Department of soil science and soil geography

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Soil science and Soil Geography Department was created in 1967 on the base of faculty soil science laboratory and land-surveying, topography and cartography study. Professor Ivan Gogolev, Doctor of agricultural sciences, was the first manager of it up to 1995. Since 1995 up to nowadays Department has been worked under the leadership of docent Yaroslav Bilanchyn, Candidate of geography sciences.

Department consist of:

-  Profile scientific-research soil geography and topsoil protection in chornozem zone laboratory (PSRL), created in 1971. Nowadays headed by Candidate of geography sciences, elder scientific collaborator O. I. Tsurkan;

-  Department’s branch at Odesa hydrogeology-melioration expedition;

-  Educational chemical soil analysis laboratory;

-  Cabinet of geodesy, mapmaking and soil usage;

-  Computer class.

Persons of Department:

-  Candidate of geography sciences, docent Ya. M. Bilanchyn;

-  Candidate of geography sciences, docent M. Y. Tortyk;

-  Candidate of geography sciences, docent V. I. Trygub;

-  Elder teacher A. O. Buyanovskiy;

-  Doctor of geographical sciences, Professor V. I. Mykhayluk;

-  Candidate of geography sciences, Head of PSRL O. I. Tsurkan.

Department counts 8,2 members of the stuff (0,5 -Doctors of the science, Professors; 5,5 -Candidates of science, Docents; 2,2 -Elder instructors and instructors without scientific status).

Educational activity:

During 1991-2013 years new educational courses were added into the program: “Soil cadastre and soil evaluation”, “Principles of applied geodesy”, “Aerophotogeodesy”, “Principles of large-scale topographic surveying”, “Principles of agricultural production and agrarian economics”, “Principles of the organization of the use of land”, “Soil and ecology problems of farming and land melioration”, “Soil and ecological monitoring”, “Personal computers and their applied role in soil science and organization of the use or land”, “Ukrainian soils protection”, “Methodology of soil and agrochemical investigations”, “Methodology of ecological and agrochemical land evaluation”, “Morphology, micro morphology and diagnostics of Ukrainian soils”, “Principles of land law in Ukraine”, “Methodology of teaching in high school”, “Metodology of using computer technique in school geography course”.

Department has edited  one textbook, worked out by V. I. Mykhayluk, Y. M. Bilanchyn “Land evaluation”. Except this, Scientists of the Department have edited 15 methodological workings out.

Dissertations on acquiring scientific status:

Doctor of the science: S. P. Pozniak “Irrigated chornozems of the southern east of Ukraine” (1992).

Candidates of science: M. Y. Tortyk “Genetical soil modifications after irrigation of chornozems with poorly mineralized water in Ukrainian Transdnister lands” (1992); V. I. Trygub “Geographical peculiarities of fluorine spreading and its dinamics in southern chornozems in the north-western Black sea lands” (2005).

Scientific activity:

-  Structure or scientific part of the Department: PSRL -4; groups, specialized on genesis researches, soil melioration, topography and mapmaking;

-  Scientific school: Post-irrigational soil formation processes in chornozems. Soil cartography. Ecological approaches to the using of the land;

-  13 scientists take part in Department activities. Among them: 1 Doctor of science, 7 Candidates of science, 5 PSRL collaborators.

Scientific researches include:

-  Investigation and evaluation of soil conditions and soil potential in the region;

-  Investigation of efficiency of organization of the use of land;

-  Soil protection in modern conditions of land law altering;

-  Research soils and mapmaking soils on the island Zmiiny;

-  Soil cartography and ecological organization of the use of land.

Since 1995 till 2013 Department has completed 20 projects (10 projects, financed by State budget; 2 own projects; 2 Stateprojects; 1 international grant project).

“Improving of theoretical and methodological principles of soil massive monitoring and evaluation on the south of Ukraine” State program is being fulfilled in 2006-2014 years.

21 scientific articles were published in 2013 year.

“Geographical and geological sciences in Odesa university” conference was held in 2004 year;

During 2010-2013 years Department and PSRL collaborators made 15 reports on international, state and regional conferences;

Main fundamental investigation results:

On the base of long-lasting soil monitoring investigations were created principles of theoretical model of contemporary soil forming processes in irrigational chornozem massive; principles of agroecological chornozem irrigation conception; principles of ecological way of farming in contemporary massive of irrigation conditions. System of agrotechnical and melioration preventing measures was theoretically substantiated; system of increasing soil productivity of irrigational massive in contemporary conditions (decreasing of sizes and irrigational intensity of area; extensive farming development) was theoretically substantiated.

Main results of applied investigations:

Methodology of organization and proceeding soil ecological monitoring has been worked out and approved in experimental conditions. This methodology includes principle approaches and criteria to indicate meliorational soil potential and degradational stage of irrigational massives in step zone. System of agromeliorational measures of protection and correct usage of agroecological soil potential, increasing of fertility has been investigated and implemented.

Unique data has been got after soil and soil coverage investigations on Zmiyiny island, held in 2010-2013 years, what gave a possibility to create soil map of the isle territory, evaluate contemporary ecological, geological and chemical soil conditions.

Scientific student achievements:

-  12 students took part in scientific researches in 2013 year;

-  16 scientific articles, written by students, were published;

-  80 students made reports on scientific conferences;

-  6 rewards got in contests of scientific works (D. A. Igoshyn -Diploma of Ministry of education, 1997; A. I. Sokolov -Diploma of Ministry of education, 1997, N. V. Malovik -3rd degree Diploma of All-Ukrainian geography contest, 2000; A. O. Buyanovskiy -1st degree Diploma of All-Ukrainian geography contest, 2005; I. V. Sviderska- 2rd degree Diploma of All-Ukrainian geographyof scienceworks; I. V. Leonidova - 1rd degree Diploma of All-Ukrainian geography of scienceworks).

International Department activity:

-  Scientific and educational collaboration with Soil science Department of Berlin technical university (1994-1997 years. Prof. I. M. Gogolev, Doc. Ya. M. Bilanchyn, Doc. P. I. Zhantalay, Doc. A. I. Gogolev);

-  Scientific collaboration with Physical geography and soil science Department of Geographical Institute, Regensburg university (international IPTRID project, 1995-1998 years, investigations in the sphere of irrigation and drenage -Prof. I. M. Gogolev, Doc. A. I. Gogolev; 2003-2005 years -Doc. Ya. M. Bilanchyn);

-  Participation in International Tacis-projects: “Lower Danube lakes” (2000-2002 years), “Technical aid in management of Lower Danube basin” (2006-2007 years); Doc. Ya. M. Bilanchyn, Doc. P. I. Zhantalay, Doc. M. Y. Tortyk;

-  Professional business trips to foreign higher schools (1997 -Doc. A. I. Gogolev, Doc. P. I. Zhantalay; 1999 -As. M. V. Adobovska, 2003 -Doc. Ya. M. Bilanchyn);

In 2001 year Department was visited by a group of Japanese soil science association specialists. They declared an initiative to organize common soil and genetical investigations in Eurasian step zone.


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Dvoryans'ka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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