Potapova Iryna
Google Scholar:
- 1976 – graduates from Odessa State University named after I.I. Mechnikov, the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology in specialty 035.041 Germanic languages and literature, First Foreign Language – English;
- 1989 – works as an English instructor of the department of the foreign languages and humanitarian faculties up till now;
- From May to June 2019 passed on-the-job training at Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies at the department of foreign languages.
Teaching activity:
- English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
Major spheres of scientific interest: modern Italian epigram
Major publications:
- Англійська мова для студентів заочного відділення історичного факультету Посібник з грифом Мінвузу / составители Звєрєва Н.Ю., Потапова I.M. Федотова М.А Філюк Л.М Пеліван О.К. – Oдесса Астропринт, 2007. – 226 с.