Kravchuk Anna

PhD, Associate Professor

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Research interests: Geology, specialty marine geology; biomineralogy; palecology and ecology; paleontology, specialty paleontology of invertebrates; micropaleontology; ecological micropaleontology; foraminifera of Black Sea; foraminifera as indicators of natural and anthropogenic stress; ecotoxicology of foraminifera and their chemical defense mechanisms; marine environment monitoring; Quaternary geochronology of the Ponto-Caspian.

Undergraduate courses: Geochronology and stratigraphy; Petrography; Physico-chemical bases of petrography, mineralogy and bases of scientific researches; Geochemistry and geochemical search methods; General geology.

Graduate courses: Oceanic sedimentogenesis.

Scientific-methodical, organizational and other types of work

  • Head of the Research Laboratory of Marine Geology, Geochemistry and Paleontology (RL-3)
  • Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Geology and Geography
  • Deputy Head of the Department of General and Marine Geology and Paleontology
  • Deputy Scientific Director of the Paleontological Museum

Professional membership

  • Paleontological Society of Ukraine
  • Ukrainian Society of Mineralogists
  • Union of Geologists of Ukraine

Total number of publications about 80.

Publications for the last 5 years (2017-2021)

Journal articles cited in Scopus

  • Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko), V. Kravchuk, A., Kulakova, I. et al. 2021. Meiobenthos as indicator of gaseous hydrocarbons reservoirs existing under the seabed of the Black Sea // EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-963
  • Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko), V., Kravchuk, A., Kulakova, I. 2021. Meiobenthos as search indicators for methane accumulations under the black sea floor// Geological Society of America. -2021. - Abstracts with Programs 53 (6). doi: 10.1130/abs/2021AM-364524

Monographs / Chapters in monographs

  • Yanko V.V., Kravchuk A.O., Kulakova Y.Y. 2017. Meyobentos metanovykh vykhodov Chernoho morya (Meyobenthos of methane outlets of the Black Sea). Pheniks, Odessa. 220 s. Monograph- ISBN 978-966-928-223-1 (In Russian)

Articles in professional journals

  • Yanko V.V., Kadurin S.V., Kravchuk A.O., Kulakova I.I. (2017), Meiobenthos as an indicator of gaseous hydrocarbon reservoirs inbottom sediments of the Black Sea. Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean, № 2, pp. 26-59. (In Russian)
  • Kravchuk, A.O., Kravchuk, O.P., Zolotarev G.G., Zolotarev M.G. (2017), Cadmium influence on benthic foraminifera of the Black Sea shelf (Danube delta region). The man and the environment. Problems of Neoecology. Kharkov National University, №3-4 (28), pp. 50-56. (In Ukranian)

Other publications

  • Yanko-Hombach (also Yanko) V., Kadurin, S.V., Kravchuk, A.O., Kulakova, I.I. 2019. Locating and identifying the location of intensive deep fluid streams on the Black Sea bottom using meiobenthos. Proceedings of INQUA IFG 1709 POCAS Third Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 11-18, 2019, Tehran, Iran, INIOAS, pp. 171-174. ISBN 978-964-5938-72.5
  • Yanko V. V., Kravchuk A. O., Kaduryn S. V., Kulakova Y.Y. 2018. Meyobentos kak vozmozhnyy yndykator skoplenyy metana pod dnom Chornoho morya (Meyobenthos as a possible indicator of methane accumulations under the Black Sea floor). Materialy mizhnarodnoyi naukovlyi konferentsiyi «Morsʹki heoloho-heofizychni doslidzhennya: fundamentalʹni ta prykladni aspekty», Odesa, 8 - 9 November 2018, p. 81-85 (in Ukranian).
  • Yanko V.V., Kravchuk A.O., Kondariuk T.O., Mudryk Y.S. 2018. Osnovnye napravlenyya mykropaleontolohycheskykh yssledovanyy v Odesskom natsionalʹnom unyversytete ymeni Y.Y. Mechnykova (The main directions of micropaleontological research at Odessa National University named after II Мечникова). Materyaly V Mizhnarodnoho heolohichnoho foruma «Aktualʹni problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku heolohiyi: nauka y vyrobnytstvo» («Heoforum-2018»), Odesa, 18 – 23 June 2018, p. 351-353 (in Ukranian).
  • Yanko V.V., Kravchuk O.P., Kravchuk H.O. Morsʹka heolohiya u Odesʹkomu universyteti: istoriya, dosyahnennya ta perspektyvy (Marine geology at Odessa University: history, achievements and prospects). Materyaly V Mizhnarodnoho heolohichnoho foruma «Aktualʹni problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku heolohiyi: nauka y vyrobnytstvo» («Heoforum-2018»), Odesa, 18 – 23 June 2018, p. 348-350 (in Ukranian).
  • Yanko,V. Kadurin, S.V., Kravchuk, A.O., Kulakova, I.I. 2017. Meiobenthos as an indicator of gaseous hydrocarbon reservoirs under floor of the Black Sea. In: Gilbert, A. and Yanko, V. (Eds.), 2017. Proceedings of UNESCO - IUGS – IGCP 610 and INQUA IFG POCAS Joint Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 1-9, 2017, Palermo, Italy. University of Palermo, 224-229. ISBN 978-88-940049-1-5.
  • Yanko V.V., Kadurin S.V., Kravchuk H.O., Kulakova I.I. 2017. Meyobentos yak poshukova oznaka skupchenʹ hazopodibnykh vuhlevodniv u donnykh vidkladakh Chornoho morya (Meiobenthos as a search sign for accumulations of gaseous hydrocarbons in the bottom sediments of the Black Sea). Tezy dopovidey IV Mizhnarodnoh heolohichnoho foruma «Aktualʹni problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku heolohiyi: nauka y vyrobnytstvo» («Heoforum-2017»), 19 – 24 June 2017, Odesa (in Ukranian).

