Malakhiti Andrii

Department of Social Communication and Regional Studies, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2, Dvoryanska, Odesa, Ukraine, 65082.

Telephone (+380 482) 63 32 59; Fax (+380 482) 68 72 84;

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Main Courses: Modern Greek, First language (Modern Greek), Foreign language in diplomatic practice and international communication, Linguistic and Area Studies.

Since 2022 – Assistant Professor, Department of Social Communication and Regional Studies.

1998 – 2022 – Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations.

1997 – MA in History and Greek Philology, Mariupol State University.

List of main publications:

  1. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Formation of professional readiness of future international specialists to work with information in the conditions of hybrid warfare. Innovative pedagogy. Issue 46. Odesa: Helvetica Publishing House, 2022. Pp. 170–177 (in Ukrainian). Access mode:
  2. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Official and unofficial diplomacy of I. Kapodistria against the background of the emergence of the etherist movement. Drynovsky collection, T. XV. Sofia – Kharkiv: Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences named after prof. Marin Drynov, 2022. Pp. 161–183. Access mode:
  3. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Political caricature as a type of creolized text in the context of the crisis of Ukrainian-Russian relations (based on the material of the Greek press). International and political studies. Odesa: ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov, № 35. Pp. 179–202. (in Ukrainian). Access mode:
  4. Malakhiti Andrii, Snigovska Oksana. The media space of Greece against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict in 2022: the ban on the broadcast of the Russian channels RT and Sputnik. Man, culture, technology in the new millennium: Collection of theses of scientific reports: XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Kharkiv. Pp. 63–66. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6964464. (in Ukrainian). Access mode: 
  5. Malakhiti Andrii, Snigovska Oksana. Greece's economic dependence on Russia's energy carriers: ways to overcome it against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Socio-economic and political development of countries in modern conditions. Collection of scientific works of the international scientific and practical conference. Odesa: ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov, 2022. Pp. 43–46 (in Ukrainian). Access mode:
  6. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Creolized text in media discourse and its linguistic didactic potential in teaching foreign language communication during the war. Management of the quality of scientific and research activities in institutions of higher and professional advanced education in the conditions of wartime realities: materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Pedagogical Advanced Training, May 10 – June 21, 2022. Odesa: Publishing House “Helvetika”, 2022. Pp. 253–257 (in Ukrainian). Access mode: 
  7. Culture of Greece and Cyprus: a brief overview and analysis of the mentality of modern Greeks. Section I. Culture and mentality of native speakers. Linguistic and Area Studies. Part II: a textbook / Ed. V.I. Ryzhykh. Odesa: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2021. Pp. 21–62 (in Ukrainian).
  8. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Public diplomacy as an instrument for achieving Russia's foreign policy objectives in Greece. Drinovsky collection. Vol. XIV. Sofia – Kharkiv: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2021 (in Ukrainian). Access mode:
  9. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Ethnic stereotypes of the Greeks in the modern language space (on the example of the dictionary of the Modern Greek by G. Babiniotis). National identity in language and culture: a collection of scientific papers / under the general editorship of O.G. Shesterok. K.: Talkom, 2021. Pp. 298–304. Access mode:
  10. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. The use of creative tasks in teaching the languages of national minorities (on the example of the Modern Greek). Collection of abstracts of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference “Teaching the Ukrainian language and the language of national minorities to students of general secondary education in the context of a competency-based approach”, Kyiv, April 21, 2021. К.: Pedagogical thought, 2021. P. 73–75 (in Ukrainian). Access mode:
  11. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Definition of stakeholders of the educational process “International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies”. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Methodological Conference “University Education and Science: Traditions and Innovations”, UESTI-2021. Kharkiv: Publishing house LLC “Style Printing House”, 2021. Pp. 107–108 (in Ukrainian).
