Grabina Ganna
Department ,of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University. 2, Vsevoloda Zmienko, Odesa, Ukraine, 65082.
Telephone (+380 482) 63 32 59; Fax (+380 482) 68 72 84;
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID ID: Ganna Grabina
Google Scholar: Ganna Grabina
- September 2010 - September 2018 – specialist, Department of International Relations.
- September 2018- December 2021- Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Relations
- January 2022 till now – Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations
Native language: Ukrainian, Russian. Other languages: English.
List of main publications:
- Theoretical basis for studying the subculture of power // Vestnik of Odesa National University.-2015.Issue.1(22).Том 20.-С.67-73. (in Ukrainian)
- Subculture of power in modern Ukraine: features of president value code // The European Political and Law Discourse.-vol.3(1).-2016.-p.130-135.
- The political elite of modern Ukraine as a personification of the subculture of power // Grani: Scientific Herald.-2016.-№3(131).-С.55-61. (in Ukrainian)
- The Adaptive potential of subculture of power in political transit // Actual problems of politics: Scientific Herald.-2016.-№58.-С.20-29. (in Ukrainian)
- Subculture of Power of "Consolidated" and "Defective" Democracies: Comparative Analysis // Gileya: Scientific Herald.-2017.-121(№6).-С.199-203. (in Ukrainian)
- Cultural Phenomenon in the structure of modern social medium political matrix: determining adaptive potential // Politicus: Scientific Herald. -2017.-№1.-С.62-66. (in Ukrainian)
- The Influence of Russian Propaganda on the EU’s Interstate Relations With the Eastern European Countries (Case of Poland-Ukraine) // Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej.-2020.-№14.- р.113-123.
- The Information Revolution in the Post-Industrial Society: Dangers in Political Processes // Postmodern Opening Journal, 2022, Volume 13, Issue 4, p. 113-126 WoS
- Grabina G., Maksymenko I. The impact of Russia’s propaganda on security perceptionsin Romania and Bulgaria. European Political Science (May 15, 2024). DOI. 10.1057/s41304-024-00478-5
International conferences, seminars, schools:
«Man, society, politics: actual challenges of our time» ( Odesa, 2015). «Black Sea Political Science Readings» (Odesa, 2015). «Modern Challenges for Social Sciences in the Conditions of Globalization» (Lviv, 2016). «Medzinarodna vedecko-prakticka konferencia:Inovacne vyskum v oblasti sociologie, psychologia a politologie» (Sladkovicovo, 2017). «New tasks of social sciences in the XXI century» (Kiev, 2017). «Beyond Europe: Towards a New Global Order» (Poznan, 2019). Research visit for young researches The Jean Monnet Center of Excellence EU EX/ACTВ (Poznan, Poland, 23.11.2019-07.12.2019). Presentation an open lecture at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, 2019).
Faculty conference, theses: Cultural diplomacy as a powerful tool for creating a positive image of the state (2020). Online conference: «Emerging Trends in social Media» by NATO StratCom COE (2021). Organization and moderation of the summer school "Modern challenges to international information and cybersecurity" (2021). Participation in the seminar “Reflecting on the changes landscape of higher education in light of rapid digitalization” (2021). Participation in the International Autumn School Resilience League 2021, organized by the International Center for Defense and Security (ICDS) (Pärnu, Estonia, 04.10.2021-08.10.2021).
Participation in the International Autumn School Resilience League 2022, , organized by the International Center for Defense and Security (ICDS) (Talin, Estonia, 20.11.2021-24.11.2022).Round Table World Academics Talk: Intersections of Geopolitics and Political Communication: Lessons from the War in Ukraine (05.12.2022). International Scientific and Practical Conference Image of Ukraine: Social Political Representations and Linguistic Reflection of Military Realities in foreign and inner media, (Odesa, 15-16 June 2023). Conference: Ukraine – Poland – Past, Present, Future – Perspectives, Cooperation (Gdansk, Poland, 17 November 2023). Seminar “Ukraine-Poland-Europe”, Cooperation between Poland and Ukraine in the context of European security (November 19-25, 2024, Gdansk, Poland). Una Europa Days meetings, Una4UA2 ( Krakow, Poland, October 16-18, 2024). Conference “Emerging trends in social Media 2024”. Riga, Latvia, October 8, 2024.