Uzun Yulia


Department of Political Science, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University,

French boulevard, 24/26, room 37

Odesa, Ukraine, 65082.

Phone: +38 (0482) 68-51-60

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;

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  • Since 2022 - Professor of the Department of Political Science;
  • Since 2021 - Doctor of the Political Sciences. Title of Doctoral Thesis: “Territorial Policy of the EU States: Stabilization and Construction of Political Systems. (Specialized Academic Council D 41.053.06). Specialty 23.00.02 - political institutions and processes. Diploma of  Doctor of the Political Sciences: DD No. 012855 (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 320 dated 04/07/2022);
  • Since 2004 - Associate Professor of the Department of History and World Politics, Odessa I.I. MechnikovNational University (Decision of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine by protocol No. 5/35-D").
  • Since 2002 – Phd (Political Sciences). (Specialized Academic Council at the Odessa National Law Academy). Specialty 23.00.01 – theory and history of political thought. Diplomа: ДК No. 017648 (Decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of February 12, 2003).
  • Since 1998 – diploma qualification (SC No. 10632009 dated 06.29.1998) - political scientist, teacher of socio-political disciplines (Qualification diploma of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov State University).

Links to Relevant Profiles of the Scientist

Language knowledge: Ukrainian (fluent), Russian (fluent), English (certificate-B2).

Research interests:

Problems of development of multilevel territorial-political systems, systems and models of local self-government, multilevel governance, subnational policy and regionalism, problems of interaction of civil society and state institutions, forms of public control and participation in state power and governance, tools of stabilization of divided societies, problems of limology and cross-border cooperation, theoretical and methodological problems of development of application of historical and geographical methods in political science: geospatial constructs in geopolitics.

Developed lecture courses:

Courses taught in accordance with the Educational and Professional Program

Political geography; Fundamentals of geopolitics; Territorial policy in complex political systems; National security policy; State administration and local self-government; Interaction with state authorities; EU migration policy; Constitutional law of Ukraine; Theory of the state and law; Politics and human rights; Elections and electoral systems; Comparative analysis of political systems; Theory and practices of constitutionalism.
ВС 22. Theory and practice of constitutionalism: comparative analysis (4 credits, exam)
ВС 37. Public administration and local self-government (4 credits, credits)
ЕС 2.1. Elections and electoral systems: comparative analysis (4 credits, credits)
ЕС 8.1. Politics and human rights (4 credits, credits)
ЕС 10.1. Geopolitics (4 credits, credits)
ЕС 11.1. Political geography (4 credits, credits)

Member of editorial board of the academic journals:

Responsible editor of the scientific journal "International and Political Studies" (formerly "Herald of ONU" (ISSN 2707-5206, Odesa, Ukraine). URL:;

Responsible editor of the magazine "Social and political studies. Scientific almanac. Works of young scientists" (ISSN 2664-1933 (Print), 2664-1941 (Online)). URL:

Main publications More than 70 scientific publications in total.

List of main publications (2018-2022)

Doctoral thesis:

  1. Uzun Yuliia (2021). Territorial policy of the EU states: stabilization and construction of political systems: Dissertation ... Doctor of Political Sciences: 23.00.02. / State institution "Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky", Odesa [Узун Ю.В. Територіальна політика держав ЄС: стабілізація та конструювання політичних систем : дис. … д-ра політ. наук : 23.00.02. / Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського», Одеса. 2021. 435 с.]


  1. Uzun Yuliia (2021). Territorial policy of the EU states: stabilization and construction of political systems: abstract of the dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Political Sciences: 23.00.02. Odesa, 40 p.


  1. Uzun Yu.V. (2021). Appropriation of space: organization of interaction in complex political systems: monograph / Yu. V. Uzun. Odesa: Phoenix. [Узун Ю.В. Привласнення простору: організація взаємодії в складних політичних системах : монографія / Ю. В. Узун. Одеса: Фенікс, 2021. 378 с.]
  1. Uzun Yu.V. (2018). Regionalism in the foreign policy of Ukraine and its neighbors in the post-truth era. International relations and foreign policy in the "post-truth" era / Ed. O. I. Brusylovska. Kyiv: Vadex. [Узун Ю. В Регіоналізм у зовнішній політиці України та її сусідів в епоху пост-правди. Міжнародні відносини та зовнішня політика в еру «пост-правди» / під заг. ред. О. І. Брусиловської. Київ: Вадекс. 2018. С. 100 – 137.].