Educational and educational-methodical literature:

  • Yanko V.V., Kravchuk A.O., Kulakova Y.Y. 2017. Meyobentos metanovykh vykhodov Chernoho morya (Meyobenthos of methane outlets of the Black Sea). Pheniks, Odessa. 220 s. Monograph- ISBN 978-966-928-223-1 (In Russian)
  • Kadurin V.N., Kravchuk O.Р., Kravchuk А.O., Kadurin S.V. 2017. Osnovy geofiziki. Metodicheskiye ukazaniya po polevoy geofizicheskoy praktike (Fundamentals of geophysics. Guidelines for field geophysical practice). Harizma, Odessa. 44 s. (In Russian)

Participation in scientific conferences (for the last 5 years). Name of the conference, year, city, country

  • 76th Scientific Conference of Faculty and Researchers of ONU, Section of Earth Science, November 25, 2021, Odessa, Ukraine
  • 75th Scientific Conference of Faculty and Researchers of ONU, Section of Earth Science, November 26, 2020, Odessa, Ukraine
  • INQUA IFG 1709 POCAS Third Plenary Conference and Field Trip, Tehran, Iran, October 11-18, 2019.
  • International Scientific Conference "Marine Geological and Geophysical Research: Fundamental and Applied Aspects", Odessa, November 8-9, 2018
  • V International Geological Forum "Current issues and prospects for the development of geology: science and production" ("Geoforum-2018"), Odessa, June 18-23, 2018
  • 74th Scientific Conference of Faculty and Researchers of ONU, Section of Earth Science, November 23, 2018, Odessa, Ukraine
  • 73-d Scientific Conference of Faculty and Researchers of ONU, Section of Earth Science, November 30, 2018, Odessa, Ukraine.
  • UNESCO - IUGS- IGCP 610 and INQUA IFG POCAS Joint Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 1-9, 2017, Palermo, Italy.
  • IV International Geological Forum "Current issues and prospects for the development of geology: science and production" ("Geoforum-2017"), Odessa, June 19-24, 2017


  • Yanko V.V., Kadurin V.M., Naumko I.M., Kakaranza S.D., Kravchuk. G.O., Dikol O.S. Metod napravlenoi ranhovoi interpretatsii heoloho-heofizychnoi informatsii na osnovi teorii fliuidohenezu (Method of directed rank interpretation of geological and geophysical information based on the theory of fluidogenesis), patent for utility model № u202104358 from 26.07.21. (in Ukranian)
  • Ponomarova L.P., Kadurin V.M., Honcharova I.O., Kravchuk H.O. Sposib vyznachennia biolohichnoi aktyvnosti huminovykh kyslot donnykh vidkladiv (Method of determination of biological activity of humic acids of bottom sediments), patent na korysnu model, 147565. – 2020 - (in Ukranian)

Project Reports

  • Report on Scientific Research Project "To study the processes of formation and spatial distribution of methane in the Black Sea and theoretically substantiate its impact on eco- and geosystems of the basin" (final) № 539 / [V.V. Yanko, I.O. Suchkov, O.V. Chepizhko, A.O. Kravchuk and others. ]. Odessa: ONU, 2017. 181 p. № state registration 0115U003212.
  • Report on Scientific Research Project "Development of forecast criteria for the search of deposits in the Black Sea on the basis of the theory of fluidogenesis" (final) №590 / [V.V. Yanko, O.V. Chepizhko, V.M. Kadurin, etc.]. Odessa: ONU, 2021. 181 p. State registration number 0119U002196.

Advanced training

  • Scientific Research Institution Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES), Odessa (2020).


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