Pishchevskaya Eleоnora Vladimirovna


PISHCHEVSKA Eleonora Volodymyrivna


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Position at the department - Associate Professor of Practical and Clinical Psychology

Academic title - Associate Professor

Degree - Candidate of Historical Sciences (1992)

Basic education:

  • higher in the specialty "History" (1984);
  • higher in the specialty "Jurisprudence" (2000);
  • higher in the specialty "Psychology" (2017).

Dissertation topic:

"Economic policy of the Provisional Government in Ukraine"

Courses taught:

  • History of psychology,
  • Historical psychology,
  • Mental health and psychosocial stress
  • Psychology of motivation and emotions

Scientific and organizational work:

  • Research in the field of state budget research on the topic № 186 Emotional stress and psychological assistance.
  • Head of the educational and methodical seminar "Trends of the XXI century and the problem of psychological well-being"

Member of the Academic Council of the FPSR

Research and professional interests: Mentality of historical epochs, personality at the intersection of modern trends in psychological science, psychological features of the impact of modern technologies on the psychological well-being of the individual, mental health.

Certification training:

In 2023, advanced training took place: South Ukrainian Psychoanalytic Societyfrom April 10, 2023 to June 5, 2023 Topic: Actual problems of modern psychology in the field of modern psychological theories. Order 04/05/2023 No. 566-18

  • Main publications

    1. Pishchevskaya EV Formation of French law in the sixteenth century. Current issues of state and law. Collection of scientific works. - O .: Astroprint, 1999. - Vip. 6. Ч.І. - P.49-54.
    2. Pishchevskaya EVEnsuring information security in the modern world. Current policy issues. Collection of scientific works. - O .: Phoenix, 2010. - Issue. 40. - P.265-273
    3. Pishchevskaya EV Information security: definition of the concept, essence, structure. Scientific Bulletin. Odessa State Economic University. All-Ukrainian Association of Young Scientists. - Sciences: economics, political science, history. - 2010. - №18 (119). - P.186-193.
    4. Pishchevskaya EV Information security in the works of domestic and foreign scientists: content, problems and essence. Education in the region: political science, psychology, communications. - Kyiv: University "Ukraine", 2010. - №3. - P. 196 - 200
    5. Pishchevskaya EV Terrorism in the information society: new trends. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. Series: History, philosophy, political science. - O., 2011. - Vip. 3. - P.147-151.
    6. Pishchevskaya EV History of legal regulation of civil liberties. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. Series: History, philosophy, political science. - O., 2012. - Vip. 4. - P. 114-116./in co-author /
    7. Pishchevskaya EV History of the formation of the social and legal state of France. Materials for the 68th scientific-practical conference of faculty and researchers. Section "Sociological Sciences". Subsections "Social Theories", "Social Work" (Odessa, 2010) .- Odessa: Publishing House "WWII", 2013. P.43-46 / in the author /
    8. Pishchevskaya EV Ukraine and the European experience of social work. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. Series: History, philosophy, political science. - O., 2016. - Vip. 12. - P. 118-121. / in co-authors /
    9. Pishchevskaya EV "Healthy society" by Erich Fromm and the modern world. " The role of higher education in the socio-economic development of the country and national experience: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference (Odessa, November 3-4, 2017) / editor in chief - LS Smokova. - Odessa: Odessa National University named after II Mechnikov, 2017. / in co-authors /
    10. Pishchevskaya EV Trends of the XXI century and the problem of psychological well-being. International scientific-practical conference "CURRENT PROBLEMS OF MENTAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH", April 26-27, 2019, Odessa.
    11. Pishchevskaya EV Mentality of historical epochs (historiography of the problem). Gender construction of society: history and modernity: collection of materials of the all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference / (Odessa, May 15-16, 2019) - Odessa: Odessa National University. Mechnikov, 2019.C.19-23
    12. Pishchevskaya E.Progress of the first half of ХХI of century and their influence trends are on psychological prosperity of person The 2 th International scientific and practical conference “PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES OF MODERN SCIENCE AND PRACTICE ” (January 30-31, 2020) SH SCW "NEW ROUTE" Graz, Austria. 2020. P.273-275
    13. Pishchevskaya E. Progress of social networks trends in ХХI century and their influence on psychological prosperity of person.The 3 th International scientific and practical conference“MAN AND ENVIRONMENT , TRENDS AND PROSPECTS”| (February 10-11, 2020) SH SCW "NEW ROUTE" Tokyo, Japan 2020. P.229-231
    14. Pishchevskaya E.Mentality of historical epochs (Historiography of problem).The ІV International research and practice conference "MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR IMPLEMENTATION IN THE PROCESSES OF SOCIAL AND TECHNICAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT (February 17-18, 2020) SH SCW "NEW ROUTE" Boston,USA 2020.P.133-135
    15. Pishchevska EV Peculiarities of psychological states of students in the conditions of distance learning in Ukrainian universities.// Collective monograph - based on the results of the 3rd International Scientific Conference "Information and Innovative Technologies in the XXI Century". Website of the Higher Technical School in Katowice, November 2020 / in co-authors /
    16. Pishchevska E.V., Kantaryova N.V., Yung N.V. Psychological stability of the personality of adolescents - participants in bullying in the educational environment. Scientific journal "Habitus", issue 51, 2023
    17. Pishchevska E.V., Smokova L.S., Kologryvova N.M.. Gestalt psychology methods as factors in the formation of psychological well-being, especially in conditions of life crises. Scientific journal "Habitus", issue 53, 2023

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