Yakubovsky Serhiy

The head of the department, full professor

Якубовський Сергій Олексійович - кандидат економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри світового господарства і міжнародних економічних відносин

Academic degree/ Academic rank

Doctor of Science, Economics, 2004, specialty 08.05.01 «World Economy and International Economic Relations», Professor of the department of «Economic Theory and International Economic Relations», 2007.

Scopus Author ID: 57210283171

ORCID: 0000-0002-1193-0241

Google Scholar ID

Main taught courses:

Manager of the Project No. 2019-2068/001-001 "Social and Economic Inclusion of Refugees and Migrants in European Union: Challenges for Ukraine" of the Jean Monnet Program of the European Commission, 2019-2023.

Member of the Board of the All-Ukrainian public organization "All-Ukrainian Association of International Economists", Head of the Odesa branch.

Advanced Training:

Academic visits to the Free University of Berlin on 13.09.2021-20.09.2021, 26.11.2021-3.12.2021, 22.11.2022-30.11.2022 with a total duration of 180 hours (6 ECTS credits). ONU rector's order No. 745-18 dated 05/04/2023.

Major recent publications:

Articles (2023-2017):

  1. The impact of the association agreement between the European union and Ukraine on mutual trade and Ukrainian ports cargo /Tuliakov V., Alekseievska H., Yakubovskiy S./ Journal Intereulaweast, Vol. X (1) 2023. Р. 1–20. Indexing in Scopus.
  2. Modeling the Dynamics of the EU Stock Indices Based on the Analysis of Structural Market Data / A. Shenderova, S. Yakubovskiy / 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies. Indexing in Scopus
  3. Shapoval A., Yakubovskiy S. The Impact of Specific Factors on the Revenue of the IT Sectors in Poland and the Czech Republic //Actual Problems of International Relations. – 2023. – Т. 154. – №. 1. – P. 82-93.
  4. The Dynamics of EU Countries Debt in the context of the Global Covid-19 Pandemic / Nikolaieva D., Yakubovskiy S. / The actual problems of regional economy development. – 2023. – Т. 1. – №. 19. – P. 25-38.
  5. Changes in Trade Flows between China and the US amid the Trade War / V. Klus, S. Yakubovskiy / Chinese Studies. – 2023. – №. 2. – P. 70-79.
  6. Efficiency of State Banks in the Economy of Poland and Ukraine / Yakubovskiy S., Dominese G., Piatkov A., Rodionova T./ Journal Transition Studies Review, 2022, 29(1), p. 3-26. Indexing in Scopus
  7. The Impact of Tax Rates on the Economic Performance of IT Companies: the Case of Moldova and Romania / Giorgio Dominese, Anastasiia Shapoval, Julia Pichugina and Sergey Yakubovskiy/ Journal Transition Studies Review, 2022, 29(2), pp. 107-127. Indexing in Scopus.
  8. Assessment of the Level of Financial Development of the Visegrad Group Countries in Comparison with the Eurozone / Yakubovskiy S., Dominese G., Piatkov A., Rodionova T.// Journal Global Policy and Governance, 2022, 11 (1), 133-146. Indexing in Scopus
  9. Assessment of the Efficiency of State Banks in the Economy of Poland and Ukraine Based on Structural Market Data from Infocommunication Systems / A. Piatkov, T. Rodionova and S. Yakubovskiy/ 2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology 2022, pp. 306-310. Indexing in Scopus
  10. Investment Component of Transnationalization during Covid-19 Pandemic on the Example of International Corporations / Shapoval A., Yakubovskiy S. / The Actual problems of regional economy development. – 2022. – P. 1. – №. 18. – P. 147-157.
  11. International Migration as a Factor of Economic Development of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe (Yakubovskiy, S., Dominese, G., Rodionova, . T. ., & Kachanovska, M.). Journal Transition Studies Review, 2021, Vol. 28, Issue 2, P. 19-40. Indexing in Scopus
  12. Impact of transnational corporations activity on the economic development of Ukraine (Dominese, G., Yakubovskiy, S., Rodionova, T., Shapoval, A.), Transition Studies Review, 2021, Vol. 28, Issue 1, P. 121-134. Indexing in Scopus
  13. Development prospects of banking sector in Central and Eastern European countries in terms of financial integration (Chumachenko, D., Derkach, T., Babenko, V.,Yakubovskiy, S., Rodionova, T.), Estudios de Economia Aplicada, 2021, 39(7). Indexing in Scopus
  14. Determinants of the government bond yields of Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece (Dominese, G., Yakubovskiy, S., Rodionova, T., Derenko, V.), Journal Global Policy and Governance. Vol. 10, 2021, Issue 1, P. 23–34. Indexing in Scopus
  15. Peculiarities of Current World Scientific Researches on Maritime Economics and Specifically Seaborne Trade / Zaidman G., Yakubovskiy S. / The Actual problems of regional economy development. – 2021. – P. 1. – №. 17. – P. 8-22.
  16. Consequences of Land Reform in Ukraine on the Example of Georgia and Moldova / Selezniov V., Yakubovskiy S. / The Actual problems of regional economy development. – 2021. – P. 2. – №. 17. – P. 135-148.
  17. The Impact of the Association Agreement with the EU on Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova: Var-Model, Monetization Index, Customer Price Index / Yakubovskiy S., Seleznov V. / ctual Problems of International Relations. – 2021. – P. 1. – № 148. – P. 59-69.
  18. Digital Transformation of the Oil Refining Sector in Ukraine (Kyrychenko, M., Yakubovskiy, S., Rodionova, T.) 2020 IEEE International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications Science and Technology, PIC S and T 2020 – Proceedings, 2021, P. 733–736. Indexing in Scopus
