Sinovets Polina


Department of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
2, Dvoryanska, Odesa, Ukraine, 65082

Telephone (+380 482) 63 32 59; Fax (+380 482) 68 72 84
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORCID ID: Polina Sinovets
Google Scholar: Polina Sinovets

Main Courses:

  1. Nuclear Factor in International Security Architecture;
  2. Diplomatic and Consulate Service of Ukraine;
  3. Actual Problems of the World Politics.
  • Since 2015 – Head of Odessa Center for Nonproliferation (OdCNP), Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.
  • Since 2004 – Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Institute of Social Sciences, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.
  • 2004 - PhD in Political Sciences (specialty 23.00.04 – “Political Problems of International Systems and Global Development”), Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Kyiv, Ukraine. Title of Thesis: “Nuclear Deterrence in the Policies of the USA and Russia in the Post-Bipolar Period”.
  • 2003 - 2012 - Senior Research Fellow, Odessa Regional Branch of National Institute for Strategic Studies under President of Ukraine.
  • 2000 - 2004- Research Fellow, Center for International Studies, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.
  • 2000 – MA in International Relations with deep knowledge of the Arabic and English languages, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.

Native language: Russian, Ukrainian.
Other languages: English (fluent), Arabic and Italian (elementary).

Membership in associations: PONARS Eurasia (New Approaches to Research and Security in Eurasia, since 2001); Women in International Security (WIIS, 2000). International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN, 2014).

List of main publications

  1. Transformation of the US strategic military doctrine in the beginning of XXI century: the problem of deterrence // Strategic Panorama. -2004. – N 2. - P. 52-56 (in Ukrainian).
  2. Israeli policy of “nuclear ambiguity": evaluations and perspectives // Strategic Priorities. – 2008.- № 1(6). - P.190-198 (in Ukrainian).
  3. Pakistan`s Nuclear Arsenal and Nuclear Deterrence Stability in South Asia // NaukoviyVisnyk. – 2008. - № 13(69). - P.167-177.
  4. The US-India Nuclear Deal and the Stability Perspectives in South Asia // Strategic Panorama. - 2009. – N 2. - P.96-102 (in Ukrainian).
  5. Double Faced Yanus or Nuclear Deterrence Theory in the XXI century: Monograph.-Odessa: Fenix, 2008. – 220 p. (in Russian).
  6. Mini-nukes in the Framework of the US modern Policy: deterrence problem // Middle East: International Security, Regional Relations and Perspectives for Ukraine: Monograph / National Security and Defense Council, National Institute of International Security; Ed. B. Parahonskiy. - К.: Foliant, 2008. - P. 141-156 (in Ukrainian).
  7. The International Clandestine around Iranian nuclear Program // Middle East: International Security, Regional Relations and Perspectives for Ukraine: Monograph / National Security and Defense Council, National Institute of International Security; Ed. B. Parahonskiy. - К.: Foliant, 2008. - P. 320-327 (in Ukrainian).
  8. Transformation of the US nuclear strategy: theory and practice // Strategic Priorities. – 2009. - № 2(11). - P.17-22.
  9. Deterrence and the Nuclear Superpowers after the Cold War. - Saarbruken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010. - 83 p.
  10. The New Architecture of the European BMD system in the US Plans: Global Strategic Consequences and Meaning for Ukraine. Analytical Paper. – Odesa: Fenix, 2011. - 38 p. (in Ukrainian).
  11. Strategic Stability in the framework of minimal nuclear deterrence: disarmament prospective // Odessa National University Herald. – 2012. - № 22(174). – P.181-195 (in Ukrainian).
  12. The Wedding Rings of Europe: Some Military Aspects of Euro-Atlantic Integration / De cadencias y disonancias, representaciones alternativas de la integración regional en el siglo XXI : América Latina, Asia y Europa del Este / adaptado por Nicolás Matías Comini; compilado por Tomás Andrés Bontempo. - 1a ed. - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Universidad del Salvador, 2014. – P. 241-267.
  13. Woman and Weapons. Redressing the Gender Gap. A Ukrainian Response // The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. - 2014. - Vol. 70. – N 5. - P. 20-23.
  14. Russia 2015 Military Doctrine and Beyond: threats perceptions, capabilities and ambitions // NATO Research Paper. – NATO Defense College, Rome. – N 117. - July 2015. - 12 p. (with B. Renz).
  15. The Role of Nuclear Weapons in Russia’s Worldview: Policy Implications // Norwegian Institute for Safety and Security. Occasional Paper Series. - N 1. -
  16. 2015. – 12 p.
  17. From Stalin to Putin: Russian Strategic Culture in XXI Century, its Continuity and Change // Philosophy Study. - July 2016. - Vol.6, N 7.
  18. Nuclear Deterrence in the American political thought in the post-bipolar period // International Relations and State’s Politics in the conditions of the global transformations: analysis of the political thought /Ed. by I. Koval, O. Brusylovska. – Odesa: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016. – P. 267-282. (in Ukrainian).
  19. “Strategic Culture of Ukraine as the Research Instrument of the Ukrainian Foreign Policy”. In Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, edited by І. Koval, О. Brusylovska, V. Dubovyk, 7-19. Odesa: Odesa Mechnikov National University Press, 2017. (with Olga Brusylovska).
  20. “Strategic Culture of Ukraine and its Non-Nuclear Status”. In Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, ed. by I. Koval, O. Brusylovska, and V. Dubovyk, 20-32. Odesa: Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2017.
  21. Ban the bomb by... banning the bomb? A Ukrainian Response // The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. – 2017. - Vol. 73, N 3. - P. 197-198.
  22. Europe’s nuclear woes: Mitigating the challenges of the next years // The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. – 2017: (with U. Kuhn, S. Shetty).
  23. Interpreting the Bomb: Ownership and Deterrence in Ukraine’s Political Discourse//Nuclear Proliferation International History Project, Wilson center, December 13, 2017, (with M. Bujeryn);
  24. Denuclearization Again? Lessons from Ukraine’s Decision to Disarm//War on The Rocks, April 19, 2018, M. Bujeryn); 
  25. Prospects for US-Russia Arms Control and Strategic Stability PONARS Eurasia Website. – 08.2018, ;
  26. Enemy at the Gates: Current International Security Challenges and the Nonproliferation Architecture//Вісник ОНУ. Соціологія та політичні науки.- 2018.-Т.23. В.2(31).- С.35-52. (Index Copernicus)
  27. Феномен постправди в ядерній політиці РФ/Міжнародні відносини в епоху постправди. – К.: «Вадекс», 2018.
  28. Sinovets P., Izhak O.Ukraine’s Position on the INF Treaty suspension/ Responses to the INF Treaty crisis: the European dimension. The European INF Initiative Project Meeting, May, 2019, Odessa, Ukraine/ Edited by P. Sinovets.- Odessa: I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2019.- P.45-50.
  29. Sinovets P. Escalation for de-escalation? Hazy Nuclear Weapon “Red Lines” Generate Russian Advantages – 08.2019 - Sinovets P. The EU states position as for the termination of the INF Treaty/Perspectives of the EU policy development: global and regional dimensions / Ed. by O. Brusylovska, I.M. Koval. – Odesa, 2019.
  30. Sinovets P., Gergiieva V. The EU and the Iranian Nuclear Programme: is Venus Weaker than Mars? UA: Ukraine Analytica, Issue 4 (18), 2019.-P.14-20.
  31. Sinovets P., Maksymenko I. The Baltic–Black Sea Region in Great Powers’ Relations: The Hard Power Aspect/Baltic-Black Sea Regionalisms/ Ed. By O. Bogdanova and A. Makarychev. – Springer Nature Swizerland, AG 2020.- P.75-86.
  32. Sinovets P. The Russian Black Sea fleet: is there a place for strategic dimension? / Black Sea Region in World Policy: Actors, Factors, and Scenarios of the Future / Ed. by O. Brusylovska, V. Dubovyk, I. Koval. – Odesa: Odessa Mechnikov National University Press, 2020. - P. 67-79.
  33. Sinovets P., Melnyk T. Born in the Ashes: Nuclear Uncertainties “Increasing” Strategic Stability//Przegląd Strategiczny 2020, Issue 13.- P.43-59.

