Vakarchuk Kateryna
Department of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University. 2, Vsevoloda Zmienko, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082.
Telephone (+380 482) 63 32 59; Fax (+380 482) 68 72 84;
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ORCID ID: Vakarchuk Kateryna
Google Scholar: Vakarchuk Kateryna
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Main Courses: 1). Latin-American countries in World politics; 2). International Relations in the Ibero-American countries in the world; 3) Foreign policy of Latin-American countries; 4) Strategic planning in International Relations.
Since September 2010 – Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
Since February 2010 - PhD in Political Sciences, National University «Odesa Low Academy», Odesa, Ukraine.
Since September 2018 till 2020– Deputy Dean, Department of International Relations
Mother tongues: Ukrainian. Other languages: Russian – Fluently, English B2, Spanish A 2
Membership in associations: The Ukrainian Association for American Studies; International Association for Discourse Analysis (2023, DiscourseNet); Association of Hispanics of Ukraine (2023).
List of main publications:
- Iberian model of local self-government: measures and values of public policy. // The social movement in the world and the transformation of the political regimes of the countries - Simferopol, 2012. – Р. 24-28. (in Ukrainian).
- Perspectives of political integration in the countries of Latin America. // I American Studiоs - Simferopol, 2012. - P. 24-26. (in Ukrainian).
- American-Brazilian relations: crisis of nowadays // Іssues of the day of international relations: political, economic and legal aspects. - Lviv: DPІ, 2013. - P. 211-212. (in Ukrainian).
- Brazilian Foreign Policy under President D. Rousseff // II American Studiоs. - Simferopol, 2013. - p. 90-94. (Russian)
- Modern mixed model and hybrid systems of local self-government in the cases of Spain and Latin American countries» // Symbolae Europaeae. – Koszalin, 2015. – N 8. – P. 137-149.
- World experience of transformation processes in the classic systems of self-government on the example of Great Britain, France and Germany // Rozumovsky meetings. Collection of scientific works - Chernihiv, 2016. - P. 102-113. (in Ukrainian).
- Spanish model of decentralization: experience for Ukraine // Politicus. - Odesa. – 2016. - №.4 (in Ukrainian).
- Integration processes in the countries of the Ibero-American world // Actual Problem of Policy. Odesa, 2017 (in Ukrainian).
- Relations between a centre and autonomies in Spain: on the example of Catalonia // Regional politics: history. Kyiv, 2017. (in Ukrainian).
- BRICS in the system of international relations of ХХІ century. – ONU Herald. Series Political Sciences. - 2017. - Т. 22, №. 29. in Ukrainian).
- Policy of the D. Trump administration in Latin American countries: prediction and perspectives // American history and politics. - № 5. – 2018. (in Ukrainian).
- Foreign Policy of Argentina in the post-bipolar period // ONU Herald. Series: Political Sciences. – 2018. - Т. 23, №. 31. (in Ukrainian).
- Catalonia in international relations // International Relations in the Post-Truth Era. / Under general. ed. Brusylovska O.I. Kyiv: Vadex. P. 281–307. - Odesa, 2018. (in Ukrainian).
- The US - Brazil Relations in the post-bipolar period. – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2018. – 56 p. (in Ukrainian).
- China’s strategic partnership with Latin America countries: Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela // Іnternational and Political Studies // (in English)
- EU-MERCOSUR relations: intercontinental dialogue // Section in monograph . – Prospects for EU policy development: global and regional dimensions / Under Zag. ed. Brusylovskaya O. I., Blacksmith I. M. – Odesa,2019 (in Ukrainian and in English).
- Aggravation of the crisis in Venezuela: internal dynamics and external influences // Independent Analytical Center for Geopolitical Studies Borysfen Intel // (in Ukrainian).
- Protests in Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile and the revenge of leftist forces in Argentina: causes and consequences for the region // Independent Analytical Center for Geopolitical Studies Borysfen Intel // i-chili-ta-revansh-livix-sil-v-argentini/ (in Ukrainian).
- The impact the media have on the referendum in Catalonia // In Rhetoric and Communications Journal, Issue 43, April 2020 // Retrieved from (in English)
- The Latin American vector of China's foreign policy // Borisfen Intel, an independent think tank of geopolitical studies, (in Ukrainian).
