Zakharchenko Alla

Department of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Dvoryanska 2, Odesa, Ukraine, 65082.

Telephone (+380 482) 63 32 59; Fax (+380 482) 68 72 84;

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ORCID ID: Alla Zakharchenko
Google Scholar: Alla Zakharchenko
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Main Courses:

  1. History of Asian and African Countries.
  2. Problems of Security in the Middle East.
  3. Islamic Factor in World Politics.
  • Since 2006 – Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
  • 2006 - Ph.D. in Political Sciences, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Kyiv, Ukraine.
  • Since 1999 – Affiliated Fellow, Center for International Studies, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.
  • 2003 - 2015 – Senior Research Fellow, Odessa Regional Branch of National Institute for Strategic Studies under President of Ukraine.

Mother tongues: Russian, Ukrainian.

Other languages: English (fluent), Arabic and Hebrew (elementary).

Membership in associations:

  • Association for Israel Studies (AIS), 2011.
  • European Association for Israel Studies (EAIS), 2022.
  • European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS), 2022.
  • Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies (UAJ), 2022.
  • Ukrainian Association of Oriental Studies, 2006.
  • Women in International Security (WIIS), 2000.

List of main publications

  1. Comparative Analysis of G. Bush-senior and B. Clinton Strategies toward the Resolution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict // World Politics Studies. – Kyiv: Institute of World Economy and International Relations, 2004. - № 27. – P. 47-63 (in Ukrainian).
  2. Peculiarities of Israeli-Syrian and Israeli-Lebanese Tracks of Middle East Peace Process and Intermediary Policy of the USA // Odessa State Economic University Herald. – 2006. – №1 (21). - P. 151-159 (in Ukrainian).
  3. Demographic Problem in Israel: Current Situation and Perspective // Oriental Records. – Moscow: Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, 2006. - № 7. – P. 97-105 (in Russian).
  4. Russian Policy toward the Resolution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict // Odessa State Economic University Herald. – 2007. – № 6 (43). - P. 112-120 (in Ukrainian).
  5. Roadmap for Peace in the Middle East and Prospects of Its Implementation / The Middle East: International Security, Regional Relations and Prospects for Ukraine / Ed. by B.O. Parahonski. – Kyiv: Foliant, 2008. – P. 208-220 (in Ukrainian).
  6. Adjacent Directions of Middle East Peace Process / The Middle East: International Security, Regional Relations and Prospects for Ukraine / Ed. by B.O. Parahonski. – Kyiv: Foliant, 2008. – P. 220-227 (in Ukrainian).
  7. The Middle East Peace Process in 1990-is: Historical Analysis // The World of the Orient. – 2008. - № 4. – P. 45-50 (in Ukrainian).
  8. The Problem of Islamic Fundamentalism and Extremism // Odessa State Economic University Herald. – 2008. – № 8 (64). - P. 51-62 (in Ukrainian).
  9. Analysis of the Effectiveness of International Mediation at the Current Stage of the Arab-Israeli Conflict // Strategic Priorities. – 2008. - № 3. – P. 240-250 (in Ukrainian).
  10. The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Problems of Resolution at the Current Stage. – Odessa: Feniks, 2009. – 240 p. (in Ukrainian).
  11. Transformation of Problems of Middle Eastern Security in the Beginning of the XXI Century // Strategic Panorama. – 2009. - № 3. – P. 61-70 (in Ukrainian).
  12. Geopolitics of Ukraine: Globalization and US Interests / Globalization and Its Defining Moments / Ed. By Debamitra Mitra. – India: The Icfai University Press, 2009. – P. 39-58 (in English).
  13. Annapolis Peace Conference and Perspectives of the Resolution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict // Strategic Priorities. – 2009. - № 3. – P. 229-237 (in Ukrainian).
  14. Middle Eastern Strategy of B. Obama: Traditions and Innovations in U.S. Policy toward the Region // Odessa State Economic University Herald. – 2010. – № 11 (112) (in Ukrainian).
  15. The Role of Religious Factor in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict in the Beginning of the XXI century // Current Problems of International Relations. – 2010. - № 94 (II). – P. 58-67 (in Ukrainian).
  16. The Policy of the USA, the EU and Russia toward Security Problems in the Middle East. Analytical Essay. – Odesa: Feniks, 2011. – 58 p. (in Ukrainian).
