Practical and Clinical Psychology

Head of Department E. M. Psyadlo Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences

Head of Department
E. M. Psyadlo Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences

 The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of  Practical and Clinical Psychology  include:

  • E. M. Psyadlo - Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences
  • E.S. Danilova - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
  • M. G. Kirilishina - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
  • S. V. Lasunova - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
  • E.V. Pishchevska - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
  • L.S. Smokova - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
  • V.O. Suslova - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
  • A.I. Ukhanova - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
  • N.V. Jung - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
  • E.D. Bulgak - Senior Lecturer
  • L.V. Dykina- Senior Lecturer
  • N.M. Kologrivova - Senior Lecturer

History of the department:

The Department of Practical and Clinical Psychology was founded on September 1, 2020, by combining two departments: the Department of Clinical Psychology and the Department of Social Assistance and Practical Psychology.

In April 1999, by order of the rector of the I.I. Mechnikov OGU No. 15-02, the Department of Clinical Psychology was created at the Institute of Postgraduate Education.

Under the leadership of professor, Ph.D. Boris G. Khersonsky, the department immediately became a center for the dissemination of psychological knowledge among student youth. Both experienced lecturers of the domestic generation and young and initiative personnel of psychologists collaborated at the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.A. Rozanov, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.N. Mokhovikov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor E.M. Psyadlo, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.F. Prostomolotov, Ph.D. E.V. Pishchevska, Ph.D. M.G. Lavrova, Ph.D. M.K. Kremenchutska, Ph.D. N.V. Jung, Ph.D. L.S. Smokova, Ph.D. S.V. Lasunova, Ph.D. A.V. Belonozhko, Ph.D. T.V. Gurskaya, Ph.D. O.E. Samara, Ph.D. M.B. Korobitsyna, Ph.D. N.V. Kantareva, Ph.D.  O.Yu. Donets, E.D. Bulgak, L.V. Dykina.

During its existence, the department has become one of the leading centers for scientific research in various fields of psychology. Specialists were trained in specializations: "Management Psychology and Organizational Counseling," "Legal and Extreme Psychology," "Clinical Psychology."

Since 2003, a correspondence and inpatient graduate school in the specialty "Special Psychology" was opened on the basis of the department, and in 2006 in such areas as: 19.00.04 - "Medical Psychology" and 19.00.01 - "General Psychology, History of Psychology," which indicates a further improvement in the quality of education in the domestic education system ONU.

In 2006, laboratories were created at the Institute of Innovation and Postgraduate Education on the basis of the Department of Clinical Psychology:

Laboratory of Psychodiagnostics (supervisor Professor E. M. Psyadlo)

Laboratory of clinical, rehabilitation psychology and psychological examinations (supervisor associate professor M.B. Korobitsyna)

Since 2008, the department began work on advanced training courses for psychologists, doctors and medical workers with higher education and secondary special education in the areas of: "Psychocorrection and psychotherapy," "Clinical psychodiagnostics," "Suicidology," "Psychosomatic disorders and their psychological correction," "Psychological problems of the neurotic patient and their correction."

In 2016, as a result of the reorganization, M. Kirilishina was elected head of the department.

The Department of Social Assistance and Practical Psychology was established at the Institute of Innovative and Postgraduate Education on September 1, 2013 to provide training for specialists in the specialty "Psychology" (specialization - management psychology and organizational advice). Forms of training: full-time, correspondence and retraining of specialists with obtaining a second higher education with the provision of appropriate qualifications. The head of the department was elected Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor E. M. Psyadlo.

Compatible with the Department of Clinical Psychology, employees of the Department of Social Assistance and Practical Psychology were developing research work on the topic "Systemic-forming factors of personality well-being in psychosocial stress." The customer was MES of Ukraine.

Since 2016, a correspondence and stationary graduate school in the direction of 19.00.05 - "Social psychology and psychology of social work" was opened on the basis of the department.

Since 01.01.2018, the departments of clinical psychology and social assistance and practical psychology have become part of the newly created faculty of psychology and social work of ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov. In 2020, the departments were merged and the Department of Practical and Clinical Psychology was created, at which applicants for higher education from the field of knowledge are trained 05 Social and behavioral sciences, specialty, 053 Psychology, at the first, second and third levels of higher education.