  12. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. “Red” Odessa in the eyes of N. Kazantzakis: documentary-artistic two of the author` worlds (based on the travelogue “Traveling: Russia”). Studia Linguistica. Issue. 15. K . : KNU named after T. Shevchenko, 2019 . Рp. 235–249 (in Ukrainian). Access mode:
  13. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. The political discourse of the Greek parliamentary elections 2019 on the material of foreign media. Rhetoric and Communications Journal. – Sofia, 2020. Issue 43. Access mode :
  14. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. The phenomenon of memory in Nikos Kazantzakis’ travelogue “Traveling: Russia”. Artistic phenomenon in history and modernity («Memory and identity») : abstracts of the VI International scientific conference on April 03-04, 2020. Kh . : Entepreneur Brovin A.V., 2020. Pp. 96–97 (in Ukrainian). Access mode :
  15. Modern Greek language (standard level): a textbook for the 11th grade of general secondary education institutions with instruction in the Ukrainian language (ISBN 978-617-7663-74-3) / O.M. Dobra, N.Y. Voevutko, O.V. Snigovska, A.V. Malakhiti. Chernivtsi: Bukrek, 2019 (in Modern Greek and Ukrainian). Access mode :
  16. Modern Greek language (standard level): a textbook for the 10th grade of general secondary education institutions with instruction in the Ukrainian language (ISBN 978-966-399-976-0) / O.M. Dobra, N.Y. Voevutko, O.V. Snigovska, A.V. Malakhiti. Chernivtsi: Bukrek, 2018 (in Modern Greek and Ukrainian). Access mode :
  17. Hellenic Republic. Section I. Area Studies. Geopolitical position and foreign policy of states. Linguistic and Area Studies. Part 1: textbook / Ed. I.V. Zubarenko, O.V. Snigovska, Y.M. Tarasyuk. Odesa: ONU, 2018. Pp. 6–25 (in Ukrainian).
  18. History of the Greek language. Section II. History of language, language policy, culture. Linguistic and Area Studies. Part 1: textbook / Ed. I.V. Zubarenko, O.V. Snigovska, Y.M. Tarasyuk. Odesa: ONU, 2018. Pp. 172–186 (in Ukrainian).
  19. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Ακαδημαϊκή κινητικότητα στο Εθνικό Πανεπιστήμιο του Η.Η. Μέτσνικοβ της Οδησσού: προτεραιότητες της ευρωπαϊκής γλωσσικής παιδείας (Academic mobility in Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University: priorities of European language education). Internationalization of Higher Education of Ukraine in a multicultural world space: condition, problems and perspectives: materials of ІІ International scientific practical conference, Mariupol, April 18-19, 2018. Mariupol: Mariupol State University, 2018. Pp. 194–196 (in Modern Greek). Access mode :
  20. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Use of podcasts in the teaching of the Modern Greek language in order to form students' audiences. Materials of the round table “Information and communication technologies in the teaching of Modern Greek language”, December 27, 2017. Mariupol: Mariupol State University, 2018. Pp. 66–72 (in Ukrainian). Access mode : 
  21. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Ο ιστορικός ρόλος του Θεόδωρου Ουσακώφ και του στόλου της Μαύρης θάλασσας της Ρωσικής αυτοκρατορίας στον αγώνα για την απελευθέρωση των Επτανήσων από τους κατακτητές (από ουκρανικές και ρωσικές πηγές. Κερκυραϊκά χρονικά. Ι’ Διεθνές Πανιόνιο συνέδριο. Κέρκυρα, 30 Απριλίου – 4 Μαΐου 2014. Τα πρακτικά. Ι. Ιστορία. Ενότητες Α’ και Β’. Κέρκυρα, 2016. Σσ. 147–156 (in Modern Greek).
  22. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. The conception of making the system of students’ axiological orientation based on the study of Greek literary heritage. The XII International Academic Congress “Science, Education and Technology in the Modern World”, United States, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 18-20 April 2015, Vol. III. “Harvard University Press”, 2015. Pp. 380–385.
  23. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Motivation formation for international relations students of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University in the study of professional Modern Greek language. New pedagogical thought. Rivne, 2015. No. 3 (83). Pp. 128–131 (in Ukrainian).
  24. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Ethno psychological readiness of international political scientists to professional activity in conditions of inter-ethnic tension. Ukrainian psychological and pedagogical scientific collection. Lviv: Lviv Pedagogical Community, 2014. No. 2 (02) September. Pp. 130-135 (in Ukrainian).
  25. Snigovska Oksana, Malakhiti Andrii. Brief analysis of the formation of terms based on the Greek and Greek components in the Russian and Ukrainian languages. Materials of the 8th Conference of the Association for the Formation of Greek Terminology. Athens, 2011. Pp. 73–83 (in Ukrainian).

