Brusylovska Olga


Department of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology,
Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
2,Vsevoloda Zmienko, Odesa, Ukraine, 65082.

Telephone (+380 482) 63 32 59; Fax (+380 482) 68 72 84;

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORCID ID: Olga Brusylovska

Scopus ID: 57195100889

Google Scholar: Olga Brusylovska

Web of Science ResearcherID: ACD-8449-2022

Also in: Facebook, Linkedin, Academia, ResearchGate.

Main Courses: 1). Systemic Transformation of Post-Communist Countries of Europe and Asia. 2). Foreign Policy of the countries of Eastern Europe. 3). Regional Studies. 4). Methodology of Scientific Project Writing. 5). Russian-Ukrainian War.  

Since 2022 – Visiting researcher in Centre of Eastern Europe, University of Warsaw, Poland.

Since 2015 – Chief of the Department of International Relations, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University.

Since 2009 – Professor, Department of IR.

Since 2008 – Doctor of the Political Sciences. Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine. Title of Doctoral Thesis: “Political-Systemic Transformation in the Region of Eastern Europe, 1989-2004”.

1998 – Associate Prof., Department of IR.

Science editor of “International and Political Studies” (ISSN 2707-5206, Odesa, Ukraine). Member of editorial board of the academic journals: “Politology Bulletin” (ISSN 2415-881X, Kyiv, Ukraine), “Transformations” (ISSN 1230-0292, Warsaw, Poland), electronic academic journal “Rhetoric and Communication” (ISSN 1314-4464, Sofia, Bulgaria); a member of Review’s Board of the academic journals “Strategic Review” (Poznan, Poland) and “Bulletin of Lviv National University. International Relations Series” (Lviv, Ukraine).

Mother tongues: Ukrainian, Russian. Other languages: English, Polish.

Membership in professional associations: Club of Graduates of Eastern Summer School (Warsaw University, 2001), European International Studies Association (EISA, 2013), Ukrainian European Studies Association (UESA, 2019), International Studies Association (ISA, 2019), Political Studies Association (PSA, 2020), DiscourseNet (2020), Eastern and South-Eastern Europe Fanel Network (2021), The Ukrainian Association of Professors and Researchers on European Integration (2022).