  17. The Arab Spring in the Mirror of European Initiatives // Foreign Affairs (Edition of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine). – 2011. – № 10. – P. 26-36. (in Ukrainian).
  18. Conflict Resolution in the Middle East in the Context of US-Russian Relations // Strategic Priorities. – 2011. - № 3. – P. 159-165. (in Ukrainian).
  19. The Processes of Transformation in the Arab World and Evolution of Regional Security // Black Sea Security. – 2012. - № 4. – P. 25-29. (in Ukrainian).
  20. Israel in the Context of Current Transformations in the Arab World // Materials of the International Scientific Conference «Actual Problems of Modern History of Foreign Countries». Kiev: Logos, 2013. – P. 128-131. (in Ukrainian).
  21. Operation «Protective Edge» and Prospects for Resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict / Problems of International Relations and Global Development. Collection of Scientific Articles. Issue 2. - Minsk: Belarusian State University Publishing, 2014. - P. 184-190 (in Russian).
  22. Middle East / Ukrainian Prism: Foreign Policy 2015 / Ed. by H. Maksak. – Kyiv: Regional Representation of Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Ukraine, 2015. – P. 107-111 (in English).
  23. The Rise of China’s Global Role on the Example of the Syrian Crisis. International Conference «China-Ukraine: Perspectives of Academic and Business Cooperation» (Odesa, April 27-28, 2019): collection of abstracts. - Odessa: Feniks, 2019. - P. 37-41 (in Ukrainian).
  24. The EU Policy towards Syria after 2011 / Brusilovska Olga, and Koval Igor, eds, Prospects of Development in EU Politics: Global and Regional Dimensions. - Odessa: Odessa Mechnikov National University Press, 2019. - P. 103-116 (in English).
  25. China’s Policy on the Syrian Crisis: Features and Priorities // International and Political Studies. - 2019. - Vol 24. № 32. - P. 63-76 (in English).
  26. Islamic Factor in World Politics: Peculiarities of Teaching / Al-Kalyam Issue № 9 // Collection of Scientific Works // Library of Islamic Studies. - Vinnytsia, 2019. P. 150-152.
  27. US-EU Relations in the Context of Security Issues in the Middle East during Trump's Presidency // Political Life. - 2020. - № 1. - P. 96-101.
  28. The Problem of Consistency in US Middle East Policy on the Example of the Administrations of D. Trump and Joe Biden / Science, Education, Technology, Innovation: Global Trends and Regional Aspects: a Collection of Abstracts of the International Scientific Practical Conference (Poltava, August 30, 2021). Poltava, 2021. S. 62-63 (in Ukrainian).
  29. The EU and the Syrian Conflict: Strategies, Limitations and Scenarious / Collection of Abstracts of IKSAD 7th International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (Ankara, October 9-10, 2021). Ankara: IKSAD, 2021. P. 58-59 (in English).
  30. «Hizballah» in the Middle Eastern Politics after the Arab Spring / ХХIV A. Krymsky Oriental Studies Readings: Materials of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of A. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, December 21, 2021. Kyiv: Publishing House «Helvetica», 2021. P. 145-149 (in Ukrainian).
  31. Competition for the Leadership in the Middle East and the New Geometry of Regional Relations / Current Issues of Ukrainian and World History: Past and Present: Materials of the International Scientific Conference, October 25, 2022, Rivne. Lviv - Toruń: Liha-Press, 2022 (in Ukrainian).
  32. Balance of Powers and «Flexible Alliances» in the South-East Mediterranean / VI Taurida Historical Scientific Readings: Materials of the International Scientific Conference, October 14-15, 2022, Kyiv. Lviv - Toruń: Liha-Press, 2022 (in English).
  33. The Evolution of the Problem of Islamic Radicalism in the Middle East: the Phenomenon of the Islamic State (IS) / Materials of the V Scientific Conference, May 12, 2022, Odesa // International and Political Studies. - 2022. - 32. - P. 248-249 (in Ukrainian).
  34. The Abraham Accords and Prospects for Resolution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict // Regional Studies. - 2022. - № 28. - P. 97-103 (in Ukrainian).
  35. Reconfiguration of Regional Alliances in the Middle East after the Arab Spring // Politicus. - 2022. - № 1. - P. 140-147 (in Ukrainian).
  36. Joe Biden’s Policy in the Middle East // Visnyk of the Lviv University Philosophical Political Studies. - 2022. - № 43. - P. 255-263 (in Ukrainian).