International conferences, workshops, schools, trainings:

XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Man, Culture, Technology in the New Millennium”. Report on the topic “Greece's media space against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict in 2022: the ban on the broadcasting of Russian channels RT and Sputnik” (Kharkiv, April 28, 2022). International scientific and practical conference “Socio-economic and political development of countries in modern conditions”. Report on the topic “Greece's economic dependence on Russia's energy sources: ways to overcome it against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian war” (ONU, Odesa, May 27, 2022). 77th reporting conference of the teaching staff. Report “Greek ambivalence, or the policy of double standards in the attitude of Greeks to the Russian-Ukrainian war (based on the material of Greek scientific and expert-analytical works)” (SKRS FMVPS of I.I. Mechnikov ONU, Odesa, November 24, 2022). Project “Learning together” / distance learning course “Autumn school of creators of modern educational materials for the new Ukrainian school” in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Institute for Modernization of Education, Ukrainian Institute for Educational Development, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, November - December 2021). Master class of the Kyiv School of Diplomatic Arts “Intercultural Competences: Who Needs Them and How to Develop Them” (Kyiv, 2021). A series of distance learning seminars for teachers of Modern Greek, organized on the initiative of the Federation of Greek Societies of Ukraine (Coordination Office for Greek Education, Laboratory of Linguistics, Department of Greek Philology, Democritus University, Thrace, Komotini, Greece, 2021). International Scientific and Methodological Conference “University Education and Science: Traditions and Innovations”, UESTI-2021. (Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, 2021). 1st All-Ukrainian Educational Forum “Scientific space - multispace for creative teachers and gifted children”: conference “Learning youth in the scientific space”, coworking “Territory of pedagogical skills” (Mariupol, 2021). All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Teaching the Ukrainian Language and the Languages of National Minorities of General Secondary Education Students in the Context of the Competence Approach” (Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021). 14th International Scientific Conference “National Identity in Language and Culture” (Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications, National Aviation University, Kyiv, 2021). 10th Drinov Readings International Scientific Conference on “The Balkans in International Relations: From the Age of Antiquity to the Age of Globalization”. (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, 2021). International Scientific Conference “Central and South-Eastern Europe after the Cold War: Political, Socio-Economic and Sociocultural Transformations (to the 30th Anniversary of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe”), V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, M. Drynov Center for Bulgarian and Balkan Studies (Kharkiv, 2020). Webinar “Εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση: η επόμενη μέρα. Η πρόκληση της ανοιχτής εκπαίδευσης” / “Distance education: the next day. Open Education Challenge” under the auspices of the Open Technologies Alliance (Athens, 2020). International scientific conference “Linguistic Science in the XXI century”, Kyiv National University named after T.G. Shevchenko, Institute of General Linguistics, Classical Philology and Neoellinistic Studies (Kiev, 2020). VI International Scientific Conference “Artistic Phenomenon in History and Modernity. Memory and Identity” (Kharkiv, 2020). Third Annual Convention Draft Program “The Experience of Inter-Regionalism in the Black Sea and Caucasus Regions: Norm Diffusion, Legal Approximation and Contestation” (Odesa, 2019). Advanced training in an open distance course “Technologies for developing a distance course” of the National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”: development of a distance course “Country studies of Greece and Cyprus through language” for graduate students specializing in International Relations and placing the course on the Moodle platform of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University (Kharkiv, January-March 2019) Round table “Information and communication technologies in teaching Modern Greek language” on the basis of Mariupol State University (Mariupol, 2018). ІІ International scientific-practical conference “Internationalization of higher education of Ukraine in conditions of multicultural world space: condition, problems, perspectives” (Mariupol, 