List of main publications

“Energy safety of Ukraine: Russian factor”. Modelling the New Europe 22 (2017). (Scopus)
“Political transformations in the post-Soviet states: Methodological approaches and research problems”. Odessa National University Herald. Political Science. 22, 2(29) (2017): 11-17.
“Strategic Culture of Ukraine as the Research Instrument of the Ukrainian Foreign Policy”. In Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, eds. І. Koval, О. Brusylovska, and V. Dubovyk, 7-19. Odesa: Odessa Mechnikov National University Press, 2017. (with Polina Sinovets).
“Factors and evolution of Ukrainian-Russian relations”. In Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, eds. І. Koval, О. Brusylovska, and V. Dubovyk, 96-115. Оdesa: Odessa Mechnikov National University Press, 2017.
“International Consequences of Russian-Ukrainian Conflict”. Research and Development on Social Sciences 13 (2017): 323-330.
“The Re-Politicisation of Modern Russian – Ukrainian Relations”. Odesa National University Herald. Political Science. 23, 2(31) (2018): 11-34.
“Post-communist identities and their transformations: The cases of Poland and Romania”. In Balkan and Baltic States in United Europe. Histories, Religions, and Cultures II, eds. E. Anastasova, S. Toncheva, 56-65. Sofia: Paradigma Publishing House, 2018.
“‘Russian World’ in the Black Sea Region: The Case of Ukraine”. In Baltic-Black Sea Regionalisms. Patchworks and Networks at Europe’s Eastern Margins, eds. O. Bogdanova, A. Makarychev, 225-234. Springer International Publishing, 2020. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-24878-9 (with Sergii Glebov). (Scopus)
“East – West Border: Possibilities of Ukraine’s CBC with Poland and Romania”. In Old Borders – New Challenges, New Borders – Old Challenges. De-Bordering and Re-Bordering in Contemporary Europe, ed. J. Janczak, 45-74. Series of the Collegium Polonicum, Band 34. Logos Verlag, 2019 (with Iryna Maksymenko).
“Peculiarities of the European Union as International Actor: Contemporary Scientific Discourse”. In Prospect of Development in EU Politics: Global and Regional Dimensions, eds. O. Brusylovska, I. Koval, 7-19. Odesa: Odessa Mechnikov National University Press, 2019.
“EU – Russia Relations: Main Issues and Forecasts”. In Prospect of Development in EU Politics: Global and Regional Dimensions, eds. O. Brusylovska, I. Koval, 73-92. Odesa: Odessa Mechnikov National University Press, 2019.
“Russian Politics toward Ukraine: Was there Ever a Strategic Partnership?” Przegląd Strategiczny 12 (2019): 131–144. DOI: 10.14746/ps.2019.1.9 (with Igor Koval). (Scopus)
“Rethinking the international power of the Russian Federation”. In Global Trends of International Relations: Monograph, 194–226. Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Vadeks, 2020. (in Ukrainian).
“Theories of international relations in scientific discussions: An imaginary dialogue between Ole Wæver and Knud Erik Jorgensen”. International and Political Studies (InterPoliS), 2020, 33, 39–51. (in Ukrainian).
“Critical Discourse Analysis in International Relations Studies: The cases of Russia and Ukraine”. Rhetoric and Communications, Issue 43, April 2020. Retrieved from
“Structural Realism vs Constructivism? Modern Scientific Approaches to the Study of the Black Sea Region”. In Brusylovska, Olga, Dubovyk, Volodymyr, and Koval, Igor (eds.), 6-26. Black Sea Region in World Policy: Actors, Factors, and Scenarios of the Future. Odesa: Odessa Mechnikov National University Press, 2020.
“Features of the Modern Approach of China to the Black Sea Region Countries”. In Brusylovska, Olga, Dubovyk, Volodymyr, and Koval, Igor (eds.), 112-135. Black Sea Region in World Policy: Actors, Factors, and Scenarios of the Future. Odesa: Odessa Mechnikov National University Press, 2020.
“Politics of the PRC in the Black Sea Region: The Economy as a Principal Political Instrument”. In Nesrin Kenar & Ibrahim Seaga Shaw (Eds.). Conflict & Peace in International Politics: Issues, Actors, Approaches, 43-52. London: IJOPEC Publication, 2021.
“Authoritarianism and nationalism challenges in post-Soviet space: Is there a correlation between them?” Ukraine Analytica 4 (26) 2021.
“Consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine”. Lianhe Zaobao, April 2022, Singapore.
“Russian invasion to Ukraine: Reasons and challenges”. Ukraine Analytica 1 (27) 2022.
“The Role of Poland in the Formulation and Implementation of EU Eastern Policy”. The formation and peculiarities of the implementation of the European Union’s Eastern policy: Scientific monograph [science eds. T. Astramovich-Leik, Ya. Turchyn]. Riga, Latvia: “Baltija Publishing”, 2022, 45-59.
“Russian invasion to Ukraine 2022: Discussions and Perceptions inside Academia”. Warsaw East European Review 2022, N 12, p. 7-18. DOI 10.61097/22992421/WEERXII/2022/7-17
“Security and Defense Policy of Ukraine in the Main Provisions and Objectives of its Strategic Documents”. In: Sinovets, P., Alberque, W. (eds.). Arms Control and Europe. Contributions to International Relations, 111-124. Springer, Cham, 2022 (Scopus)
“Discourse Analysis of Media on the War 2022 in Ukraine: The case of Russia”. Regional Science Policy & Practice. Special Issue: Ukraine: Geopolitical Realities and Regional Development Perspectives, 2022. (Scopus) (with Iryna Maksymenko).
“Russia’s Nuclear Blackmail as a Threat to the Global Nuclear Order”. In: Adérito, V., Sinovets, P., Theron, J. (eds.). Russia’s War on Ukraine. The Implications for the Global Nuclear Order. Contributions to Political Science. Springer, Cham, 2023 (Scopus)
“Scientific Discourse on Ukraine-EU Relations through the Prism of “The European Idea”. Rocznik Centrum Studiów nad Ukrainą, N 1, 2023, ed. by H. Litwin, р. 95-106.
“Russia’s regional policy: Unlearned lessons of local conflicts”. European Political and Law Discourse, 2024, Volume 11, Issue 2, p. 5-15. DOI: 10.46340/eppd.2024.11.2 (Scopus) (with Iuliia Maistrenko).
“Russian narratives of the war in Ukraine as reflected in the Serbian and Polish press”. European Political Science (2024). (Scopus)

