MEDITERreg Jean Monnet Module
101047919 — The Ring of Mediterranean: Regional Studies — ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH (AGREEMENT NUMBER – 101047919 — The Ring of Mediterranean: Regional Studies)
Project acronym: MEDITERreg
Project duration: 1 March 2022 – 28 February 2025 EU funding instrument: EU-funded ERASMUS+ Programme, Jean Monnet, with the support of the European Neighbourhood Instrument
Project Summary: The Mediterranean region is the most important for the EU, although the EU has a strong presence in both the Baltic and the Black Sea. However, the Mediterranean is the cradle of European civilization, and now it is the source of the greatest challenges for this organization. Therefore, interest in EU policy in this region will only increase and as the North – South abyss grows, it will become increasingly relevant for the real politics of states and international organizations. Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (ONU) is the most suitable place in Ukraine to create a separate module on the Mediterranean within the existing MA program.
The International Relations Department already has a strong tradition of studying the Black Sea region, however, another tradition was established almost 30 years ago when Arabic, Greek, and Turkish languages were first taught here. The moment has come when from studying only the Mediterranean languages we should move as quickly as possible to studying the whole complex of problems associated with this region. For Ukraine, the experience of relations between the Mediterranean countries and the EU has become even more relevant today, because due to the conflict with Russia we could not entry into the EU quickly. It is important not only for scientists, but for the entire Ukrainian society to understand: how to build relations without the hope of the full EU membership? What the EU can give Ukraine? What dangers the future holds for us? It seems that as the instability in Ukraine increases these problems are also becoming more and more important for the EU. From the perspective of higher education, such focus has been reflected in a number of projects and partnerships of ONU such as the development of European studies in Mediterranean, the promotion of good governance in the neighbourhood, and the exchange of best practices with partner universities.
The Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology has emerged over the past 25 years as a regional hub for research and teaching on the European studies, area studies, transition processes, and area languages. In the light of its specific expertise, the Faculty represents a natural fit to develop the tools necessary to make sense of the changing reality. This translates into the creation of a medium that pulls the strength from the Faculty’s existing teaching and research infrastructure and combines it with the innovative experiences from EU Member states, their Mediterranean partners, and Ukraine. The Faculty is a home to English-language master programme in International Relations, Social Communications and Regional Studies. Its goal is to prepare the future professionals who could potentially join national or even European services or diplomacies. For such young professionals critically assessing the evolution of the relationship with the EU will be a key not only to understand tomorrow’s national and European policies in the field, but also envision and shape them. The proposed module has the aim to create new knowledge and learning tools related to Europeanization towards Mediterranean. The context that requires such effort is one in which the normative power of European Union is increasingly under stress and challenged by competing models of regionalism.
The module is led by the Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University in Ukraine and includes a set of diverse partners from EU Member states, their Mediterranean partners, and Ukrainian partners. This Jean Monnet action is functional to the creation and the support of the “Mediterranean” module in the master’s programme in “International Relations, Social Communications and Regional Studies” at the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University. Previously, the Faculty participated in Jean Monnet projects as partner organization. Now, having clear understanding of Jean Monnet values and objectives, the Faculty applies for the first time as a host organization with its MEDITERreg module. Within the framework of the module, emphasis will be given to coherently and synergically integrated innovative methods of teaching, bi-directional interactivity, and blended learning. The combination of 4 new courses with other important activities creates complex and comprehensive approach toward the study of Mediterranean as a heterogeneous region which includes a variety of countries, cultures, traditions as well as political evolution and experiences. The module will also strengthen significantly the Regional and EU Studies in the Faculty’s research with a specific and detailed understanding of the Mediterranean as a whole and this dimension of the EU neighbourhood policy. The “MEDITERreg” project pays special attention to its various online activities and resources. Online courses and workshops, e-books, audio recordings and other digital materials will be easily available to different group of participant on the project’s website. This will ensure successful realization of all project’s objectives in the time of Covid-19 pandemic, when physical movements of individuals is limited. The partnership with NGO’s and think-tanks within and outside Ukraine will contribute to disseminate the results of the module and its related best-practices beyond the context of the ONU. Moreover, the partnership with the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (DAU) will provide the chance to expand, in the Ukrainian context, societal awareness of the Europeanization process and its fluid connection to the enlargement process and the dimension of neighbourhood.
Target groups: ONU students and exchange students, students, young researchers, and professionals from the EU, Mediterranean countries and Ukraine, group of beneficiaries includes ONU teaching staff members, and the broader teaching community in Ukraine and Mediterranean countries
Project Coordinator: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Project goals and specific tasks: Revised course “Country Studies through Language”; new courses “Regional Studies”, “EU policy towards Mediterranean region”, “Regional Politics and Security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean”, and “Migration Process in Mediterranean”; new MOOCs “Regional Studies”, “EU policy towards Mediterranean region”, “Regional Politics and Security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean”, and “Migration Process in Mediterranean”.
- Project coordination meeting: Kick-off meeting, distribution of roles, and creation of Quality Assurance Board Discussion on Module logo and short description for website. The module online platform will be hosted at ONU domain, and continuously and systematically updated until the end of the project.
- Curriculum development: Development of four new courses “Regional Studies”, “EU policy towards Mediterranean region”, “Regional Politics and Security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean”, and “Migration Process in Mediterranean”
- Quality Assurance meeting: Discussion of QA board’s report and implementation of QA board’s suggestions. The meetings will be held twice per each year of the project.
- Master classes: Preparation, dissemination, and implementation of eight master classes involving scholars and civil society representatives (video taped).
