Chair of General and Developmental Psychology

Head Department: Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor

Kireeva Zoya Alexandrovna

Head of the department: doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor Kireieva Zoya


History of the Department

The history of the development of psychological science at Odessa National University begins in 1896, when MM Lange, who belonged to the constellation of scientists at Novorossiysk University, opened the first laboratory of experimental psychology in Ukraine, separated from the departments of psychiatry, physiology, and philosophy. A worthy guardian and successor of historical traditions in science, coming from IM Sechenova, II Mechnikov, AO Kovalevsky, NN Lange became David Henrikhovich Elkin (1895 - 1983). Brilliant researcher - experimenter DG Elkin spent many years of his life studying the psychological mechanisms of memory, attention, perception, and the formation of skills. But the most significant contribution to the development of psychological science was made by DG Elkin's fundamental research on the perception of time. It is the work of DG Elkin actually turned the Department of Pedagogy into the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, which was designed, taking into account the wartime, only in 1945, and in 1960 the Department of Psychology became independent. D.G. Elkin headed the department until 1975, and then - Associate Professor TM Goat. In 1987, on the initiative of Professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences IG Bilyavsky, the Department of General and Social Psychology was established. In 2011, the ONU was reorganized and today the department is called General Psychology and Psychology of Personality Development, its head - Doctor of Psychology, Professor ZO Kireeva. The department conducts fundamental research on topical issues of social sciences and humanities on the topic: "Dynamics of personality development in the temporal development of life." One of the priority scientific directions is the study of time, which was started by DG Elkin and continued by his students, in particular Professor BY Tsukanov, who built a holistic concept of psychological time based on the experimental measurement of its unit "τ (tau) -type". , which does not change during life and has individual limits: 0.7s <<1.1s. Scientific School "Psychology of Time" has a high level of research on temporal phenomena in various fields of psychological science (psychology of consciousness, age psychology, psychology of management, military psychology, psychology of art, psychology of work, rhythm, medical psychology, psychological health, psychology of intelligence, etc. ).

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of General Psychology and the psychology of personality development include:

  • Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor ZOKireeva,
  • Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor OD Litvinenko
  • Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Artyukhina NV,
  • Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor VM Buganov,
  • Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Chachko SL,
  • Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior Lecturer Martyniuk Yu.O.
  • Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Assistant Mostova TD,
  • laboratory assistant Melnik O.Yu.

The pedagogical staff of the department teaches both general psychological disciplines (general psychology, personality psychology, developmental psychology, history of psychology, psycholinguistics, basics of psychotherapy, psychophysiology) and developed author's courses for bachelors and masters:

  • Psychology of life
  • Art-therapeutic technologies of personality development
  • Psychology of trauma
  • Psychosomatics and psychocorrection
  • Diagnosis and correction of post-traumatic stress disorders
  • Ecological facilitation of personal growth
  • Family counseling: a system - structural approach
  • Psychosomatic aspects in positive psychotherapy
  • Psychodiagnostic potential of artherapy
  • Training technologies of personal growth
  • Human sexuality and family planning.

Students studying at the department undergo internships in:

  • schools
  • psychoneurological dispensary
  • Media
  • pro-government institutions and law enforcement agencies
  • enterprises
  • development and rehabilitation centers.

Practice provides the maximum assimilation of the received theoretical knowledge and their full application in psychological work. And also provides a wide range of employment opportunities. Students and masters participate as assistants in the pedagogical process and co-trainers in practical classes.

The student scientific society "Blossoming" is created at the department, which provides conditions for scientific activity of students, graduate students and young scientists. The conference of the same name is held annually.

Information for entrants

The Department of General Psychology and Psychology of Personality Development trains specialists in the field of psychology in individual and family counseling, employee of the psychological service of the education system, psychologist in recruitment and staffing agencies, HR manager (personnel management specialist), psychologist-analyst in law enforcement agencies. authorities, in the field of social practice, in the media, etc.

Scientific work

Priority areas of modern research work of the department are comprehensive studies of personality development in life, features of the influence of temporality on human psychology and gender features of personality development, its adaptation and activity in terms of social change.


Odessa, Dvoryanskaya, 2. Aud. 105.


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Vsevoloda Zmiienka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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