Scientific Society of Young Scientists, Students and Postgraduates

Scientific Society of Young Scientists, Students and Postgraduates of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

The purpose of the Scientific Society of Young Scientists, Students and Postgraduates of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work (FPSW) is to create and provide conditions for comprehensive development, to reveal the scientific, inventive and creative potential of higher education applicants and people working in university as scientists, multilateral, creative and holistic individuals; to popularize  researches in the field of psychology and social work at Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University; to develop innovative activity in optimization of scientific and educational work.

Young scientists are postgraduates and employees of the FPSW under the age of 35 years, who have a Master’s degree and conduct basic and / or applied researches and obtain scientific results.

At the present time, the faculty has twenty-five young scientists (18 postgraduates, 5 Candidates of Sciences, 2 senior lecturers).

The main goals  of the Scientific Society of the FPSW are:

  1. popularization of scientific activity among students, postgraduates, doctoral students and young scientists of the faculty;
  2. involvement of students, postgraduates, doctoral students and young scientists in the implementation of researches, projects, programs (including international), innovation and academic mobility;
  3. organization of scientific events, including conferences, symposiums, round tables, competitions of scientific works, winter and summer schools, etc., for the participation of students, postgraduates, doctoral students and young scientists to promote social and behavioral sciences;
  4. assistance in organizing the activities of students research groups, round tables, projects, etc .;
  5. promoting students participation in the All-Ukrainian competitions of students research papers in the humanities;
  6. election of voted delegates among young scientists of the faculty to the Council of Young Scientists of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University;
  7. distribution of research results of students, postgraduates, doctoral students, young scientists and the activities of the Scientific Society through the social media, in particular on the university website and on Facebook and Instagram pages;
  8. providing information about the scientific activity of the university, All-Ukrainian and international conferences, publications in journals, scientific events related to the organization of scientific activity, work of Scopus and Web of Science databases;
  9. establishing external relations of international scientific and cultural cooperation with higher education institutions, scientific institutions and organizations of other countries;
  10. improving the quality of research and scientific-practical work of students, postgraduates, doctoral students and young scientists of the FPSW in order to gain practical experience in the professional field.

Head of the Scientific Society of Young Scientists, Students and Postgraduates of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work

gudimova AH naukove tov molodyh vshenyh

Alisar Hudimova

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology,
Associate Professor of the Department of Social Psychology

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Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Dvoryans'ka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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