- One-day awareness seminars: Eight awareness seminars at partner organizations that will ensure dissemination and engagement with the didactical materials and practical teaching experiences collected and developed within the framework of the proposed module by the partnering experts involved in the project, as well as a wider audience of colleagues. The seminars will therefore ensure active and full-scale usage of the developed didactic materials not only on framework of the MOOCs, but also other courses and activities offered by the partner universities.
- MEDITERreg Graduate Conferences: Preparation, dissemination, and implementation of 1-day MEDITERreg Graduate Conferences for master’s students and early stage researchers
Expected results:
- “Country Studies through Language” course implementation: Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of course “Country Studies through Language”
- Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of four new courses “Regional Studies”, “EU policy towards Mediterranean region”, “Regional Politics and Security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean”, and “Migration Process in Mediterranean” MOOCs development: Development, implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of four new MOOCs “Regional Studies”, “EU policy towards Mediterranean region”, “Regional Politics and Security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean”, and “Migration Process in Mediterranean”.
- The E-book on didactics: The E-book on didactics will focus on theoretical and practical aspects of regionalism, EU policy towards Mediterranean region, different types of political and security interrelation, risks and threats in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean. The contributors from various disciplines cover these topics.
- The monograph on Regionalism in Mediterranean: The monograph is planned with the participation of 4 key participants of this project and analysts from partner Universities, but also the involvement of young scientists and PhD students from ONU interested in the development of this topic in Ukraine. The proposed structure will include 7 or 8 sections highlighting the most pressing gaps in the development of the Mediterranean.
Didactics to 4 MOOCs 2024 (pdf: 2,29 МБ)
Spring Semester - 2022
QA board created at the beginning of the project QA Chairperson: Dean of the FIRPS Ph.D. (Politісal Sciences) Viktor Glebov:
QA Members
Vice-Dean of the FIRPS Prof Dr Svitlana Koch
Responsible Editor of the scientific journal “International and Political Studies” Prof Dr Yuliia Uzun
Preparation of four new courses
“Regional Studies”, Prof Dr Olga Brusylovska
EU policy towards Mediterranean region, Dr, Associate Professor Iryna Maksymenko
Regional Politics and Security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean”, Dr, Associate Professor Alla Zakharchenko
Migration Process in Mediterranean, Dr, Associate Professor Yuliia Maistrenko
Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of the course “Regional Studies”, Prof Dr Olga Brusylovska:
Guest lecture of PhD student Massimo D’Angelo (Loughborough University London) for MA students of the Department of International Relations, April 28, 2022:
Guest lecture of Prof Dr Ali Bilgic (Loughborough University London) for MA students of the Department of International Relations, May 11, 2022:
Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of the course “Country Studies through Language”
Country Studies through Language (Arabian), Dr, Assistant Professor Karina Kuleshova
Country Studies through Language (Greek), Dr, Associate Professor Oksana Snigovska:
Guest lecture of Dr Theodosios Koukouvinos (Greece) for MA students of the Department of International Relations, April 6, 2022:
Country Studies through Language” (Turkish) Assistant Professor Yuliia Tarasiuk
Preparation, dissemination, and implementation of 1-day MEDITERreg Graduate Conference for master’s students and early stage researchers:
1st MEDITERreg Graduate Conference for master’s students and early stage researchers
The scientific conference for master's students and young researchers studying in the specialty 291 International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies was held within the framework of the project 101047919 - MEDITERreg "THE RING OF MEDITERRANEAN: REGIONAL STUDIES". The Jean Monnet Module (Grant type ERASMUS-JMO-2021-MODULE) is implemented by the Department of International Relations and headed by the chief of the Department Olga Brusylovska. The conference was held online on May 26, 2022. Among the issues discussed at the conference, the analysis of the theory and practice of regionalism in the Mediterranean occupied a prominent place. Key words: theory of regionalism, regional studies, Mediterranean.
Autumn Semester - 2022
1. Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of the course “Migration Process in Mediterranean”, Associate Prof Yuliia Maistrenko:
Guest lecture of Prof Daniela Irrera (University of Catania) for MA students of the Department of International Relations, November 2, 2022:
2. Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of the course “Country Studies through Language”
- “Country Studies through Language” (Greek), Associate Prof Oksana Snigovska:
- “Country Studies through Language” (Arabic), Associate Prof Karina Kuleshova
- “Country Studies through Language” (Turkish), Assistant Prof Yuliia Tarasiuk
Guest lecture of Prof Ali Bilgic (Loughborough University London) for MA students of the Department of International Relations, November 10, 2022:
3. Conferences
Brusylovska O. took part in the Congress of the Ukrainian Association of European Studies - 2022 (Lviv, October 20-21, 2022, online).
Brusylovska O. took part in the 77th Professor-Teaching Conference, Report of the project leader "The Ring of Mediterranean: Regional Studies" (Odesa, November 25, 2022, online).
Brusylovska O. took part in the XXIII international scientific conference EUROPA XXI WIEKU "Europe in the face of current and future crises" (Slubice, February 2-3, 2023).
Maksymenko I. took part in the round table of The European Consortium for Political Research Annual General Conference (Innsbruck, August 23, 2022).
Snigovska O. took part in the 77th ONU Professor-Teaching Conference, 2022 with a report “Greek ambivalence, or the policy of double standards in the attitude of Greeks to the Russian-Ukrainian war (based on the material of Greek scientific and expert-analytical works)" (Odesa, November 24, 2022, online).
Tarasiuk Y. took part in the77th ONU Professor-Teaching Conference, 2022 with a report “Public diplomacy of the Republic of Turkey: main actors and areas of activity” (Odesa, November 24, 2022, online).