Publications in periodical scientific publications included in the list of specialized publications of Ukraine, in scientometric databases, in particular SCOPUS.

  1. Uzun Yu. Decentralization vs Centralization: Scenarios of Regional Development of Ukraine in the Context of Internal Stability Establishment. Przegląd Strategiczny. 2020. № 13. C. 243 – 262. (co-author Koch S.) DOI : 10.14746/ps.2020.1.15 (SCOPUS)
  2. Uzun Yu. Postecular Conflicts аnd Reconstruction of Nationalisms in the States of the Balto-Black Sea-Adriatic Triangle. The Yearbook of Balkan and Baltic studies. 2022. Vol. 5, No. 1. Р. 79-111 (co-author Koch S.) URL: (co-author Uzun Yu.) (SCOPUS)
  3. Uzun, Yu.V. (2022). "Effective" citizenship in EC states: a tool of territorial and political (de)construction. International and Political Studies. Is. 35. P.120–145. DOI: http://dх–5206.2022.35.261281 [Узун Ю.В. «Ефективне» громадянство в державах ЄC: інструмент територіально-політичної (де)конструкції. Міжнародні та політичні дослідження. 2022. Вип. 35. С.120–145.].
  4. Uzun, Yu.V. (2022). Polymorphization of political space: structural analysis of systems. Bulletin of the Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University Series "Political Sciences", No. 7. P.10–19. DOI 10.31558/2617-0248.2022.7.2 [Узун Ю.В. Поліморфізація політичного простору: структурний аналіз систем. Вісник Донецького національного університету імені Василя Стуса Cерія «Політичні науки». 2022. №7. С.10–19.].
  5. Uzun, Yu. V. (2020). South-western borderland of Ukraine in the process of state decentralization. International and Political Studies. Is. 33. P.106 – 142. (co-author S. V. Koch). [Узун Ю. В. Південно-західне прикордоння України в процесі державної децентралізації. Міжнародні та політичні дослідження. 2020. Вип. 33. С.106 – 142. (співавтор Коч С. В.)].
  6. Uzun, Yu. V. (2019). (Im)modest embrace of China: factors of the growth of the geopolitical subjectivity of the People's Republic of China and signs of a global crisis of the world order. International and Political Studies. Is. 32. P.171 – 207. [Узун Ю. В. (Не)скромні обійми Китаю: чинники зростання геополітичної суб’єктності КНР та ознаки глобальної кризи світового порядку. Міжнародні та політичні дослідження. 2019. Вип. 32. С.171 – 207.].
  7. Uzun, Yu. V. (2019). Transborder: local subjects, glocal spaces. Review of Svitlana Koch's monograph "Transborder: space of social order and social action" [S.V. Koch Transborder: space of social order and social action: monograph. – Odesa.: Fenks, 2019. 357 p.] International and Political Studies. Is.32. P. 296-300. [Узун Ю. В. Транскордоння: локальні суб’єкти, глокальні простори. Рецензія на монографію Світлани Коч «Транскордоння: простір соціального порядку і соціальної дії» [Коч С. В. Транскордоння: простір соціального порядку і соціальної дії : монографія. – Одеса.: Фенкс, 2019. 357 с.] Міжнародні та політичні дослідження. 2019. Вип. 32. С. 296 – 300.
  8. Uzun, Yu. (2019). Management of migration processes: global and regional trends. Politicus. Is. 2. P. 56–65. [Узун Ю. В. Управління міграційними процесами : глобальні та регіональні тенденції. Политикус. 2019. Вип. 2. С. 56–65.]
  9. Uzun, Yu. V. (2018). The factor of the concept of "Europe of regions" in the processes of decentralization in Ukraine. ONU Bulletin. Series "Sociology and political sciences". Vol. 23. Is. 2 (31). P. 166–186. [Узун Ю. В. Чинник концепції «Європа регіонів» в процесах децентралізації в Україні. Вісник ОНУ. Серія «Соціологія і політичні науки». Випуск «Політологія». 2018. Т. 23. Вип. 2 (31). С. 166–186.].