- Discrediting Ukraine by Russian media in Latin America // Independent Analytical Center for Geopolitical Studies Borysfen Intel // (in Ukrainian).
- The United States and Latin America after the election of Joe Biden // Independent Geopolitical Research Think Tank Borysfen Intel // (in Ukrainian).
- Joe Biden s Foreign Policy towards Latin America // “BINTEL” journal // № 1 – P. 59-68 (in English).
- Modernization a transformation from «Traditional» to Modern Society // Postmodern Opening. – Vol. 12 No. 4 (2021) (in English).
- Modern interstate and diaspora relations between Ukraine and Argentina and Brazil: international dimension // Independent Analytical Center for Geopolitical Studies Borysfen Intel // (in Ukrainian).
- Cooperation of EU countries with MERCOSUR and CELAC: regional and global dimension // Inrerpolis. International and political studies. - No. 35. – pp. 145-157
- U.S. Policy on Cuba in 2015-2022 // Regional Studies. - No. 30 – P. 127-133 //
- EU-Brazil Relations, Argentina, Mexico: Economic and Political Context // American History and Politics – No. 14 (revised)
- Russian-Ukrainian war in the perception of Latin America // "BINTEL". – № 33. - C. 108 - 118 // ; Russian-Ukrainian war As Perceived by Latin America // «Bintel» No 33. – R. 108 – 118 //
- Actual problems of the development of the Iberoamerican world: a textbook / K.V. Vakarchuk. – Odesa: Astroprint, 2022. – 56 p.
- Latin American countries in world politics: guidelines / K.V. Vakarchuk. – Odesa: Astroprint, 2022. – 24 p.
- Foreign Policy of Latin America in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century: Textbook / K.V. Vakarchuk. – Odesa: Astroprint, 2022. – 64 p.
- Latin American Countries in World Politics in the Context of Russian Aggression against Ukraine. Global, regional and local factors of formation of the modern system of international relations / Ed. Koval I. M., Brusylovska O. I. Odesa: Astroprint, 2023.
- Spain's position and role during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Independent Analytical Center for Geopolitical Studies Borysfen Intel. 2023. URL:
- Is Brazil back in big politics? Independent Analytical Center for Geopolitical Studies Borysfen Intel. 2023. URL:
- Brazil's Multi-Vector and Balancing Position in Russia's War Against Ukraine "BINTEL". – No 3. 2023 – P. 25-32 //; Brazil’s Multi-Vector and Balancing Position in Russia’s War Against Ukraine – № 3. 2023 – P. 78-83 //
- Ways to counter Russian disinformation in Latin America. Hybrid threats in today's world. - Lviv-Toruń, 2024 - С. 24-27
- Ukraine's Communication Strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean. Independent Analytical Center for Geopolitical Studies Borysfen Intel. 2024. URL:
- Ukraine-Chile. ways of interaction and ways of support. Independent Analytical Center for Geopolitical Studies Borysfen Intel. 2024. URL:
- Global Peace Summit in Switzerland and participation of Latin American countries. Independent Analytical Center for Geopolitical Studies Borysfen Intel. 2024. URL:
- The Russian Information Landscape in Cuba During the Russian-Ukrainian War «Бінтел». – № 2. 2024 – P. 83-90
- Vakarchuk K., Nikolaieva M. (marzo 09, 2024). Cuba, una pieza clave en la propaganda de Rusia contra Ucrania //
- Vakarchuk K. (mayo 21, 2024) Caminos de cooperación y apoyo de Chile a Ucrania //
- Vakarchuk K. (augusto29, 2024) Voto latinoamericano en la ONU sobre la Planta Nuclear de Zaporiyia I //
- Vakarchuk K. (septiembre 10, 2024) Voto latinoamericano en la ONU sobre la Planta Nuclear de Zaporiyia II //
- BRICS Countries in the Russian-Ukrainian War: Position, Threats and Consequences International and Political Studies. 2024. Issue: 37, pp. 13-22. (Index Copernicus International) (accessed 11.03.2024) URL:
- Perception of Ukraine in Spain and Portugal after 2022. In Brusylovska, O., Erdogan, S., & Irrera, D. (eds), Multidimentional Regionalism in Mediterranean: Actors and Challenges. Odesa: Astroprint, 2024
International conferences, seminars, schools:
International scientific conference "II American Studies" (Simferopol. 2013). Political autumn in the South: pain points of the Odessa region (Odesa, 2015). Regional Public Forum on Decentralization (Odesa, 2015). International Scientific and Practical Conference "Regional Policy: Legislative Settlement and Practical Implementation" (Kyiv, 2015). International Conference "Razumov Meetings" (Chernihiv, 2015). International Scientific and Practical Conference "Regional Policy: Historical Origins, Legislative Regulation and Practical Implementation (Kyiv, 2016). Project "Academic Integrity in Ukraine" (Odesa, 2017). Member of the British Council project in Ukraine "English for universities" (Odesa, 2017). International Conference "Odessa Readings: Actual Problems of World History" (Odesa, 2017).