Tarasiuk Y. took part in the international scientific and practical conference "The Turkish language as the language of international communication" with a report on the topic "The use of the Turkish language in diplomacy and international documents", (Alania, October 20-22, 2022).
Zakharchenko A. took part in the International scientific conference "VI Tavrian historical scientific readings" with a report "Balance of forces and "flexible alliances" in the South-Eastern Mediterranean" (Kyiv, October 14-15, 2022, online).
Zakharchenko A. took part in the International scientific conference “Current issues of Ukrainian and world history: past and present” (Rivne, October 25, 2022, online).
Zakharchenko A. took part in the International scientific conference “ХХV A. Krymsky oriental studies readings” (Kyiv, November 10, 2022, online).
4. Publications
Brusylovska O. published the analytical report on the Mediterranean countries of the Western Balkans region (Ukrainian Prism: Foreign Policy 2021. Analytical study / NGO "Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism", 2022).
Snigovska O., Malakhiti A. published the article "Political caricature as a type of creolized text in the context of the crisis of Ukrainian-Russian relations (based on the material of the Greek press)" in the scientific journal "International and Political Studies" (Odesa, 2022).
Snigovska O., Malakhiti A. published the article "Formation of professional readiness of future international specialists to work with information in the conditions of hybrid warfare" in the journal "Innovative Pedagogy" (Poland, 2022).
Snigovska O., Malakhiti A. published the article “Official and unofficial diplomacy of I. Kapodistria against the background of the emergence of the Etherist movement” in the journal “Drynovsky collection,” T. XV (Sofia – Kharkiv, 2022).
Zakharchenko A. published the article “The Abraham Accords and Prospects for Resolution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict” (Regional Studies. № 28, 2022).
Zakharchenko A. published the article “Reconfiguration of Regional Alliances in the Middle East after the Arab Spring” (Politicus. № 1, 2022).
Zakharchenko A. published the article “Joe Biden’s Policy in the Middle East” (Visnyk of the Lviv University Philosophical Political Studies. № 43, 2022).
Zakharchenko A. published abstracts "Balance of powers and "flexible alliances" in the South-Eastern Mediterranean" (Lviv - Toruń: Liha-Press, 2022).
Zakharchenko A. published abstracts “Competition for the Leadership in the Middle East and the New Geometry of Regional Relations” (Lviv - Toruń: Liha-Press, 2022).
Zakharchenko A. published abstracts “Relations between the United States and Saudi Arabia in the Context of the New Threats to International Security” (Lviv - Toruń: Liha-Press, 2022).
Spring – 2023
1. Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of the course “Regional Politics and Security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED)”, Associate Professor, Dr Alla Zakharchenko
The course was organized around a series of lectures covering key topics: The SEMED region: key actors, trends and drivers; The Arab spring: political, economic and social dimensions; Political transitions in SEMED countries and the role of political Islam; Problems of regional security after the Arab spring; Civil wars in Syria and Libya; The new dynamic of the Arab-Israeli conflict; Regional powers’ politics: Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia; Transformation of regional alliances; The role of global actors in the region: USA, Russia and China; The EU and the SEMED: issues of security, energy and migration; The war in Ukraine: implications for the region.
Lectures were followed by seminars where particular problems of the SEMED were treated in depth. Among others, students prepared analytical essays and presentations on non-state armed actors in the SEMED. Students were involved in a dynamic process of active learning through the group work, joint readings and engaged discussion.
Master class of Dr. Nasuh Sofuoğlu (Research Assistant, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Rize, Turkey) for master's students of the department of international relations, young researchers, scientists and representatives of civil society, online April 26, 2023:
Master class of Professor Ilan Troen (Professor of Modern History, Emeritus, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) for master's students of the department of international relations, young researchers, scientists and representatives of civil society, online May 10, 2023:
2. Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of the course "Regional Studies". Prof Dr Olga Brusylovska
The course was organized around a series of lectures that covered the key themes: Defining regionalism in historical, spatial, comparative and global perspectives. The main factors of the evolution of regional history after the Second World War. Early regionalism. The concept of the region as a social construct. Methods of regional research. Old regionalism in the USA and Europe. Old regionalism in developing countries: development and state formation. New regionalism after the "Cold War" in the USA, the EU, Great Britain, and developing countries. Rationalist, constructivist and reflexivist approaches to regionalism. Increasing attention to the importance of non-state actors in regional studies. Comparative regionalism. Formal regionalism. Peculiarities of informal regionalism. Security regionalism. Regionalism of economy and development. Social regionalism. Ecological regionalism. The Mediterranean as a case of interregional development. Multidimensional regionalism in the Mediterranean. International and political significance of the Mediterranean region: integration processes, regional identity, macro-regional initiatives. Demographic, social and economic potential of the Mediterranean countries. Regional balance of power in the Mediterranean.
As part of the course, a number of seminars were held, during which certain aspects of the theory and history of regional studies were studied more deeply. In particular, the students prepared analytical essays on the response of various countries and regions to Russian aggression against Ukraine; EU’s, NATO and US policies in the regions, migration processes in the Mediterranean, regional conflicts, interregional and bilateral relations. Students were actively involved in the learning process through working in groups and participating in discussions.
As part of the "Regional Studies", O. Brusylovska organized the awareness seminar "Regional Foreign Policy Dynamics in the Mediterranean" with the participation of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Croatia Vasyl Kyrylych; Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Tunisia Volodymyr Khomanets; Director of the First Territorial Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Rostislav Ogryzko, (online 20 April 2023).