Methodological recommendations for students for 2018-2022.

  1. Uzun, Yu. V. (2019). Interaction with state authorities: methodological guidelines and tasks for the training course. Odesa: ONU [Узун Ю.В. Взаємодія з органами державної влади: методичні вказівки та завдання для навчального курсу. Одеса: ОНУ, 2019. 44 с. (співавтор Коч С. В.) (3,2 др. арк.)]
  2. Uzun, Yu. V. (2019). Migration policy of the EU countries: methodological guidelines and tasks for the training course. Odesa: ONU (co-author S. V. Koch) [Узун Ю.В. Міграційна політика країн ЄС: методичні вказівки та завдання для навчального курсу. Одеса: ОНУ, 2019. 43 с. (2,5 др.арк.) (співавтор Коч С. В.)].
  3. Uzun, Yu. V. (2019). Geopolitics: methodological guidelines and tasks for the training course. Odesa: ONU, 154 p. [Узун Ю.В. Геополітика: методичні вказівки та завдання для навчального курсу. Одеса: ОНУ, 2019. 154 с. (8,95 др.арк.)]
  4. Uzun, Yu. V. (2019). Political geography: methodological guidelines and tasks for the educational course. Odesa: ONU [Узун Ю.В. Політична географія: методичні вказівки та завдання для навчального курсу. Одеса: ОНУ, 2019. 140 с. (8,35 др.арк)]
  5. Uzun Yu. V. (2019). State administration and local self-government. Working program. 2019. [Узун Ю.В. Державне управління та місцеве самоврядування. Робоча програма. 2019. URL:]

Scientific Guidance (Consulting) of the Applicant Who Received a Document on the Award of a Scientific Degree (2018-2022):


Pribegin I. S. (2021). National identity: conceptual versions and their implementation in the political processes of Israel. Specialty 23.00.02 – political institutions and processes, dissertation abstract for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of political sciences. Odesa. [Прибегін І. С. Національна ідентичність: концептуальні версії та їх реалізація в політичних процесах Ізраїлю. Спеціальність 23.00.02 – політичні інститути та процеси, автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата політичних наук. Одеса, 2021]. URL: radi-d-41-053-06-prybegin

ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on awarding the degree of candidate of political sciences No. 1017 of 09/27/2021. URL:

Participation in the attestation of scientific personnel as an official opponent or a member of a permanent specialized scientific council, or a member of at least three one-time specialized scientific councils (2018-2022 ):

  1. Official opponent in defense: Shvets S. L. Modern migration process: positive and negative consequences for European countries. Specialty 23.00.02 - political institutions and processes of the dissertation author's abstract for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of political sciences, Odesa - 2019. URL: -rada-d-41-053-06/3838-ogoloshennya-spetsializovannnoji-vchenoji-radi-d-41-053-06-shvec
  2. Official defense opponent: Akhmerov O.O. Institutional dimension of municipal policy: European experience. Specialty 23.00.02 - political institutions and processes of the dissertation author's abstract for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of political sciences, Odesa - 2021. URL: -rada-d-41-053-06/6909-ogoloshennya-spetsializovannnoji-vchenoji-radi-d-41-053-06-akhmerov
  3. Research supervisor: Prybegin I. S. National identity: conceptual versions and their implementation in the political processes of Israel. Specialty 23.00.02 – political institutions and processes, dissertation abstract for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of political sciences. Odesa, 2021. URL: radi-d-41-053-06-prybegin

Participation in international scientific and/or educational projects, involvement in international expertise (2018-2022):

In 2018-2019 expert work on the project "Non-governmental organizations, movements (including radical movements), social and traditional media as tools used by states to exert external influence in the non-military sphere in order to create a situation of fragility" from 06/14/2018 to 11/30/2019 (co-executors : Yevgen Viktorovych Pereguda, Ph.D., professor, head of the team, Herbut Nadiya Anatoliivna, Ph.D., associate professor, Svitlana Vadimivna Koch, Ph.D., associate professor, Semko Vadym Leonidovych, Ph.D. Ph.D., associate professor, Uzun Yuliya Vadymivna, Ph.D. (The Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine based on the results of the Competition for conducting scientific research on the formation of state policy in the field of peacebuilding, conflict prevention and resolution in 2018; the donor is the Government of the Swiss Confederation). URL:

Availability of approbation and/or popular science, and/or consultation (advisory), and/or scientific and expert publications on scientific or professional topics (2018-2022):

  1. Uzun, Yu. V. (2018). Decentralization: regional policy evaluation criteria and results in Ukraine. Regional policy: history, political and legal principles, architecture, urbanism: [collection of scientific papers]. Issue IV. Materials of the Fourth International Conference (Kyiv, November 23, 2018) / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv "Economic Thought", 2018. Part 1. P. 237 - 250. (co-author S. V. Koch)
  2. Uzun, Yu. V. (2019). Factors of growth of the geopolitical subject of the People's Republic of China in the processes of global change of the world order. To China-Ukraine: prospects of academic and business cooperation. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. May 27-28, 2019. Odesa: Phoenix, 2019. C. 66-74. (co-author S. V. Koch)
  3. Uzun, Yu. V. (2019). Modern territorial systems VS cross-border regionalization in Europe Regional policy: political and legal principles, urbanism, spatial planning, architect: [collection of scientific works]. Issue V. Materials of the Fifth International Conference (Kyiv, November 22, 2019) / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, "Economic Thought", 2019. Part 1. P. 179 – 186. (co-author Koch S. V .)
  4. Uzun, Yu. V. (2020). The results of the decentralization reform on the example of the situation in the regions of the South-Western border of Ukraine. Spatial planning: urban planning, architecture, political and socio-cultural principles. Collection of scientific works. Vol. 1. In 2 parts. Kyiv-Ternopil: "Beskydy", 2020. Part 1. P. 150 - 171. (co-author S. V. Koch)
  5. Uzun, Yu.V. (2021). Territorial policy of the EU states: stabilization and construction of political systems: author's abstract for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Political Sciences: 23.00.02. Odesa, 2021. 40 p.

Specialty Activity in the Form of Participation in Professional and/or Public Associations

  • Member of the International Association of Humanitarians (IHA).
  • Member of the Association of Slavic, Eastern European and of Eurasian Studies (ASEES)

Participation in scientific conferences (2018-2022)

  1. Speech at the meeting of the ONU Academic Council on May 13, 2022, dedicated to the 157th anniversary of the I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University. Topic of the report: Territorial policy of the EU states: stabilization and construction of political systems.
  2. Report scientific conference of the teaching staff of Odesa National University. Report: "Effective" citizenship in the EU states: a tool of territorial and political (de)construction.
  3. Speech at the plenary session of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Applied Aspects of Modern Interdisciplinary Research" (November 18, 2022, Vinnytsia, Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus). Topic of the report: Territorial policy of the EU states: stabilization and construction of political systems.
  4. Speech at the international "Urban Forum - 2020" (First international scientific and practical conference: Spatial planning: urban planning, architecture, political and socio-cultural foundations) (Kyiv, November 19, 2020, zoom) with a report: The results of the decentralization reform on the example of the situation in regions of the South-Western border of Ukraine.
  5. Speech at the international conference "Balkan and Baltic States in United Europe — History, Religion, and Culture IV Religiosity and Spirituality in the Balkan and Baltic Cultural Space: History and Nowadays" (November 11-13, 2020, Latvia, Riga (zoom )) with a report: Post-secular conflicts and the construction of nationalisms in the states of the Balkan-Baltic region.
  6. Speech at the inter-departmental plenary meeting of the Faculty of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (December 4, 2020) with the report "Post-acular conflicts and the construction of nationalisms in the states of the Baltic-Black Sea-Adriatic Triangle.
  7. International Scientific Conference "Europe in the 21st Century: Visions of New and Old EU Members", February 6-7, 2020 at Collegium Polonicum (Slubica, Poland; Frankfurt am Oder, Germany). Report: Phantom and imaginary borders as a factor of socio-political processes in Eastern Europe.
  8. International conference "Agreement on the Association between Ukraine and the EU and Slovak-Ukrainian cross-border cooperation: consequences and opportunities", November 26-27, 2019, Uzhhorod. Report: South-Western borderland of Ukraine in the processes of decentralization in 2014-2019.
  9. Regional policy: political and legal principles, urban planning, spatial planning, architecture. Fifth International Conference (Kyiv, November 22, 2019) / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv. National University of Building. and architects, etc. Report: Cross-border transnational entities in the processes of Euro-regionalization: economic goals, political principles, normative and legal regulation.
  10. International Scientific and Practical Conference "Interethnic Interactions in the Ethnocontact Zone" (Eighth Reading in Memory of I.A. Antsupov) October 30 - November 1, 2019, Taraklia. Moldova. Report: "The border of the Carpatho-Dniester lands in the lens of Euroregionalism and nationalism."
  11. International Scientific and Practical Conference "China-Ukraine: Prospects of Academic and Business Cooperation". May 27-28, 2019. Odesa. Report: Factors of the growth of geopolitical subjectivity of the People's Republic of China in the processes of global change of the world order.
  12. International Scientific Conference (IX Drinovsky Lectures) November 22–23, 2018, Kharkiv. "The Black Sea and the Black Sea Coast as a contact zone of civilizations and cultures." Report "Memorial policy of neighboring states in the Black Sea region: geopolitical disputes in the post-truth era."
  13. Fourth International Scientific and Practical Conference, November 23, 2018, Kyiv. "Regional policy: history, political and legal foundations, architecture, urban planning." Report: Decentralization: regional policy evaluation criteria and results in Ukraine.
  14. Round table on the presentation of the monograph "International relations and foreign policy of states in the post-truth era". Odesa. House of scientists 24.10.2018. Report: "Regionalism in the foreign policy of Ukraine and its neighbors in the post-truth era"
  15. Report scientific conference of the teaching staff of Odesa National University. Report: "Decentralization and its forms: European standards and Ukrainian results."
  16. Reporting scientific conference of the department's teaching staff. Report: "Administrative and territorial reform in Ukraine: political and legal foundations, goals and results
  17. Participation in a scientific and practical seminar on issues of regional development held at the Center for International Development of ONU with the participation of a delegation of the Institute of Strategic Studies and representatives of the regional state administration and mass media (May 24, 2018) 