  19. Impact of transnational corporations activity on the economic development of Ukraine (Dominese, G., Yakubovskiy, S., Rodionova, T., Shapoval, A.), Transition Studies Review, 2021, Vol. 28, Issue 1, P. 121-134. Indexing in Scopus
  20. Impact of International Migration Flows on the European Union and Ukraine (Yakubovskiy, S., Giorgio Dominese, Tetiana Rodionova, Julia Tsevukh), Journal Transition Studies Review, 2020, Vol. 27, Issue № 2. P. 83-98. Indexing in Scopus
  21. Modelling and analysis of socio-economic development of the European Union countries through the DP2 method (Podgorna, I., Babenko, V., Honcharenko, N., Fernández, J.A.S., Yakubovskiy, S., 2020), WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, 17, P. 454-466. Indexing in Scopus
  22. Impact of the European Central bank monetary policy on the financial indicators of the Eastern European countries (Yakubovskiy, S., Alekseievska, H., Tsevukh, J., 2020), Journal Global Policy and Governance: Vol. 9 No. 1, P. 37-49. Indexing in Scopus
  23. Inflow of Foreign Capital as a Factor of the Development of Current Accounts of the Eastern European Countries (Yakubovskiy, S., Rodionova, T. and Kyfak, A., 2019), Journal Transition Studies Review, 26(2), pp. 3-14. Indexing in Scopus
  24. Foreign Capital Flows as Factors of Economic Growth in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland (T. Rodionova, S. Yakubovskiy, A. Kyfak, 2019), Research in World Economy, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 48-57. Indexing in Scopus
  25. Impact of Foreign Investment Income on External Positions of Emerging Market Economies (S. Yakubovskiy, T. Rodionova) - Journal Transition Studies Review, Vol 26, No 1 (2019).- P. 71-81. Indexing in Scopus
  26. Modeling Outcomes of Unconventional Monetary Policy (H. Alekseievska, A. Kyfak, T. Rodionova, S. Yakubovskiy, 2019), International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-8, Issue-4, November 2019, pp. 10263-10268.
  27. Dynamics of Austrian foreign direct investment and their influence on national economy // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, No. 5, part. 4, 2018. Indexing in the Web of Science Core Collection
  28. North American insurance markets: features and experience for Ukraine Herald of Odessa National University, Vol 24, No 1, 2018.
  29. Ways to Improve the Efficiency of the Foreign Economic Positions of Romania and Ukraine // Acta Universitatis Danubius. Economica, Vol 14, No 7, 2018.
  30. Modern dominants of the transnationalization of international business // Herald of Odessa National University, Vol 23, No 1, 2018.
  31. Development of the world market of information technologies in the conditions of transnationalization of international business // Herald of Odessa National University, Vol 23, No 2, 2018.
  32. Austrian banking system development in terms of globalization // Uzhgorod National University Herald, No. 17, part 1, 2018.
  33. Diversification of the market of natural gas of the EU and Ukraine in the context of improving the effectiveness of foreign economic positions of countries // Kherson National University Herald, No. 28, part. 1, 2018.
  34. Trends in international migration and remittances of migrants in the conditions of globalization // Uzhgorod National University Herald, No. 16, part. 2, 2017.
  35. Impact of immigration flows on socio-economic well-being of recipient countries // Herald of Odessa National University, Vol 22, No 8, 2017.
  36. Development prospects of London as the world’s financial center in the conditions of Brexit // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, No. 3, part. 4, 2017. Indexing in the Web of Science Core Collection
  37. The principles of state regulation of national economy in conditions of globalization // Herald of Odessa National University, Vol 22, No 2, 2017.
  38. Impact of non-traditional methods of monetary policies on financial markets: theoretical aspect // Herald of Odessa National University. Vol 22, No 9, 2017.
  39. Sustainability of banking systems in Western-European countries in terms of global instability// Herald of Odessa National University. Volume 22, № 7, 2017.

Monographs and text books (2022-2015)

  1. Shapoval A., Yakubovsky S. The role of transnational corporations in solving of global problems of modernity // Imperatives for the development of international economics: a collective monograph / coll. ed.; edited by. O. Dovgal. – Kharkiv: KhNU named after V. N. Karazin, 2022. – P. 298 – 314.
  2. International Enterprises and Global Economy // monograph (edited by O. Rogach) Institute of International Relations, Kiev, 2020, p. 167-185.
  3. Agriculture Reform in Ukraine // monograph (edited by E. Kuznetsov) ONU, Odessa, 2018, p. 100-125.
  4. International migration of labour forces as factor of the socio-economic developments of countries (together with Yuliia Tsevukh) // monograph, 2017, 274 p.
  5. Economic Transformation of the Visegrad Group Countries // monograph. Odessa, 2016, 187 p.
  6. National financial systems in context of globalization (the case of European Union countries). Textbook, Odessa, 2016, 250 р.
  7. International economic relations. Textbook, Odessa, 2016, 260 р.
  8. Ukrainian GDP Changes Determinants for the last 15 Years // 21 Century: Fundamental Science and Technology. North Charleston, USA, Vol.2, 2015.


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