As part of the "Regional Studies", O. Brusylovska organized a master class by Dr Diego Checo Hidalgo of the University of Granada, Spain, "The Arab World and the West: The Question of Palestine" (online May 18, 2023).
3. Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of the course "Country Studies through Language"
As part of the course "Country Studies through Language", O. Snigovska organized 2 awareness seminars with the participation of Professor of philology, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of the University of Patras (Greece) Georgia Dimopoulou: "Greeklish and modern trends in the transformation of the Modern Greek language" (March 21, 2023) and "Propaganda and fake news in Greece in the context of the war in Ukraine" (online March 28, 2023).
As part of the "Country Studies through Language", O. Snigovska organized a master class by Ioannis Kotoulas, Adjunct Professor of the University of Athens, Guest Lecturer of the National Intelligence University / Tsinghua University (Greece, China) "The image of Russia's war against Ukraine: Russian fake news in the Greek media" (online April 7, 2023).
As part of the "Country Studies through Language", O. Snigovska organized students studying Modern Greek to prepare the sketch "Live Portraits" for the Independence Day of Greece, March 25, 2023.
As part of the "Country Studies through Language", O. Snigovska organized students to participate in a benefit evening for the 160th anniversary of the birth of the Greek poet Konstantinos Cavafis at the Ivan Franko Central City Library with the support of the General Secretary of Greeks Abroad and public of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, Ioannis Chrysoulakis, May 3, 2023.
4. Preparation of the course "EU policy regarding the Mediterranean region"
Dr I. Maksymenko organized an awareness seminar with the participation of Dr Andrii Tyshko from the College of Europe, Natolin (online May 18, 2023) for master's students to discuss the EU enlargement strategy in cooperation with eastern and southern partners.
5. Conferences
The second MEDITERreg Alumni Conference for master's students and young researchers.
Second scientific conference for master's students and young researchers studying in the specialty 291 International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies was held online on May 31, 2023, within the framework of the project 101047919 - MEDITERreg "THE RING OF MEDITERRANEAN: REGIONAL STUDIES" (Grant type ERASMUS-JMO-2021-MODULE). The conference is organized under supervision of Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations A. Zakharchenko. 8 master's degree students gave presentations. The conference included 2 sessions. During the first session "Regional studies in the Mediterranean", students presented reports on migration processes in the Mediterranean, Mediterranean countries' response to the Russia's war in Ukraine, NATO's regional policy, etc. Among the issues discussed in the framework of the second session "Regional politics and security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED)” - the political transformations of Algeria and other SEMED countries, the civil wars in Libya and Syria and other regional issues.
The materials of the conference were published in the scientific journal "International and Political Studies, vol. 36, 2023.
Snigovska O. acted as an organizer and spoke at the international scientific conference "Image of Ukraine: Socio-Political Representations and Linguistic Reflection of Military Realities in Foreign and Domestic Media" (Odesa, June 15-16, 2023, online).
Zakharchenko A. took part in the International scientific conference “Image of Ukraine: Socio-Political Representations and Linguistic Reflection of Military Realities in Foreign and Domestic Media” (Odesa, June 15-16, 2023, online). The paper presented: "The Role of Iran in Russia's War in Ukraine: the Impact on Mediterranean Security”.
Kuleshova K. took part in the international scientific conference " Image of Ukraine: Socio-Political Representations and Linguistic Reflection of Military Realities in Foreign and Domestic Media" (Odesa, June 15-16, 2023, online).
Maistrenko Y. took part in the international scientific conference "Image of Ukraine: Socio-Political Representations and Linguistic Reflection of Military Realities in Foreign and Domestic Media" (Odesa, June 15-16, 2023, online).
Tarasyuk Y. took part in the international scientific conference "Image of Ukraine: Socio-Political Representations and Linguistic Reflection of Military Realities in Foreign and Domestic Media" (Odesa, June 15-16, 2023, online).
Zakharchenko A. took part in the International scientific conference “Transformation of the System of International Relations in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war” (Kyiv, February 23, 2023, online). The paper presented: “The Influence of Russia’s War in Ukraine on the US strategy in the Middle East”.
Maksymenko I. took part in the international scientific conference "The crisis of the modern international security system: the Ukrainian formula for peace" (Lviv, April 21, 2023).
Snigovska O. took part in the International Tourism Forum "Tourism in Ukraine: Challenges and Recovery" (Kyiv, March 21-22, 2023).
Snigovska O. took part in the seminar "Standardization and language services", organized by the General Directorate for Translation, the National University of Athens named after I. Kapodistria and the Greek Organization for Standardization (Odesa, June 2, 2023).
6. Publications
Zakharchenko A. published abstracts “The Influence of Russia’s War in Ukraine on the US strategy in the Middle East” (Materials of the International Scientific Conference "Transformation of the System of International Relations in the Context of the Russian-Ukrainian War". Kyiv, 2023).
Zakharchenko A. published theses "The Role of Iran in Russia's War in Ukraine: the Impact on Mediterranean Security" ("Ukraine's image: socio-political representations and linguistic reflection of war realities in foreign and domestic mass media", Materials of the international scientific conference. Odesa, 2023).
Kuleshova K. published theses "Ukraine's image in Egypt: current state, prospects and challenges" (together with V. Artemenko) and "Saudi Arabia's policy in the context of the Russian Federation's war in Ukraine" (together with A. Kalina) ("Ukraine's image: social - political representations and linguistic reflection of war realities in foreign and domestic mass media", Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Odesa, 2023).
