Department of Social Psychology

Head of the Department of Social Psychology

doctor of psychological sciences, professor

Oksana Ivanovna Kononenko

The Department of Social Psychology was created in 2022 as a result of the reorganization of the Department of Social and Applied Psychology and the Department of Social Theories of I.I. Mechnikov Odesa National University. The Department of Social Psychology continued the traditions that were started by outstanding founders of domestic psychology , M.M. Lange , D.G. Elkin , I.H. Bilyavsky, and others.

The purpose of the department is to provide modern training of future psychologists at all levels of higher education, as well as conducting scientific research on current problems of psychology, taking into account the latest trends in world psychological science.

The department is headed by Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Oksana Ivanivna Kononenko, who is the author of more than 150 scientific works, including the monograph "Personality Perfectionism". Kononenko O.I. _ developed a new approach to the study of psychological phenomena and phenomena — diversification psychology. Her scientific interests include the personality at the intersection of modern directions of psychological science, the diversification of psychological phenomena, the genesis and determinants of personality perfectionism, self-awareness and self-attitude of the individual, psychological features of the influence of modern technologies on the personality. Kononenko O.I. _ is a member of the Ukrainian Psychological Association, the Psychological Association of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, the American Psychological Association, and the European Association for Communication Studies and Education.

Faculty and teaching staff of the department:

The main directions of scientific activity of the department:

Candidates for the specialty 053 Psychology are trained at the bachelor's, master's, and doctor of philosophy educational qualification levels. Bachelor's, master's, and postgraduate study programs are designed with a focus on training highly qualified, competitive, innovative specialists in the field of Psychology.

Basic psychological disciplines are taught by the teaching staff of the department :

  • Introduction to the profession “Psychology”
  • Social Psychology
  • Family Psychology
  • Health psychology
  • Basics of psychological counseling
  • Family psychology
  • Extreme psychology
  • Crisis psychology
  • Management psychology
  • Basics of psychological examination
  • Psychology of communication
  • Methodology and theory of psychology
  • Psychology of education
  • Fundamentals of organizational psychology
  • Psychology of work
  • Pedagogical psychology
  • Actual problems of theoretical psychology
  • Modern psychological technologies in social work
  • Psychology of organizations
  • Theoretical foundations of psychological training

Employees of the Department of Social Psychology have developed modern author's courses for bachelors and masters:

Mindfulness techniques in psychologist practice

  • Cyber psychology
  • Psychology of conflict
  • Military psychology
  • Coaching technologies in psychology
  • Projective techniques in the work of a psychologist
  • Psychology of mass medicine
  • Psychology of a mature personality
  • Theoretical foundations of psychological training
  • Psychology of creativity
  • PR psychology
  • Psychology of a mature personality
  • Psychology of users of social networks
  • Psychology of creativity
  • Psychology of sports
  • Psychology of work
  • HR psychology
  • Media psychology
  • Psychology of success and softskills
  • Acmeology
  • Basics of psychogenetics
  • Psychology of a gifted person
  • Psychology of professional activity
  • Group psychotherapy
  • Transactional analysis in psychological practice

following disciplines are taught at the department to prepare candidates for the third level of higher education (doctor of philosophy) :

  • History, concepts and modern achievements of Psychological Science
  • Higher School Psychology
  • Applied Social Psychology
  • The Psychology of Artificial Intelligence
  • Health psychology in conditions of uncertainty
  • The teachers of the department supervise educational, industrial and assistant practice, and also provide scientific guidance to students when writing scientific and research papers.

The department is developing the scientific research topic "Genesis and social-psychological determinants of the psychological well-being of the personality" (state registration number 0123U101274).


Odesa, str. Dvoryanska, 2, office 83

Department of Social Psychology

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Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Vsevoloda Zmiienka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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