Mosiychuk Tamara


Position Associate Professor of the Department of Public Communications and Regional Studies, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology, Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov. 2, Vsevoloda Zmienko, Odesa, Ukraine 65082

Courses of practical classes in sociology for students of higher education of the Romano-Germanic faculty, the philological faculty, the faculty of history and philosophy.

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2009 - the scientific degree of Candidate of Sociological Sciences was awarded, specializing in special and branch sociology. The dissertation was defended at the Classical Private University, Zaporizhzhia.

1994 - a diploma of graduation from the Odessa State University named after I.I. Mechnikova by specialty 02.03. Sociology. Awarded specialist qualification - Sociologist. Sociology teacher. Teacher of socio-political disciplines in secondary schools.

1978 - a diploma of graduation from the Dubniv cultural and educational school was issued. Dubno, Rivne region, by profession - club worker, leader of an amateur choir.

Work experience:

2022 - Associate Professor of the Department of Public Communications and Regional Studies of I.I. Mechnikov Odesa National University.

  • 2009 - 2018 - Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology of the Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikova;
  • 2005 - 2009 - senior lecturer of the Department of Sociology of the Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikova;
  • 1997 - 2005 - teacher of Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikova;
  • 1994 - 1997 - graduate student of Odesa State University named after I.I. Mechnikova;
  • 1992 - 1994 - student of Odesa State University named after I.I. Mechnikova;
  • 1990 - 1992 - student of the Odessa Institute of Sociology and Social Management;
  • 1980 - 1990 - laboratory assistant, instructor-methodologist of industrial gymnastics, senior technician of the Lyubomyr silicate plant, Lyubomyrka village, Rivne region;
  • 1978 - 1979 - director of the House of Culture of the village Golovyn of the Kostopil district of the Rivne region.

Scientific interests in sociology:

The topic of the candidate's thesis: "Social rehabilitation of socially deprived categories of the population: a sociological approach"; sociology of social rehabilitation, sociology of deviant behavior, socially exclusive/inclusive processes in the youth environment, sociology of risk and social security; PR and public sociology, sociology of public opinion.

Email address:

Course programs:

  1. "Sociology of deviant behavior"
  2. "Sociology of Youth"
  3. "Methodology of teaching sociology"
  4. "Methodology of teaching special sociological disciplines in higher educational institutions"
  5. Pedagogical and master's practice in secondary and higher education institutions.