Maistrenko Y. published theses "Rhetoric of right-wing parties of EU countries regarding migration problems" ("Image of Ukraine: socio-political representations and linguistic reflection of war realities in foreign and domestic mass media", Materials of the international scientific conference. Odesa, 2023).
Maksymenko I. published theses "Russia's Strategy in the Black and Mediterranean Seas: Challenges of 2022 and Beyond" in the collection "Crisis of the Modern International Security System: Ukrainian Peace Formula. Proceedings of the international scientific conference / Ed. Malskyy M., Vovk R., Kuchyk O. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2023).
Snigovska O. published theses "Prospects for the development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Cyprus against the background of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Russian-Ukrainian war" ("Tourism in Ukraine: challenges and recovery: Collection of materials of the International Tourist Forum". Kyiv, 2023).
Snigovska O. published theses "Ukraine's image in the Greek mass media" (together with G. Dimopoulou, N. Zakharchuk) and theses "Research of public opinion and public attitudes in Greece based on the analysis of the press and local media against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian war", with Lavro V.) ("Image of Ukraine: socio-political representations and linguistic reflection of war realities in foreign and domestic mass media", Materials of the international scientific conference. Odesa, 2023).
Tarasiuk Y. published theses "Coverage of the war in Ukraine in the leading Turkish mass media and its influence on public opinion"("Image of Ukraine: socio-political representations and linguistic reflection of war realities in foreign and domestic mass media", Materials of the international scientific conference. Odesa, 2023).
Autumn Semester - 2023
1) Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of the course “Migration Process in Mediterranean”, Associate Prof Yuliia Maistrenko: Master class of Prof Daniela Irrera (University of Catania) “Regional Aspects of Security and Migration in the MENA” for MA students of the Department of International Relations, November 20, 2023:
2) Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of the course “The EU Policy towards the Mediterranean region”, Dr., Associate Professor Iryna Maksymenko Awareness seminar of Senior Lecture Valentina Cassar (Department of International Relations, University of Malta) on “Malta’s Foreign Policy: neutrality, its development in the context of the EU Membership and the war against Ukraine”, for MA students of the Department of International Relations, October 24, 2023.
Master class of Professor Isabelle Ragonesi (Department of International Relations, University of Malta) on “Malta and the Mediterranean: the Middle East and North Africa” for MA students of the Department of International Relations, October 24, 2023.
Master class of Dr. Aderito Vicente (Portugal) on “Portugal’s Mediterranean Policy” for MA students of the Department of International Relations, October 31, 2023
Master class of Dr. Eya Jrad (University of Tunisia; a founding director of “Al Meshkat for Applied Research and Technical Assistance (M.A.R.T.A)”) on “North Africa – EU Relations (post war on Ukraine)” for MA students of the Department of International Relations, November 7, 2023
3) Conferences
Brusylovska O. took part in the 79th scientific conference of academic staff and scientists of Odesa Mechnikov National University. Report of the project leader "The Ring of Mediterranean: Regional Studies" (Odesa, November 23, 2023, online).
Snigovska O. took part in the International scientific conference "XXVI Oriental Studies Readings of A. Krymsky." Presentation on the topic "Linguistic Phenomenon of the Karamanli Script among the Anatolian Greeks" (A. Y. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies, Kyiv, November 30, 2023). Access mode: ХХVI_Сходознавчі_читання_А._Кримського
Snigovska O. took part in the International Scientific Seminar "Translation and Crisis" for specialists in Neohellenic studies, organized by the Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (October 20, 2023). Access mode:
Snigovska O. took part in the interuniversity scientific seminar with international participation (online, ZOOM) on "Contemporary Hellenistic Studies: Issues and Perspectives," with the topic "Specifics of translating Greek-language advertising texts into Ukrainian" (November 16, 2023).
Tarasiuk Yu. took part in the International Conference "Turkish Language as a Language of International Communication" (October 19-21, Sakarya, Turkey). The topic of the report: "Creation and methodology of the Turkish course for Spanish universities."
Zakharchenko A. took part in the 78th scientific conference of academic staff and scientists of Odesa Mechnikov National University (Odesa, November 23, 2023, online). The paper presented: “2023 Israel-Hаmas war in the context of regional and international security”.
4) Preparation, distribution and implementation of 4 electronic didactic manuals for the MOOC (Access mode:
O. Brusylovska published the e-guide “Regional studies”. A. Zakharchenko published the e-guide “Regional politics and security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean”. Yu. Maistrenko published the e-guide “Migration process in the Mediterranean”. I. Maksymenko published the e-guide “EU policy regarding the Mediterranean region”.
5) Publications
Brusylovska O., Maistrenko Yu. published the analytical report on the Mediterranean countries of the Western Balkans region (Ukrainian Prism: Foreign Policy 2022. Analytical study / NGO "Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism", 2023. Р. 191-195). Brusylovska O. published the article "Research on regionalism: should we wait for further evolution?" (International and political studies. 2023. Issue 36. P. 30-42). Snigovska O., Malakhiti A., Zakharchuk N. published the article “Political image of Ukraine: analysis of fake instrumentation in hybrid warfare (based on Greek mass media materials)” (International and Political Studies 36 (2023): 188–201. URL: DOI: Malakhiti A., Snigovska O. published theses “The Linguistic Phenomenon of the Karamanli Script among the Anatolian Greeks” (XXV Oriental Studies Readings of A. Krymsky: theses of the International Scientific Conference, November 30, 2023. Kyiv: Lviv – Toruń: Liha-Pres, 2023).
6 Other forms of activity
Organization of a visit of international masters to the Consulate General of Georgia in Ukraine in Odesa for a lecture by the Consul General of Georgia Tornike Berekashvili on issues of regional geopolitics and relations between Georgia and Greece (November 1, 2023).
