Nikolaev Yuriy

Ніколаєв Юрій Олегович - доцент кафедри світового господарства і міжнародних економічних відносин

Position - Associate Professor, Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations IMEM Odessa National University by I.I. Mechnikov.

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Google Scholar ID:

Education and degrees - Basic higher education - 1982-1987 year - Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers, specialty - "Economics and Organization of Maritime Transport";

1990-1994 year - graduate student of Odessa National University named by I.I. Mechnikov in "Economic theory".

Professional interests - (areas of research): Cluster industrial policy as a tool for innovation development of the State; Economic problems of joint ventures with foreign investments at the modern stage.

Teaching courses: "Foreign Policy" for the Masters in International Economic Relations (108 hours); "International Economic Law" for the Masters in International Economic Relations (108 hours); Discipline specialization "Joint Ventures in the global economy" for the 4th year undergraduate students in International Economic Relations (72 hours); "Economics" for students training areas "political science" (162 hours); "Economic Theory" for students training areas "sociology", "geology", "geography" (108 hours); "The Theory of Economic Analysis" (72 hours).

Scientific activity:

Publications: 112 publications, including individual monographs (without co-authors) - 2:
  1. 1. Nіkolayev Yu. O. Formation of regional industrial policy as imperative to modernize the economy of Ukraine: Theory, methodology, practice: a monograph. / Yu.O. Nikolayev; ONU by I.I. Mechnikov. - Odessa: Printing House, 2011. - 316 p. - ISBN 966-389-285-6. – In Ukrainian.
  2. 2. Nikolaev Y.O. Environmental innovation development and macroeconomic stability (theoretical and methodological aspect): monograph. / Yu. O. Nikolayev; Institute for Market Economics and economical and ecological researches. - Odessa : Publishing ORIDU NADU, 2005. - 340 p. - In Russian.

Participation in conferences and seminars: for 2011 - 2015 years took part, made presentations and published abstracts in 38 scientific conferences and seminars, including conferences in the following countries:

2010 - Participation with a scientific report in the Summer Academy of the Institute of Eastern Europe Regensburg (located in Tutzing), Germany;

2012 - participated in the session of the Department of Curriculum Development at Central European University - Budapest, Hungary;

2012 -2013 - 2014 - Participation with scientific reports in the X, XI, XII International Conference "Successful management and international economics" at Siedlce University of Sciences and Humanities and the city Siedlce EU program "Erasmus +" - Poland.

Professional development and training:

2011 - 2016 years - training in the form of job hunting doctorate in Donetsk Institute of Industrial Economics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (since 2014 Institute based in the city of Kiev).

2012 -2013 - 2014 - Lecturing students (in English) in the framework of the "International Week" University of Sciences and Humanities city Siedlce - Poland.


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