Reviewing educational publications (2018-2022):

  1. Sushko, A. I. Methodology of teaching political science: educational and methodological guide for students of higher educational institutions / A. I. Sushko, A. I. Kormych, T. M. Krasnopolska; NU "OYUA"; café flight. theory Odesa, 2022. 56 p. URL:
  2. Kormych, L. I. Development strategy of Ukraine and regional specifics: educational and methodological guide for applicants of the second (master's) level of higher education / L. I. Kormych, T. M. Krasnopolska, A. V. Pehnyk; NU "OYUA"; Odesa, 2022. 59 p. URL:

Certification training

International internship "Fundraising and basics of project activity in educational institutions: European experience" (Poland - Ukraine). Organizers: "Meeting" Foundation (Poland), Jagiellonian University, Department of Polish-Ukrainian Studies (Poland), "Sobornist" public organization (Ukraine), Luhansk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education (Ukraine). Form of education: remote (Zoom platform, Google Classroom). Date: from November 12 to December 18, 2022. 180 hours / 6 ECTS credits. See the certificate and appendix to the certificate:

Internship by order of the Odesa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov. Venue: Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky". Internship Certificate No. 1089/32/1 dated 06/22/2021, 180 academic hours (6 ECTS credits) - about completing an internship by distance learning from April 22, 2021 to June 22, 2021 under an individual internship program (theme "Territorial politics of European countries: problems of stabilization of political systems".

Participation in the educational training "Academic Writing and Plagiarism", conducted by teachers from Sweden (Lund University) under the Erasmus+ program at the I.I. Mechnikov National University from 17.02.2020 to 20.02.2020 (16 hours of classroom training).

Certificate of knowledge of the English language in a general direction at level B2, issued by the "Center of Language Training and Language Certification of ONU named after I.I. Mechnikova on December 23, 2019. Certificate number GEO67ONU19

Thanks, awards

  1. Certificate of Honor of the Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of the Odesa Region "for significant achievements in the implementation of state policy in the field of education and science, the training of highly qualified specialists, fruitful scientific and pedagogical work, many years of impeccable work and on the occasion of the 155th anniversary of the founding of ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov" (2020)
  2. Thanks to the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology "for a significant contribution to the organization of the scientific work of students of the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology" (2019)


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