Dolenko Leonid

Associate professor of the department

Доленко Леонід Харлампійович - доцент кафедри світового господарства і міжнародних економічних відносин

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Academic degree/ Academic rank

Candidate of economic sciences, 1976, specialty 08.00.01 «Political Economу»; Associate Professor of the department «Political Economy», 1989.

Main courses (“lecture hours”)

«Theory of the Company Strategy» - 28; «International Economic Relations» - 36; «Strategies of Companies» - 34; «Strategic Activities of the Companies in International Markets» - 36; «Theory of Sector Competition» - 10; «Theory of International Trade» - 34, «Institutional Economics» - 14; «International Competitiveness of National Companies» - 14; «International Aspects of Institutionalization of Ukrainian Economy» - 14.

Scientific activity within latest years

  1. Dolenko L.K., GornyakО.V. Institutional approaches to the analysis of companies’ internal and external cooperation// Economic Theory. - №1. – 2007.
  2. GornyakО.V., Dolenko L.K. Evolution of cooperation of market and hierarchy structures // Economic Theory. – 2006. - № 2. – P.37 - 52.
  3. Dolenko L.K. Regional financial policy of developed countries: influence of economic growth and experience of financial cooperation. Economic Innovations, 2005. – Vol. 21. – P.88-95.
  4. Dolenko L.K. is the head of scientific research topic «Principles of development of sectoral structures and strategies of companies in the Ukrainian economy». Number of state registration 0106U006192.
  5. Dolenko L.K. is the author of two manuals approved by MESU: L.K. Dolenko, О.V. Gornyak. Economy of Enterprise. Manual. Odesa. Publishing House “Astroprint”. 2001. 508p.; L.K. Dolenko. Theory of company strategy. Manual. Odesa. Publishing House “Astroprint”.1999. 141р.
  6. Shkabarin G.G. Dolenko L.K. Automobile market of Ukraine: tendencies and forecasts of development // Principles and mechanisms of development of contemporary social and economic systems. Collection of scientific works. Odesa Mehnikov National University» – 2008. – № 1 (3). – 54 p. - P. 44 – 46.
  7. Dolenko L.K. Institutional approach to the analysis of organizations// Materials XXVII of International Science and Research conference «Genesis of institutional system of transitive economies». Chernivtzi. 7-8th of May 2008 – Chernivtzi: Publishing House “Ruta”, 2008. – P. 135-136.
  8. Dolenko L.K. Globalisation as a factor of formation of contemporary institutional market structures// Materials III of International Science and Research conference «Problems of improvement of institutional conditions of economy of Ukraine». – Odesa, 2008. – Part 2. – P.9-11.
  9. Dolenko L.K., Gornyak О.V. Securing of competitiveness of the companies in the conditions of globalization// Materials of International Science and Research conference «Priorities of economic growth in the context of challenges of globalization». – Kyiv, 21st of November 2008 – Kyiv., KTNU. - 2008. – P. 143-145.

Participated in the following conferences

  1. XXVII International Scientific and Research Conference «Genesis of institutional system of transitive economies». Chernivtzi. 7-8th of May 2008.
  2. III International Scientific and Research Conference «Problems of improvement of institutional conditions of Ukrainian Economy». Odesa Mechnikov National University. 10-12 of September 2008.

Qualifications upgrade

ОDEU, (February, 2007) Department of economic theory. Theme of training: «Acquaintance with organization of scientific and educational work».


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