Bezhan Olena Anatoliyivna


PhD in Linguistics

associate professor


Google Scholar


  • In 2005 graduated from Odessa National University named after I.І. Mechnikov, «English language and literature» specialty;
  • From 2006 to 2020, worked as a laboratory assistant, lecturer, senior lecturer on the Department of Foreign Literature;
  • Since 2010 works as a lecturer in the Department of Foreign Literature;
  • In 2013 defended PhD thesis on «The Holocaust Motif in Recent American and Russian Literature (W. Styron, J. Foer, A. Kuznetsov,
  • V. Grossman)», (specialty 10.01.05 – Comparative Literature) at the National Dnipropetrovsk University named after Oles Honchar. In 2020 received the academic title of associate professor of the Foreign Literature Department

Educational activities:

  • History of foreign literature. The Middle Ages and the Renaissance (RGF Faculty and Philological Faculty)
  • History of foreign literature (17th–18th centuries). The era of Classicism, Baroque and Enlightenment (RGF Faculty and Philological Faculty)
  • The modern American novel (the second half of the 20th, the first third of the 21st century) (RGF Faculty)
  • Newest foreign literature for master's students (RGF Faculty)
  • Genres typology and poetics of in the literary discourse (the second half of the 20th and the first third of the 21st century) for graduate students
  • Supervises the students’ school teaching practice and the assistantship of masters at the department.
  • Guidance on course papers and master's theses.

Membership in associations: Full member of the scientific organization "Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation

Fellowships and grants:

  1. 02/ 2020 at Polonia Academy in Czestochowa (Czestochowa, Poland)
  2. 11/2022 – 04/2023 at Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) (Vienna, Austria)
  3. 08/2023 – Ukraine Nonresidential Scholars Program at Indiana University (Bloomington, USA)

Areas of scientific interests: American literature, comparative studies Holocaust literature, ,

Main publications:

  1. Bezhan O. Biohrafiia ta avtobiohrafiia yak zhanrovi modyfikatory literatury pro Holokost Naukovyi visnyk Mizhnarodnoho humanitarnoho universytetu, №41 Odesa, 2019. S. 78-80
  2. Bezhan O. The artistic method of J. Kerouac in the novel “On the road”. Scientific Journal of Polonia University. Czestochowa 2020. 38 (1- 1). S. 6–12. Фахове видання.DOI:
  3. Bezhan O. The anthroponymicon peculiarities in the N. V. Gogol’s novella «Viy» Turismo: Estudos & Práticas (UERN), Mossoró/RN, Caderno Suplementar 01, 2021nS. 1-18. / Web of science jornal
  4. Bezhan O. Poetyzatsiia budennosti v romani Enn Tailer «Katushka synikh nytok». Aktualni pytannia linhvistyky ta metodyky vykladannia inozemnykh mov: zb. materialiv VIII mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf., prysviachenoi pamiati doktora pedahohichnykh nauk, profesora V.L. Skalkina (12 kvitnia 2022 roku). Odesa : ONU imeni I.I. Mechnykova, 2022. S. 175-179
  5. Bezhan O.A. «Literatura faktu» v amerykanskii prozi druhoi polovyny KhKh stolittia: do teorii pytannia. Aktualni pytannia humanitarnykh nauk: mizhvuzivskyi zbirnyk naukovykh prats molodykh vchenykh Drohobytskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka. Drohobych : Vydavnychyi dim «Helvetyka», 2023. Vyp. 60. Tom 1. S. 129 – 133.
  6. Bezhan O. «An ordinary American» in J. Updike’s short stories. Periodyk Naukowy Akademii Polonijnej, Częstochowa, 2023. 56 (1), S. 21-26.


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