International scientific and practical conference: “History, political and legal principles, architecture, urbanism” (Kyiv, 2017). International Scientific Conference “Ukraine and the USA: Experience and Prospects for Cooperation” (Kyiv, 2017). International Scientific Conference “Modernization of Educational system: world trends and national peculiarities” (Kaunas, 2018). The 4th International youth conference “Perspectives of science and education SLOVO\WORD” (New York, USA, August 23, 2018).
International conference “The Hybrid War Decade: Lessons Learned to Move Forward Successfully”, Ukraine-NATO Platform on Countering Hybrid Warfare (Kyiv, 2018). International Scientific and Practical Conference "China - Ukraine: Prospects for Academic and Business Cooperation". - Odesa, May 27-28, 2019: Report: China's relations with the leading countries in the Latin America region; 13th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Sofia, Bulgaria, 11-14 September, 2019: Speech: Latin America is a new global actor in the system of international relations of the 21 centuries; X Congress of Spanish-speaking Ukraine "The Spanish-speaking world in the era of global and regional transformations (end.XX – beginning. XXI century)", Kyiv, September 20, 2019 Report: Latin America as a new global actor in the 21st century; 74-Scientific Conference of Teaching Staff and Researchers, Odesa – November 22, 2019: Report: The Role of Latin American Countries in the New World Order; International Videoconference Dedicated to the 130th Anniversary of the Settlement of Ukrainians in Brazil – September 10-11, 2021; Online Conference "Foreign Policy Coordinates of Latin America – The Place of Crimean Issues" - October 27, Ukrainian Prism, 2021. International scientific conference «The study of topical issues of modern society from the perspective of history, political science, sociology and philosophy»: conference proceedings - August 30–31, 2022. Riga, the Republic of Latvia; Sixth Global International Studies Conference «The ‘International’ Around the World: Multiple Voices, Alternative Orders» Buenos Aires, Argentina June 28 - July 1, 2022; International Scientific Conference "Ukraine-Latin America: 30 Cooperation. To the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Ukrainian scientist Y.V. Knorozov, Kyiv. - 25.11.2022.
Crisis of the modern international Security system: ukrainian peace formula, Aprile 21, Lviv 2023 International Scientific and Practical Conference "Image of Ukraine: Socio-Political Representations and Linguistic Reflection of Military Realities in Foreign and Domestic Media", June 15-16, 2023, Odesa 2023;International Congress « Discourses and their impacts on a world of multiple crises» 25-28 July, Valencia, Spain 2023; El Hispanismo y La Guerra XI Congreso de Hispanistas de Ucrania, 29-30 de septiembre de 2023, Lviv.; International Scientific Conference "Ukraine-Latin America: Challenges and Prospects of Global Partnership" - November 24-25, Kyiv 2023. Word International Studies Committee. Seventh Global International Studies Conference. University of Warsaw, Poland. – 24-26 july, 2024 // Russian- Ukrainian war in the perception of Latin America – Speaker. International Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Yuri Knorozov: "Ukraine–Latin America: Public Diplomacy on the Path to Mutual Understanding."- 13-14 грудня, 2024.