  1. Mosiichuk T. E. Peculiarities of developing a system of empirical indicators of the level of social security of the educational environment /I. KrapIva// - Habitus, 2018/6 - p. 77-84.
  2. Mosiichuk T. E. Historical contexts and modern possibilities of border socio-territorial communities / Podshivalkina V.I. // X Lviv Sociological Forum "The change of social spaces through sociological optics: manifestations, contexts, opportunities" collection of theses (Lviv - October 13, 2016) - S. 40-41.
  3. Mosiichuk T. E. Contextuality of higher education as a factor of safety of socio-professional relations /I.Krapiva// Sociology: theory, methods, marketing, 2016/2 - Kyiv, Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2016. - P.133–140.
  4. Mosiichuk T. E. Socially deprived categories of the population as an object of sociological research. International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Issues and Problems of the Development of Social Sciences" VSHEKHNITSA Sventokshi Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, Kielce, Republic of Poland, June 28-30, 2016.
  5. Mosiichuk T.E. Historical contexts and modern possibilities of border socio-territorial communities / Podshivalkina V.I. // X Lviv Sociological Forum "The change of social spaces through sociological optics: manifestations, contexts, opportunities" collection of theses (Lviv - October 13, 2016) - S. 40-41.
  6. Mosiichuk T.E. Peculiarities of potential socially exclusive processes in the environment of future specialists /T. THERE ARE. Mosiychuk/ Herald of Odesa National University. – 2015. Volume 20. Issue 1 (22) Series: Sociology and political sciences. P. 40-47.
  7. Mosiichuk T. E. Contextuality of higher education as a factor of humanitarian and international security: before the problem statement. /Koval I.M., Podshivalkina V.I. / Bulletin of Odessa National University. Vol. 18. Issue 3(19). Sociology and political sciences series, Odesa: "Astroprint" 2013. - P.9-19.
  8. Mosiichuk T. E. Everyday work practices of employed students / Polyuga V.A. / Intelligentsia and power. Social and political scientific collection. – 2011. – Issue 21-2011. Series: sociology. – Odesa: Astroprint.
  9. Mosiichuk T. E. Professional career of an officer: becoming a young specialist / V.A. Polyuga. / Herald of I.I. Mechnikov Odesa National University. Series "Sociology and political sciences". T. 16. Issue 10. – Odesa: ONU, 2011. – S. 305-315.
  10. Mosiichuk T. E. Podshivalkina V.I. Sociotechnical aspects of social rehabilitation of convicted women // Kharkiv sociological readings - 97. Collection of scientific works. "Osnova" publishing house at Kharkiv University.
  11. Mosiichuk T. E. Odesa College of Design and Technology as an educational rehabilitation institution for the implementation of social technologies // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Integration of pupils and student youth with special needs into the system of professional education and modern life"/ edited by O.S. Tsokur. May 22, 2009 p. Part 2. "Current problems of the theory and history of pedagogy." - Odesa, ODUVS, 2009. – 44p.
  12. Mosiichuk T. E. Peculiarities of self-identification and identification in deviant groups // Bulletin of Odesa University. – 2008. Volume 13. Issue 3
  13. Mosiichuk T.E. Pobeda N.O., Plahotny O.I. Social health and social rehabilitation as a subject of sociological research (methodological approaches) // Herald of Odesa National University. – 2007. Volume 12. Issue 14.
  14. Mosiichuk T.E. Institutionalization of social rehabilitation: ethnic and practical aspects // Problems of the development of sociological theory. Social processes in Ukraine. Fourth All-Ukrainian Sociological Conference. - K.: PC "Foliant", 2004.
  15. Mosiichuk T.E. Social rehabilitation as a mechanism for restoring social ties in society // Bulletin of Odessa University. – 2003. – T.8. – Issue 9.
  16. Mosiichuk T.E. The concept of "social rehabilitation" and its sociological foundation // Social technologies: actual problems of theory and practice: Interuniversity collection. – Odesa: Astroprint, 2000. – Issue 6-7.
  17. Mosiichuk T.E. Some aspects of education of children of the Chernobyl zone in sanatorium-resort health facilities (political-social aspect) /Hedikova N.P.// Scientific and methodological journal "Our School". – Odesa, 1998. - No. 3.

Chapters in monographs:

  1. Language of education of ethno-national minorities of Odesa region: sociological dimension: monograph / O. Liseyenko, N. Nikon, T. Mosiychuk, L. Kalashnikova, M. Yatsenko; according to general ed.О. Liseyenko. - Odesa, "Astroprint" 2020 - 176 p. (1.5 d.a))
  2. Social rehabilitation as a type of sociological activity: conceptual foundations // Social technologies: for what? in what way with what result?: monograph/Collective of authors, Sci. ed. V.I. Podshivalkina - Odesa: "Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov", 2014. - 546 p., art. 491-502.

Teaching and methodical manuals:

  1. Mosiychuk T.E. M818 Methodology of teaching special sociological disciplines in higher educational institutions: Educational - methodical manual/ T. E. Mosiychuk; Odesa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov - Odesa, 2017. -39 p.
  2. Mosiychuk T.E. M818 Fundamentals of social management: Educational - methodical manual/ T. E. Mosiychuk; Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov - Odesa, 2017. - 56 p.
  3. Mosiychuk T.E. Practical preparation of sociologist students for professional activity// Educational and methodological manual (for students of the specialty 7.04.01 "Sociology" of the educational qualification levels "bachelor", "specialist", "master"./Mosiychuk T.E., Kryvosheya T.I .; Odesa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov - Odesa, 2014. 32 p.
  4. Mosiychuk T.E. Methodical manual "Sociology of deviant behavior" / T.Ye Mosiychuk. - Odesa, 2005. - 40 p.

Since 2010, she has been a member of the Presidium of the trade union organization and the commission for organizing cultural and educational work and recreation of employees of the Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov. In 2014, she was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Odesa Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine for active, fruitful work in the sectoral Trade Union in the protection of labor, socio-economic rights and interests of trade union members.

Since 1990 - a member of the South Ukrainian Sociological Association of Ukraine.


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Vsevoloda Zmiienka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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