Dubovyk Volodymyr

Department of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
2, Dvoryanska, Odesa, Ukraine, 65082.

Telephone (+380 482) 63 32 59; Fax (+380 482) 68 72 84;
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORCID ID: Volodymyr Dubovyk
Google Scholar: Volodymyr Dubovyk

Main Courses:

  1. Theory of international relations.
  2. Foreign policy of Ukraine.
  3. Theory of international conflict.
  4. U.S. foreign policy.
  • 1996 – Present - Associate Professor, Department of International Relations.
  • 1996 – Present - Senior Research Fellow and Director (1999 – Present), Center for International Studies, Odesa Mechnikov National University.
  • 1996 - PhD in Political Science, Odessa Mechnikov State University. Title of Thesis: “U.S. Policy towards Ukraine (1991 - 1996): Analysis of Foreign Policy Concepts”.

Mother tongues: Russian, Ukrainian. Other languages: English.

Membership in associations: International Studies Association (ISA), 2001 – 2008; European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR) (and member of its steering committee), 2007 – 2013; American Studies Association in Ukraine, 2004 – present; Central and East European International Studies Association (CEE ISA), 1998 – present; Wilson Center European Alumni Association, 1998 – present; Ukrainian Political Science Association, 2005 – present; American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS), 1997 – 1999; Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), 1997 – 1999; American Association of Ukrainian Studies (AAUS), 1997 – 2004.

List of main publications:

  1. Brusylovska, Olga, Dubovyk, Volodymyr, and Koval, Igor (eds.). Black Sea Region in World Policy: Actors, Factors, and Scenarios of the Future. Odesa: Odessa Mechnikov National University Press, 2020.
  2. Dubovyk, Volodymyr. Kyiv should stay out of U.S. politics, - “New Eastern Europe”, June 10, 2020.
  3. No reason to roil Kyiv-Washington relations today, - “Kyiv Post”, May 24, 2020.
  4. Ukraine lacks leadership as coronavirus crisis escalates, - Atlantic Council Ukraine Blog. - April 8, 2020.
  5. U.S. role in the Black Sea region, - ”UA: Ukraine Analytica”, issue 1 (19), 2020, pp. 66-71.
  6. U.S. - Ukraine ties after the impeachment drama, - Atlantic Council Ukraine Blog. - February 4, 2020.
  7. EU-U.S. relations under president Trump / Brusylovska Olga, and Koval Igor, eds, Prospects of Development in EU Politics: Global and Regional Dimensions. - Odessa: Odessa Mechnikov National University Press, 2019. - P. 116-135.
  8. How the Trump administration’s contradictory policies impact Ukraine, - PONARS Eurasia, memo 568, January 25, 2019.
  9. Ukraine still needs U.S., European support and the ongoing scandal must not undermine it, - “New Eastern Europe”, 29.09.2019
  10. U.S. - Ukraine relations undergo a hard test: implications, - PONARS Eurasia, October 4, 2019.
  11. Defying marginality: explaining Ukraine’s and Georgia’s drive towards Europe, - “Journal of Contemporary European Studies”, vol. 27, issue 4, 2019, p. 451-462 (in co-authorship)
  12. The U.S and Ukraine: a partnership in action: the Trump - Zelensky indignity failed to derail bilateral cooperation. - PONARS Eurasia, Memo # 626, November 22, 2019.
  13. Ukraine and Russia: peace, war and future”. - “Yale global online”. - May 17, 2018.
  14. US – Ukraine Relations (1991-2017). In Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, edited by І. Koval, О. Brusylovska, V. Dubovyk, 116-134. Оdesa: Odesa Mechnikov National University Press, 2017.
  15. U.S. still retains its impact on Ukraine”. – “Kyiv Post”. – October 29, 2017.
  16. The USA specialists position concerning the nuclear disarmament of Ukraine (1992-1994)”. - “20 years of nuclear disarmament of Ukraine”. – Odessa, 2017. – p. 66-71.
    • President Trump’s Warsaw speech: a window into a Trump doctrine? – August 7, 2017 – PONARS Eurasia
    • Is Ukraine a client state of the United States. – February 2017. – policy memo # 459. – PONARS Eurasia
    • Saakashvili bids Odesa farewell// “New Eastern Europe”, November 17, 2016
    • Ukraine and Georgia: how much of a common faith?/ Georgian Institute of Politics. – October 7, 2016
  17. Ukraine’s relations with Russia, the EU and the US: The background, the current crisis and what must be done. - Saltzman Instiute of War and Peace Studies, Columbia university.
    • The 2016 U.S. elections and the crisis over Ukraine// “UA: Ukraine Analytica”. – 2(4), 2016. – P. 15-22
    • The implications of the Crimean annexation for Black Sea security – May 31, 2016. – PONARS Eurasia/
  18. Discussion among American scholars on the nuclear arms in Ukraine in 1992-93|/ “International relations and the policy of states under the global transformations: analysis of modern political thought. - Odesa, 2016. – P. 245-266.
    • Ukrainian-American relations with the background of Russian military aggression against Ukraine”/ “Foreign policy of Ukraine - 2014: strategic assessments, prognoses and priorities”. – Kyiv, 2015. – P. 207-228.
    • Making sense of Ukraine’s local elections”. – PONARS Eurasia, November 4, 2015
    • Assessing Saakashvili: where does Odesa stand now?/ECFR, October 23, 2015
  19. Odessa: a local dimension of Ukraine’s revolution, crisis, and conflict/ PONARS Eurasia memo,N390,October, 2015.
    • The Ukraine elections: the results in the south and east”. – ECFR, October 31, 2014.
    • An overview of the new Ukrainian parliament”. – PONARS Eurasia, October 28, 2014.
    • The Ukraine elections: what will happen in the south and east?” . – ECFR, October 23, 2014.
  20. Ukraine’s future security: what are the options?”/ PONARS Eurasia policy conference. – Washington, D.C. – September 2014. – Memo No. 353. – P. 7-11.
  21. Making sense of “Svoboda”: Ukraine’s foremost nationalist Ukrainian party” // PONARS Eurasia. – Memo 320. – May 2014.
  22. The hard times in the life of Odessa/ Originally posted on Kennan Institute Kyiv website and FB page; reposted on PONARS Eurasia website. – May 2014.
  23. Ukraine and the United States: assessing their relationship on the eve of elections/PONARS Eurasia policy conference. – Washington, D.C. - September 2012. – Memo No. 233. – P.115-118.
  24. European integration and the processes of internal transformation: Ukrainian perspectives and Portuguese experience. – Odessa, 2011. – 352 p. (editing and introduction).
  25. The U.S. - Russia “Reset”: A Sceptical View/PONARS Eurasia policy conference – Washington, D.C. – September 2011. – Memo No. 171. – P. 56 – 59.
  26. Should Europe care about Black Sea security?Eurasian security. The search for common ground. – Policy perspectives. – May 2011. – P.18-22 (PONARS Eurasia memo No. 138)
  27. NATO: Shaping the Correct Strategy for a Safer Tomorrow”// “Perceptions of NATO and the New Strategic Concept”. – L.N. Rodrigues and V. Dubovyk, eds. - Amsterdam, 2011. - P.25-30.
  28. Ukrainian-Turkish relations in the framework of the Black-Caspian seas region security // “Turkish-Ukrainian relations in the changing geopolitics of the Black Sea region”. – Ankara, 2010. – P.65-68
  29. Is a junior partner really a partner? Making sense of Ukrainian foreign policy // PONARS conference. – Washington, D.C. – October 22, 2010. - Memo No. 119. – P. 63-67.
  30. The lessons of Nuremberg: what are they? // Democratic society after the Nuremberg trial. – Odesa, 2010, P. 62-64.
  31. Kyiv and Tbilisi: no longer Washington’s favorites?/ PONARS Eurasia workshop. – February 19, 2010. – Memo 93.
  32. Kyiv and Tbilisi from Washington’s vantage point: from favorites to certain distancing// Ukraine and Georgia in the context of political, economic and security transformations: implications and perspectives. – Odesa, 2009. – P.90-102.
  33. The Wider Black Sea Area: the role for NATO// “Black Sea calling” – Melanie Sully, ed. – Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. - 2008. – P. 92 – 98.
  34. Will Sevastopol Survive? The triangular politics of Russia’s naval base in Crimea/ PONARS workshop. – December 15, 2008. – Memo N 47 (with A. Cooley).
  35. Ucraina e a guerra na Georgia” (“Ukraine and the war in Georgia” // “Relacoes Internacionais” (“International Relations”. - Issue 20. - December 2008. – P. 45 – 47. (in Portuguese and English).
  36. U.S.-Ukraine relations: the long road to strategic partnership/PONARS policy conference. – Washington, DC. – December 8, 2006. - Memo N 424. – P. 81-84.
  37. European integration, European security and U.S. policies/ Eastern Views on European Enlargement/ Ed. by B. Taylor, P. Szyszlo, A. Polese. – Odessa, 2006. – P. 103 – 116.
  38. The foreign policy of Ukraine: one year after the orange revolution/ PONARS policy conference. - Washington, DC. – December 9, 2005. - Memo N 372. – P. 29 – 33.
  39. The United States and the Ukrainian Election Political Crisis”/PONARS policy conference. – Washington, DC. – February 4, 2005. – Memo N 353. – P. 181-186.

International conferences, seminars, schools:

ECPR - SGIR 6th pan-European conference “Making sense of a pluralist world” (Turin, 2007). “Ukraine’s quest for mature nation statehood”, Roundtable VIII (“Ukraine and EU”) (Washington, 2007). “Black Sea Synergy” (Odesa – Istanbul, 2007). “Political and social impact of military bases” (Lisbon, 2007). Eurasia PONARS workshop (Washington, 2008). Workshop “Caucasus and Central Asia in a transnational context” (Tbilisi, 2008). Second Global International Studies Conference, World International Studies Committee (Ljubljana, 2008). PONARS Policy Conference (Washington, 2008). Dialogue with European Capitals (dialogues with experts, politicians , media) (Berlin, Paris, Hague, 2008). “Transformations in the Black Sea region” PONARS workshop (Washington, 2008). Conference “Ukraine as a partner for Eastern policy of Poland and Germany” (Warsaw, 2008). Conference “The changing politics of energy and security in Eurasia” (Istanbul, 2009). Workshop “Emerging transnational developments in Eurasia” (Istanbul, 2009). PONARS Policy Conference (Washington, 2009). “Next-generation security – Global Perspectives” (Moscow, 2009). “Democracy promotion after the color revolutions” workshop (Washington, 2010). Advanced research workshop “Perceptions of NATO: a balance 60 years after” (Lisbon, 2010). PONARS Eurasia academic workshop and public session (Odesa, 2010). ReSET Summer Session “Theoretical approaches to European security: politicization, securitization and beyond” (Odesa, 2010).“Compelling bilateral ties / Germany-Ukraine and Russia-Ukraine // “Ukraine’s Quest for Mature Nation Statehood”, roundtable XI (Washington, 2010). PONARS Eurasia policy conference (Washington, 2010). “Slovakia and Ukraine: strategic partners? The future of Ukrainian security as seen from Central Europe” conference (Bratislava, 2010). PONARS Eurasia workshop “Security challenges in Russia and Eurasia” (Moscow, 2011). ReSET Summer Session “European security in plural. The EU in search of a regional security strategy: linking theory and practice” (Odesa, 2011). PONARS Eurasia policy conference (Washington, 2011). PONARS Eurasia conference “Two decades of post-Soviet independence: what have we learned?” (Washington, 2011). “The culture of governance” conference (Tbilisi, 2012). “Cross-border understanding in the Black Sea region” summer school (Batumi, 2012). ReSET Summer Session “The EU: a normative, imperial, status-quo or realpolitik type of actor?” (Odesa, 2012). PONARS Eurasia policy conference (Washington, 2012). PONARS Eurasia workshop (Kyiv, 2012). Annual REECAS, University of Washington, Northwest regional conference (Seattle, 2013). US - UA working group yearly summit (Washington, 2013). PONARS Eurasia policy conference (Washington, 2013). PONARS Eurasia workshop “Nationalism, minorities, and migration”(Washington, 2014). PONARS Eurasia public session “Crisis in the Crimea: Implications for Ukraine, Russia and the West” (Washington, 2014). “Negotiating new paths: Poland, Ukraine, Russia and the EU” (Detroit, 2014). “Crisis in Ukraine” (Cleveland, 2014). “Problems of information security and European integration of Ukraine” (Odesa, 2014). European think-tanks meeting “For a sustainable democratic Ukraine” (Kyiv, 2014). “The perspectives of European reforms in Ukraine: domestic potential and experience of the neighbors” (Odesa, 2014). “Ukraine’s Southwest in the context of contemporary transformations” (Odesa, 2014). “Russia, Ukraine and NATO: scenarios of future relations” (Cambridge, 2014). PONARS Eurasia policy conference (Washington, 2014). Forum “International policy and academic perspectives on the impact of the Ukrainian conflict: a new “cold” or “hot” war? (Austin, 2014). A. Dallin annual lecture (Stanford, 2014). Fundraiser for “Patriot Defense” and “ATO Widows Rehabilitation Program” (Toronto, 2015). “Governance and participation” conference (within “Go-Governance” project) (Yerevan, 2015). Euroatlantic Youth Security Forum (Odesa, 2015). “Ukraine’s place in Europe” (joint initiative by Columbia, Yale and Kennan) (Kyiv, 2015). PONARS Eurasia policy conference (Washington, 2015). “Quarter century of U.S. – Ukraine friendship” (Lviv, 2016). “20 years since denuclearization of Ukraine” (Odesa, 2016). “The Ukraine crisis, Budapest memorandum and the role of the U.S.” (Odesa, 2016). Exploring the religious – policy/security nexus in responding to critical contemporary regional/global security challenges” (Austin, 2016). “Migration, security, securitization of immigration” (Lawrence, 2017). “The global terrain of free speech conflicts” (Champaign-Urbana, 2017). “Russia’s relations with the West one year after the U.S. presidential elections” (New York City, 2017). “Shifting Black Sea security dynamics” (Stockholm, 2017). "Regime Evolution, Institutional Change, and Social Transformation in Russia" (New Haven, 2018). ASN convention (New York City, 2018). PONARS Eurasia policy conference (Washington, 2018). Ukraine’s presidential election: implications for the country’s future (Helsinki, 2019). The future of Europe: Perspectives of contemporary developments (Sibiu, 2019). Five years into Russian-Ukrainian conflict: what role for the West? (Budapest, 2019). Ninth Sakharov memorial conference (Vilnius, 2019). Peace building in Eurasia: education, identity and politics (Bishkek, 2019). PONARS Eurasia annual conference (Washington, 2019). 25 years of partnership with NATO: what has been achieved and what went wrong? (Istanbul, 2019). From Helsink to Berlin: Europe and the end of the Cold war” (Lisbon, 2019). Interconnected security? Military activities, postures and risk reduction in the Barents, Baltic and Black Sea (Tromso, 2019).


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