The department provides postgraduate studies in specialty 053 - Psychology.

The main areas of scientific activity of the department:

The research activities of the Department of Practical and Clinical Psychology are carried out within the framework of priority areas of scientific research of ONU, current areas of psychology, modern technologies and types of activities of practical psychology.

Employees of the department are working on the scientific topic: No. 185 "Socio-psychological adaptation and psychological support of persons engaged in special activities." State registration number: 0118U001788. Topic leader: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor E. M. Psyadlo.

Also, the staff of the department carries out research work No. 186 on the topic "Emotional stress and psychological assistance" (№0118U007173). Responsible performer: candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor N.V. Jung.

The research work of the department is also attended by students of the first, second and third levels of higher education (bachelors, masters and postgraduate students).

Lecturers of the department train students the following disciplines: general psychology, psychodiagnostics, age psychology, clinical psychodiagnostics, clinical psychotherapy, psychology of motivation and emotion, pedagogical psychology and education psychology, anthropology and zoopsychology, social psychology, human ecology, ethnopsychology, differential psychology, experimental psychology, basics of gestaltherapy, gestalt approach in clinical practice, basics of suicidology, basics of psychological practice, experimental psychology, anatomy and morphology of the nervous system, mathematical methods in psychology and psychometrics, work psychology and engineering psychology, psychodiagnostics and testology, career guidance and professional selection, psychogenics and psychoprophylaxis, legal psychology, forensic psychological expertise, the basis of psychological expertise, management psychology, psychology of communication and conflictology, victimology, the basics of sex education and sexology, medical and social foundations of health, the specifics of the psychologist's work in the clinic, medical and social rehabilitation, defectology and special psychology, psychology of abnormal behavior.

Possible areas of use of the received education:

  • Work at the areas of health, physical education and social welfare;
  • Work at the fields of education, science and scientific services;
  • Work as a psychologist at educational institutions (preschool, general education, vocational, higher educational institutions), at health-care institutions (medical and preventive institutions, perinatal, drug treatment, rehabilitation centers);
  • Work at boarding schools and orphanages for children with various developmental disabilities; rehabilitation centres.
  • Work at the Centre for Social Services for Family, Children and Youth, Children's Centres for Creativity and Leisure, Trust Service, Orphanages, Shelters, Gerontological Centres);
  • Work at staff selection institutions (personnel agencies, employment centers, career guidance centers), at the State Emergency Service, advisory points.

Students receive practical skills and the development of theoretical knowledge on the bases of educational and industrial practices:

  • Office of the State Department of Ukraine for the Execution of Sentences in Odessa Region;
  • Public organization Association of Child, Family, Perinatal Psychologists, Doctors and Teachers "Psyche" (UO "Association of Psyche");
  • Center of Practical Neuropsychology of Odessa;
  • Psychological service of GUNP in Odessa region, Odessa;
  • MBO Rehabilitation Center "Staircase" Odessa;
  • Odessa Regional Medical Center for Psychological Health;
  • Children's Center of Creativity "Kornyusha" Odessa;
  • City Center for Social Services
  • Department of Social Protection and Health of Podolsk City Council, Podolsk;
  • Odessa Regional Charity Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Children "Future" in Odessa;
  • Psychological studio "Sovunya" Odessa.
  • Clinic of reproduction "Nadezhda" Odessa.

To ensure effective theoretical and practical training of future psychologists, to deepen the professional competence of faculty in the implementation of educational programs, the department has established stable ties with foreign institutions and educational institutions, namely:

  • University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrück (Germany);
  • St. Cyril and Methodius University (Bulgaria);
  • Gerontological Medical and Social Center "Hippocrates" (M., Germany);
  • University of Passau, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Psychology (Germany).


Odessa, Dvoryanska Str., 2, office 69 (2nd floor)

Department of Practical and Clinical Psychology

Ph. 048 - 776-07-71

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Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Vsevoloda Zmiienka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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