Spring Semester – 2024
1. Introduction, Evaluation, Implementation, and Dissemination of the Course "Regional Policy and Security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean", Associate Professor Alla Zaharchenko
The course was organized around a series of lectures covering key topics: the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEM) region: key actors and trends; the "Arab Spring" in the region: political, economic, and social dimensions; political transformations in SEM countries and the role of political Islam; regional security issues after the "Arab Spring"; civil wars in Syria and Libya; the new dynamics of the Arab-Israeli conflict; the policies of regional states: Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia; the transformation of regional alliances; the role of global actors in the region: the USA, Russia, and China; the EU and SEM: security, energy, and migration issues; the war in Ukraine: implications for the region.
As part of the course, a series of seminar sessions were held, during which specific regional aspects were studied in greater depth. In particular, students prepared analytical essays and reports on the policies of global actors in the region.
2. Introduction, Evaluation, Implementation, and Dissemination of the Course "Regional Studies", Prof. Olga Brusylovska
The course was organized around a series of lectures covering key topics: the definition of regional studies from historical, spatial, comparative, and global perspectives; the main factors in the evolution of regional studies after World War II; early regionalism; the concept of a region as a social construct; methods of regional research; old regionalism in the USA and Europe; old regionalism in developing countries: development and state-building; new regionalism after the Cold War in the USA, EU, UK, and developing countries; rationalist, constructivist, and reflexive approaches to regionalism; the growing attention to the importance of non-state actors in regional studies; comparative regionalism; formal regionalism; characteristics of informal regionalism; security regionalism; economic and development regionalism; social regionalism; environmental regionalism; the Mediterranean as a case of interregional development; multidimensional regionalism in the Mediterranean; the international and political significance of the Mediterranean region: integration processes, regional identity, macro-regional initiatives; the demographic, social, and economic potential of Mediterranean countries; the regional balance of power in the Mediterranean.
As part of the course, a series of seminar sessions were held, during which specific aspects of the theory and history of regional studies were studied in greater depth. In particular, students prepared analytical essays on the responses of different countries and regions to Russian aggression against Ukraine, the policies of the EU, NATO, and the USA in various regions, migration processes in the Mediterranean, regional conflicts, and interregional and bilateral relations. Students were actively engaged in the learning process through group work and participation in discussions.
As part of the "Regional Studies" course, O. Brusylovska organized a thematic seminar titled "The Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian War on Freight Transportation and Logistics in Mediterranean Countries" (online on March 23, 2024), featuring Pietro Evangelista, who is the Head of Research at the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean (ISMed) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), based in Naples. The seminar was attended by both international relations students and master's students studying international economic relations, as well as faculty members of the Faculty of International Relations and Political Science.
3. Development of Four New MOOCs
Preparation of four new MOOCs: "Regional Studies," "EU Policy towards the Mediterranean Region," "Regional Politics and Security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean," and "Migration Process in the Mediterranean," with the materials for these courses being published on the Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University website (March 2024) at the link:
4. Conferences
Third MEDITERreg Alumni Conference for Master Students and Young Researchers
The third scientific conference for master students and young researchers specializing in 291 International Relations, Public Communications, and Regional Studies was held as part of the project 101047919 – MEDITERreg "RING OF THE MEDITERRANEAN: REGIONAL STUDIES" (ERASMUS-JMO-2021-MODULE) online on May 15, 2024. The conference was organized under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations, A. Zakharchenko. The opening remarks were given by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and Political Science, Y. Maistrenko. The conference consisted of two sections, featuring presentations by seven participants. During the first session, "Conflicts and Political Transformations in the SEM after the Arab Spring," students presented reports on conflicts in Syria and Libya, as well as on political transformations in Morocco and Algeria. The second session, "The Role of Non-State Armed Actors in the SEM," was dedicated to the roles of Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS in regional processes. The conference materials were published in the scientific journal "International and Political Studies," issue 38, 2024.
Brusylovska O. participated in the international conference "The Seventh Global Conference of WISC International Relations in a World of Flux: Understanding Continuity, Change and Contestation" (July 24-26, 2024, Warsaw, Poland) with a presentation titled "Is There a Place for Comparative Regionalism in IR Theory?".
Zakharchenko A. participated in the joint 40th Annual Conference of the Association for Israel Studies and the 12th Annual Conference of the European Association of Israel Studies "Israel and Israel Studies: European and International Perspective," Charles University, Prague, July 1-3, 2024. She presented a report titled "Israel's Policy towards Ukraine and Russia in a Changing Strategic Environment".
Snigovska O. participated in the V International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Oriental Studies. Relevance and Prospects" (H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, March 29, 2024). Her report was on "The Linguocultural Phenomenon of Karamanli Writing of the Anatolian Greeks".
Snigovska O. also took part in the Interuniversity Scientific Seminar with International Participation "Modern Hellenistic Studies: Issues and Prospects": "Η σημερινή κυπριακή διάλεκτος: χαρακτηριστικά και πρόσφατες εξελίξεις / The Modern Cypriot Dialect: Characteristics and Recent Developments" (Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko National University / Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia, March 8, 2024); "The War in Ukraine 2022-24 in Greek Media: Linguistic and Geopolitical Aspects" (Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko National University, Department of Greek Philology / Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Department of Classical Philology, April 5, 2024).
