Fedoronchuk Natalia

PhD, Associate Professor

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Scientific interests: Geology, specializing in marine geology; marine geoecology; geoecological monitoring of the Black Sea; lithology; lithodynamics of modern marine bottom sediments; mineralogy; coastal-marine placer formation.

Undergraduate courses: Structural geology and geomapping, Marine geology, Lithology, Regional geology of oceans and seas, Search and exploration of mineral deposits.

Graduate courses: Lithodynamics and coastal-marine placer formation.

PhD courses: Modern marine sedimentation processes; Modern achievements of marine geology.

Scientific and methodological, organizational and other types of work

  • Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Geology and Geography for Research
  • Guarantor of the educational program "Marine geology, hydrogeology and engineering geology" of the first educational and professional level (bachelor), specialty 103 "Earth sciences"
  • Member of the educational and methodological commission of the Faculty of Geology and Geography
  • Member of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Odessa National University.

Professional membership

  • Member of the Ukrainian Mineralogical Society
  • Member of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists
  • Member of the Public Council for Mineral Resources of the "Knowelege" Society of Ukraine

Author of more than 70 publications. Hirsch index h=1, number of citations 2.

Publications for the last 5 years (2017-2021)

Articles in conference proceedings cited in Scopus

Articles in specialized journals

  • Pyatkova A. V., Fedoronchuk N. O. (2020) Do 40-richchia navchalno-naukovoho statsionaru HHF ONU imeni I. I. Mechnykova «Krynychky» (To the 40th anniversary of the Educational and Scientific Center of Geology and Geography Faculty of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University "Krinichki"), Odesa National University Herald. Geography and Geology, Vol.25, Issue 2, p. 313-322 DOI: 10.18524/2303-9914.2020.2(37).216577 (in Ukrainian)
  • Fedoronchuk N. А. (2020), Pamiati Igoria Aleksandrovicha Suchkova (In memory of Igor O. Suchkov), Collection of scientific works of the IGS NAS of Ukraine, vol. 13, pp. 65-70. doi.org/10.30836/igs.2522-9753.2020.221018 (in Russian)
  • Fedoronchuk N. O. (2019), Tonke zoloto v donnykh vidkladakh Dniprovskoho zholobu (pivnichno-zakhidnyi shelf Chornoho moria): perspektyvnist, morfolohiia, henezys (Fine gold in the bottom deposits of the Dnieper submarine valley (the NW Black Sea shelf): prospects, morphology, genesis), Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean, vol. 3, pp. 75-89.. (in Ukrainian)
  • Fedoronchuk, N.A., Suchkov, I.A., Turbalak, V.O., Goncharova, I.O., Baranova, L.F., (2018), Litologicheskaia kharakteristika baltskikh i sarmatskikh peskov mezhdurechia Savranki i Kodymy kak vozmozhnykh kollektorov nakopleniia tiazhelykh mineralov (Lithological characteristics of the Baltian and Sarmatian sands between Savranka and Kodyma as possible collectors of accumulation of heavy minerals), Collection of scientific works of the IGS NAS of Ukraine, vol. 11, pp. 24-31. (in Russian)

