Yakubovsky Serhiy

The head of the department, full professor

Якубовський Сергій Олексійович - кандидат економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри світового господарства і міжнародних економічних відносин

Academic degree/ Academic rank

Doctor of Science, Economics, 2004, specialty 08.05.01 «World Economy and International Economic Relations», Professor of the department «Economic Theory and International Economic Relations», 2007.

Google Scholar ID:


Main courses (lecture hours)


duction to Specialty» - 18;

«International Economic Relations» - 28;

«International Foreign Exchange and Monetary Relations» - 34;

«International Flow of Financial Resources» - 18;

«World Finance» - 22;

«Financial Systems of Developed Countries» - 16;

«World Stock Markets» - 16;

«Transnational Corporations» - 10.

Yakubovsky S.O. supervises students’ course works, qualification and diploma works and PhD students’ thesis works.

Scientific activity within latest years

Yakubovskiy S.A. is the author of 133 scientific and scientific-methodical works, including 7 monographs, 6 manuals stamped MES, scientific-methodical materials for curriculums.

Since April 1, 2011 Yakubovskiy S.A. is the supervisor of the scientific topic of the department «Sustainable development of national economies in the conditions of global financial system instability» (number of state registration 0111U006702).


  1. Yakubovskiy S.A. Financial stability of the European Union in the global economic crisis: the experience for Ukraine / / Actual problems of economics and management theory, innovation and modern practice: monograph. Book Two - H., 2014;
  2. S. Yakubovskiy, E. Krivopysha The stability of national banking systems in East Asia in terms of global imbalances / / Economy and management in a global transformations: monograph. A., 2013.
  3. Stability of the national financial system during the global economic crisis of 2008-2010. Monographs under the general editorship of S. Yakubovskiy - Odessa "Odessa National University." - 2012.- ISBN 978-617-689-004-1. P. 224.
  4. Yakubovskiy S.A. Growth of the external debt of the Central and Eastern Europe as a factor in the financial security of the / / Economic Security: A New Paradigm of formation and support: collective monograph. - O. 2011. - S. 354-372. - ISBN 978-966-8888-03-8.

Scientific manuals stamped MES

  1. S. Yakubovskiy, Kozak Y., NS Logvinova and others. Transnational Corporations: features investment activity: 2nd ed. revised. and add. tutorial stamped with MES. - K., 2011. - Sec. 3-4. - P. 169-287. - ISBN 978-611-01-0189-9.
  2. International Economics: scientific manual; 2nd ed., Revised. and add. - Kyiv: Center of educational literature, 2008. - 1118 p.

Other educational and methodical development

  1. The International Economic Relations. Scientific manual. [S.A. Yakubovskiy, A. Gorniak, I.A. Lomachinska and others.]; Ed. S.A. Yakubovskiy, J.A. Nikolaev. - Odessa "Odessa National University", 2012. – P.260/
  2. International trade: Defensive lecture notes for foreign students of IV year daily form study in "International Economics". - A.: OSEU, 2007. – P. 138

Articles in national and foreign professional publications

  1. Yakubovskiy Sergiy. Ukrainian GDP Changes Determinates for the last 15 Years // 21 Century: Fundamental Science and Technology. North Charleston, USA, Vol. 2, 2015. – Режим доступу: https://www.bookdepository.com/21-Century-SpcAcademic/9781500272883
  2. Cukrowska, E., Yakubovskiy, S.. The inter-sector wage differentials in the post-transition Ukraine: the role of unobserved skills: Working Paper // 16th EBES Conference – Istanbul, 2015, 20 p.
  3. Міжнародні економічні відносини: Навчальний посібник: Видання друге / Колектив авторів; за редакцією С.О. Якубовського, Ю.О. Ніколаєва. – Одеса: «Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мечникова», 2015. – 305 с.
  4. Якубовський С.О., Родіонова Т.А. Порівняльний аналіз стійкості фінансових систем України, Республіки Білорусь та Росії в умовах глобальної нестабільності // Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія: Економіка і менеджмент. № 8.- 2015. – С. 31-35.
  5. Garanskaya I., Yakubovskiy S. The Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Housing Prices and Mortgage Market (Cases of Hungary and Ukraine) // Visnyk of International Humanitarian University. Series: Economics and Management. 2013. - № 5. - P.18-25.
  6. O.S.Chystyakova, S.A. Yakubovskiy. The impact of the integration-disintegration processes in terms of external borrowings / / Proceedings "Scientific Visnyk": economics, political science, history: № 27 (179). - ONEU 2013 r.P.137-149.
  7. G. Seidman, S. Yakubovsky The reasons of debt crisis in the European Union: Lessons for Ukraine / G. Seidman, S. Yakubovsky / / Visnyk ONU І.І. Mechnikov. Section: economics. Volume 18. 1 Preview Issue. 2013.
  8. G. Seidman, S. Yakubovskiy Debt crisis in the eurozone and Ukraine: differences and similarities / G. Seidman, S. Yakubovskiy / / Collection "Scientific Visnyk": economics, polіtical science, history: № 16. - ONEU. - 2013 .
  9. O.S.Chystyakova, S.A. Yakubovskiy. The structure of the external debt of the country as a factor of the changes in profitability of the government obligations / / Scientific Visnyk ONU I.I. Mechnikov. Section: Economics. Volume 17. Issue 3-4. , 2012. P. 89-96.

Conference proceedings

  1. S.A. Yakubovskiy. The ways to improve the stability of the financial system of Ukraine / / Wealth of Nations in a global instability. Scientific Papers of the Fourth International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Odessa: Odessa National University named after II Mechnikov. - 2014. - P. 25-27.
  2. O.S.Chystyakova, S.A. Yakubovskiy. The impact of the integration-disintegration processes to changing economic roles of the global economy: monetary and financial perspective / / Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Regions in the world today." - Bereznyky, Russia, 2013. - P. 20-21.
  3. O.S.Chystyakova, S.A. Yakubovskiy. Monetary stimulating the economy: long-term risks for public finances / / Proceedings of the conference "The wealth of nations in the context of global instability," part II. Odessa, 2013. - P. 66-67.
  4. Yakubovskiy S.A. Financial stability of the country as a factor of welfare / / The wealth of nations in the context of global instability. Scientific Conference Proceedings: Part II - Odessa "Odessa National University." - 2012. - P.97-99.
  5. Yakubovskiy S.A. The impact of global financial imbalances on living standards / / Empirical approaches for studying the level of prosperity in the CIS. Collected papers of the workshop. - Odessa: "Aquarium". - 2012. - P.69-71.

Overall, the results of scientific research of Yakubovskiy S.A. were reported at 50 international conferences and seminars.

Qualifications upgrade

Central University (Budapest, Hungary) in February 2013. Topic: "The problems of financial stability in Central and Eastern Europe."


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