5. Academic exchanges
Brusylovska O., Zakharchenko A., Maksymenko I., Tarasiuk Y., and master student Motrechko S. participated in an academic exchange as part of the scientific cooperation between the Centre for Advanced Defence Studies (CASD) and Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University under the project 101047919 - MEDITERreg "THE RING OF THE MEDITERRANEAN: REGIONAL STUDIES" (ERASMUS-JMO-2021-MODULE grant type) from April 15-19, 2024, in Rome, Italy. They conducted a workshop titled "The Ring of the Mediterranean: Regional Studies," where they presented four new courses in regional studies developed under the Jean Monnet MEDITERreg module. Meetings were also held with the host institution's staff, who shared their experience in teaching regional studies using war gaming methods in education and training for NATO personnel. The visit included attending a guest lecture by Professor Clodiana Besku (University of Tirana) on the Western Balkans region, followed by a discussion after the lecture.
Bruslovska O., Zakharchenko A., and Tarasiuk Y. participated in the Erasmus+ academic mobility program at Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University from May 20-24, 2024 (Rize, Turkey), where they delivered lectures to Turkish students on the topics of the MEDITERreg project. They also took part in the panel "Modern Perception of Turkey and Ukraine in the Black Sea-Mediterranean Region" on May 23, 2024. They presented reports on "Perception of the War in Ukraine in Post-Communist Mediterranean Countries," "Perception of the War in Ukraine in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries," and "Perception of Turkey in Ukraine." During the mobility, connections were also established with university faculty, who offered their contributions to the preparation of a scientific monograph, which under the agreement's terms, is to be completed by MEDITERreg at ONU (to be published by February 2025).
6. Publications
Zakharchenko A. published the theses "Israel's Policy towards Ukraine and Russia in a Changing Strategic Environment" (Association for Israel Studies, 2024).
Snigovska O. published the article "The Linguo-cultural Concept of 'Refugee' in Greek-Language Socio-Political and Media Discourse." International and Political Studies. 2024. Issue 37. pp. 132-150 (co-authored with A. Malachiti).
Snigovska O. published the theses "The Linguo-cultural Phenomenon of Karamali Writing of Anatolian Greeks." Oriental Studies. Relevance and Prospects: Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Methodological Conference. Kharkiv, 2024. P. 42-44 (co-authored with A. Malachiti).
Tarasiuk Y. published the article "Russian narratives in Turkey: historical background and propaganda in media". European Political Science (2024).
7. Visit organization
Snihovska O. organized a visit for master's students in international relations to the Hellenic Foundation for Culture in Odesa. The visit included a tablet exhibition and an open lecture by Ph.D. in History Olena Uvarova, dedicated to Patriarch Gregory V, the historical events surrounding the founding of the secret organization "Filiki Eteria" in Odesa in 1814, and the Greek liberation movement of the early 19th century.
Autumn Semester - 2024
1. Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of the course “Migration Process in Mediterranean”, Associate Prof Yuliia Maistrenko: Awareness seminar of Prof Yasemin Necmiye Tutar and Dr Mehmet Ali Mert (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Rize) “EU’s Regionalism Policy in the Context of Migration Management in the Mediterranean” for MA students of the Department of International Relations, October 31, 2024:
2. Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of the course “The EU Policy towards the Mediterranean Region”, Dr, Associate Professor Iryna Maksymenko Awareness seminar of Roderich Kiesewetter (Spokesperson for crisis prevention, Foreign Policy Representative, Member of the German Bundestag) on “The EU Role in Ukrainian Victory and the Security of the Mediterranean”, for MA students of the Department of International Relations, October 11, 2024, during which the students got acquainted with the EU foreign policy strategy in the above issues, the positions of the European Union and Germany, in particular, on key security issues that affect the regional situation:
Awareness seminar of Prof Seven Erdogan (Department of International Relations, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Rize) on “The EU’s Contribution to the Regionalization in the Mediterranean” for MA students of the Department of International Relations, October 25, 2024, within which Professor Erdogan revealed the main theoretical and practical issues of regionalization processes in the Mediterranean basin with a focus on the impact of EU policies:
Awareness seminar of Prof Seven Erdogan (Department of International Relations, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Rize) on “The Latest Trends in EU Enlargement Based on the EU Membership Process of the Associated Trio, the Western Balkans and Turkey” for MA students of the Department of International Relations, November 22, 2024, during which the students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the current trends, challenges and prospects of EU enlargement policy and their significance for the Mediterranean region:
3. Conferences
Brusylovska O. took part in the 80th scientific conference of academic staff and scientists of Odesa Mechnikov National University. Report of the project leader “The Ring of Mediterranean: Regional Studies” (Odesa, November 28, 2024, online).
Brusylovska O. took part in the XXVI International Turkish Cooperative Congress (Madrid, September 24-25, 2024, online):
Brusylovska O. took part in the international conference “Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans: Historical Perspectives, Cultural Bridges, and New Horizons” (Sofia, October 3-5, 2024) with the topic: “Perception of Ukraine in post-communist Mediterranean countries during the Russian-Ukrainian War”:
Zakharchenko A. took part in the XXVI International Turkish Cooperative Congress (Madrid, September 24-25, 2024, online) with the topic: “The Role of Global Actors in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean after the “Arab Spring””.
Zakharchenko A. took part in the 8th Congress of Orientalists (Kyiv, December 20, 2024) with a report “Security challenges in the Near and Middle East region after October 7, 2023: US approaches.”
Zakharchenko A. took part in the Ukrainian-Arab Expert Platform “Ukraine and the Middle East: Discussion of Prospects for Peace and Security” (Amman, Jordan, November 4-6, 2024):
Maksymenko I. participated in the XXVI International Turkish Cooperative Congress (Madrid, September 24-25, 2024, online) with the topic “The EU Policy toward the Mediterranean: Challenges of Russia’s Policy”.
