocks. 17. Security return components. 18. Features of a bond. 19. Gordon’s pidend growth model. 20. Price weighted security market indexes. 21. Margin trading. 22. Types of orders at the stock exchange (market, limit and stop orders) 23. Securitization, financial engineering and innovation. 24. Mortgage backed securities. 25. Investing over the life cycle. 26. Online investing.

    Instructor: Rodionova Tatyana, PhD in International Economics, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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