International conferences, seminars, schools:

Training “Digital tools in teaching and courses” in the frames of the project “Rethinking Regional Studies: The Baltic-Black Sea Connection” (Tartu, 2019). Odesa International Debates “Uniting Ukraine, the Black Sea Region, and the Transatlantic Partners” (Odesa, 2019). Training “Digital tools in teaching and courses” in the frames of the project “Rethinking Regional Studies: The Baltic-Black Sea Connection” (Poznan, 2019). 3 Annual Conference AESC “The Experience of Inter-Regionalism in the Black Sea and Caucasus Regions: Norm Diffusion, Legal Approximation and Contestation” (Odesa, 2019). CEEISA-ISA International Conference «IR in the Age of Anxiety» (Belgrade, 2019). 13 EISA Pan-European Conference (Sofia, 2019). International Conference “Europe of 21st century” (Slubice, 2020). E-Conference “Polska-Ukraina, Polacy-Ukraińcy. Bilans wzajemnych relacji” (Krakow, 2020). International E-Forum “University in Society 2021: Cross-Border Cooperation and Regional Development” (Minsk, 2021). 2 International E-Conference “The world in the age of pandemic and рost-pandemic period” (Poznan, 2021). E-Round Table “Enhancing EU actorness in Eastern Partnership” (Chisinau, 2021). 19th Nordic Political Science Association E-Congress NoPSA (Reykjavik, 2021). International Workshop “Reflecting on and looking ahead at the changed landscape of higher education in light of rapid digitalization” (Odesa, 2021). 25th Annual Conference of Central European Political Science Association “Challenges to Democracy: Political Processes in Central and Eastern Europe” (Olszytyn, 2021). ESEE FANEL Network International Conference “The Other Europe? Resilience and Assertiveness in Our Region” (Bucharest, 2022). Warsaw East European Conference “Still without peace” (Warsaw, 2022). Workshop “War on Ukraine and the Nuclear World Order” (Paris, 2023). 73rd PSA Annual Conference, “Political Futures” (Liverpool, 2023). The congress of the international association DiscourseNet and the Latin-American association ALED “Discourses and their impacts on a world of multiple crises” (Valencia, 2023). The workshop “The Ring of the Mediterranean: Regional Studies” (Rome, 2024). The Panel “Modern Perception of Turkey and Ukraine in the Black Sea-Mediterranean Region” (Rize, 2024). Warsaw East European Conference “How to deter Russia: Resilience of Ukraine and of the Western community” (Warsaw, 2024). CADAAD conference “Borders and boundaries in/across discourses” (Poznan, 2024). The Seventh Global Conference of WISC “International Relations in a World of Flux: Understanding Continuity, Change and Contestation” (Warsaw, 2024).

On-going projects:

  1. THE RING OF MEDITERRANEAN: REGIONAL STUDIES, Project № 101047919 — MEDITERreg — ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH, Agreement № 101047919 — MEDITERreg, Odesa, 2022-2025.
  2. HORIZON-CL2-2023-DEMOCRACY-01 «Empowering the Geopolitical EU in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans» (GEO-POWER-EU). 2024 – 2027.


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