2018). І Scientific meeting of teachers of the Greek language of Central and Eastern Europe in the former USSR “Greek-Language Education: Trends-Scale-Prospects” (Odessa, 2017). International Conference “Hellenistic Community of Nizhin: History and Modernity” (Nizhin, 2017). Scientific and Practical Conference “The Tragedy of the Greeks of Ukraine in the historical memory of Ukrainians (the 80th anniversary of the repressive “Greek operation”)” (Mariupol, 2017). International Conference “Terminology and Translation” (Mariupol, 2016). All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Society, State and Church in the spectrum of interdisciplinary research” (Khmelnitsky, 2016). International scientific-practical conference “Role and place of psychology and pedagogy in the formation of a modern identity” (Kharkiv, 2015). The VI International Scientific Conference “Formula of the modern interpreter” (Kyiv, 2015). The XII International Academic Congress “Science, Education and Technology in the Modern World” (Cambridge, 2015). International Scientific Conference “Perspective trends in scientific research” (Bratislava, 2015). The X International Conference of the Ionian Islands (Kerkira, 2014). The XI International Conference “Languages and Cultures in Modern World” (Paris, 2014). The XXVI International Scientific-Practical Conference “Theoretical and practical study of psychology and pedagogy” (Moscow, 2014). The IV International Scientific-Practical Conference «Modern concepts of scientific research» (Moscow, 2014). “The creative heritage of D. Ushynsky in educational dimension of the XXI Century” (Odesa, 2013). 67 Conference of the faculty and research staff of Institute of Social Sciences of Odesa Mechnikov National University (Odesa, 2012). XV International conference “Russia and the West: dialogue of cultures” under the auspices of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Religious Studies and the Center of studies and partnership of cultures at Lomonosov State university of Moscow with the support of the Department of International Relations University of Malta (Malta, 2012). 66 Conference of the faculty and research staff of Institute of Social Sciences of Odesa Mechnikov National University (Odesa, 2011). VIII International Conference “Greek Language and Terminology”, National and Kapodistrian University (Athens, 2011). Scientific seminar and round table “Ethnic culture of the Greeks of Azov region: experience and prospects for research” (Mariupol, 2011). IV European Congress of the European Society of Modern Greek Studies Greek Revival in collaboration with the University of Granada (Spain, 2010). 65 Conference of the faculty and research staff of Institute of Social Sciences of Odesa Mechnikov National University (Odesa, 2010). Scientific Conference “Northern Pontic Greeks: History and Culture (XVIII – early XXI century)” Odesa branch of Greek Culture Foundation (Odesa, 2010). Round table discussion of European integration of Ukraine, the Bulgarian Cultural Center of the Consulate General of Bulgaria in Odesa (Odesa, 2010). The 64 Conference of the faculty and research staff of Institute of Social Sciences of Odesa Mechnikov National University (Odesa, 2010). Lectures on Modern History of Greece on “The political development of Greece in the last third of the XIX century (1864 – 1897)”, Odessa branch of Greek Culture Foundation (Odesa, 2009). Lecture and around table on the topic “Impact of Modern Greek in the formation of urban Odessa`s koine” Odesa branch of the Greek Culture Foundation (Odesa, 2009). Round table on “The Preamble of the European Charter of European languages in relation to the realities of Ukraine” at the seminar on “Problems of development of the Greek language to the Greeks residents in southern Ukraine”, Odesa branch of Greek Culture Foundation (Odesa, 2008). “One third of Marazli reading”, Odesa branch of Greek Culture Foundation (Odesa, 2008). Round Table of the International Conference “The role and importance of the Odesa emigration” Odessa Polytechnic unіversity (Odesa, 2008). “Teaching of the Modern Greek language in the world” (Messolonghi, 2008). Round Table and the presentation of the Odesa Regional Society of Greeks “Odesa regional community of Greeks. Milestones in the history of the XIX-XXI centuries”, Odesa branch of Greek Culture Foundation (Odessa, 2007). Post-graduate teacher training program at the Center for Greek intercultural education department of Patras Pedagogical University (Patras, Greece, October 2001 – June 2002). Grant Department of European and International Affairs of the National and Kapodistrian University (Athens, Greece, 1998). Grant of the Faculty of Modern Greek in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki, 1994).


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