International conferences, seminars, schools

The 11th International Symposium “The 21th Century State & Security Challenges” (Annapolis, MD, 2001). International Seminar “Nonproliferation and Weapons of Mass Destruction” (Moscow, 2005); CNS Visiting Fellow, Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute for International Studies, (Monterey, 2006); Organizer and lecturer, International Student Summer School on Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation (Odessa, 2009-2011; 2013-2017). INMM Annual Symposium (Palm-Desert, 2011, 2013). PONARS Eurasia Policy Conference (Washington, 2011-2013; 2015-2017). “The Study of the US Institute on National Security Policymaking”, the US Department of State’s Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs (Amherst-Washington, 2012). CTBTO Intensive Policy Course “Multilateral Verification: Collective Security: The Contribution of the CTBT” (Vienna, 2012). Professional Development Course on Nuclear Security Education, King’s College of London (London, 2012); EU Nonproliferation Consortium (Brussels, 2014). NATO Defense College Fellowship (Rome, 2015). Nuclear Booth Camp ( Allumiere, 2015). N.EX.T. Nuclear Expert Talks “The Crisis of Nuclear Disarmament and Arms Control” (Berlin, 2016). Tbilisi International Nuclear Non-proliferation Research Workshop “The Black Sea Region and the Global Nuclear Order” (Tbilisi, 2017). “Russia’s nuclear arsenal: myths, real threats and counteraction” (Kyiv, 2017). Fulbright scholar, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (Washington, 2017/18). PONARS Workshop: “The New U.S. and Russian Nuclear Doctrines and Prospects for Averting Destabilization”, Washington DC, the United States ( May 10th, 2018). International workshop «International Security Agenda 2018: Deterrence, Arms Control and Nonproliferation” (Odessa, July 27-28, 2018).Workshop «Conducting Historical Analysis of States’ Nuclear Activities: Internal vs. External Dimensions” (Odessa, October 10-11, 2018). EU Nonproliferation and Disarmament Conference (Brussels, December 18-19, 20180. Carnegie Nuclear Policy Conference 2019, (Washington DC, March 12-14 2019). Responses to the INF Treaty crisis: the European dimension. The European INF Initiative Project Meeting (May, 2019, Odessa, Ukraine). Workshop “Managing the collapse of the INF Treaty” ( Berlin, June, 24, 2019). Annual Conference PONARS Eurasia, Washington DC,USA ( September 12-14, 2019). Nonproliferation and Disarmament Education Workshop, SIPRI, Stockholm, Sweden (September 23-14, 2019). Conference “End of the Cold War and its impact on Nuclear Proliferation” (January 20-21, 2020, Johannesburg). Conference “Nuclear and Military Affairs in US-Russian Relations” PONARS Eurasia, Washington DC,USA ( October 17, 2020).


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