Maistrenko Yu. participated in the XXVI International Turkish Cooperative Congress (Madrid, September 24-25, 2024, online) with the topic “Main routes of illegal migration in the Mediterranean”.
Tarasyuk Yu. participated in the 26th International Turkish Cooperative Congress (Madrid, September 24-25, 2024) with the topic: “The prospects of the bilateral relations between Turkey and Ukraine after 2022”. Tarasyuk Yu. was a moderator of the panel “The Ring of Mediterranean” at the 26th International Turkish Cooperative Congress (Madrid, September 24-25, 2024):
Tarasyuk Yu. participated in the international conference “Turkish as a Language of International Communication” (Şanlıurfa, Turkey, online) with the topic: “Presentation of the course program: “Linguistic and Regional Studies of the Republic of Turkey”.
4. Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of new MOOCs (March 2024 – February 2025) (Access mode:
Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of MOOC “Regional Studies”, O. Brusylovska (Fall 2024): Seven people received a certificate of completion of the course (3 ECTS, 90 hours):
Implementation, evaluation, follow-up and dissemination of MOOC “Migration process in the Mediterranean”, Yu. Maistrenko (Fall 2024): Four people received a certificate of completion of the course (3 ECTS, 90 hours):
5. Publications
Preparation, dissemination, and implementation of the academic book (with participation of young researchers from ONU and partner universities): Multidimensional Regionalism in the Mediterranean: Actors and Challenges: monograph / Editors Olga Brusylovska, Seven Erdoğan, & Daniela Irrera; author collective: Olga Brusylovska, Valentina Cassar, Muharrem Doğan et al. Odesa: Astroprint, 2024. 260 p.
Maistrenko Yu., Melnychenko A. published the article “The Problem of Illegal Migration in the EU: An Attempt to Solve It through the Formation of Bilateral Agreements”. International and Political Studies. 2024. Vol. 38. P. 64-75.
Snigovska O. published the article “The Linguistic and Cultural Concept of Refugee in Greek-Speaking Socio-Political and Media Discourse”, International and Political Studies. 2024. Vol. 37. P. 132–150 (with A. Malachiti).
Zakharchenko A. published the theses “Israeli Policy towards Ukraine and Russia in a Changing Strategic Environment” (Israeli Studies Association, 2024).
Zakharchenko A. published theses “Security challenges in the Middle East region after October 7, 2023: US approaches” (Lviv-Torun: Liha-Pres, 2024).
6. Dissemination of the project’s output (deliverables)
Dissemination of information about MEDITERreg within the framework of the participation of Olga Brusylovska in the Nonresidential Scholars Program for Ukraine headquartered at Indiana University (IU) and supported by the Big Ten Academic Alliance. As a Nonresidential Scholar she participated in monthly virtual seminars/workshops on zoom with the other nonresidential Ukrainian fellows and US faculty partners: to share work in progress, receive feedback, and build intellectual community. She presented her work in the project January 23, 2025 at the monthly virtual seminar:
Dissemination of information about MEDITERreg within the presentation of the monograph “Multidimensional Regionalism in the Mediterranean: Actors and Challenges” organised by University of Maryland (the USA, February 24, 2025). Presentations were delivered by Olga Brusylovska, Seven Erdogan, Yuliia Maistrenko, Iryna Maksymenko, Yulia Tarasiuk & Kirill Sturmak, Kateryna Vakarchuk, and Alla Zakharchenko.
Dissemination of information about MEDITERreg within the framework of the implementation of the HORIZON GEO-POWER-EU project - 101132692 - GAP-101132692 (dated June 1, 2024). Participants: Olga Brusylovska, Yuliia Maistrenko, Iryna Maksymenko.
Alla Zakharchenko shared information about MEDITERreg within the framework of participation in the Ukrainian-Arab expert platform “Ukraine and the Middle East: discussion of prospects for peace and security”. The goal of this non-governmental initiative is to develop a dialogue between Ukrainian and Arab experts and identify prospects for further cooperation. The first meeting within the framework of the platform took place on November 4-6, 2024 in Amman, Jordan.
Yuliia Tarasyuk held open lectures at the University of Alicante, Spain, on the history, politics and culture of the Ottoman Empire. As part of the lectures, the course “Country Studies through Language” was presented, which was developed for students of the Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (November 18-21, 2024).
Yuliia Tarasyuk took part in the organization and holding of meetings of the scientific student group: “Turkological Studies” on the topic of Turkey’s regional policy (October, November, and December 2024, online):
Oksana Snigovska took part in the meetings of the scientific student group “Hellenistic Studies” (September, October, and November 2024, online) on the topics: 1) Greece and international law: the role of the UN International Court of Justice in regulating regional policy (September 24, 2024). Speaker: Master of International Relations Romanov Pylyp:
2) Resolving the Cyprus Issue: Regionalism as a Tool of Diplomacy and Integration (October 8, 2024). Speaker: Master of International Relations Malakhiti Georgiy:
3) Greek Territorial Waters in the Mediterranean: International Law, the 1958 Geneva Convention and Regional Order (November 19, 2024). Speaker: Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Communications and Regional Studies Andriy Malakhiti.
Oksana Snigovska prepared higher education students Romanov Pylyp and Dovgan Darya to participate in the XXVI scientific and practical student conference on world politics “Local politics in the context of global transformations” with a report “The role of Greece in supporting Ukraine: military and humanitarian aspects (based on materials from the modern press)” (November 28, 2024, FIRPS, in collaboration with Andriy Malakhiti):