Faculty of Geology and Geography

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Декан факультету - доктор географічних наук, професор Яворська Вікторія Володимирівна

Dean doctor of geographical sciences prof. Yavorskaya V.V.

shema ggf eng2019 01 


Cultural actions:

Approximately 25 % of educational process at geologic-geographical faculty are field, educational, industrial practices. Day of faculty on GGF celebrating in the beginning of April.

History of faculty:

Without exaggerations it is possible to consider as the Father of geologic-geographical faculty physical and mathematical faculty of Novorossisk university which was one of the three first branches of our HIGH SCHOOL (1865). In fact on the basis of this faculty faculties of mineralogy, a geodesy and paleontology, physics and physical geography worked. In 1890 at university the separate faculty of geography is created. In 1934 the geographical faculty at which faculties of geology also worked, geodesies and cartography, meterology and hydrologies has opened. Right after wars was openly geologic-soil faculty. In 1952 both faculties were united in geologic-geographical.

Students of faculty during 1991-2004 annually took part in allukrainian Olympiads, tournaments and competitions of student's works. Winners for these years became:

  • Competition of student's scientific works of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine (V.K.Afanasjev, A.P.Lebedev, A.I.Openchuk, A.L.Skripkaro, A.J.Stepo)
  • Competition NASU for the best student's scientific work 1997: Н. M. I.A.Dudnik;
  • Competition of student's scientific works of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine V.V.Karpjuk, N.V.Mayorova, O.M.Nikitin, O.S.Olejnik, A.V.Podm, O.V.Poshtaruk, O.M.Sich by N.M.Betsa, G.M.Grechkej, I.A.Dudnik, T.I.Zapashchikova, D.A.Igo, А. І. The Sokolov;
  • O.V.Lepeha II place (Olympiad on geology, 2000);
  • N.V.Malovik III place (Olympiad on geography, 2000);
  • Allukrainian competition of student's scientific works of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine 2000: O.V.Fesenko, S.M.Shatalin;
  • Z. V.Titenko III place (Olympiad on geography, 2002);
  • I. V.Krizhanovska III place (Olympiad on geography, 2003);
  • D.K.Zhdanov III place (Olympiad on geology, 2004);
  • І. V.Krizhanovska II place (Olympiad on geography, 2004).

Quantity of post-graduate students as of the end 2004г.: 20 internal and 15 correspondence формі training.
Periodicals: the Bulletin of the Odessa national university. A series geographical and geological sciences ".
On the basis of faculty are lead:

  • 1 republican eniologic conference on problems of the organization of monitoring gео-and bioactive structures (1999);
  • The international conference " Acsessor minerals. Genes, typomorfism " (2000);
  • II Ukrainian conference " the General{Common} questions eniology and monitoring of bioactive structures " (2000);
  • III Міжнародний the congress " eniology XXI " (2001);
  • IV International congress " eniology XXI " (2002);
  • Scientific conference " Recreational zones of the Black Sea coast. Receptions of ecology and medicine-improving use " (2002);
  • Allukrainian a seminar " Ways of increase of efficiency school geographical education " (2002);
  • Scientific conference " Modern problems of a geographical science and education "
  • Scientific conference " Geographical and geological sciences at the Odessa university " (2004).

In 1997 behind the initiative of professors, winners of the State premium of Ukraine of I.P.Zelinsky and G.I.Shvebsa the created council of young scientists and students of faculty which till this time invariable is headed by the then student, and further young scientist O.V.Fesenko was. In structure for the sake of the first years young scientists and T.M.Bezverhnjuk, S.V.Kaduren, N.O.Bereznitska, T.B.Kim's students, and last years as O.M.Chernjavska actively worked, L.V.Lihosha, D.K.Zhdanov, N.V.Tjulenevaja, J.S.Smolenska. Council initiated creation in 1997г. youth research association " Magma " which on a regular basis carries out expedition basic researches on geology, geoecology that wildlife management in the Odessa region, in Crimea and Pobujye.
Behind materials of researches of 1998 the collection of scientific works of young scientists and students of faculty is given, in 2004 the following collection of scientific works of post-graduate students and students is prepared for the edition.
At faculty Day of faculty traditionally on the first Saturday of April, in a threshold of Day of the geologist is annually carried out. This day the review of amateur performances of students and employees of faculty, competition of wall newspapers, sports competitions, press conference with participation of teachers and students which will always cause interest and hobbies in students, employees, visitors and graduates of faculty is traditionally carried out.
Sportsmen of faculty and in particular boxers (the trainer the master of sports, the graduate of faculty A.M.Mustafaev), last years borrow prize-winning places as on university and city, and regional, allukrainian and the international competitions (E.Bubilich, O.Kirichenko, D.Olejnikov, etc.).


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E-mail: vstup@onu.edu.ua


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Email: rector@onu.edu.ua


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