International conferences, seminars, schools

The 11th International Symposium «Broadening Global Security: Challenges for Sustainable Development» organized by Women in International Security (Washington, 2000). «Eshnav» and «Eshnav-Junior Faculty» Scholarships, hosted by Chaise Center, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalem, 2003, 2005). Fulbright Short-term Scholar (U.S. Department of State Scholarship), participant of Institute on U.S. Foreign Policy, hosted by Walker Institute of International and Area Studies, University of South Carolina (Columbia, 2007). The Academic Course «Religion and Politics: The Presence of Sacred and Secular Traditions in Europe and the Middle East», hosted by Central European University (Budapest, 2008). Scholarship of Schusterman Center for Israeli Studies, participant of Summer Institute for Israeli Studies hosted by Brandeis University (Waltham, 2008). The Halki International Seminar «Current and Emerging Security Challenges in Europe’s Southern Neighbourhood: What Role for Transatlantic Institutions?», organized by Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) (Halki Island, 2009). The Workshop on the Arab-Israeli conflict, organized by The S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, Tel Aviv University (Tel Aviv, 2009). Methodological Institute on International Relations, hosted by Scientific Forum on International Relations of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (Moscow, 2010). The World Congress on Middle Eastern Studies, organized by European Institute of the Mediterranean (Barcelona, 2010). The 27th Association for Israeli Studies International Conference «Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State» (Boston, 2011). The International Program on Religion and Public Life (ISSRPL) «A Mosaic of Margins: Ethnicity, Religion and Belonging», hosted by Center of Religious Studies of Sofia University (Sofia, Plovdiv, 2011). The International Conference «Mediterranean Security Dilemma: Challenges and Perspectives», hosted by Center for Strategic Studies under President of Azerbaijan (Baku, 2011). ReSET (Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching) Project «Contemporary Conflicts as an International Security Threat: Toward an Integrated Teaching and Research Program», supported by Higher Education Support Program, Open Society Institute (2009-2012). 2nd International Neighborhood Symposium «Security and Democracy in the Wake of the Arab Awakening» organized by Center for International and European Studies of Kadir Has University (Heybeliada Island, 2012). The Academic Course «Mediation and Other Methods to Foster Democratic Dialogue» Accredited by the American Bar Association, hosted by Central European University (Budapest, 2012). The 21st International Jewish Studies’ Conference, hosted by Moscow Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization «Sefer» (Moscow, 2014). The Іnternational Сonference «The Shoah in Israeli Culture, Memory and Politics», hosted by Brandeis University (Waltham, 2014). The international conference «The Levant in Transformation. The Syrian Crisis in Regional Perspective», hosted by University of Southern Denmark (Odense, 2014). The 30th Іnternational Conference of Association for Israeli Studies, hosted by the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Sede-Boqer, 2014). The International Conference «Middle East Conflict Resolution: Current State, Multilateral Cooperation», hosted by the Faculty of International Relations, the Belarusian State University (Minsk, 2014). European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Summer School in Holocaust Studies, hosted by NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Amsterdam, 2014). The 14th European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences organized by International Association of Social Science Research (Odessa, 2017). The 7nd International Neighborhood Symposium «Changemakers in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Mediterranean South», organized by Center for International and European Studies of Kadir Has University and Ukrainian Prism (Odessa, 2017). The International Conference «China-Ukraine: Perspectives of Academic and Business Cooperation», organized by Odessa Mechnikov National University and Shanghai University (Odesa, 2019). The 35th International Conference of Association for Israeli Studies, hosted by Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee (Tiberias, 2019). International Conference «Islam in Ukraine», hosted by Odessa Mechnikov National University (Odesa, 2019). The International Seminar «Glocal Islamism 2019: Phenomena, Interdependencies, Prevention», organized by German Federal Agency for Civic Education (Potsdam, 2019). IKSAD 7th International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, organized by the Institute of Economic Development and Social Research (Ankara, 2021). International Conference «Science, Education, Technology, Innovation: Global Trends and Regional Aspects» on the basis of the Center for Financial and Economic Research (Poltava, 2021). The International Scientific Inership Program «Outstanding Personalities: Studying Experience and Professional Achievements for Forming a Successful Personality and Transforming the World» with a total of 180 hours or 6 ECTS credits, organized by the International Historical Biographical Institute (online, 2021). The International Scientific Conference ХХIV A. Krymsky Oriental Studies Readings, hosted by A. Krymsky Oriental Studies Institute (Kyiv, 2021). The International Scientific Conference «Current Issues of Ukrainian and World History: Past and Present», organized by International University of Economics and Humanities (Rivne, 2022). The International Scientific Conference VI Taurida Historical Scientific Readings, organized by V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University (Kyiv, 2022). International Scientific Project «The Ring of Mediterranean: Region Studies» Project № 101047919 — MEDITERreg — ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH.


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