Pokas Mikhail

Department of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
2, Dvoryanska, Odesa, Ukraine, 65082.

Telephone (+380 482) 63 32 59; Fax (+380 482) 68 72 84;
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORCID ID: Mikhail Pokas
Google Scholar: Mikhail Pokas
Also in: Facebook

Main Courses:

  1. Political geography.
  2. The history of international relations (1918-1945).
  3. Theory of the state foreign policy.
  • Since 2004 – Associate professor, Department of International Relations.
  • 2001-2004 – Assistant professor, Department of Modern and Contemporary History.
  • 2001 – PhD in History (specialty 07.00.02 – World History), Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University. Title of Thesis: “Conceptual evolution of US policy in the issue of denuclearization of Ukraine (1991-1997)”.

Native language: Russian, Ukrainian.
Other languages: English.

List of main publications:

  1. “Denuclearization of Ukraine and the role of the United States in Ukraine's decision on nuclear disarmament (1991-1992): an analysis of American political thought”. In International Relations and Politics of States in the Frames of Global Transformations: Analysis of Contemporary Political Thought, edited by І. Koval, О. Brusylovska. Оdesa: ОNU, 2016 (in Ukrainian).
  2. “Ukrainian-Chinese relations”. In Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, ed. by I. Koval, O. Brusylovska, and V. Dubovyk, 135-150. Odesa, 2017.
  3. “The problem of the Diaoyu Islands / Senkaku archipelago in the context of the evolution of the international security system in the Far East” in International Relations, "Political Science" Series. http://journals.iir.kiev.ua/index.php/pol_n/article/view/2906 (in Russian).
  4. "The evolution of large surface warships of the PLA Navy as part of the construction of the “Blue Water Fleet” (2000-2018)" In Military-historical work in the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Problematic issues and ways to solution". - Odessa: Institute of Naval Forces of the National University "Odessa Maritime Academy", 2019. - P. 175-182.
  5. "The concept of "Pearl Thread" as a tool to support the activities of the "Blue Water Fleet" of the PRC" / China-Ukraine: prospects for academic and business spirit. Materials of scientific-practical conference. 2019. - P. 141-144.

International conferences, seminars, schools:

"Triangle Ukraine-Romania-Moldova: Building a Comprehensive Strategy for the Region" (Odesa, 2010). Ukraine and the states of the Middle East: problems, challenges and prospects for the development of relations (Odesa, 2011). Social, psychological and political problems of cross-border security (Odesa, 2016). Social and political transformations in Central and Eastern Europe (1917-2017): factors, achievements, problems (Odesa, 2017). China-Ukraine: Prospects for Academic and Business Cooperation (Odessa, 2019). "Between Dependency and Independency of Academic Cultures. The Interwar Black Sea Region" (Odessa, 2019). "Teacher Training on Academic Wrighting and Plagiarism" (Lviv, 2019).


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Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24
E-mail: vstup@onu.edu.ua


Vsevoloda Zmiienka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15
Email: rector@onu.edu.ua


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