Other publications

  • Iemelianov V.O., Fedoronchuk N.O. Main characteristics of the Black Sea bottom deposits in view of the necessity for assessment of the sustainability of its geo-ecological system / International scientific conference “Marine ecosystems: research and innovations” : Book of abstracts (27-29 October, 2021, Odessa, Ukraine) / Minicheva G.G., Snigirova A.A. (eds.) Odessa-Istanbul, 2021. – p. 30. blacksea-commission.org
  • Fedoronchuk N., Goncharova I., Kukovska T. (2021) Changes in the grain composition of the beach sediments of the Odessa Bay as a result of the landslide protective measures and impact on the littoral ecosystem / Conference Proceedings, Third EAGE Workshop on Assessment of Landslide Hazards and Impact on Communities, Sep 2021, Volume 2021, p.1 – 5 DOI: doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.20215K1025
  • Fedoronchuk N.A. (2018), Tonke zoloto u vidkladakh pivnichno-zakhidnoho shelfu Chornoho moria (Fine gold in the seafloor sediments of the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea), Marine Geological and Geophysical Research: Fundamental and Applied Aspects. Papers of the International Scientific Conference November 8-9, 2018 (in Ukrainian)
  • Fedoronchuk N., Turbalak V.O., Goncharova I. O., Baranova L. F., (2018), Litolohichni osoblyvosti miotsen-pliotsenovykh vidkladiv pivnochi Odeskoi oblasti (Lithological features of the Pliocene-Miocene formation in the north of Odessa region), Modern Problem on Lithology of Sedimentary Basins of Ukraine and Adjacent Territories/ Proceeding of Scientific Conference. Kyiv, p.71. (in Ukrainian)
  • Fedoronchuk N., Yavorskaya V., Suchkov I., (2018), Heolohichna informatsiia na turystychnykh pryrodnykh obiektakh, yii znachennia ta interpretatsiia dlia shyrokoho kola turystiv (Geological information about tourism natural objects, its importance and interpretation for the long-term tourists), In: Geotourism. Practice and experience, Materials of the III International scientific-practical conference, Lviv, pp. 12-14 www.academia.edu/43766195/ГЕОТУРИЗМ_ПРАКТИКА_І_ДОСВІД_geotourism (in Ukrainian)
  • Fedoronchuk N., Rubel O., (2018), Heolohichna ekskursiia v Delti Dunaiu (Geological excursion on the Danube Delta), In: Geotourism. Practice and experience, Materials of the III International scientific-practical conference, Lviv, pp. 188-190www.academia.edu/43766195/ГЕОТУРИЗМ_ПРАКТИКА_І_ДОСВІД_geotourism (in Ukrainian)

Educational and educational-methodical literature:

Participation in scientific conferences (for the last 3 years). Name of the conference, year and city of holding.

  • International scientific conference “Marine ecosystems: research and innovations”, 27-29 October, 2021, Odessa, Ukraine
  • 76th scientific conference of the faculty and research staff of ONU, November 25, 2021, Odessa, Ukraine
  • Round table "The Future of Marine Monitoring in Ukraine and the Blue Economy", October 29, 2021, Odessa, Ukraine
  • Third EAGE Workshop on assessment of landslide hazards and impact on communities», 20-23 September, 2021, Odessa, Ukraine
  • National Consultative Online Seminar on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Black Sea (within the framework of the Black Sea Connect project), October 15, 2020, Odessa, Ukraine
  • 75th scientific conference of the faculty and research staff of ONU, November 26, 2020, Odessa
  • Second EAGE Workshop on Assessment of Landslide Hazards and impact on communities of the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Sep 2020, Kyiv
  • 73rd scientific conference of the faculty and researchers of the Geological-Geographical Faculty, ONU, November 23, 2018, Odessa, Ukraine
  • International scientific conference "Marine geological and geophysical research: fundamental and applied aspects", November 8 - 9, 2018, Odessa, Ukraine
  • III International scientific and practical conference "Geotourism: practice and experience", April 26-28, 2018, Lviv, Ukraine
  • International scientific and practical conference "Modern Problems of Lithology of Sedimentary Basins in Ukraine and Adjacent Territories", September 24–26, 2018, Kiev, Ukraine
  • 72nd scientific conference of the faculty and researchers of ONU, November 30, 2017, Odessa, Ukraine


  • Kadurin S.V., Fedoronchuk N.O., Pedan G.S., Andreeva K.P. Bahatorivneva sedymentatsiina pastka na zhorstkii osnovi zi zminnymy probopryimachamy (Multilevel sediment trap on a rigid base with interchangeable sample receivers), Patent for utility model, request No. u202107530 dated 12/22/2021,), 2021. (in Ukrainian)
  • Ponomareva L.P., Fedoronchuk N.A., Kadurin V.N., Goncharova I.O. Sposib vyznachennia biolohichnoi aktyvnosti huminovykh kyslot donnykh vidkladiv (Method for determining the biological activity of seafloor sediment humic acids), Request No. u202008403, Utility Model Patent No. 147564), 2021. iprop-ua.com/inv/357drtq2/ (in Ukrainian)


  • State Institution "Center for Problems of Marine Geology, Geoecology and Sedimentary Ore Formation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine", Department of Tectonics and Marine Geoecology from 01/13/2020 to 02/16/2020, Kiev (2020).


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