Grabina Ganna


Department of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.
2, Dvoryanska, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082.

Telephone (+380 482) 63 32 59; Fax (+380 482) 68 72 84;
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORCID ID: Ganna Grabina
Google Scholar: Ganna Grabina

  • Since September 2010 – specialist, Department of International Relations.

Native language: Ukrainian, Russian.
Other languages: English.

List of main publications:

  1. Theoretical basis for studying the subculture of power // Vestnik of Odesa National University.-2015.Issue.1(22).Том 20.-С.67-73. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Subculture of power in modern Ukraine: features of president value code // The European Political and Law Discourse.-vol.3(1).-2016.-p.130-135. (in English)
  3. The political elite of modern Ukraine as a personification of the subculture of power // Grani: Scientific Herald.-2016.-№3(131).-С.55-61. (in Ukrainian)
  4. The Adaptive potential of subculture of power in political transit // Actual problems of politics: Scientific Herald.-2016.-№58.-С.20-29. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Subculture of Power of "Consolidated" and "Defective" Democracies: Comparative Analysis // Gileya: Scientific Herald.-2017.-121(№6).-С.199-203. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Cultural Phenomenon in the structure of modern social medium political matrix: determining adaptive potential // Politicus: Scientific Herald.-2017.-№1.-С.62-66. (in Ukrainian)

International conferences, seminars, schools:

«Man, society, politics: actual challenges of our time» ( Odesa, 2015). «Black Sea Political Science Readings» (Odesa, 2015). «Modern Challenges for Social Sciences in the Conditions of Globalization» (Lviv, 2016). «Medzinarodna vedecko-prakticka konferencia:Inovacne vyskum v oblasti sociologie, psychologia a politologie» (Sladkovicovo, 2017). «New tasks of social sciences in the XXI century» (Kiev, 2017). «Beyond Europe: Towards a New Global Order» (Poznan, 2019). Research visit for young researches The Jean Monnet Center of Excellence EU EX/ACTВ (Poznan, Poland, 23.11.2019-07.12.2019). Presentation an open lecture at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, 2019).


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